Senate membership for 2763

This is provisory page, still to be built, specially its table "Voting details by senator". Thanks for your understanding.
P. Memmius Albucius
The Senate of Nova Roma (NR Inc. Board) has currently, on Idus Novembres 2763 (Nov. 15, 2010), 26 members, including 5 suspended ones, who cannot currently sit and vote (non-payment of their annual fee).
On Jan. 24, Censor T. Iulius Sabinus issued a censorial joint edict (Forum msg # 73212) which set the legal definition of Nova Roma album senatorium from this Jan. 24, 2763 on. This statement may be considered as the composition of the Senate from Kal. Ian. 2763 auc, until the resignation of Sen. Ullerius on Feb. 21 (a.d. IX Kal. Mart. 2763 (Forum msg # 73626).
With the last re-admission of senator consularis M. Minucius Audens at the end of 2762/2009, Nova Roma Senate counted at this time 31 senators. The detail of the evolution lived by the Senate during year 2763, from Kal. Ian to pridie Kal. Ian 2764, may be found in the linked page Senate membership evolution for 2763.
The following table presents the status of every citizen who has been, at a time or another, member of the Senate during year 2763 auc.
The 31 names included in the Album senatorium on Kal. Ian. 2763 were, in the alphabetical order of their nomen, the following ones :
α rank | Name | Abbr. | Current mag./off. | Dignitas | Status |
1 | Apulus Caesar Fr. | FAC | - | Consularis | Suspended (for non-payment of the annual fee) until resintallment by a com. centuriata |
2 | Arminius Maior M. | MAM | - | Praetorius | sitting |
3 | Cornelius Sulla Felix L. | LCSF | - | Censorius | sitting |
4 | Curia Finnica Em. | ECF | - | Aedilicia | sitting |
5 | Curiatius Complutensis M. | MCC | - | Consularis | sitting |
6 | Curius Saturninus C. | CCS | TP | Aedilicius | resigned Aug. 20 |
7 | Equitius Cato C. | GEC | - | Praetorius | sitting |
8 | Equitius Marinus Cn. | GEM | - | Censorius | sitting |
9 | Fabius Buteo Quintilianus K. | CFBQ | Cos. 2 | Censorius; Princeps Sen. | sitting |
10 | Fabius Buteo Modianus K. | KFBM | Censor 1 | Censorius | Suspended (for non-payment of the annual fee) until resintallment by a com. centuriata |
11 | Fabius Maximus Q. | QFM | - | Consularis | sitting |
12 | Flavius Diocletianus C. | CFD | - | Censorius | sitting |
13 | Galerius Aurelianus Fl. | FGA | - | Tribunicius | Resigned Nov. 8 |
14 | Galerius Paulinus Ti. | TGP | - | Censorius | sitting |
15 | Hortensia Maior M. | MHM | Pr. 2 | Aedilicia | resigned Sep. 08 |
16 | Iulius Caesar Cn. | GIC | - | Aedilicius | sitting |
17 | Iulius Perusianus M. | MIP | - | Praetorius | sitting |
18 | Iulius Sabinus T. | TIS | Censor 2 | Consularis | sitting |
19 | Iulius Severus I. | MIS | - | Consularis | sitting |
20 | Iunia Laeca Eq. | EIL | Pr. 1 | Consularis | resigned June 09 |
21 | Iunius Palladius Invictus D. | DIPI | - | Censorius | sitting |
22 | Lucretius Agricola M. | MLA | - | Privatus | sitting |
23 | Marius Merullus C. | GMM | - | Censorius | Suspended (for non-payment of the annual fee) until resintallment by a com. centuriata |
24 | Memmius Albucius P. | PMA | Cos. 1 | Praetorius | sitting |
25 | Minucius Audens M. | MMA | - | Consularis | sitting |
26 | Moravia Aurelia Arn. | AMA | - | Quaestoria | Suspended (for non-payment of the annual fee) until resintallment by a com. centuriata |
27 | Moravius Piscinus Horatianus M. | MMPH | - | Consularis | Resigned Nov. 6 |
28 | Popillius Laenas G. | GPL | - | Censorius | appointed Aug. 01 - Suspended (for non-payment of the annual fee) until resintallment by a com. centuriata |
29 | Suetonius Paulinus Q. | QSP | - | Tribunicius | sitting |
30 | Tullia Scholastica A. | ATS | - | Praetoria | sitting |
31 | Ullerius Stephanus Venator P. | PUSV | - | Quaestorius | resigned Feb. 21 |
32 | Vipsanius Agrippa G. | GVA | - | Tribunicius | sitting |