Lex Cornelia de rebus ordinis equestris agendis (Nova Roma)
From NovaRoma

This lex is currently IN FORCE.
Currently the Constitution reads:
- II. C. 2 - Ordo equester (equestrian order). The equestrian order shall consist of citizens who are engaged in the conduct of commerce (preferably with a Roman theme) who request and are granted entry into the equestrian order by the Censors. Such individuals are expected to contribute a portion of the revenue derived from Nova Roma back to the State, and receive reasonable encouragement in their enterprises in return. For purposes of participating in the comitia, holding office, etc. members of the equestrian order shall be considered to be of the patrician or plebeian order, depending on their status prior to inclusion in the equestrian order.
This would be rewritten to state the following:
- II. C. 2 - Ordo equester (equestrian order). The equestrian order shall consist of citizens who are engaged in the conduct of commerce (preferably with a Roman theme) who request and are granted entry into the equestrian order by the Censors. Such individuals are expected to contribute a portion of the revenue derived from Nova Roma back to the State, and receive reasonable encouragement in their enterprises in return. Day to day supervision of venues where the Ordo Equester members are engaged in commerce within Nova Roma property will be under the jurisdiction of the Curule Aediles. For purposes of participating in the Comitia, holding office, etc., members of the Equestrian order shall be considered to be of the Patrician or Plebeian Order, depending on their status prior to inclusion in the equestrian order.
A new section will be added under the job description of the Curule Aediles:
- 1. To hold Imperium;
- 2. To issue those edicta (edicts) necessary to see to the conduct of public games and other festivals and gatherings, and in regard to the venues where the Ordo Equester members are engaged in commerce within Nova Roma property to ensure order at public religious events, to see to the maintenance of any real public facilities that the State should acquire, and to administer the law (such edicts being binding upon themselves as well as others);
- 3. To pronounce intercessio against another aedile (curule or plebeian) or magistrate of lesser authority;
- 4. To appoint scribae (clerks) to assist with administrative and other tasks, as they shall see fit.
- 5. To maintain the venues where the Ordo Equester members are engaged in commerce within Nova Roma property. It is the responsibility of the Curule Aediles to report any changes of the Ordo Equester to the Censors.
Section headers in double parentheses are unofficial and have been inserted for convenience.