Ludi Cornelii

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Ludi Cornelii Opening Banner SMALL.gif


Funerary games, ludi funebres, in honor of our deceased leader, open to anyone: please participate!
Live posts and announcements in our Mailing Forum or see them in our Facebook Page.

Ceremonial Opening of the Ludi Cereales

After the Roman censorial state funeral has been completed, the Ludi Cornelii which are the funerary games, that is, ludi funebres, in honor of the late Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, were opened by a religious ritual and sacrifice to the spirit and Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander by aedilis M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius which you can read below:

Aedilician Opening Speech

CIV-Marcus Aurelius Cotta Iovius.jpg
M. Cotta Iovius, aedilis
Album Civium
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius aedilis s. p. d.
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius aedilis sends greetings.
Fellow citizens, it is my sad duty to officially open the Ludi Cornelii in honor and in memory of censor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander Imperator, proconsul, pater patriae. The senate decreed these 10 days of funerary games in his honor. I was present at his funeral where my gladiators performed the funerary munus gladiatorium. That was the preliminary part of the Ludi Cornelii. My colleague aedilis A. Iulius Paterculus started to announce the activities of the Ludi Cornelii, but I performed the official opening ceremony only today.
We have lost the person who opened the new chapter in Nova Roma's history, and that's why the senate awarded him with the title pater patriae. As far as I know, he could really be the father of all other citizens due to his age and his caring nature. I didn't know an older citizen of Nova Roma than him. I have never met him, but I meet very often his filius Lentulus whose character, if he inherited just a tiny portion of his pater familias' nature, can demonstrate very well why Lentulus Alexander was a great man and a great Roman.
Let's honor Cn. Lentulus Alexander, pater patriae, with these ludi funebres, let's dedicate ourselves to the idea of becoming better and better each day, and to make Nova Roma better. Lentulus Alexander wanted to help Nova Roma in this, and he did what he could.
This is everything that we are ever expected to do in Nova Roma.
To do everything that we can.
Long live the memory of Lentulus Alexander!
May he enjoy eternal happiness with the Gods!
And let the Games begin!
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius

Visit the Memorial Page of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander and Read the Tributes and Commemorations

You can watch his Roman censorial state funeral, the funus censorium and you can read more about how Nova Roma said final farewell to its censor and proconsul, the pater patriae Cn. Lentulus Alexander, by clicking on this link:

Programs of the Ludi Cornelii

Tabula ansata funebris Cn. Lentuli Alexandri - MINI.gif


Certamen Lentulianum

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Hosted by M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius, aedilis

We are honoring the memory and the service of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander imperator, pater patriae, censor, consul, interrex, rex sacrorum, with the Certamen Lentulianum. His legacy is a renewed Nova Roma, his heritage is the new Palladium and Pignora Imperii. Nova Roma is back on track thanks to his service, Nova Roma opened a new era in Roman revival, thanks to his name. Let's thank his service and say farewell to pater patriae Cn. Lentulus Alexander by participating in this contest about his historical role in Nova Roma. You will be awarded by Census Points, of course, but a valuable ROMAN COIN PRIZE will also be awarded to the best participant! Participate, citizens, and WIN AN ORIGINAL ANCIENT ROMAN COIN, donation and courtesy of C. Claudius Quadratus, the chief numismatic expert of Nova Roma.


It is a bronze follis issued under Constantine I, in 312/313 by the mint in Thessalonica. The obverse is a laureate, cuirassed bust of Constantine, facing right. The legend is IMP C CONSTANTINVS P F AVG. The reverse portrays Jupiter standing to the left holding a sceptre and Victoria on a globe. There is an eagle at his feet to the left. The legend is IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN. In the exergue at the bottom of the reverse is the mint mark •TS•beta•. The coin is 23 mm. in diameter and weighs 3.16 gms. Its condition is Very Fine. Catalog references are Sear # 15972, and RIC 6 Thessalonica 61b.


Obviously not everyone knew the life and deeds of Lentulus Alexander, but the game is open to everyone. You can use our online resources to find the answers to the questions. The answers will be easy to find on our website and in the mailing list archive, here are the resources:

The following are the rules of the Certamen Lentulianum:

  • There will be 7 rounds with two questions in each and you will have to answer them. Send your answers to:
  • Each correct answer will get 1 point.
  • The first person to send the correct answers to both questions will receive 2 extra points for the day.
  • Those who send the correct answer before the posting of the next question will receive 1 extra point for the day.
  • The winner will be who has the most points, in case of ties, the newer citizen will be judged to win the tie. This is for encouraging newer citizens to participate.


The questions can be accessed in our forum here:

Certamen Szolnokinense

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Hosted by M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis, aedilis

Welcome to the Certamen Szolnokinense: Szolnok and the Romans easy quiz contest of the Ludi Cornelii, the Szolnokian Contest. These ludi, mandated by the Senate, are held in honor of the late Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, imperator, pater patriae, who died while serving the people of Nova Roma as censor and proconsul. The city of Szolnok (pronounce: [solnok]) in Hungary, Pannonia Provincia of Nova Roma, was his home town where he lived most of his life. Aedilis M. Metellus, the organizer of the Certamen Szolnokinense, a fellow Szolnokian himself, laments Lentulus Alexander's departure as a great man of the city, not only a great man of Nova Roma. He knew Lentulus the Elder before their time in Nova Roma, they regularly met in the city of Szolnok. For him, it is a personal and emotional farewell. Therefore aedilis M. Metellus decided to honor him during the Ludi Cornelii with a contest about the Roman heritage of the home town of Lentulus Alexander. Because as surprising as it is, Szolnok, 100 km away from the borders of the Roman empire, on the Barbarian side, has a serious Roman heritage, the place where Lentulus Alexander lived was frequently visited by the Romans and they left archaeological remnants there. Please honor the memory of Lentulus Alexander, pater patriae, by completing this Certamen Szolnokinense.


The winner will receive 3 Census Points, the second best 2 CP, the third best 1 CP.


  • There will be 5 questions for 5 days, with breaks between the days. Select the correct answer and send the the letter mark of the correct answer to my email address:

  • Each correct answer will get 1 point.
  • The first person to send the correct answers to both questions will receive 2 extra points for the day. Those who send the correct answer before the posting of the next question will receive 1 extra point for the day. The winner will be who has the most points, in case of ties, the newer citizen will be judged to win the tie. This is for encouraging newer citizens to participate.


The questions can be accessed in our forum here:

Certamen Pannonicum

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Hosted by A. Iulius Paterculus, aedilis

Welcome to the Certamen Pannonicum - a contest on the home province of Lentulus Alexander! As part of the funeral games in honor of our departed citizen, censor, and proconsul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, we will be holding quiz on the history of Pannonia, his home province. All questions may be answered until the Ludi Cornelii close. In addition to celebrating the life of Cn. Lentulus Alexander, these funeral games also represent civic activity in our republic (something Cn. Lentulus Alexander himself certainly did not neglect).


Participants will have the opportunity to win Census Points: 3 Census Points will be won as the first prize, 2 as the second, and 1 as the third.


Please send your responses in English to the email address "arthur.f.waite (at)", including the words "Ludi Cornelii - Pannonia Quiz" in the subject line. The deadline for all responses will be the end of the Ludi Cornelii (peding date). Publicly sharing the answers prior to this deadline will lead to disqualification.


The questions can be accessed in our forum here:

Photo Tributes to Lentulus Alexander from Around the World

Ludi Cornelii - Photo Tributes to Lentulus Alexander from Around the World banner - SMALL.gif

Hosted by A. Iulius Paterculus, aedilis

To illustrate and honour the monumental project of rejuvenating Nova Roma's local activities on five continents, which Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander began and which continues today, we are seeking photographs from each of his 22 provinces showing the tributes local citizens are paying to his memory. We are collecting these tributes on a single page, showing the vast breadth of citizens he sought to organize and motivate.

Please send an image of how you are memorializing Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander during these official days of mourning, from June 25th to July 9th (deadline extended to July 30) to:

This could be an image of a toast or sacrifice offered in memory of Cn. Lentulus Alexander, or just the contributor(s) holding a sign saying a short message such as "Thank you, governor." This submission should be accompanied by the your Roman name and province of residence, for use as a caption. Although we are particularly looking for contributions from those provinces overseen by Cn. Lentulus Alexander, all citizens and friends of Nova Roma, and all personal friends of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander and his family are welcome to participate. You are encouraged to share your personal tributes on this and other Nova Roman fora as well.


Munera Gladiatoria Live Gladiatorial Betting Game

Ludi Cornelii - Munera Gladiatoria Banner.gif

Hosted by M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius, aedilis

Honor the late censor, proconsul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander imperator, pater patriae, former consul, interrex and rex sacrorum, and participate, MAKE YOUR BETS, and win Census Points in Nova Roma as a prize! We are holding this virtual gladiatorial game in memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander whose Roman funeral was held recently. At the actual Roman funeral, there was another live gladiatorial game, and this can be considered its virtual continuation. It was a custom among the Roman aristocracy to hold gladiatorial games in honor of the departed; in fact, this is how the gladiatorial games itself originated, this was their primordial form. Now aedilis plebis M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius presents you, for the Ludi Cornelii, a live gladiatorial game, which was held in fact some years ago, however, it is made from footage that has never been published previously, but for the Ludi Cornelii only! The aedilis M. Cotta is the lanista of the FAMILIA GLADIATORIA PANNONICA (Hungary), and gladiators from this group are presented for your entertainment, Quirites!

What is special in these gladiatorial games, that the ENDING IS MISSING from the fight. The result is still open, and YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE YOUR BETS! Aedilis M. Cotta offers you one fight for the Ludi Cornelii, and you can bet which gladiator will win the fight. The person who makes the most accurate bets, or if there are more players who make equally accurate bets, one of them chosen by lot, will receive the prize: 3 Census Points for the bet winner, 2 CP for the second best, and 1 CP for the third best.



Watch this munera gladiatoria video of the Familia Gladiatoria Pannonica in which PARDALAS (blue subligar, i.e. underwear, green feathers) and VELOX (white subligar, white feathers), two provocator type gladiators will fight in honor of the late Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, pater patriae. After watching it, make your bets on the following two things:

(1) Who will win the fight, Pardalas or Velox?
(2) What will the audience judge to the loser, "life" (VITAM) or "death" (MORTEM)?

Write your bets in comment to the Facebook post (or in the mailing forum of Nova Roma).

Participants and bets in Live Gladiatorial Betting Game

In the table below you can see the names of all Nova Romans who participated in the betting game, the gladiator they selected for winner, and their bet for the fate of the loser.

M. Valerius Maximus

Bet for winner: VELOX
Bet for loser's fate: MORTEM

M. Furius Purpureo

Bet for winner: PARDALAS
Bet for loser's fate: VITAM

C. Villius Macro

Bet for winner: VELOX
Bet for loser's fate: VITAM

C. Sempronius Scepsis

Bet for winner: VELOX
Bet for loser's fate: MORTEM

D. Fabricius Avitus

Bet for winner: VELOX
Bet for loser's fate: VITAM

Ti. Aelius Pannonicus

Bet for winner: VELOX
Bet for loser's fate: VITAM

Ti. Caecilia Sabina

Bet for winner: PARDALAS
Bet for loser's fate: MORTEM

T. Popilla Laenas

Bet for winner: PARDALAS
Bet for loser's fate: MORTEM

M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina

Bet for winner: PARDALAS
Bet for loser's fate: MORTEM


You can watch the ending of the fight of the gladiators Velox and Pardalas here:


Congratulations, Ti. Aelius Pannonicus is the winner of the Munera Gladiatoria Betting Game and he receives 3 Cultural Census Points. Those who matched the correct winner gladiator, besides Ti. Aelius, were C. Villius Macro and D. Fabricius Avitus: decision of ranking was made by lot. Those who made correct winner bet but incorrect fate of the loser were M. Valerius Maximus and quaestor C. Sempronius, but they didn't arrive at an awarded place. The second place was won by C. Villius Macro who wins 2 CP, and the the third place was won by M. Valerius Maximus, who wins 1 CP. Congratulations. Thanks for the participating and that you paid tribute to Roman traditions, culture and religion!

Live History Theater and Reenactment Battle in Honor of Lentulus Alexander

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Hosted by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, quaestor, scriba aedilicius

Cn. Lentulus the Younger, pontifex, in the name of the aediles, dedicated the programs held in Aquincum pridie Kalendas Sextiles (31 July) to the Ludi Cornelii in honor of the late censor, proconsul Cn. Lentulus Alexander, his pater familias. The programs were held by Cohors VI Carpathica of the burgus Colonia Rostallo, the Cohors I Atilia and the Ludus Gladiatorum "Aquincum". These live theatrical shows include two shows playfully demonstrating how to use the Roman groma, all in Latin, a military drill performance by praefectus and optio C. Villius Macro, a play battle of Roman children vs Marcomannian children, by M. Licinius Savariensis, a reenactment battle between Romans and Marcomannians, again by C. Villius Macro, and an "evocatio deorum" performance by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. In the video below, you can see play battle of Roman children vs Marcomannian children, conducted by M. Licinius Savariensis. Guess who won!

In the video below, you will see one of the two playful demonstrations of the Roman surveying instrument called groma:

And here you can see the other:

The more serious reenactment battle between Roman and Marcomannian adults was opened by a prayer in which the battle reenactment was offered to the Di Manes of Lentulus Alexander within the frames of the Ludi Romani.

Click for the Commemorations and the Pictures about the Roman Funeral of Lentulus Alexander

Lentulus Alexander picture only memorial tabula SMALL.gif

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