Lex Moravia de ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum (Nova Roma)

This lex has been REPEALED.
The lex Moravia de suffragiis in comitiis plebis tributis et ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum, AUC a.d. XV Kal. Dec. MMDCCLVI (17 November 2756), as amended by the lex Arminia de ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum, AUC a. d. IV Non. IUN. MMDCCLVII (2 Jun 2757), Section V: Timing the Vote, on the election of Plebian officials, is hereby amended, under the Constitution Part III, Section C, as follows:
Subsections V.A, V.B, AND V.C revoked by the lex Arminia de ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum are replaced as follow:
- V.A. While the Comitia Plebis Tributa is convoked during the regular annual elections of Tribuni Plebis and Aediles Plebis, plebiscita may not be considered for a vote.
- V.B. Those candidates winning election shall be called Tribuni Plebis designati and Aediles Plebis designati, respectively. Upon announcement of the results of the election, any Tribunus Plebis may call for a contio and set dates for holding a consecratio of the Tribuni Plebis designati and Aediles Plebis designati. The consecratio shall be arranged as when voting on a plebiscitum, and other plebiscita may also be proposed before the Comitia at the same time.
- V.C. A plebiscitum de consecratione will have the effect of conferring upon the Tribuni Plebis designati and Aediles Plebis designati the full powers of their respective offices. It will take effect on a.d. IV Id. Dec. (10 December) or, if that date has already passed by the time the passage of the plebiscitum de consecratione is announced, it will take effect immediately. The sitting Tribuni Plebis and Aediles Plebis will leave office when the passage of the plebiscitum de consecratione of their successors is announced or on a.d. IV Id. Dec. (10 December), whichever date is later.
A consecratio is a formal recognition by the Comitia Plebis Tributa of the election results of Tribuni Plebis and Aediles Plebis, and by its enactment the Comitia Plebis Tributa extends sanctitas, as defined under the lex Arminia Equita de sanctitate, AUC Id. Sex. MMDCCLVII (13 August 2757), to Tribuni Plebis and Aediles Plebis.
This plebiscitum shall take effect immediately and apply to the regular annual elections of Tribuni Plebis and Aediles Plebis to be held in AUC 2759. Any Tribunus Plebis or Aediles Plebis who shall have been elected to begin office on AUC Kal. Ian. MMDCCLVIX (1 January 2759), and shall hereby have his or her term of office curtailed by this plebiscitum, shall be regarded as having served a full year in office, AUC Kal. Ian. MMDCCLVIX to prid. Kal. Ian. MMDCCLVX (1 January 2759 to 31 December 2759).