Provincia Nova Britannia (Nova Roma)

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Provincia Nova Britannia.jpg


Nova Britannia

Nova Roma

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M. Cassius Iulianus

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The Provincia of Nova Britannia in Nova Roma is comprised of the New England states of the United States of America: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.

Nova Roma as a nonprofit corporation is incorporated in the State of Maine, USA, which is our Regio Cenomania, which makes Provincia Nova Britannia the current corporate center of Nova Roma, although we symbolically recognize Praefectura Italia as the home and center of Nova Roma.

You can access the Official Website of Nova Britannia here:

The Province of Nova Britannia is continually growing. We have active citizens in each regions, and there are some wonderful Roman related resources available throughout the provincia. Whether you are already a citizen of Nova Roma or are exploring the modern revival of Roman culture, this page is your resource for all things Roman in New England. Here you will find community contacts, listings of events, local Roman products available, and more.

Nova Britannia was on prid. Kal. Mar. Cn. Caesare C. Tullio cos. MMDCCLXV a.u.c., divided into two separate provinces: Nova Britannia Citerior, comprised of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, and Nova Britannia Ulterior, comprised of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. This division was rescinded in Non. Oct. Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c., and the two provinces were reunited as they were in the time of the founding of Nova Roma.

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