Lex Apula de magistro araneario (Nova Roma)

This lex has been REPEALED.
I. ((Magister aranearius))
The Magister Aranearius is the official webmaster of Nova Roma. This law provides the procedures for the his appointment and his official activities.
II. ((Appointment))
The Senatus will appoint the Magister Aranearius in Consultum following a review of his curriculum vitae and technical skills. The duration of the appointment is to discretion of the Senatus.
III. ((Duties))
The magister aranearius is responsible for the design, the database, the server and maintenance, and any alteration of the website www.novaroma.org and of all official web sites sponsored by the Nova Roma, except for the parts under the control of other magistrates.
IV. ((Cooperation with others))
The magister aranearius shall solicit input from the other magistrates and institutions of Nova Roma regarding content for the web site.
V. ((Assistants))
The magister aranearius shall have the authority to appoint his own ASSISTANT, should he deem it necessary.
VI. ((Resignation))
Resignation from the Office must to be announced to the Senatus at least 30 days before it becomes effective.
VII. ((Amendment of lex Equitia de vigintisexviris))
Paragraph II of the lex Equitia de vigintisexviris is modified as follows:
- "II. In accordance with the Constitution of Nova Roma, the following minor magistracies are defined within the category of Vigintisexviri:
- A. Editor of Written News
- The editor commentariorum shall be responsible for the production, publication, and distribution of the official publications sponsored by the State. The editor commentariorum shall have the authority to appoint his own scribae, should he deem it necessary.
- B. Rogatores. Magistratus ad consignandos suffragium ferentes
- 1.a. Until the Kalends of January MMDCCLVIII (1 January 2005), four rogatores shall be responsible for the administration of elections and the recording of votes among the curiae.
- 1.b. Each rogator shall have the authority to appoint his own scribae, should he deem it necessary.
- 1.c. The lack of a full complement of, or the active participation of, four rogatores shall not in and of itself be sufficient to invalidate or postpone a particular election.
- 1.d. The rogatores may divide their duties amongst themselves as they see fit and practical.
- 1.e. Since the rogatores are by definition privy to the details of the election process, they may not run for any elective office while they serve in office as rogatores.
- 2.a. Beginning on the Kalends of January MMDCCLVIII (1 January 2005), two rogatores shall be elected to act as subordinate magistrates to the censores, responsible for registering qualified voters, issuing voter codes, and administering the routine citizenship application process.
- 2. b. During intervals when no censors are serving in office, the rogatores may carry out the routine maintenance of the Album Civium and the Album Gentium in concert with the magister aranearius.
- 2. c. Each rogator shall have the authority to appoint his own scribae, should he deem it necessary.
- C. Diribitores--Suffragiorum computatores
- 1. Beginning on the Kalends of January MMDCCLVIII (1 January 2005), up to four diribitores shall be responsible for the counting of votes among the curiae.
- 2. The lack of a full complement of, or the active participation of, four diribitores shall not in and of itself be sufficient to invalidate or postpone a particular election.
- 3. The diribitores may divide their duties among themselves as they see fit and practical with the approval of the custodes.
- 4. Since the diribitores are by definition privy to the details of the election process, they may not run for any elective office while they serve in office as diribitores.
- 5. Diribitores shall only count votes, and shall not engage in any tie-breaking.
- D. Custodes. Iudices Electionum
- 1. Beginning on the Kalends of January MMDCCLVIII (1 January 2005), two custodes shall be responsible for certifying the tally of votes in elections as reported to them by the diribitores, breaking any ties among the centuries and tribes, and providing the results of elections to the magistrates presiding over the elections.
- 2. Since by definition the custodes are privy to the details of the election process, they may not run for any elective office while they serve in office as custodes.
- 3. The lack of a full complement of, or the active participation of, both custodes shall not in and of itself be sufficient to invalidate or postpone a particular election.
- 4. Custodes may, if they choose, assist the diribitores in the vote-counting process.
- 5. In the event that there are no diribitores, the custodes shall assume the duties of diribitores until sufficient diribitores have been elected."
VIII. ((Amendment of the lex Fabia centuriata))
Paragraph II.b.1 of the lex Fabia centuriata is modified as follows:
- "Quaestor and Vigintisexvir and Magister Aranearius:
- 10 CP
- 5 CP (past service)"
"Section headers in double parentheses are unofficial and have been inserted for convenience."