Session November 2766

Senate Summons Information
Conv. mag. | Call date | Call msg | Session beg. | Session end | Contio beg. | Contio end | Vote beg. | Vote end | Rep. tb | Rep. nb msg |
Cos LCSF | 25-Nov-2766 | ML 91963 | 25-Nov-2766 9:00 PM MST |
13-Dec-2766 11:59 PM MST |
25-Nov-2766 9:00 PM MST |
03-Dec-2766 9:00 PM MST |
04-Dec-2766 9:01 PM MST |
12-Dec-2013 9:01 PM MST |
MPC | ML 92355 |
Session Voting Summary Results
Item nb. | Item title | Mand. SC | Appr. of a pres. mag. prop. | Nb of sen. | Voters | Non voters | Quorum obt. | 2/3 qual. maj. | UR | ANT | ABS | APPR |
I | Renaming the Provinces Established from the previous senate session | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 13 | 2 | 0 | Passed |
II | Provincial Reform on America Medioccidentalis Superior | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 15 | 0 | 0 | Passed |
III | SENATUS CONSULTUM ON THE POSITION OF CFO – 2766 A.U.C. | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 13 | 2 | 0 | Passed |
IV | Request for use of Nova Roman Trademark - on behalf of Gn. Iulius Caesar | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 13 | 0 | 1 | Passed |
V.A. | Does the Senate authorize the book in question to be republished and sold? | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 12 | 0 | 3 | Passed |
V.B. | Does the Senate direct L. Vitellius Triarius make a good faith effort to contact all of the contributors of the book to see their approval before republishing? And that he notify the Senate of his results prior to republishing the book? | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 14 | 0 | 1 | Passed |
V.C. | Does the Senate direct next year's consuls to draft procedures and all necessary agreements to met and protect the Organization? | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 14 | 0 | 1 | Passed |
V.D. | Does Nova Roma retain the ownership of the content in all official public fora or Sodalitas? | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 12 | 3 | 0 | Passed |
V.E. | Does Nova Roma adopt the following (This Notice was prepared and posted by M. Pompeius Caninus)? | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 13 | 2 | 0 | Passed |
V.F. | Does Nova Roma adopt the following disclaimer (This notice I received from Q. Fabius Maximus)? | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 13 | 2 | 0 | Passed |
V.G. | Compensation: PLEASE VOTE FOR ONLY ONE OPTION ON THIS QUESTION) Should the arrangement for compensation for the sale of the book(s) compiled by L. Vitellus Triarius be based on the following percentage? |
- | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 13 | 0 | 0 | Option 2 |
VI | Lucius Ulpius Atellus as Governor of the Provincia of Florida and Georgia (name change pending). | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 14 | 0 | 1 | Passed |
VII | Future Fund raising Authorization Senatus Consulta | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 14 | 1 | 0 | Passed |
VIII | Elevation to Patrician Status Recommendation to C. Decius Laterensis | - | - | 22 | 15 | 7 | Yes | - | 11 | 4 | 0 | Passed |
Session Voting Summary Results by Senator
Initials | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
CAC | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
PACP | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
MCGG | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
LCSF | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
SCVIA | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
QFM | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
CnIC | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
DeIPI | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
TIS | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
CMC | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
PoMS | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
MPC | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
QSP | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
CTVG | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
LVT | I | II | III | IV | V.A. | V.B. | V.C. | V.D. | V.E. | V.F. | V.G. | VI | VII | VIII |
Tribune Report
Marcus Pompeius Caninus quiritibus salutem dicit:
Senate Voting Results published on 20 December 2013 - a.d. XIII Kal. Ian. MMDCCLXVI A.U.C.
Presiding Magistrate:
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, Consul
Decius Iunius Palladius is on Leave - his Proxy is assigned to Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
09:00 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 25-Nov-2013 : Call to order. Debate period commences.
09:00 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 03-Dec-2013 : Debate period ends.
09:01 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 04-Dec-2013 : Call to vote. Voting period commences.
09:01 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 12-Dec-2013 : Voting period ends.
11:59 PM MOUNTAIN TIME 13-Dec-2013 : Call to close issued before this time.
Voting Agenda:
Item I - Renaming the Provinces Established from the previous senate session
Item II - Provincial Reform on America Medioccidentalis Superior
Item IV - Request for use of Nova Roman Trademark - on behalf of Gn. Iulius Caesar
Item V - Book Compilation Issue (Multiple items)
- A. Does the Senate Authorize the book in question to be republished and sold?
- B. Does the Senate Direct L. Vitellius Triarius to make a good faith effort to contact all the contributors of the book to seek their approval before republishing? Also, that L. Vitellius Triarius to notify the Senate of his results prior to the republishing of the book?
- C. Does the Senate direct next year's consuls to draft procedures and all necessary agreements to meet and protect the organization?
- D. Does Nova Roma retain the ownership of the content in all official public fora or Sodalitas?
- E. Does Nova Roma adopt the following (This Notice was prepared and posted by M. Pompeius Caninus):
- "I, NAME HERE, am a volunteer with Nova Roma, Inc. For consideration which I acknowledge, I agree to assign to Nova Roma, Inc., the copyright in any materials I create (the Works) within the course of my volunteer work. By assigning all right, title, and interest in the Works, Nova Roma, Inc. agrees to:
- A. Does the Senate Authorize the book in question to be republished and sold?
- 1. allow me to include the Works or a reproduction of the Works in my portfolio or other such compilation, to be shown to my prospective employers or clients. All such portfolio uses must include a notice of Nova Roma, Inc.' copyright ownership;
- 2. acknowledge my transfer of the Works to Nova Roma, Inc. as a charitable contribution;
- 3. make a good faith effort to provide me with attribution in all versions of the Works.
- I warrant that any works I create pursuant to this agreement are original and do not infringe any intellectual property rights or violate any laws related to libel, privacy, or otherwise. I agree to indemnify Nova Roma, Inc. in any action arising out of, or relating to, these representations and warranties.
- Volunteer Signature:
- Volunteer Name:
- Volunteer Address:
- Date:"
- F. Does Nova Roma adopt the following disclaimer (This notice I received from Q. Fabius Maximus):
- "************CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE************
- Information contained in this e-mail is confidential and is intended solely for its recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this message and you have had access to such information by means of this e-mail, you are not authorized to copy this e-mail or forward it to any person other than the intended recipient. Please delete and destroy the original message.
- Sending emails does not ensure that transmission is safe or error free. Any information is subject to alteration with no prior notice, and this will be sufficient grounds to release this company upon the occurrence of any potential damages caused by the undue and incorrect use of the information. This communication is for the sole purpose of informing and it shall not be deemed as a proposal, acceptance or official declaration by NOVA ROMA INC in MAINE, USA, UNLESS otherwise stated. "
- G. Compensation: PLEASE VOTE FOR ONLY ONE OPTION ON THIS QUESTION) Should the arrangement for compensation for the sale of the book(s) compiled by L. Vitellus Triarius be based on the following percentage:
- 1. 80% to Nova Roma vs 20% to Triarius
- 2. 50% to Nova Roma vs 50% to Triarius
- 3. 20% to Nova Roma vs 80% to Triarius
- 1. 80% to Nova Roma vs 20% to Triarius
Item VI - Appointment of Governor - Lucius Ulpius Atellus
Item VII - Future Fund raising Authorization Senatus Consulta
Item VIII - Elevation to Patrician Status Recommendation to C. Decius Laterensis
The Senate has finished its latest session and the votes have been tallied as shown below.
Senatores and voting members
The following 15 senators or voting members of the Senate cast votes in time. They are referred to below by their initials and are listed in alphabetical order by nomen:
Initials | Name |
CAC | C. Aemilius Crassus, Praetor |
PACP | P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus |
MCGG | M. Cornelius Gualterus Graecus |
LCSF | L. Cornelius Sulla Felix, Acting Princeps Sen. |
SCVIA | Sta. Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia |
QFM | Q. Fabius Maximus |
CnIC | Cn. Iulius Caesar |
DeIPI | De. Iunius Palladius Invictus, Princeps Sen.(on leave) |
TIS | T. Iulius Sabinus |
CMC | C. Marcius Crispus |
PoMS | Po. Minucia Strabo |
MPC | M. Pompeius Caninus |
QSP | Q. Suetonius Paulinus |
CTVG | C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus |
LVT | L. Vitellius Triarius|} |
The following 7 senators or voting members of the Senate did not cast a vote or did not cast a vote on time:
- M. Cassius Julianus
- L. Equitius Cincinnatus Augur
- Ti. Galerius Paulinus
- M. Minucius Audens
- C. Petronius Dexter
- P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator
- C. Vipsanius Agrippa
In the voting results shown below "Uti Rogas" indicates a vote in favor of an item, "Antiquo" is a vote against, and "Abstineo" is an open abstention.
Item I - Renaming the Provinces Established from the previous senate session
This will be the new province names for the American Provinces:
I - Arizona, Nevada and Utah will be known as: Provincia America Deserta
II - New Mexico and Colorado will be known as: Provincia America Hispanica
III - Texas and Oklahoma will be known as: Provincia America Texia
IV - Arkansas and Louisiana will be known as: Provincia America Gallica
V - Mississippi and Alabama will be known as: Provincia America Mississippiensis
VI - Tennessee and Kentucky will be known as Provincia America Transappalachiana
VII - Florida and Georgia will be known as: Provincia Georgia Florida
VIII - North and South Carolina will be known as: Provincia Carolina
IX - Alaska and Hawaii will be known as: Provincia Alasca et Havaia
X - Idaho, Oregon and Washington State will be known as: Provincia America Oregonensis
XI - Northern California will be known as: Provincia California Franciscensis
XII - Southern California will be known as: Provincia California Angelensis
XIII - Wisconsin and Michigan will be known as Provincia Lacus Magni
XIV - Illinois and Indiana will be known as: Provincia America Cismississippiana
XV - Ohio will be known as: Provincia Ohio
XVI - New York and New Jersey will be known as: Provincia America Noveboracensis
XVII - Pennsylvania and Delaware will be known as: Provincia Mediatlantica
XVIII - Maryland and DC will be known as: Provincia Columbia
XIX - West Virginia and Virginia will be known as: Provincia Virginia
For the record these provinces were already established. This Senatus Consulta is just correcting the names to make them more Latin Compliant. I would also like to thank Gn. Cornelius Lentulus for providing the correct naming for these newly created provinces.
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 13 |
Antiquo | 2 |
Abstineo | 0 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Antiquo | "I agree with Senator Fabius Maximus and think the California Provinces need to be better named." |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | |
QFM | Antiquo | "Lentulus translation of Latin is flawed. Superior means higher. Inferior lower. In Proximity to Rome Mosia Inferior was closer but so what? I want upper/lower California. I don't want Saints' names in a non Christian religious province. You send the wrong message." |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Uti rogas | |
MPC | Uti rogas | "However, the names for the two new provinces in California need to be reconsidered so the provinces have names that are neither generic nor associated with Christian saints." |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | "Though I feel that the issues with the names in California still need to be fully resolved." |
LVT | Uti rogas | "I believe, however, the Consul and current Governor of the California provincia should be allowed to finalize the names of the two new California provinciae. I agree with Senator Fabius that the proposed names should probably be changed." |
Item II - Provincial Reform on America Medioccidentalis Superior
When I drafted the Provincia Reform that was successfully passed last session I left out one American Province - America Medioccidentalis Superior by mistake. I respectfully request that the Senate approve this reorganization of this province in line with the new province makeup. With approval the following new provinces will be created:
I - Minnesota will be known as: Provincia Minnesota
II - Missouri and Iowa will be known as: Provincia America Missuriensis
III - Kansas and Nebraska will be known as: Provincia America Nebrascensis
IV - North and South Dakota will be known as: Provincia Dacota
V - Wyoming and Montana will be known as: Provincia America Montana
Again, I would like to thank Gn. Cornelius Lentulus for recommending the new names of provinces, should the Senate approve this Senatus Consulta.
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 15 |
Antiquo | 0 |
Abstineo | 0 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Uti rogas | |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | |
QFM | Uti rogas | |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Uti rogas | |
MPC | Uti rogas | |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Uti rogas |
1. By this Senatus consultum, the Senate hereby defines the position of Chief Financial Officer (herein designated as " CFO"). An individual shall be appointed to the position of CFO by Senatus consultum, passing by simple majority.
2. An individual appointed to, and accepting of, the position of CFO, shall be given access to all financial data and accounts, including but not limited to the deposit, credit, and brokerage accounts of the corporation and its associated entities, and all access methods thereto, as well as the surface mail directed to Nova Roma, Inc.
3. The CFO shall report directly to the co-presidents of Nova Roma, or in their absence, the co-vice presidents, and through them, to the Board of Directors.
4. The CFO shall have the ability to appoint and dismiss assistants as it sees fit, not to exceed four individuals, who shall be treated as under direct appointment by the Board of Directors. For their service, these individuals shall receive an amount of century points equal to those of regularly appointed scribae.
5. The CFO, once appointed, shall serve until either he/she resigns the position, or, until such time as the Senate revokes his/her appointment by means of a Senatus consultum passed by an extraordinary majority, as defined by the SENATUS CONSULTUM DE RATIONE SENATUS MMDCCLXV.
6. A incoming CFO shall be appointed to a term so as to overlap that of an outgoing CFO by three months, during which time the incoming CFO shall co-operate with the outgoing CFO to ensure smooth transition of necessary access to records and operations as outlined elsewhere in this and relevant consulta. An incoming CFO, during this three-month period, shall also assess the financial status and performance of the corporation and report the same to the Board of Directors, and complete and analysis of the financial results of the corporation and develop recommendations for future measures.
7. In the event of a vacancy in the position of CFO, the consuls shall have the authority to appoint, from the appointed assistants to the previous CFO, a CFO "pro tempore", for a term to last no longer than six months from the date of appointment. By the end of that time, the Board of Directors must appoint a new CFO, to serve the remainder of the previous incomplete term, or if less than six months remain of that term, to start a new term.
8. The CFO shall have overall responsibility for the financial data of Nova Roma and its associated entities, and shall oversee all financial operations of the organization, including, but not limited to: those undertaken by those individuals elected by the comitia, those undertaken by the provinciae and their subsidiaries, those undertaken by the sodalitates, and those undertaken by the sacerdotes publici as appointed by the Senate, Collegium Pontificum, or other body so empowered.
9. The CFO shall be responsible for the development and recommendation of financial protocols to ensure proper compliance with laws and regulations, both inside and outside Nova Roma, shall be responsible for the monitoring of internal financial controls and procedures, and shall produce financial reports to be provided to the Board of Directors at such frequency as required by Nova Roman law.
10. The CFO shall maintain financial oversight of all accounting practices, budget and cash management, oversight of debt financing, and shall undertake those administrative tasks related to maintaining the financial welfare of the corporation.
11. The CFO shall also oversee budgetary planning, make recommendations for budgetary measures, represent the organization to the financial community, work with the officers and other elected and appointed individuals to ensure operational success and compliance, minimize potential risks to the organization, and oversee business insurance plans.
12. The CFO shall have sole responsibility for the maintenance of the official post box for Nova Roma Inc. and shall locate it where is most convenient to do so. The Senate approves the annual, or otherwise as required periodic, expenditure of such funds as are necessary to keep and maintain this post box. This post box shall be the only one specified on the Nova Roma website / wiki as a direct mailing point of contact for Nova Roma.
13. The Senate of Nova hereby re-appoints Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix as CFO of Nova Roma, Inc.
14. Upon enactment of this Senatus consultum:
- A. The only lawful method of subsequently superseding, amending or repealing this Senatus consultum must be by way of a Senatus consultum that must achieve an extraordinary majority before it can be enacted. Any other method or attempt shall be illegal and forbidden.
- B. No other Senatus consultum shall be enacted where the proposed content of which conflicts, negates, overrides, limits or otherwise affects in a negative manner the contents and/or purposes of all or any part of this Senatus consultum, whether directly or indirectly other than by the method at specified at14.A of this Senatus consultum.
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 13 |
Antiquo | 2 |
Abstineo | 0 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Antiquo | "I can't see any reason whatever to the Senate need an super majority to terminate the CFO term. More the position has no term limit. I know Sulla has been, is and will be a good CFO but don't see any reason to being creating almost perpetual positions besides Pontifex Maximus and even that we don't have anymore." |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | |
QFM | Uti rogas | "2010 we saw ruling magistrates attempt to 'give' $10,000 dollars to a friend of one of Nova Roma's officers with the excuse it was for NR's benefit. That was a blatant lie, the money was actually to be divided among three people one being the ruling magistrate. This cannot be allowed to happen again." |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Uti rogas | |
MPC | Uti rogas | "The current CFO has done an excellent job and hopefully he will continue in this role for many years. This document provides a thorough description of the CFO position. The Senate now has the guidance required to find a suitable candidate for the position should the need ever arise. But for the good of Nova Roma and the citizens, the Senate should encourage Senator Sulla to continue serving in this role for as long as he is willing and able to do so." |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Antiquo | "Although I agree with the majority of this measure, I am voting against it because of the language requiring an 'extraordinary majority' to modify it." |
LVT | Uti rogas |
Item IV - Request for use of Nova Roman Trademark - on behalf of Gn. Iulius Caesar
1. By this Senatus consultum, the Senate hereby grants Gnaeus Iulius Caesar the right to use the Nova Roman trademark item(s) in pursuit of the opening of a CafePress store.
2. Gnaeus Iulius Caesar shall make an annual donation to the Nova Roman Treasury, which shall be a percentage of any profits pursuant to items that are sold bearing the Nova Roman trademarked logo(s).
3. The Percentage at section 2 above shall be a mutually negotiated amount between the CFO of Nova Roma and Gnaeus Iulius Caesar.
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 13 |
Antiquo | 0 |
Abstineo | 1 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Uti rogas | "Best luck for Senator Caesar endeavors." |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | "Best of luck to Cn. Iulius Caesar on this venture." | |
QFM | Uti rogas | |
CnIC | Abstineo | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Uti rogas | |
MPC | Uti rogas | |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Uti rogas |
Item V - Book Compilation Issue (Multiple items)
In light of the seriousness and depth of the issue here, this item will be broken down to individual parts that all together make up this specific item. Each of those parts are independent but related to the whole. Each part will stand on its own merit and a no vote on any question will not negate any succeeding question. In other words, please make sure to vote for EACH question.
Item V.A.
Does the Senate authorize the book in question to be republished and sold?
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 12 |
Antiquo | 0 |
Abstineo | 3 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Abstineo | "In my mind there is no question that anyone contributing to the NR wiki is doing it volunteering and giving away any personal material and texts place there. On other hand I don't know exactly what the USA law would see it so I will abstain." |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | "I vote 'Yes' to this item only because Item B Directs L. Vitellius Triarius to make a good faith effort in contacting all the contributors in seeking approval before republishing." |
QFM | Uti rogas | |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Abstineo | "I agree with the idea in principle, however I think item B should be satisfied with regard to authors' respective approvals, and any other legal issues carefully reviewed before we approve item A." |
MPC | Uti rogas | |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Abstineo |
Item V.B.
Does the Senate direct L. Vitellius Triarius make a good faith effort to contact all of the contributors of the book to see their
approval before republishing? And that he notify the Senate of his results prior to republishing the book?
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 14 |
Antiquo | 0 |
Abstineo | 1 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Uti rogas | "If Triarius managed to contact all contributors that would be great and removed my apprension of possible future problems on the matter." |
PACP | Uti rogas | "This is exactly what Triarius should do." |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | |
QFM | Uti rogas | |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Uti rogas | |
MPC | Uti rogas | |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Abstineo |
Item V.C.
Does the Senate direct next year's consuls to draft procedures and all necessary agreements to met and protect the Organization?
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 14 |
Antiquo | 0 |
Abstineo | 1 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Uti rogas | "Taking this to meaning that next years Consuls should figure if the disclaimers in the wiki are strong enough so NR can use the wiki material as it seems fit I agree." |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | "If any additional procedures or documents need to be drafted, reviewed and approved by the Senate." |
SCVIA | Abstineo | |
QFM | Uti rogas | |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Uti rogas | "with respect to the above" |
MPC | Uti rogas | |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Uti rogas |
Item V.D.
Does Nova Roma retain the ownership of the content in all official public fora or Sodalitas?
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 12 |
Antiquo | 3 |
Abstineo | 0 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Antiquo | "No, one thing is the wiki where the authors should know their work can be edit and in my mind no implicit copyright can be claimed from them. The public fora and or Sodalitas don't have in my opinion such forfeit of ownership of material." |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Antiquo | "As a writer myself I hold the stance that if I write the work then it is ultimately my work. That is non-negotiable." |
QFM | Uti rogas | |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Antiquo | "I share the concerns of G. Amelius Crassus and Statia Cornelia" |
MPC | Uti rogas | "Nova Roma should retain as much control and ownership of the archives as it can within any limits imposed by service agreements and applicable law. However, Nova Roma should not attempt to claim copyright for the content of email lists. Nova Roma should have a disclaimer associated with each of the fora, possibly as part of the group description, stating in part that the opinions expressed in the fora do not necessarily reflect the official views of Nova Roma etc." |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Uti rogas |
Item V.E.
Does Nova Roma adopt the following (This Notice was prepared and posted by M. Pompeius Caninus)?
"I, NAME HERE, am a volunteer with Nova Roma, Inc. For consideration which I acknowledge, I agree to assign to Nova Roma, Inc., the copyright in any materials I create (the Works) within the course of my volunteer work. By assigning all right, title, and interest in the Works, Nova Roma, Inc. agrees to:
- 1. allow me to include the Works or a reproduction of the Works in my portfolio or other such compilation, to be shown to my prospective employers or clients. All such portfolio uses must include a notice of Nova Roma, Inc.' copyright ownership;
- 2. acknowledge my transfer of the Works to Nova Roma, Inc. as a charitable contribution;
- 3. make a good faith effort to provide me with attribution in all versions of the Works.
I warrant that any works I create pursuant to this agreement are original and do not infringe any intellectual property rights or violate any laws related to libel, privacy, or otherwise. I agree to indemnify Nova Roma, Inc. in any action arising out of, or relating to, these representations and warranties.
Volunteer Signature:
Volunteer Name:
Volunteer Address:
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 13 |
Antiquo | 2 |
Abstineo | 0 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Antiquo | "First it is not clear to me that this notice means only the wiki material. Secondly I considered it to be too much given to NR. What I think it should say, and only for wiki material, is the author authorizes NR to use as it seems fit, including to sell, but the author has also the right to use the same material without considering NR the solely owner." |
PACP | Uti rogas | "Perfect." |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | |
QFM | Uti rogas | |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Antiquo | |
MPC | Uti rogas | |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Uti rogas | "I believe this should be reviewed by the NR Attorneys before any public release." |
Item V.F.
Does Nova Roma adopt the following disclaimer (This notice I received from Q. Fabius Maximus)?
"************CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE************
Information contained in this e-mail is confidential and is intended solely for its recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this message and you have had access to such information by means of this e-mail, you are not authorized to copy this e-mail or forward it to any person other than the intended recipient. Please delete and destroy the original message.
Sending emails does not ensure that transmission is safe or error free. Any information is subject to alteration with no prior notice, and this will be sufficient grounds to release this company upon the occurrence of any potential damages caused by the undue and incorrect use of the information. This communication is for the sole purpose of informing and it shall not be deemed as a proposal, acceptance or official declaration by NOVA ROMA INC in MAINE, USA, UNLESS otherwise stated."
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 13 |
Antiquo | 2 |
Abstineo | 0 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Antiquo | "I fail to see the necessity of considering any official NR matters confidential." |
PACP | Uti rogas | "Ditto as above." |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | |
QFM | Uti rogas | "What the notice simply says is that if you have no business with Nova Roma you shouldn't be reading their mail. You cannot forward the contents of said mail to anyone else. And unless the information contained refers to you or with something that you are involved with in Nova Roma, you cannot retain the mail for use at a later date." |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Uti rogas | |
MPC | Uti rogas | |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Antiquo | "This item does not define what types of email this disclaimer should be applied to. If it applies to all emails within Nova Roma, I would expect we will all certainly be in violation at some time within the next year. This item should be discussed further." |
Item V.G.
Should the arrangement for compensation for the sale of the book(s) compiled by L. Vitellus Triarius be based on the following percentage?
- 1. 80% Nova Roma vs 20% to Triarius
- 2. 50% Nova Roma vs 50% to Triarius
- 3. 20% Nova Roma vs 80% to Triarius
Vote | Result |
Option 1 | 4 |
Option 2 | 6 |
Option 3 | 3 |
Option 2 is Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Abstineo | "First of all I want to stress that Triarius initiative is excellent and it shouldn't be any doubt on it. The fact that one contributor to the wiki have raised copyrights issues is the only point I would like to see completely solved and safeguarded before going ahead with the project. I don't know exactly what even thEn would be the fair amount for each part so I will also abstain." |
PACP | Option 2 | |
MCGG | Option 3 | |
LCSF | Option 2 | |
SCVIA | Option 1 | |
QFM | Option 1 | |
CnIC | Option 3 | "He had the gumption to make use of this, so why should he not reap the majority of the rewards?" |
DeIPI | Option 2 | |
TIS | Option 1 | |
CMC | Option 2 | |
PoMS | Option 2 | |
MPC | Option 3 | "After some additional reflection, I believe Triarius should be rewarded for taking steps to provide knowledge to Nova Roma's citizens. There has been much debate this year about whether or not the Collegium Pontificum has any duties or responsibilities related to instructing the citizens in, or promoting practice of, the cultus deorum romanorum. Triarius attempted to fill a void left by those who could not understand or would not acknowledge a need for the Collegium Pontificum of Nova Roma to nurture and guide citizens interested in the cultus deorum romanorum in a way that was not required of the Collegium Pontificum or the sacerdotes of ancient Rome. So, in this particular case, I feel Triarius should be generously rewarded for taking steps that support Nova Roma's goals in a critical area where more experienced leaders have taken no initiative." |
QSP | Option 1 | |
CTVG | Option 2 | |
LVT | Abstineo |
Item VI - Appointment of Governor - Lucius Ulpius Atellus
It is my pleasure to recommend the appointment of a new Governor:
Lucius Ulpius Atellus as Governor of the Provincia of Florida and Georgia (name change pending).
Here is a copy of his request that he sent:
I'm very interested in the governorship of Austrorientalis Stagnum. I know the time requirements maybe an issue but I am an active citizen, my taxes are current and have access to a wealth of potential new citizens ( work on military base and FL state college across the street from me). Unless a more senior civi presents him/herself I would like the chance to lead.
Lucius Ulpius Atellus
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 14 |
Antiquo | 0 |
Abstineo | 1 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Uti rogas | "With my best wishes for great success as governor." |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | "Congrats to L. Ulpus Atellus in his new position and his efforts to have an active Provincia." |
QFM | Uti rogas | |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Abstineo | "I will leave this to Senators who know the candidate and can therefore make a more valid vote. I am just getting back and I don't know this citizen." |
MPC | Uti rogas | |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Uti rogas |
Item VII - Future Fund Raising Authorization Senatus Consulta
Beginning Next year, The CFO plans to focus time and resources of Nova Roma for the effort of Fund raising.
What the CFO seeks is consent from the Board of Directors of Nova Roma to use Funds from the Nova Roman Treasury up to the amount of $1000. For the purposes of purchasing product, selling the product and mailing the product directly to those individuals who will purchase the items.
The products that the CFO intends to purchase are:
Nova Roman Flags/banners Bookmarks Propriety products like Nova Roman Wine, foods etc Address labels and other products Nova Roman Coins for each of the years of NR's existence
Any product purchased, the CFO will strive to have the merchandise drop shipped. However, if there is any inventory that is maintained the CFO will track the inventory, post regular updates on quantities, sales reports and all necessary oversight will be reported to the Senate Finance Committee.
If purchased product is stored and the CFO is responsible for shipping all product in a timely manner. The CFO would be allowed to assess a handing fee no greater than 2.5% in addition to the shipping charges as compensation for physically handling and maintaining the merchandise for NR.
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 14 |
Antiquo | 1 |
Abstineo | 0 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Antiquo | "Considering the effort in keeping the budget sound I think the amount to be excessively high at the moment. I would prefer a more focused and lower budget plan at the start." |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | |
QFM | Uti rogas | |
CnIC | Uti rogas | |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Uti rogas | |
MPC | Uti rogas | |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Uti rogas |
Item VIII - Elevation to Patrician Status Recommendation to C. Decius Laterensis
At the request of Pontiff/Senator Sabinus the Senate hereby grants approval to elevate, with the approval of the Comitia Curiata the promtion of C. Decius Laterensis: to Patrician Rank and classification - with all rights, privileges and limitations that being a Patrician entails.
Vote | Result |
Uti rogas | 11 |
Antiquo | 4 |
Abstineo | 0 |
Passed |
Individual Votes
Initials | Vote | Comments |
CAC | Uti rogas | "Considering the objective and the fact there isn't any Patrician candidate for the religious office I will gladly vote in agreement. May we bee able to honor Pater Mars adequately." |
PACP | Uti rogas | |
MCGG | Uti rogas | |
LCSF | Uti rogas | |
SCVIA | Uti rogas | "As I also agree that adoption would have been the preferred method for this elevation of status. I also understand that the Pontifex Maximus who summons the Comitiia Curiata has been absent as of late. With that in mind I understand the need of expediency. Although we the Senate must be careful to not set the expectation of precedent. Laterensis is being elevated to serve as Priest (Flamen?) to Mars, who was a guardian of Rome. We are elevating Laterensis to give proper respect to a revered Deity of Rome. It is not the case of 'silver platter' syndrome. I think this should be made abundantly clear." |
QFM | Antiquo | "Only the Founder can elevate families. He did so with myself and Minucius as a reward for service to the Republic. Have a Patrician adopt Decius. Otherwise I fear you set a dangerous precedent." |
CnIC | Antiquo | "As I have said in session, there exists at law a perfectly adequate method for Laterensis to be elevated to the patrician order. It is called adoption. This part of the constitution is best used where entire large families should be elevated, and where mass adoption is not practical. In this case it is one person, and for the purposes of filling a position. Even if this is passed, to my mind Laterensis should be adopted. All that is needed is a patrician with at least 18 years age difference. Using this provision of the Constitution to elevate one person is overkill and sets a dangerous precedent." |
DeIPI | Uti rogas | |
TIS | Uti rogas | |
CMC | Uti rogas | |
PoMS | Antiquo | "Sure I recommend and hope for the best but I believe the Lex Equitia Familia requires C. Decius 'adopted' by adrogato. Please look about 3/4 way down the text and you'll find the comitia adopted procedure. Could we consider an amendment to this law (through comitia of course) which perhaps states that the CP and the Senate, a simple majority from both of these bodies, is enough to change the order of a citizen if such a change is **solely** for the granting of a religious position? It is a lovely law, full of excellent historical research. But from a Nova Roma perspective, it seems rather counterproductive to legally compel a citizen to pull a 'Publius Clodius' maneuver to fill such an important position in this day and time." |
MPC | Antiquo | "There is no pressing, urgent need to fill this position in the Collegium Pontificum. So, a traditional and conservative solution is probably best. In cases such as this, a citizen should be required to pursue adoption by a patrician family before any other option for elevation to patrician status is approved by this body. There are perhaps forty or so active patrician citizens who are of suitable age who could adopt Laterensis. Adoption would cause a name change but if Laterensis is sincere in his desire to serve as a flamen then a name change should be a minor concern." |
QSP | Uti rogas | |
CTVG | Uti rogas | |
LVT | Uti rogas |
Marcus Pompeius Caninus