Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXIV
The Ludi Novi Romani are the games celebrating the founding of Nova Roma, 13 years ago.
Concordialia ritual this year
Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus has performed the Concordialia ritual today.
Opening of the Ludi Novi Romani
Aedilis Curulis Sta. Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia Quiritibus salutem plurimam dicit.'
Salvete omnes!
The Ludi Novi Romani was created three years ago to commemorate the annual anniversary of Nova Roma's founding. This year we are following that tradition and celebrating with the big number "XIII". A day for each year that Nova Roma has been in existence. This set of Curule Aediles and their Aedilician Cohors have worked extremely hard to present their fellow citizens and friends with activities and spectacles in mass bounties. We have had many pitfalls within the last year of our Republic, and we as one tribe have overcome that dark storm of sorrow. We ask all citizens from every walk of life to rejoice and celebrate in Nova Roma's next phase of life, with contests and quizzes galore, gladiatorial combats, a magnificent tribute to the Sea, and listen to myths retold by the fireside.
In the end we simply encourage you all to Carpe Diem and LET US ALL HAVE FUN!
Valete omnes!
- Sta. Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia
- Ædilis Curulis Novæ Romæ
Program of the Ludi Novi Romani 2764
Kal. Mar. ‡ - a.d. III Id. Mar. ‡ 1 - 13 March</div> </div>
Date | Ceremonies | Games |
Kal. Mar. ‡ Day 1
Opening Speech, and Opening Ritual by aedilis Cornelia Aeternia; Concordialia Ritual: sacrifice to Concordia, patron Goddess of Nova Roma, performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus; Sacrifice to Iuppiter by pontifex maximus T. Sabinus |
Pompa, Parade & Commentary Report;
a.d. VI Non. Mar. ‡ Day 2
Featured artist of the Day: Cornelia Aeternia;
| |
a.d. V Non. Mar. ‡ Day 3
Sacrifice to Iuno by V. Rutilia Enodiaria |
First Round of the Gladitorium;
a.d. IV Non. Mar. ‡ Day 4
First Round of the Gladitorium;
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a.d. III Non. Mar. ‡ Day 5
Aquatic Halftime Show
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prid. Non. Mar. ‡ Day 6
Featured Artist of the Day: Vestalis C. Maria Caeca;
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Non. Mar. ‡ Day 7
Deity in focus: Vulcanus
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a.d. VIII Id. Mar. ‡ Day 8
Sixth Day of Latin Quiz;
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a.d. VII Id. Mar. ‡ Day 9
Deity in focus: Venus, Apollo & the Nine Muses
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a.d. VI Id. Mar. ‡ Day 10
Deity in focus: Ceres
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a.d. V Id. Mar. ‡ Day 11
Deity in focus: Diana Carmen by aedilis Aeternia
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a.d. IV Id. Mar. ‡ Day 12
Deity in focus: Mercurius & Fortuna
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a.d. III Id. Mar. ‡ Day 13
Closing Speeches by the Aediles Cornelia Aeternia and A. Vitellius Celsus; Closing Ritual to Concordia |
Closing Parade;
The Games
Certamen Mythologicum
See all information, rules, questions and answers about the Mythology Quiz here:
Certamen Historicum
See all information, rules, questions and answers about the History Quiz here:
Certamen Latinum
See all information, rules, questions and answers about the Latin Quiz here:
Literary Contest: "The Roman Gods"
Rules of the Literary Contest
1. Entries for the Literary Contest can be original works of the submitting author in the following forms: Poetry (preferably), Satire, Parody, Dramatic Monologue, Short Style Theatre (500 words or less), and Oratory (of one's own creation).
2. This year's theme is: "The Roman Gods". Entries may be about any Roman Deity.
3. All entries must be written in good taste and in the English language. If English is not the author's native language then a submission in the author's native language accompanied by an English language translation is permitted.
4. The judges will list the top three entries in the final results. The winner will receive a prize.
5. Our judges for this contest are:
- Magistra et Senatrix A. Tullia Scholastica
- Praetor Cn. Iulius Caesar
- Pontifex L. Iulia Aquila
- Praetor M. Cornelius Gualterus Graecus
- Aedile Curule Statia Cornelia Aeternia
6. All Entries must be submitted by March 15th.
7. The top three entries will be announced on March 20th.
8. Please submit Entries to the following e-mail address: with the subject header: "Literary Submission"
Final Results
The final results for the Literary Contest for Ludi Novi Romani 2764:
- 1st Place:
- 2nd Place:
- 3rd Place:
Munera Gladiatoria
Rules for the Munera Gladiatoria
Take a look at the new Munera Gladiatoria Rules or ask for a copy of the rules from M. Pompeius Caninus [1] via email.
Qualification Round Results
The qualification round results for the Munera Gladiatoria for Ludi Novi Romani 2764:
A report for this round is available on the qualifying round summary page.
Match | Competitors | Winner | Injury |
1 | Aello the Amazon vs. Verus | Aello the Amazon | Verus |
2 | Sura vs. Lucanus | Sura | Lucanus |
3 | Secundus vs. Bjarni | Bjarni | Secundus |
4 | Primo vs. Llacheu | Llacheu | |
5 | Tinashe vs. Flamma, the Syrian | Tinashe | |
6 | Drest vs. Hierocles | Drest | |
7 | Timomachus Panthera vs. Pricus | Pricus | |
8 | Suffocatrix vs. Attalus the Briton | Attalus |
Quarterfinal Results
The quarterfinal results for the Munera Gladiatoria for Ludi Novi Romani 2764:
A report for this round is available on the quarterfinals summary page.
Match | Competitors | Winner | Injury |
1 | Sura vs. Pricus | Sura | |
2 | Llacheu vs. Tinashe | Llacheu | |
3 | Drest vs. Bjarni | Drest | |
4 | Attalus the Briton vs. Aello the Amazon | Attalus |
Semifinal Results
The semifinal results for the Munera Gladiatoria for Ludi Novi Romani 2764:
A report for this round is available on the semifinals summary page.
Match | Competitors | Winner | Injury |
1 | Sura vs. Llacheu | Sura | |
2 | Drest vs. Attalus the Briton | Attalus the Briton |
Final Results
The results for the Finals of the Munera Gladiatoria for Ludi Novi Romani 2764:
A report for this round is available on the finals summary page.
Competitors | Winner | |
Sura vs. Attalus the Briton | Sura |
Congratulations, Sura!
I hope Sura, Attalus, their sponsors and all of the other fine men and women who participated in this munera will stop by Canis Domum later this evening to celebrate Sura's victory.
M. Pompeius Caninus
The final placements for the top eight gladiatores of the Munera Gladiatoria for Ludi Novi Romani 2764:
Place | Gladiator | Owner | Ludus |
1st | Sura | Gaius Petronius Africanus | Albatus |
2nd | Attalus the Briton | Quintus Fabius Maximus | Municius |
3rd | Llacheu | Helena Galeria Aureliana | Venetus |
4th | Drest | Gnaeus Julius Caesar | Praesinus |
5th | Pricus | Tiberius Galerius Paulinus | Venetus |
6th | Alleo the Amazon | Gaius Petronius Africanus | Albatus |
7th | Bjarni | Gaius Tullius Valerianus Germanicus | Venetus |
8th | Tinashe | Gaius Petronius Africanus | Albatus |
Closing of the Ludi Novi Romani
Official Ædilician closing statement

Enjoy the video made about the 10th Anniversary Concordialia here:
The video is made about the official 10th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of Nova Roma, the 10th birthday of Nova Roma, held on the Kalends of March, 2761 AUC, during the consulship of M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus and T. Iulius Sabinus, organized by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and Pannonian citizens of Nova Roma.
You can also hear the reading of the Latin variant of the Declaration of Nova Roma, our founding document, with subtitles, captured on the same day, recorded by Cn. Lentulus.
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