Lex Labiena de gentibus (Nova Roma)

This lex is currently IN FORCE.
I. ((Amendment to chapter II.C.1))
Article II.C.1 of the Constitution of Nova Roma is hereby amended to read:
- Ordo Patricius (patrician order)
- a. The Ordo Patricius shall consist of a minium of 30 families.
- b. Should there be less than 30 patrician families the Senate shall have the power to nominate a plebeian family to the Comitia Curiata for elevation to patrician status.
- c. The Senate shall have the power to nominate additional families to the Comitia Curiata for elevation to patrician status if this elevation does not cause the Ordo Patricius to exceed 5% of the population of Nova Roma.
- d. A patrician family may allow its members to form new patrician families.
II. ((Transitional arrangements))
At the time of adoption of this amendment the family of the paterfamilis of a gens recognized as patrician shall be recognized as a Patrician Family.
III. ((Amendment to chapter II.D))
Article II.D of the Constitution of Nova Roma is hereby amended to read:
- Gentes and Families. Families being the backbone of Roman society, the prerogatives and responsibilities of the family are of primary importance to Nova Roma. Except where specifically dealt with in this constitution and the law, each family shall have the right to determine its own course of action, and parents shall have the undisputed right and responsibility to see to the education and raising of their children.
- 1. Each gens shall be registered with the censors, who will maintain records of gens membership and other relevant information.
- 2. No two gentes may have the same nomen. The censors shall be responsible for ensuring this rule is observed.
- 3. Each gens shall consist of a minimum of one family.
- 4. No two families within a gens may have the same cognomen (surname) unless they are differentiated by an agnomen. The censors shall be responsible for ensuring this rule is observed.
- 5. Each family shall, through whatever means it may determine appropriate, have a paterfamilias (fem. materfamilias) who shall act as the leader of the family and speak for it when necessary. The holder of this position must be registered as such with the censors. The paterfamilias may, at his or her discretion, expel members of their family, accept new members into it by adoption, or allow members who are not impuberes to form new families belonging to the same order as the paterfamilis.
- a. The paterfamilias may, at his discretion, exercise the rights ennumerated in paragraph II.B. of this Constitution on behalf of impuberes in their gens, with the exception of the right to vote (paragraph II.B.3.) and the right to join the Ordo Equester (paragraph II.B.8.).
- b. No impuberes may become paterfamilias of a gens.
IV. ((Amendment to chapter III.A))
Article III.A of the Constitution of Nova Roma is hereby amended to include the following three new subsections:
- 3. To approve or reject the elevation of a plebeian family to the Ordo Patricius;
- 4. To approve or reject an adoption that elevates a plebeian to the Ordo Patricius or lowers a patrician to the Ordo Plebeius;
- 5. To approve or reject an application from a patrician who wishes to renounce his status and become a member of the plebeian order.
V. ((Further transitional arrangements))
All current citizens shall be grandfathered into the familia of their preference. These citizens shall retain the right to change familia for one year after the adoption of this amendment. This right shall not be used to force a paterfamilias to accept a citizen that he does not want into his familia.
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