Provincia Lacus Magni - Praetorium (Nova Roma)

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The praetorium is the headquarters and office of the provincial governor and his subordinates. Provincia Lacus Magni is currently under reorganization and revitalization. Our main current goal is to establish a provincial legion to make our province complete.

Governor with Praetorian Imperium

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Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
legatus pro praetore of Provincia Lacus Magni

Provincial staff members

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C. Marcius Augustinus
proquaestor of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus legatus pro praetore of the provincia
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L. Caedicius Gualterus
praepositus restitutionis et reconstructionis Romanitatis of Cn. Lentulus legatus pro praetore
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M. Cassius Maro
scriba a rebus militaribus of Cn. Lentulus legatus pro praetore


Annual Reports



Edictum Cn. Lentuli legati pro praetore Lacuum Magnorum de cohorte auxiliari

In the last couple of months, we have established a friendship with the Legio XIV Martia Gemina Victrix (written as their brand name as Legio XIIII) in Provincia Lacus Magni, and especially with the help of L. Caedicius Gualterum, my praepositus of Roman reconstructionism in Lacus Magni and his circle of Romanist friends, the Collegium Historiae Vivae, and with the invaluable assistance of my proquaestor C. Marcius Augustinus, we have reached the point where we can finally establish the legonary unit of Nova Roma in Provincia Lacus Magni. Let this be a glorious gift to the 25th Anniversary Year of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia, let this encourage all provinces to further development, let this mark the new era of Roman revival and growth in the American provinces of our beloved, old Nova Roma. As legatus pro praetore of Provincia Lacus Magni, I am proclaiming the following edict on the recruitment of the Cohors II Italica Voluntariorum Civium Romanum as an Allied Autonomous Reenactment Unit of Nova Roma:

I. I, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, legatus pro praetore of Provincia Lacus Magni, hereby recruit and establish the Cohors II Italica Voluntariorum Civium Romanum (maintained by the "Collegium Historiae Vivae" United States of America, an informal Living History community), as the allied legionary unit of Nova Roma.

II. I hereby appoint praepositus restitutionis et reconstructionis Romanitatis L. Caedicius Gualterus as the commander of the cohors, as an addition to his duties in his office of praepositus, under the title praepositus Cohortis II Italicae.

III. I establish praepositus cohortis L. Caedicius Gualterus as the official liaison, coordinator and contact person between the Cohortis II Italicae of the Nova Roman Provincia Lacus Magni and Nova Roma.

IV. As legatus pro praetore of Lacus Magni, and provincial commander-in-chief, I give the mission to praepositus cohortis L. Caedicius Gualteruss to recruit the members of his cohors for Nova Roma so that in the near future the cohors can advance to the state of fully citizen cohors of Nova Roma.

Datum Barii in Italia, pr. Id. Nov. C. Cethego Q. Arrio IV coss. anno 26 ANRC, 2776 AUC, Anniversario 25 NR Sacro Concordiae

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

Edictum Cn. Lentuli legati pro praetore provinciae Lacuum Magnorum de praeposito nominando

In recognition of his dedication to the causes of Nova Roma and Roman reconstructionism in general, and in order to develop a vibrant, diverse, strong, active and fully authentic Nova Roman community in our Provincia Lacus Magni, I am hereby issuing the following edict on the appointment of citizen L. Caedicius to an administrative position (corporate office) of Nova Roma:

I. I, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, legatus pro praetore of Provincia Lacus Magni, hereby appoint L. Caedicius Gualterus as praepositus restitutionis et reconstructionis Romanitatis in Provincia Lacibus Magnis (provost of Roman reconstruction and reenactment in Provincia Lacus Magni), with the short title praepositus Romanitatis. This is a rank of general, political military officer (which does not override any professional military ranks such as centurio or tesserarius).

II. His duties as praepositus are organizing Roman events for Nova Roma in Provincia Lacus Magni that are of high quality in Roman authenticity and enhance the genuine Romanitas of the provincials; educating the inhabitants of the province about Roman culture; representing Nova Roma to other organizations and to non-citizens; and establishing cooperation with local Roman groups.

III. No oath of office is required, effective by the Ides of Quinctilis (15 July) of the year of the consulship of C. Barosus and Q. Nauta, for the 4th time, the Sacred 25th Anniversary Year of Nova Roma, the Year of Concordia.

Datum Aquinci, Idibus Quinctilibus. C. Cornelio Q. Arrio (IV) coss., MMDCCLXXVI AVC et XXVI ANRC, Anno Sacro Concordiae, Anniversario XXV Novae Romae

Imp. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, aedilis curulis, pontifex, LEGATUS PRO PRAETORE LACVVM MAGNORVM

Edicta Cn. Lentuli ducis et legati pro praetore et proquaestoris pro praetore variarum provinciarum et praefecti Italiae de apparitoribus

Edicta cn. lentuli ducis et legati pro praetore et proquaestoris pro praetore variarum provinciarum et praefecti italiae de apparitoribus

In these edicts joined up in the form of one edict, issued regarding all provinces under my imperium, I hereby assign the evaluation "EXCELLENT" to all of my apparitores in all of the provinces within my imperium, with the exception of M. Cassius Maro, who shall receive UNSATISFACTORY.

Datum pridie Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio II A. Tullia II coss. anno XXV a.N.R.c. (2775/2022)

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, imperator

Edictum legati pro praetore lacuum magnorum de praemiis ludis appollinaribus sex. Lucilio a. Tullia coss.

From the occasion of the Ludi Apollinares, authorized by the lex Arria, as legatus pro praetore of Lacus Magni, I am awarding the following citizen the Lacus Magni Governor's Award:


C. Marcius Augustinus receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD FOR A NOVA ROMAN ACHIEVEMENT for his excellent and dutiful work as quaestor of Lacus Magni, working on the revitalization of the province and the organization of provincial projects, events and conventions. With his work in the reorganization of Provincia Lacus Magni, C. Marcius Augustinus contributed to the renewal of our Nova Roman presence in the area. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD FOR A NOVA ROMAN ACHIEVEMENT distinguishes C. Marcius Augustinus as an example to follow, and thanks him for his valuable work and contributions to the reorganization and revival of Lacus Magni for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.

Cn. Duilius Fullo receives the GOVERNOR'S AWARD FOR A NOVA ROMAN ACHIEVEMENT for his dedicated and dutiful work as scriba of Lacus Magni, working on the organization of provincial projects, events and conventions. With his efforts and projects, Cn. Duilius Fullo contributed to the revitalization of our Nova Roman presence in Lacus Magni. The GOVERNOR'S AWARD FOR A NOVA ROMAN ACHIEVEMENT distinguishes Cn. Duilius Fullo as an example to follow, and thanks him for his valuable work and contributions to the reorganization of Lacus Magni for the benefit of Nova Roma and the world of Roman reconstructionism.

Datum ludis Apollinaribus a.d. XIV Kal. Sextiles Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) coss. anno XXV ANRC et 2775 AUC.


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

Edictum Cn. Lentuli legati pro praetore de quaestore et apparitoribus provinciae Lacuum Magnorum


I. I hereby appoint quaestor C. Marcius Augustinus as quaestor Cn. Corneli Lentuli legati pro praetore Lacuum Magnorum, alias quaestor Provinciae Lacuum Magnorum, to serve as vice-governor of the province.

II. I hereby appoint Cn. Duilius Fullo as scriba Cn. Lentuli legati pro praetore a rebus sacris et culturalibus, alias scriba Provinciae Lacuum Magnorum a rebus sacris et culturalibus, to assist the governor and the quaestor of the province in all matters as deemed necessary, and particularly in the Roman religious and cultural projects in the civic life of the province. He is commissioned to come up with initiatives in these areas of interest.

III. I hereby appoint M. Cassius Maro as scriba Cn. Lentuli legati pro praetore a rebus militaribus, alias scriba Provinciae Lacuum Magnorum a rebus militaribus, to assist the governor and the quaestor of the province in all matters as deemed necessary, and particularly in Roman military projects in the civic life of the province. He is commissioned to work on the recruitment and organization of a provincial legion.

IV. Oath of office is required.

V. All past edicts of the province are hereby rescinded.

Datum prid. Kal. Apr. Sex. Lucilio Tutore (II) et A. Tullia Scholastica (II) consulibus, anno 25 ANRC, 2775 AUC.


Former officers

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