Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXIV/Certamen Mythologicum

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==== Rules of the Mythology Quiz ====
==== Rules of the Mythology Quiz ====

Latest revision as of 14:44, 6 July 2024



Rules of the Mythology Quiz

1. Three (3) points are given for each completely correct answer.

2. Whomever has the most points at the end of the contest wins a prize.

3. Submit answers to each day's questions to with the subject header "Mythology Trivium".

4. My decision is final in interpreting what is and what is not a correct answer.

Sta. Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia

Questions and Answers for Mythology Quiz

Mars (Dies 1)

Question #1. Who was the Consort of Mars? And what was her name?

  • Answer #1. Nerio, Nerine, or Valour

Question #2. What was the name of the Priesthood that Mars was called upon to drive off rust?

  • Answer #2. Priesthood of the Arval Brothers

Question #3. Which two animals were sacred to Mars?

  • Answer #3. Woodpecker and Wolf

Concordia (Dies 1)

Question #1. Which pair of Deities was Concordia associated with?

  • Answer #1. Pax & Salus

Question #2. Which Aedile erected a Bronze Shrine to Concordia in 304 B.C?

  • Answer #2. Gnaeus Flavius

Question #3. In the city of Pompeii which Priestess dedicated a temple to Concordia Augusta?

  • Answer #3. Eumachia

Iuppiter (Dies 1)

Question #1. Give Definition to the following four aspects of Iuppiter

a. Jupiter Caelestis
b. Jupiter Optimus Maximus
c. Jupiter Tonans
d. Jupiter Taranis
  • Answer #1. Heavenly, The Best and Greatest, Thunderer, Jupiter equating with the Celtic God Taranis

Question #2. What are the words to Iuppiters’ Oath in Latin?

  • Answer #2. Si sciens fallo, tum me ,Dispiter salva urbe arceque bonis eiciat ut ego hunc lapidem.

Question #3. Name three demigods Fathered by Iuppiter?

  • Answer #3. The Dioscuri, Heracles, Helen, Bacchus,

Pluto (Dies 2)

Question #1. What are the names of the Five Rivers of Hades? And what are their meanings?

  • Answer #1. Acheron- River of sorrow, Cocytus-River of lamentation, Phlegethon-River of fire, Lethe River of oblivion, Styx-River of Hate

Question #2. Name the abode of Pluto?

  • Answer #2. Erebus

Question #3. Who were the Roman demigods of the Underworld?

  • Answer #3. Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus, or Inferii Di

Question #4. How many pomegranate seeds did Prosperina eat to seal her marriage to Pluto?

  • Answer #4. six

Prosperina (Dies 2)

Question #1. Prosperina is closely associated with what ancient Fertility goddess?

  • Answer #1. Libera

Question #2. Who was the poet who asked Prosperina to bring his wife back to the land of the living?

  • Answer #2. Orpheus

Iuno (Dies 3)

Question #1. Name the Festival held in honor of Juno during March? Name the animals sacrificed in her honor?

  • Answer #1. Matronalia, b.) lambs & cattle,

Question #2. Identify the meaning of Juno Sospita?

  • Answer #2. The Saviour

Question #3. In Virgil’s Aeneid what name is Juno referred as?

  • Answer #3. Saturnia

Question #4. Name three children Juno gave birth to?

  • Answer #4. Vulcan, Ares, Juventas (Hebe)

Minerva (Dies 4)

Question #1. Minerva is worshipped as one of the Capitoline Triad with what other two gods?

  • Answer #1. Iuno & Iuppiter

Question #2. Identify three things Minerva is known to be goddess of?

  • Answer #2. Wisdom, Weaving, Strategic War, Music, (many different answers can apply)

Question #3. Minerva is closely associated with what Celtic goddess?

  • Answer #3. Sulis Minerva

Neptunus (Dies 5)

Question #1. On what day is Neptunalia held?

  • Answer #1. July 23rd

Question #2. Besides being the god of water and the sea, which animal is Neptune the god of?

a. Cat
b. Ox
c. Bird
d. Horse
  • Answer #2. D-Horse

Question #3. Which saltwater goddess was Neptune paired with?

  • Answer #3. Salacia

The Sea (Dies 5) --- Bonus Questions

Question #1. Name the Sea Queen married to the Ocean Giant Ophion in Book I of the Argonautica?

  • Answer #1. Eurynome

Question #2. Name the two demigods, sailors invoked to protect them against shipwrecks?

  • Answer #2. Dioscuri (Castor & Pollux)

Question #3. Who were the 3, 000 daughters of Titans Oceanus and Tethys?

  • Answer #3. The Oceanids

Question #4. Which mythological creature is often identified with a Siren?

  • Answer #4. Mermaid

Vesta (Dies 6)

Question #1. Which auspicious tree is used in kindling Vestas’ sacred fire?

  • Answer #1. Arbor Felix (Oak Tree)

Question #2. Who was the Vestal Virgin who gave birth to Romulus & Remus?

  • Answer #2. Rhea Silvia

Question #3. What was the task that Vestal’s perform during Parilia?

  • Answer #3. Suffimen

Vulcanus (Dies 7)

Question #1. Give the location of the forge of Vulcanus?

  • Answer #1. Mount Etna

Question #2. Who was the mother of Vulcanus?

  • Answer #2. Juno

Question #3. Which goddess did Vulcanus father Cupid with?

  • Answer #3. Venus

Bacchus (Dies 8)

Question #1. True or False. Bacchus is the Patron Deity of Agriculture and Theatre?

  • Answer #1. True

Question #2. The nymphs known to follow Bacchus are called?

  • Answer #2. Bacchae, Maenades,Thyades,Mimallones, Mimallonides, (any answr is applicable)

Question #3. Which gods are known to be associated with Bacchus?

  • Answer #3. Liber & Dionysus

Venus (Dies 9)

Question #1. As Mother of Aeneas what Gens claims to descend from the goddess Venus?

  • Answer #1. Gens Iulii, Gens Julia (both acceptable)

Question #2. Venus is the mother of which winged god?

  • Answer #2. Cupid

Question #3. On April 1st which Festival is celebrated in honor of Venus Verticorida?

  • Answer #3. Veneralia

Apollo (Dies 9)

Question #1. What “mythical” creature was sacred to Apollo?

  • Answer #1. Griffin

Question #2. Who was Apollo’s famous twin?

  • Answer #2. Diana

Question #3. Name three things Apollo is the god of?

  • Answer #3. light, poetry, Music, Medicine, Prophecy (many answers do apply)

The Nine Muses (Dies 9)

Question #1. Who were the parents of the Nine Muses?

  • Answer #1. Jupiter & Mnesomyne

Question #2. What other name were the Muses called in Roman Myth?

  • Answer #2. The Camenae

Question #3. Name the Nine Muses and their patron arts?

  • Answer #3. Callope-Epic Poetry, Clio-History, Erato-Love Poetry, Euterpe-Lyrical Poetry, Melpomene-Tragedy,Polyhymnia-Sacred Poetry,

Terpschiore-Dance, Thalia-Comedy, Urania-Astronomy,

Ceres (Dies 10)

Question #1. The seven day Festival of Cerealia included what popular Ludi?

  • Answer #1. Ludi Ceriales

Question #2. The changing of the seasons is based off the kidnapping of which daughter of Ceres?

  • Answer #2. Prosperina

Question #3. Which goddess is associated with Ceres?

  • Answer #3. Tellus

Pomona (Dies 10) --- Bonus Questions

Question #1. True or False. Pomona has a Greek counterpart?

  • Answer #1. False

Question #2. Pomona rejected the love of which fertility god?

  • Answer #2. Silvanus

Question #3. What kind of knife is associated with Pomona?

  • Answer #3. Pruning knife

Diana (Dies 11)

Question #1. True or False. Diana is one of the three virgin goddesses in roman myth?

  • Answer #1. True

Question #2. Which Titan goddess associates with Diana?

  • Answer #2. Luna

Question #3. When Diana is wearing a crown, which symbol is shown?

  • Answer #3. Moon

Mercurius (Dies 12)

Question #1. True or False. Tuesday is called “Dies Mercurii” (Mercury’s Day)?

  • Answer #1. False

Question #2. Identify at least three of Mercury’s counterparts?

  • Answer #2. Wodin (Wotan) Lugh, Hermes

Question #3. In Ovid’s Fasti name the Nymph whom Mercury escorted to the underworld?

  • Answer #3. Larunda

Fortuna (Dies 12)

Question #1. Who was Fortuna’s Greek counterpart?

  • Answer #1. Tyche

Question #2. Fortuna is often described as being veiled or blind depicting which Roman Virtue?

  • Answer #2. Justitia

Question #3. What is the meaning of Fortuna Victrix?

  • Answer #3. Victory in Battle

Pax (Dies 13)

Question #1. Who were the parents of Pax?

  • Answer #1. Jupiter & Justitia

Question #2. In art Pax is depicted with what three items?

  • Answer #2. olive branch, cornucopia, and scepter

Question #3. Pax is often associated with what season?

  • Answer #3. Spring

Final Results

The scores for the Mythology Quiz for Ludi Novi Romani 2764 and final positions are:

  • 1st Place:V.Valerius Volusus
  • 2nd Place:M.Pompeius Caninus
  • 3rd Place:G.Solarius Alexander
  • 4th Place:C.Petronius Africanus
  • 5th Place:Ti.Marcius Quadra
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