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  • A - De acordo com o Senatus Consultum aprovado em Novembro de 2755 a.U.c.,
Estabelecem-se os impostos para 2762 a.U.c

Number Country NR Province Tax (USD) Tax (National equivalent)
1 Argentina (AR) Argentina 4,83 16,61 Argentine pesos (ARS)
2 Australia (AU) Australia 13,10 19,93 Australian dollars (AUD)
3 Austria (AT) Germania 13,20 10,16 Euros (EUR)
4 Belgium (BE) Gallia 12,77 9,83 Euros (EUR)
5 Brazil (BR) Brasilia 3,43 10,35 Reals (BRL)
6 Canada (CA) Canada Citerior 13,40 21,48 Canadian dollars (CAD)
7 Canada (CA) Canada Ulterior 13,40 21,48 Canadian dollars (CAD)
8 Chile (CL) - 5,13 3.106,46 Chilean pesos (CLP)
9 China (CN) - 2,03 13,89 Yuan (CNY)
10 Colombia (CO) - 3,00 6.844,61 Colombian pesos (COP)
11 Costa Rica (CR) - 3,97 2.200,00 Costa Rican colones (CRC)
12 Czech Republic (CZ) Pannonia 8,93 191,91 Czech koruny (CZK)
13 Denmark (DK) Thule 12,97 74,38 Danish kroner (DKK)
14 Ecuador (EC) - 2,57 2,57 US dollar (USD)
15 Finland (FI) Thule 12,80 9,85 Euros (EUR)
16 France (FR) Gallia 10,90 8,39 Euros (EUR)
17 Germany (DE) Germania 11,60 8,93 Euros (EUR)
18 Greece (GR) - 10,90 8,39 Euros (EUR)
19 Guatemala (GT) - 1,80 14,03 Quetzales (GTQ)
20 Hungary (HU) Pannonia 6,83 1.516,76 Forints (HUF)
21 Iceland (IS) - 14,20 1.750,83 Icelandic kronur (ISK)
22 India (IN) - 0,97 47,71 Indian rupees (INR)
23 Iraq (IQ) - 1,33 New Iraqi dinars (NID)
24 Ireland (IE) Hibernia 15,93 12,25 Euros (EUR)
25 Israel (IL) Asia Citerior 9,63 38,29 New Israeli shekels (ILS)
26 Italy (IT) Italia 10,33 7,94 Euros (EUR)
27 Jamaica (JM) - 2,57 206,93 Jamaican dollars (JMD)
28 Japan (JP) Asia Ulterior 11,77 1.046,95 Yen (JPY)
29 Korea (KR) Asia Ulterior 9,03 12.448,31 South Korean won (KRW)
30 Kuwait (KW) - 20,27 5,97 Kuwaiti dinars (KD)
31 Lebanon (LB) - 3,70 5.557,40 Lebanese pounds (LBP)
32 Luxemburg (LU) Gallia 28,37 21,82 Euros (EUR)
33 Mexico (MX) Mexico 4,8 67,39 Mexican pesos (MXN)
34 Netherlands (NL) Gallia 13,77 10,59 Euros (EUR)
35 New Zealand (NZ) - 9,50 17,97 New Zealand dollars (NZD)
36 Nigeria (NG) - 0,73 109,50 Nairas (NGN)
37 Norway (NO) Thule 19,17 132,66 Norwegian kroner (NOK)
38 Panama (PA) - 3,97 3,97 Balboas (PAB)
39 Peru (PE) - 3,83 9,01 Nuevo sol (PEN)
40 Poland (PL) Venedia 5,93 20,17 Zlotych (PLN)
41 Portugal (PT) Hispania 7,33 5,64 Euros (EUR)
42 Puerto Rico (PR) - 6,23 6,23 US dollars
43 Qatar (QA) - 33,67 122,58 Qatari rials (QAR)
44 Romania (RO) Dacia 4,17 13,78 Lei (RON)
45 Russian Federation (RU) Sarmatia 5,27 173,17 Russian rubles (RUR)
46 S. Africa (ZA) - 3,47 35,48 Rand (ZAR)
47 Serbia (RS) - 2,73 203,10 Serbian Dinars (RSD)
48 Singapore (SG) Asia Ulterior 17,60 26,51 Singapore dollars (SGD)
49 Slovakia (SK) Pannonia 7,53 175,00 Slovak koruny (SKK)
50 Slovenia (SI) - 10,27 7,90 Euros (EUR)
51 Spain (ES) Hispania 11,37 8,74 Euros (EUR)
52 Sweden (SE) Thule 13,20 108,15 Swedish kronor (SEK)
53 Switzerland (CH) Provincia Germania 13,63 15,73 Swiss francs (CHF)
54 Taiwan (TW) - 11,00 371,03 New Taiwan dollar (TWD)
55 Turkey (TR) Asia Citerior 4,30 7,19 Turkish liras (YTL)
56 Ukraine (UA) Sarmatia 2,60 20,42 Hryvnia (UAH)
57 United Kingdom (UK) Britannia 12,47 9,05 British pounds (GBP)
58 Uruguay (UY) - 4,10 93,48 Uruguayan pesos (UYU)
59 USA (US) America Austroccidentalis 16,00 16,00 US dollar (USD)
60 USA America Austrorientalis 16,00 16,00 US dollar (USD)
61 USA America Boreoccidentalis 16,00 16,00 US dollar (USD)
62 USA California 16,00 16,00 US dollar (USD)
63 USA Lacus Magni 16,00 16,00 US dollar (USD)
64 USA Mediatlantica 16,00 16,00 US dollar (USD)
65 USA America Medioccidentalis Superior 16,00 16,00 US dollar (USD)
66 USA Nova Britannia 16,00 16,00 US dollar (USD)
67 Venezuela (VE) - 4,67 10,04 Bolivares (VEB)

Source: CIA Fact book: Year 2009 (est.)

  • B - O último dia para enviar os impostos é o último dia de Abril. Os impostos enviados depois da data limite têm uma penalidade de 50% extra. I.e., passando de, por exemplo, $15.00 para $22.50 depois da data limite.
  • C - Cada governador provincial é requerido a copiar este édito para a sua respectiva lista provincial (onde for aplicável). Cada interprete oficial de Nova Roma é requerido a traduzir este édito para a(s) língua(s) de que é responsável. O apêndice para este edictum contém conselhos para os cidadãos e deve ser reencaminhado/traduzido com o documento principal.

Este edictum tem efeito imediato.

Dado nas nossas mãos, este primeiro dia de Fevereiro, 2762 a.U.c no consulado de Marcus Curiatus Complutensis e de Marcus Iulius Severus.

Marcus Curiatus Complutensis Cônsul

Marcus Iulius Severus Cônsul


Nova Roma's email address for payments has been changed to effective January 1, 2009. The old PayPal address will be discontinued.

Payments made through the Album Civium are automatically directed to the new PayPal address.


Taxes may be paid in the following ways:

  • 1. log in at Album Civium
  • 2. go to My Account
  • 3. go to "make payment"
  • 4. add citizens to the list if paying for multiple citizens
  • 5. choose pay pal or check
  • 6. if choosing pay pal, continue through pay pal until it sends you back to My Account
  • 7. if choosing check, print and mail

Nota bene:

- Those outside the US will need to obtain and send an International Money Order made out in U.S. dollars. Individual cheques in various currencies are unfortunately not acceptable to send by postal method as the checks are quickly devalued by the multiple bank charges to convert these to U.S. currency.
The current address of Nova Roma Mail correspondence for tax payments is:
Nova Roma
P.O. Box 404
Colchester, CT 06415
- Some Provincial governors will choose to arrange a central point in their provincial to which their citizens may remit taxes so that the province will only need to make a single payment to the central treasury. Citizens are encouraged to contact their governor to determine whether or not such an arrangement will be made. Provincial governors who follow the practice may choose to retain one-half of the taxes collected in their province for local use according to the local budgets they have prepared. This arrangement has the advantage of avoiding fees to have funds for local expenditures transmitted back to the province.
- Please contact the Consul or Consular Quaestor at the addresses below if you are a citizen residing in an area for which a tax rate has not been calculated, and one shall be issued to you.
- Rates may differ from last year. They were recalculated using the Total Gross Domestic Products Per Capita of 2009 of all the countries above, as per the prevailing Senatus Consultum above. Any rounding off in final calculations herein has been confined to the nearest 0.05. Future conversions to USD through Pay Pal or lending institutions are easily resolved by use of conversion factors for various currencies, and so more liberal rounding of tax fees was not pursued.
- Os seguintes Senatus Consultum influenciam o conteúdo deste édito: Item IV Item V
- Qualquer questão relativa os impostos e pagementos pode ser colocada a:
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