Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXVII

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{{CuruleAediles}}[[Image:ConcordialiaChorus.jpg|right|thumb|300px|[[Cn. Lentulus|Cn. Cornelius Lentulus]], ''sacerdos Concordialis'', with a chorus of young Nova Roman citizens performing the [[Concordia_Observance_~_Ludi_Conditorum_2761_AUC_(Nova_Roma)#CHORUS_OF_THE_CARMEN_DECENNALE|''Carmen Decennale'' "Rome To New Rome"]] by P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator, a poem written for celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Nova Roma in 2008]]
'''The ''Ludi Novi Romani'' are the games celebrating the founding of Nova Roma, 16 years ago.'''
'''The ''Ludi Novi Romani'' are the games celebrating the founding of Nova Roma, 16 years ago.'''
[[File:ConcordialiaOfLentulus&Popillia2767.jpg|200px|left]][[Image:ConcordialiaChorus.jpg|right|thumb|300px|[[Cn. Lentulus|Cn. Cornelius Lentulus]], ''sacerdos Concordialis'', with a chorus of young Nova Roman citizens performing the [[Concordia_Observance_~_Ludi_Conditorum_2761_AUC_(Nova_Roma)#CHORUS_OF_THE_CARMEN_DECENNALE|''Carmen Decennale'' "Rome To New Rome"]] by P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator, a poem written for celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Nova Roma in 2008]]
== Concordialia ritual this year ==
== Concordialia ritual this year ==
Pontifex and sacerdos Concordiae, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and his ''popa'', the 'scriba'' Popillia Laenas have performed the Concordialia ritual today, and here you can see a picture made about the official 16th birthday ceremony of our republic:
''Pontifex'' and ''sacerdos Concordiae'', Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and his ''popa'', the ''scriba'' Popillia Laenas have performed the Concordialia ritual today, and here you can see a picture made about the official 16th birthday ceremony of our republic:
* '''SEE OUR''' [[Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXVII/Concordialia|Photo Report about the Concordialia Ceremony]]
* '''SEE OUR''' [[Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXVII/Concordialia|Photo Report about the Concordialia Ceremony]]
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=Quick Links to Programs=
*[[Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXVII/Certamen Latinum Augusteum]]: Augustean Latin Contest, remembering the 2000th Anniversary of the death of Augustus this year.
*[ "Rome: Total War" Championship]: A computer game contest Subscribe to the mailing list.
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== Opening of the Ludi Novi Romani ==
== Opening of the Ludi Novi Romani ==
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Here in my home this morning, the House of the Vitellii, I performed, as part of the ceremonies of this Ludi and as a duty of my office as Ædilis curulus, the Kalends and Dies Natalis rites on behalf of the Nova Romani, which will be followed later this morning by the official opening ceremonial rites of the Concordalia and Ludi Novi Romani by our Pontifex, Gn. Cornelius Lentulus.
Here in my home this morning, the House of the Vitellii, I performed, as part of the ceremonies of this Ludi and as a duty of my office as Ædilis curulus, the Kalends and Dies Natalis rites on behalf of the Nova Romani, which will be followed later this morning by the official opening ceremonial rites of the Concordalia and Ludi Novi Romani by our Pontifex, Gn. Cornelius Lentulus.
C. Aemilius Crassus Consul Quiritibus SPD,
It is an honor to be here today speaking as Consul of Nova Roma and also in behalf of my esteemed colleague, Sta. Cornelia Aeternia Consul Maior of Nova Roma.  
Today Nova Roma celebrates our 16th year and we start the Ludi Novi Romani and the celebration of the Concordialia. First of all we should thank Patres Patriae Marcus Cassius Iulianus and Flavius Vedius Germanicus for the concretization of their vision and creation of Nova Roma.
Washing both hands in clean water and with toga in capite velato, I prayed:
We also should remember why we are in Nova Roma, what brought us here, the deep love and admiration for Roma Antiqua, its achievements, its culture and its religion. We all have different visions of how we should adapt our community  to harmonize with the constraints of our modern society to our goal of reviving Roma Antiqua but we all share that common goal, in fact it is the reason Nova Roma exists.  
May this water cast out all impurities from my substance as from lead to gold.
May this water cleanse my body of impurities, as the rain cleanses the air. 
This being so it is very fitting that we also celebrate the Concordialia, the celebration of our beginnings and the remembrance of what brings us together, honoring Pater Ianus and Mater Concordia and at the same time honoring Pater Mars, father of Romulus and Remus founders of Roma Antiqua.
Purify my mind.
Purify my body.
I would like to thank Curule Aedilis L. Vitellius Triarius and all his staff for the organization of the Ludi which I hope we all enjoy!
Purify my heart. 
It is so.
Valete optime.
Be you well, O Mother Iuno, Father Ianus, Mother Concordia, Lar familiaris, on these Kalends by offering you this incense, I pray good prayers so that you may be benevolent and propitious to my friends, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O Iuno mater, Mother of all, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may confirm, strengthen and help the Respublica of Nova Roma, and save it from all discord; so that the Quirites of Nova Roma may always flourish and prosper; and, so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O Iane pater, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may watch over these games in your honor by the Nova Romani, so that the Quirites of Nova Roma may enjoy and learn through these games and be renewed in faith of the successes and accomplishments of the Respublica, both past and future; bring us success in our newest beginning, O Genius of the Respublica, God of all creation and God of the Gods; and, so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O Concordia mater, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may watch over these games in your honor by the Nova Romani, so that the Quirites of Nova Roma may enjoy and learn through these games and be renewed in faith of the successes and accomplishments of the Respublica, both past and future; and so that you bring harmony to the Respublica in all things; and, that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O Lars familiaris, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may watch over and protect the safety, health and welfare of the households of the Nova Romani; and, and, that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
As I have prayed good prayers, for all these reasons be thou blessed by the offering of this incense and be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
It is so.
O Mother Iuno, Father Mars, Mother Concordia, Lars familiaris, and all Gods Immortal by whatever name I may call you, if anything in this ceremony was displeasing to you, with this incense I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
It is done!
Washing both hands in clean water and with toga in capite velato, I prayed:
May this water cast out all impurities from my substance as from lead to gold.  
May this water cleanse my body of impurities, as the rain cleanses the air.  
Purify my mind.
Purify my body.
Purify my heart. 
It is so.
Iane pater, be you well, O Genius paterfamilias of the Respublica, on this, the Dies natalis of Nova Roma, by offering you this incense, I pray good prayers so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, the Quirites, our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O protector, I pray and beseech thee that you may be gracious and favorable to THE Respublica of Nova Roma, to our homes and our households, for which course I have ordained that the offering of this incense should be made in accordance with my own vows; that you may avert, ward off, and keep afar all disease visible and invisible, all barrenness, waste, misfortune, and ill weather; that you may cause our affairs and business to come to prosperity; and that you grant health and strength to the Nova Romani, to me, our homes and our households.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
For all these reasons, thou be blessed by the offering of this incense and bestow favor upon the Senate and Peoples of Nova Roma in the coming year, and be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, the Quirites, our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
It is so.
O Iane pater, Genius of the Respublica, and all Gods Immortal by whatever name I may call you, if anything in this ceremony was displeasing to you, with this sacrificial incense I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
It is done!
Now, please allow us to declare the LUDI NOVI ROMANI for the year 2767 A.U.C. officially OPEN!!!
I now yield the podium to our Pontifex, Gn. Cornelius Lentulus, for the official opening ceremonial rites of the games.
Optime valete omnes,
L. Vitellius Triarius
Ædilis Curulis
== Program of the Quindecennial Ludi Novi Romani 2767 ==
== Program of the Quindecennial Ludi Novi Romani 2767 ==
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Concordialia Ritual: sacrifice to [[Concordia]], patron Goddess of Nova Roma, performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus;
Concordialia Ritual: sacrifice to [[Concordia]], patron Goddess of Nova Roma, performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus;
Sacrifice to [[Iuppiter]] by acting pontifex maximus T. Iulius Sabinus
Sacrifice to [[Mars]] by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus;
Sacrifice to [[Mars]] by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus;
Sacrifice to [[Iuppiter]] by acting Pontifex maximus T. Iulius Sabinus
Consular Remarks by Consul minor C. Aemilius Crassus
Pompa, Parade & Commentary Report;  
Pompa, Parade & Commentary Report;  
<br>Deity in focus: [[Mars]] & [[Concordia]]
<br>Deity in focus: [[Ianus]] & [[Concordia]]
<br>First Day of the Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest - Question#1;
<br>Starting date of the Literary Contest
<br>Starting date of the Literary Contest
<br>Starting date of the Visual Art Contest
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 199: Line 112:
<br>Second Day of the Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest ''Certamen Latinum Augusteum'' - Question#1
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 210: Line 124:
First Round of the Virtual Chariot Race
First Round of the Virtual Chariot Race
<br>Deity in focus: [[Iuno]]
<br>Deity in focus: [[Iuno]]
<br>Third Day of the Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest - Question#2;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 222: Line 134:
First Round of the Gladitorium;
First Round of the Gladitorium;
<br>Deity in focus: [[Minerva]]
<br>Deity in focus: [[Minerva]]
<br>Fourth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest ''Certamen Latinum Augusteum'' - Question#2
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 232: Line 144:
Deity in focus: [[Neptunus]]
Deity in focus: [[Neptunus]]
<br>Latin Contest - Question#3;
<br>Fifth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 244: Line 154:
<br>Deity in focus: [[Vesta]]
<br>Deity in focus: [[Vesta]]
<br>Quarter-Finals of the Virtual Chariot Race
<br>Quarter-Finals of the Virtual Chariot Race
<br>Sixth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest ''Certamen Latinum Augusteum'' - Question#3
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 254: Line 164:
Deity in focus: [[Vulcanus]]
Deity in focus: [[Vulcanus]]
<br>Latin Contest - Question#4;
<br>Seventh Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 264: Line 172:
<br>Eighth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest ''Certamen Latinum Augusteum'' - Question#4
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 276: Line 184:
<br>Semi-Finals of the Virtual Chariot Race
<br>Semi-Finals of the Virtual Chariot Race
<br>Latin Contest - Question#5;
<br>Ninth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 287: Line 193:
Deity in focus: [[Ceres]]
Deity in focus: [[Ceres]]
<br>Tenth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest ''Certamen Latinum Augusteum'' - Question#5
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 297: Line 203:
Deity in focus: [[Diana]]  
Deity in focus: [[Diana]]  
<br>Latin Contest - Question#6;
<br>Eleventh Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 310: Line 214:
<br>Finals of the Virtual Chariot Race
<br>Finals of the Virtual Chariot Race
<br>Twelveth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest ''Certamen Latinum Augusteum'' - Question#6
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 319: Line 223:
<br>Thirteenth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest - Question#7;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 329: Line 231:
<br>Fourteenth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Latin Contest ''Certamen Latinum Augusteum'' - Question#7
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
<br>Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;
Line 342: Line 244:
<br>Deity in focus: [[Concordia]] & [[Pax]]
<br>Deity in focus: [[Concordia]] & [[Pax]]
<br>End date of the Literary Contest
<br>End date of the Literary Contest
<br>End date of the Visual Art Contest
<br>Fifteenth Day of Nova Roman History Quiz;
<br>Announcing results and winners of the games and quizzes;
<br>Announcing results and winners of the games and quizzes;
<br>Closing Parade, Closing Speech by the Aedilis curulis L. Vitellius Triarius;
<br>Closing Parade, Closing Speech by the Aedilis curulis L. Vitellius Triarius;
<div style="text-align: left;">
<p style="color:#600000; font-family:Times, Serif; font-weight:bold; text-align:center"><span style="font-size:400%; line-height:100%">
== The Games ==
== The Games ==
Line 361: Line 259:
More info: [ "Rome: Total War" Championship]: A computer game contest Subscribe to the mailing list.
====Rules for the NR RTW Championship====
====Rules for the NR RTW Championship====
Line 407: Line 305:
=== Ludi Circenses ===
=== Ludi Circenses ===
The final results of the Chariot Races for Ludi Novi Romani 2766:
The final results of the Chariot Races for Ludi Novi Romani 2767:
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{|border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="Center"
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=== Certamen Historicum Novum Romanum ===
=== Augustean Latin Contest ===
More info: [[Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXVII/Certamen Latinum Augusteum]]: Augustean Latin Contest, remembering the 2000th Anniversary of the death of Augustus this year.
See all information, rules, questions and answers about the History Quiz here:
*[[Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXVII/Certamen Historicum]]
<div class="scriptum">
<div class="scriptum">
==== Final Results ====
==== Final Results ====
The final results for the Certamen Historicum for Ludi Novi Romani 2767:
The final results for the Latin Contest for Ludi Novi Romani 2767:
* '''''1st Place'':
* ''1st Place'':
* '''''2nd Place'':  
* ''2nd Place'':  
* '''''3rd Place'':  
* ''3rd Place''
* ''4th Place'':  
* ''5th Place'':
* ''6th Place'':
* ''7th Place'':  
<br />
<br />
<br />
=== Certamen Latinum ===
See all information, rules, questions and answers about the Latin Quiz here:
*[[Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXVII/Certamen Latinum]]
=== Literary Contest ===
<div class="scriptum">
<div class="scriptum">
==== Final Results ====
==== Final Results ====
The final results for the Certamen Latinum for Ludi Novi Romani 2766:
The final results for the Literary Contest for Ludi Novi Romani 2767:
'''Contest I'''
* ''1st Place'':
* ''2nd Place'':
* ''3rd Place'': 
* ''4th Place'':
* ''5th Place'':
* ''6th Place'':
* ''7th Place'':
'''Contest II'''
* ''1st Place'':  
* ''1st Place'':  
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Washing both hands in clean water and with toga in capite velato, I prayed:
May this water cast out all impurities from my substance as from lead to gold. 
May this water cleanse my body of impurities, as the rain cleanses the air. 
Purify my mind.
Purify my body.
Purify my heart. 
It is so.
Be you well, O Mother Iuno, Father Ianus, Mother Concordia, Lar familiaris, on these Kalends by offering you this incense, I pray good prayers so that you may be benevolent and propitious to my friends, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O Iuno mater, Mother of all, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may confirm, strengthen and help the Respublica of Nova Roma, and save it from all discord; so that the Quirites of Nova Roma may always flourish and prosper; and, so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O Iane pater, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may watch over these games in your honor by the Nova Romani, so that the Quirites of Nova Roma may enjoy and learn through these games and be renewed in faith of the successes and accomplishments of the Respublica, both past and future; bring us success in our newest beginning, O Genius of the Respublica, God of all creation and God of the Gods; and, so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O Concordia mater, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may watch over these games in your honor by the Nova Romani, so that the Quirites of Nova Roma may enjoy and learn through these games and be renewed in faith of the successes and accomplishments of the Respublica, both past and future; and so that you bring harmony to the Respublica in all things; and, that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O Lars familiaris, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may watch over and protect the safety, health and welfare of the households of the Nova Romani; and, and, that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
As I have prayed good prayers, for all these reasons be thou blessed by the offering of this incense and be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
It is so.
O Mother Iuno, Father Mars, Mother Concordia, Lars familiaris, and all Gods Immortal by whatever name I may call you, if anything in this ceremony was displeasing to you, with this incense I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
It is done!
Washing both hands in clean water and with toga in capite velato, I prayed:
May this water cast out all impurities from my substance as from lead to gold. 
May this water cleanse my body of impurities, as the rain cleanses the air. 
Purify my mind.
Purify my body.
Purify my heart. 
It is so.
Iane pater, be you well, O Genius paterfamilias of the Respublica, on this, the Dies natalis of Nova Roma, by offering you this incense, I pray good prayers so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, the Quirites, our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
O protector, I pray and beseech thee that you may be gracious and favorable to THE Respublica of Nova Roma, to our homes and our households, for which course I have ordained that the offering of this incense should be made in accordance with my own vows; that you may avert, ward off, and keep afar all disease visible and invisible, all barrenness, waste, misfortune, and ill weather; that you may cause our affairs and business to come to prosperity; and that you grant health and strength to the Nova Romani, to me, our homes and our households.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
For all these reasons, thou be blessed by the offering of this incense and bestow favor upon the Senate and Peoples of Nova Roma in the coming year, and be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, the Quirites, our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
It is so.
O Iane pater, Genius of the Respublica, and all Gods Immortal by whatever name I may call you, if anything in this ceremony was displeasing to you, with this sacrificial incense I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
It is done!
Now, please allow us to declare the LUDI NOVI ROMANI for the year 2767 A.U.C. officially OPEN!!!
I now yield the podium to our Pontifex, Gn. Cornelius Lentulus, for the official opening ceremonial rites of the games.
Optime valete omnes,
L. Vitellius Triarius
Ædilis Curulis
[Recommended Roman lyre music to reading ("Lambent Flames", invoking the Lambent Flames in our hearts of the burning desire to restore Aeneas' New City, to build up our New Home in place of the Old Troy): 
from the Hungarian Miklós Rózsa, the best composer of Roman styled music.
Salvete et avete, Novi Romani Quirites!
Vivat Nova Roma!
I salute every single fellow citizen of mine on this wonderful and glorious day, on the 16th Birthday of Nova Roma, when we celebrate the founding of our Republic. Concordia is our Patron Goddess, because it is Concordia, the Agreement, that brings us together here in this Nation of Will. Each and everyone of you is here because you AGREE. You all agree in something. We might different in almost everything, but there is a concord between us, there is She, Concordia between us,  who links us together inseparably.
We celebrate today this Agreement. That we agree in Rome. We agree that we want Rome to live again. We agree that we want to revive the Roman nation, their traditions, virtues, their culture and religion. The whole. Not religion, not military, not clothing, not Latin, not politics, not literature, not architecture, not arts, but everything together. The whole, except what would be criminal and immoral, like slavery, or impossible, like living without electricity and modern medicines. This Agreement is what we celebrate today. That we came from all over the world, and met each other because of this Agreement. I think it is worthy to be celebrated, because it is a miracle that it can happen. No other time or age would have made it possible, except this time, our age. Our Nova Roman Concordia is worthy of celebration.
We agree in Concordia that we want to revive the Roman culture and traditions. Not as Hungarians, or Americans, or Canadians, or Italians, or Brasilians, who play Roman, but as a reborn Roman nation ourselves. We agreed to revive the Roman. To be Roman.
From today on, in the next 15 days, we shall live with this thought in our mind. We will use these days to immerse in the significant religious symbols celebrated with Concordia, during the festive days of the ludi Novi Romani. As the decree of the pontiffs on the ludi Novi Romani says: "The ludi Novi Romani, celebrating the Concordialia as the founding of Nova Roma, thus alternatively called ludi Concordiales, shall be held each year from the Concordialia on the Kalends of March to the Feriae Annae Perennae on the Ides of March. The first day, the Concordialia, symbolizes the conception of Nova Roma on the Feriae Martis, the day of Mars, the Father of the Nova Roman nation, which day is also the Matronalia, the day of the Mothers, celebrating the growth of the Roman population by birth, as the day when the fatherly and motherly creative powers, united in Concord, in the Agreement of People in their utmost wish to revive and restore the populus Romanus, give birth to the new sons and daughters of Mars, the Nova Roman people of the Quirites. As the days grow from the Kalends to the Ides, being under the protection of Mars as Feriae Martis days, so does Nova Roma grow under the protection of Mars. Concluding with the Ides of March, sacred to Jupiter, Supreme God of the Roman people, the festivities reach the old New Year's Day of the Romans, thus ending on the old day of new beginning, which is the Feriae of Anna Perenna, Goddess of the Year, Perennial Life and Eternity, the festival of longevity, representing the wish of the Nova Roman people for a perennial life of Nova Roma, and symbolizing that, by stopping the days of the ludi on Her day, Anna Perenna brings the celebration and the festive prayers of the Nova Romans with Herself towards eternity, and, under the custody of Anna Perenna, Nova Roma may live triumphantly forever."
We can hear from time to time there is no such thing as a common Mos Maiorum, and that everybody has his own Roman Mos Maiorum. Some people say it is Mos Maiorum to leave one year out of office between holding two elected magistracies, others' Mos Maiorum is to hold offices in continuation, without leaving a year off. Everyone has its own Mos Maiorum. Is it true? Or isn't? The truth is, Quirites, that Mos Maiorum is Latin for "the custom of the ancestors". Nobody has his own Mos Maiorum, because there is only one Mos Maiorum, the one found in history books. Everything else is personal Mos, personal preference, and not the Mos Maiorum. The Roman Mos Maiorum varied over history, so it includes a wide range of possible ideas. The true Mos Maiorum is not monolith, not a single minded ideology. In this sense, it is true that two people can have different views on what is the correct custom of the ancestors. But there are some basics which are unquestionable, and these basics are what keep us together in Nova Roma.
We celebrate this basis, this common part of the Mos Maiorum today. This basis, this common part of the various Mores Maiorum can be regarded our Goddess Agreement, Concordia: She brought Nova Roma to life, She keeps it in existence, and She will bring us to victory.
Let's pray to Her for a more successful and more real Nova Roma, for a Nova Roma to be an asset to the people of this world, for a Nova Roma that would nurture a New Renaissance.
This has been the ritual I have performed today morning in the name of the Republic, for every magistrate, for single citizen, on the Kalends of March, Concordialia, Feriae Marti, Matronalia:
Favete linguis!
''Beginning of the sacrifice.''
Dea Concordia,
Concordia Novae Romae,
Concordia Senatus Populique Novi Romani,
Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
Concordia civium Novorum Romanorum,
Concordia deorum et mortalium,
Dea pacis et salutis et gloriae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
hisce Kalendis Martiis anniversarii sexti decimi Novae Romae conditae,
hoc die festivissimo et sanctissimo Novae Romae conditae,
te hoc ture commovendo bonas preces precor,
uti sies volens propitia Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus,
Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
mihi, domo, familiae!
[Goddess Concordia,
the Concordance of Nova Roma,
the Concord of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma,
the Concordance of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
the Concordance of the Nova Roman citizens,
the Concord of the gods and the mortals,
Goddess of peace and welfare of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
on these Kalends of March of the 16th anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma,
on this most festive and sacred day of the founding of Nova Roma,
by offering you this incense, I pray good prayers so
that you may be benevolent and propitious
to the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
to me, to my household and to my family.]
''Incense is placed in the focus of the altar.''
Dea Concordia,
Concordia Novae Romae,
Concordia Senatus Populique Novi Romani,
Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
Concordia civium Novorum Romanorum,
Concordia deorum et mortalium,
Dea pacis et salutis et gloriae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
uti te ture commovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte lacte inferio esto!"
[Goddess Concordia,
the Concordance of Nova Roma,
the Concord of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma,
the Concordance of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
the Concordance of the Nova Roman citizens,
the Concord of the gods and the mortals,
Goddess of peace and welfare of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
as by offering you the incense I have well prayed good prayers,
for the very same reason be thou blessed by this sacrificial milk.]
''Libation of milk is made.''
Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
Concordia Senatus Populique Novi Romani,
Concordia Novae Romae,
Concordia deorum et mortalium,
Dea pacis et salutis et gloriae Senatus Populique Novi Romani,
fortitudo et firmitas nostra,
hisce Kalendis Martiis anniversarii sexti decimi Novae Romae conditae,
hoc die festivissimo et sanctissimo quo Nova Roma condita est,
te precor, veneror, quaesoque obtestorque:
uti pacem concordiamque constantem societati Novae Romae tribuas;
utique Rem Publicam Populi Novi Romani Quiritium confirmes, augeas, adiuves,
omnibusque discordiis liberes;
utique Res Publica Populi Novi Romani Quiritium semper floreat;
atque hoc anno anniversarii sexti decimi Novae Romae conditae convalescat;
atque pax et concordia, salus et gloria Novae Romae omni tempore crescat,
utique omnes qui se Romanos nominant unifices,
unum populum unamque gentem omnes qui se Romanos nominant facias,
unum populum in Nova Roma omnes Romanos hodiernos colligas;
utique Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus,
Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
mihi, domo, familiae
omnes in hoc anniversario sexto decimo Novae Romae eventus bonos faustosque esse siris;
utique sies volens propitia
Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus,
Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
magistratibus, consulibus, praetoribus Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
tribunis Plebis Novae Romanae,
Senatui Novo Romano,
Collegio Pontificum,
omnibus civibus, viris et mulieribus, pueris et puellabus Novis Romanis,
mihi, domo, familiae!
[Concordance of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
Concord of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma,
Concordance of Nova Roma,
the Concord of the gods and the mortals,
Goddess of peace, welfare and glory of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma,
our stronghold and steadiness,
on these Kalends of March of the 16th anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma,
on this most festive and sacred day on which Nova Roma was founded,
I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so
that you may grant peace and steadfast concord to the society of Nova Roma;
so that you may confirm, strengthen and help
the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
and save it from all discord;
so that the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites
may always flourish and prosper,
and in this year of the 16th anniversary may get even stronger;
that peace and concord, the welfare and glory of Nova Roma may increase all the time;
and that you may unite all people who call themselves Roman,
make them who call themselves Roman one people and one nation,
collect together all modern Romans as one nation united into Nova Roma;
and that you allow all events in this 16th Anniversary Year of Nova Roma to be good and salutary
to the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
to me, to my household and to my family;
and so that you may be benevolent and propitious
to the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
to the magistrates, the consuls, the praetors of the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
to the tribunes of the Nova Roman Plebs,
to the Nova Roman Senate,
to the College of Pontiffs,
to all Nova Roman citizens, men and women, boys and girls,
to me, to my household and to my family.]
Sicut verba nuncupavi,
quaeque ita faxis,
uti ego me sentio dicere:
harum rerum ergo macte
his duodecim libis libandis,
hoc vino lacte melleque mixto libando,
hoc ture ommovendo, 
esto fito volens propitia
et hoc anno anniversarii sexti decimi Novae Romae conditae et semper
Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus,
Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
magistratibus, consulibus, praetoribus Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
tribunis Plebis Novae Romanae,
Senatui Novo Romano,
omnibus civibus, viris et mulierbus, pueris et puellabus Novis Romanis,
mihi, domo, familiae!
[As I have these words pronounced,
you shall do exactly
what I mean I am saying:
for all these reasons, thou blessed
by offering these 12 liba,
by offering this wine mixed with milk and honey,
by offering this incense,
be benevolent and propitious
both in this year of the 16th anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma and always,
to the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
to the magistrates, the consuls, the praetors of the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
to the tribunes of the Nova Roman Plebs,
to the Nova Roman Senate,
to the College of Pontiffs,
to all Nova Roman citizens, men and women, boys and girls,
to me, to my household and to my family.]
''Libation of 12 liba, with with milk and honey is made, laurel and incense are sacrificed.''
Dea Concordia,
Concordia Novae Romae,
Concordia Senatus Populique Novi Romani,
Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
Concordia civium Novorum Romanorum,
Concordia deorum et mortalium,
Dea pacis et salutis et gloriae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
uti te duodecim libis libandis, ture commovendo, vino lacte melleque mixto libando
bonas preces bene precatus sum,
earundem rerum ergo macte lacte melle mixto inferio esto!
[Goddess Concordia,
the Concordance of Nova Roma,
the Concord of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma,
the Concordance of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
the Concordance of the Nova Roman citizens,
the Concord of the gods and the mortals,
Goddess of peace and welfare of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
as by offering you the 12 liba, the incense and the wine with honeyed milk
I have well prayed good prayers,
for the very same reasons be thou blessed by this sacrificial honeyed milk.]
''Libation of milk is made.''
Mars Pater,
cuius mensis et feriae hodie sunt,
earundem rerum ergo
macte vino inferio esto fito volens propitius
Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus,
Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
mihi, domo, familiae!
[Father Mars,
whose month and festival is today,
for the very same reasons
be thou blessed by offering you this sacrificial wine,
and be benevolent and propitious
to the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites,
to me, to my household and to my family.]
''Libation of wine is made.''
''End of the sacrifice.''
Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium,
Iuppiter Optime Maxime,
Iuno, Minerva, Mars,
Omnes Di Immortales quocumque nomine:
si quidquam vobis in hac caerimonia displicuit,
hoc vino inferio veniam peto et vitium meum expio.
Concordia of the Nova Roman People of Quirites,
Iuppiter, the Best and Greatest,
Iuno, Minerva, Mars,
All Gods Immortal by whathever name I may call you:
if anything in this ceremony was displeasing to you,
with this sacrificial wine I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.]
''I offered incense on the altar and poured a libation of wine on the altar.''
After the central and common ceremony, I have conducted Italia's, Pannonia's and Venedia's sacrifices, too. But this is another issue, and I will not send these rituals here, only into the provincial lists.
[Recommended Roman lyre music to reading ("Lambent Flames", invoking the Lambent Flames in our hearts of the burning desire to restore Aeneas' New City, to build up our New Home in place of the Old Troy): 
from the Hungarian Miklós Rózsa, the best composer of Roman styled music.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, PONTIFEX
Praefectus Italiae
Legatus pro praetore Pannoniae
Legatus pro praetore Venediae
Nova Roma was founded sixteen years ago. The foundation represent an important and essential moment which transform Nova Roma in something unique which can not be substitute or replaced.
During our short and sometime tumultuous history, our Gods were here, witnessing our birth as New Romans, our actions and work.
Showing pietas to the Gods, our common goal is the day by day improvement of our still young New Roman  State. All what we need to that is wisdom and patience.
''Today, I performed the following ritual to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus to honor Him, to honor his past and present approval of what we are:''
Favete linguis!
Iuppiter Optime Maxime, te hoc ture commovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens propitius Populo Novo Romano Quirítibus, mihi, domo, familiae!
''Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.''
Iuppiter Optime Maxime, uti te ture commovendo bonas preces precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto!"
''Libation of wine was made.''
Iuppiter Optime Maxime, hoc die festivissimo ludorum Novum Romanum anniversarioque sextio decimo Novae Romae conditae, te precor et quaeso:
uti Rem Publicam Populi Novi Romani Quiritium confirmes, augeas, adiuves;
uti gloria, virtus, fortitudoque Populi Noví Romini Quiritium hoc anno anniversario sextio decimo Novae Romae conditae crescant et convalescant;
uti sis volens propitiusque consulibus nobis, et praetoribus, aedilibus, quaestoribus, tribunis plebis, senatoribus, alterisque civibus, praesentibus, mihi, domo, familiae!
''Wine and incense were placed in the fire.''
Quarum rerum ergo macte hoc víno libando, hoc ture ommovendo esto fíto volens propitius hoc anno anniversario sextio decimo Novae Romae conditae populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, nobis, domibus, familiis!
''Libation was made and incense sacrificed.''
Iane, Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Concordia, Omnes Dí Immortales:
si quid vobis in hac caerimonia displicuit, hoc vino inferio veniam peto et vitium meum expio.
''Libation of wine was made.''
T. Iulius Sabinus
Acting Pontifex Maximus
== Closing of the Ludi Novi Romani ==
== Closing of the Ludi Novi Romani ==
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Latest revision as of 00:32, 7 July 2024


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The Ludi Novi Romani are the games celebrating the founding of Nova Roma, 16 years ago.

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, sacerdos Concordialis, with a chorus of young Nova Roman citizens performing the Carmen Decennale "Rome To New Rome" by P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator, a poem written for celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of Nova Roma in 2008

Concordialia ritual this year

Pontifex and sacerdos Concordiae, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and his popa, the scriba Popillia Laenas have performed the Concordialia ritual today, and here you can see a picture made about the official 16th birthday ceremony of our republic:


Enjoy the video made about the 10th Anniversary Concordialia here:

The video is made about the official 10th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of Nova Roma, the 10th birthday of Nova Roma, held on the Kalends of March, 2761 AUC, during the consulship of M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus and T. Iulius Sabinus, organized by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and Pannonian citizens of Nova Roma.

You can also hear the reading of the Latin variant of the Declaration of Nova Roma, our founding document, with subtitles, captured on the same day, recorded by Cn. Lentulus.

Quick Links to Programs


Opening of the Ludi Novi Romani


L. Vitellis Triarius et scribae omnibus salutem plurimam dicit.

Si valetis, bene est, ego valeo.

Salvete omnes!

On behalf of the Office of the Ædilis curulis of Nova Roma, we are honored to welcome you on this rainy morning in Roma to the 16th Annual Ludi Novi Romani and this, our birth day of the Respublica, the Concordalia!

I and my Cohors aedilicia, Pontifex Gn. Corneliu lentulus, C. Maria Caeca, L. Ulpius Atellus and Ti. Cassius Atellus, with our esteemed Consuls, Sta. Cornelia Aeternia and C. Aemilius Crassus, look forward to the coming days, where we will present to you games in honor of Father Ianus and Mother Concordia.

During the coming days, these games will consist of a Latin learning contest, a Rome Total War competition, a literary contest, virtual chariot racing and gladiatorial games, and some other unique and fun stuff.

As we have just recently completed the third lustrum for the Respublica, we now begin a new five-year period. It is fitting that these games be offered in honor of Father Ianus, the bringer of new beginnings, and to Mother Concordia, bringer of harmony to the Nova Roman people, the Quirites.

We shall invoke them and ask them to be benevolent and propitious to us during these games, beginning on the Kalends of Martius and continuing until the Ides.

Here in my home this morning, the House of the Vitellii, I performed, as part of the ceremonies of this Ludi and as a duty of my office as Ædilis curulus, the Kalends and Dies Natalis rites on behalf of the Nova Romani, which will be followed later this morning by the official opening ceremonial rites of the Concordalia and Ludi Novi Romani by our Pontifex, Gn. Cornelius Lentulus.


C. Aemilius Crassus Consul Quiritibus SPD,

It is an honor to be here today speaking as Consul of Nova Roma and also in behalf of my esteemed colleague, Sta. Cornelia Aeternia Consul Maior of Nova Roma.

Today Nova Roma celebrates our 16th year and we start the Ludi Novi Romani and the celebration of the Concordialia. First of all we should thank Patres Patriae Marcus Cassius Iulianus and Flavius Vedius Germanicus for the concretization of their vision and creation of Nova Roma.

We also should remember why we are in Nova Roma, what brought us here, the deep love and admiration for Roma Antiqua, its achievements, its culture and its religion. We all have different visions of how we should adapt our community to harmonize with the constraints of our modern society to our goal of reviving Roma Antiqua but we all share that common goal, in fact it is the reason Nova Roma exists.

This being so it is very fitting that we also celebrate the Concordialia, the celebration of our beginnings and the remembrance of what brings us together, honoring Pater Ianus and Mater Concordia and at the same time honoring Pater Mars, father of Romulus and Remus founders of Roma Antiqua.

I would like to thank Curule Aedilis L. Vitellius Triarius and all his staff for the organization of the Ludi which I hope we all enjoy!

Valete optime.

Program of the Quindecennial Ludi Novi Romani 2767

St. Cornelia C. Aemilio cos. MMDCCLXVII a.u.c.

Kal. Mar. - Id. Mar. 1 - 15 March</div> </div>

Date Ceremonies Games

Kal. Mar. Day 1

Opening Speech, and Opening Rituals by Aedilis curulis L. Vitellius Triarius;

Concordialia Ritual: sacrifice to Concordia, patron Goddess of Nova Roma, performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus;

Sacrifice to Mars by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus;

Sacrifice to Iuppiter by acting Pontifex maximus T. Iulius Sabinus

Consular Remarks by Consul minor C. Aemilius Crassus

Pompa, Parade & Commentary Report;
Deity in focus: Ianus & Concordia
Starting date of the Literary Contest
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. VI Non. Mar. Day 2

Latin Contest Certamen Latinum Augusteum - Question#1
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. V Non. Mar. Day 3

First Round of the Virtual Chariot Race
Deity in focus: Iuno
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. IV Non. Mar. Day 4

First Round of the Gladitorium;
Deity in focus: Minerva
Latin Contest Certamen Latinum Augusteum - Question#2
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. III Non. Mar. Day 5

Deity in focus: Neptunus
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

prid. Non. Mar. Day 6

Deity in focus: Vesta
Quarter-Finals of the Virtual Chariot Race
Latin Contest Certamen Latinum Augusteum - Question#3
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

Non. Mar. Day 7

Deity in focus: Vulcanus
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. VIII Id. Mar. Day 8

Latin Contest Certamen Latinum Augusteum - Question#4
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. VII Id. Mar. Day 9

Deity in focus: Venus, Apollo & the Nine Muses

Semi-Finals of the Virtual Chariot Race
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. VI Id. Mar. Day 10

Deity in focus: Ceres
Latin Contest Certamen Latinum Augusteum - Question#5
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. V Id. Mar. Day 11

Deity in focus: Diana
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. IV Id. Mar. Day 12

Deity in focus: Mercurius & Fortuna

Finals of the Virtual Chariot Race
Latin Contest Certamen Latinum Augusteum - Question#6
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

a.d. III Id. Mar. Day 13

Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

prid. Id. Mar. Day 14

Latin Contest Certamen Latinum Augusteum - Question#7
Nova Roman ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship;

Id. Mar. Day 15


Closing Ritual to Concordia by pontifex Cn. Lentulus, sacerdos Concordae

Deity in focus: Concordia & Pax
End date of the Literary Contest
Announcing results and winners of the games and quizzes;
Closing Parade, Closing Speech by the Aedilis curulis L. Vitellius Triarius;

The Games

ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship

If you want to participate in the first ROME: TOTAL WAR Championship honoring the 15th birthday of Nova Roma, send a blank email to:

More info: "Rome: Total War" Championship: A computer game contest Subscribe to the mailing list.

Rules for the NR RTW Championship

1. You must play a Roman faction.
2. You must build your army from 15.000 denarii (you are not required to use all 15.000, but you may not use more).
3. The only rule regarding the unit composition of armies is that you may not use more units of cavalry than units of infantry. The general, if it's a cavalry unit, shall not be counted.
4. Battlefield must be the plain ground (no mountains or forests). Midday, summer, sunny weather, no rain. Time limit: 15 min.
5. Battle must be recorded by the RTW program, converted into a video file and sent to me or uploaded to YouTube. In this, the organizer will help you. The organizer/jury shall wittness all battles as a non-fighter third participant, but in case if the time scheduling with players is impossible, players will be allowed to play without the jury wittnessing, but in this case videorecording the battle sending it to the judge is essential.

Final results of the Rome: Total War Championship for Ludi Novi Romani 2767:

Place Player Faction Points

Ludi Circenses

The final results of the Chariot Races for Ludi Novi Romani 2767:

Place Driver Chariot Owner Factio

Augustean Latin Contest

More info: Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXVII/Certamen Latinum Augusteum: Augustean Latin Contest, remembering the 2000th Anniversary of the death of Augustus this year.

Final Results

The final results for the Latin Contest for Ludi Novi Romani 2767:

  • 1st Place:
  • 2nd Place:
  • 3rd Place:
  • 4th Place:
  • 5th Place:
  • 6th Place:
  • 7th Place:

Literary Contest

Final Results

The final results for the Literary Contest for Ludi Novi Romani 2767:

Contest I

  • 1st Place:
  • 2nd Place:
  • 3rd Place:
  • 4th Place:
  • 5th Place:
  • 6th Place:
  • 7th Place:

Contest II

  • 1st Place:
  • 2nd Place:
  • 3rd Place:
  • 4th Place:
  • 5th Place:
  • 6th Place:
  • 7th Place:



Washing both hands in clean water and with toga in capite velato, I prayed:

May this water cast out all impurities from my substance as from lead to gold. May this water cleanse my body of impurities, as the rain cleanses the air. Purify my mind. Purify my body. Purify my heart. It is so.


Be you well, O Mother Iuno, Father Ianus, Mother Concordia, Lar familiaris, on these Kalends by offering you this incense, I pray good prayers so that you may be benevolent and propitious to my friends, to me, to my household and to my family.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.


O Iuno mater, Mother of all, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may confirm, strengthen and help the Respublica of Nova Roma, and save it from all discord; so that the Quirites of Nova Roma may always flourish and prosper; and, so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.

O Iane pater, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may watch over these games in your honor by the Nova Romani, so that the Quirites of Nova Roma may enjoy and learn through these games and be renewed in faith of the successes and accomplishments of the Respublica, both past and future; bring us success in our newest beginning, O Genius of the Respublica, God of all creation and God of the Gods; and, so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.

O Concordia mater, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may watch over these games in your honor by the Nova Romani, so that the Quirites of Nova Roma may enjoy and learn through these games and be renewed in faith of the successes and accomplishments of the Respublica, both past and future; and so that you bring harmony to the Respublica in all things; and, that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.

O Lars familiaris, with this incense on these Kalends, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may watch over and protect the safety, health and welfare of the households of the Nova Romani; and, and, that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.


As I have prayed good prayers, for all these reasons be thou blessed by the offering of this incense and be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, to our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.

It is so.


O Mother Iuno, Father Mars, Mother Concordia, Lars familiaris, and all Gods Immortal by whatever name I may call you, if anything in this ceremony was displeasing to you, with this incense I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.

It is done!



Washing both hands in clean water and with toga in capite velato, I prayed:

May this water cast out all impurities from my substance as from lead to gold. May this water cleanse my body of impurities, as the rain cleanses the air. Purify my mind. Purify my body. Purify my heart. It is so.


Iane pater, be you well, O Genius paterfamilias of the Respublica, on this, the Dies natalis of Nova Roma, by offering you this incense, I pray good prayers so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, the Quirites, our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.


O protector, I pray and beseech thee that you may be gracious and favorable to THE Respublica of Nova Roma, to our homes and our households, for which course I have ordained that the offering of this incense should be made in accordance with my own vows; that you may avert, ward off, and keep afar all disease visible and invisible, all barrenness, waste, misfortune, and ill weather; that you may cause our affairs and business to come to prosperity; and that you grant health and strength to the Nova Romani, to me, our homes and our households.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.


For all these reasons, thou be blessed by the offering of this incense and bestow favor upon the Senate and Peoples of Nova Roma in the coming year, and be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Romani, the Quirites, our friends and allies, to me, to my household and to my family.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.

It is so.

O Iane pater, Genius of the Respublica, and all Gods Immortal by whatever name I may call you, if anything in this ceremony was displeasing to you, with this sacrificial incense I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.

It is done!

Now, please allow us to declare the LUDI NOVI ROMANI for the year 2767 A.U.C. officially OPEN!!!


I now yield the podium to our Pontifex, Gn. Cornelius Lentulus, for the official opening ceremonial rites of the games.

Optime valete omnes,

L. Vitellius Triarius Ædilis Curulis


[Recommended Roman lyre music to reading ("Lambent Flames", invoking the Lambent Flames in our hearts of the burning desire to restore Aeneas' New City, to build up our New Home in place of the Old Troy):


from the Hungarian Miklós Rózsa, the best composer of Roman styled music.


Salvete et avete, Novi Romani Quirites!

Vivat Nova Roma!

I salute every single fellow citizen of mine on this wonderful and glorious day, on the 16th Birthday of Nova Roma, when we celebrate the founding of our Republic. Concordia is our Patron Goddess, because it is Concordia, the Agreement, that brings us together here in this Nation of Will. Each and everyone of you is here because you AGREE. You all agree in something. We might different in almost everything, but there is a concord between us, there is She, Concordia between us, who links us together inseparably.

We celebrate today this Agreement. That we agree in Rome. We agree that we want Rome to live again. We agree that we want to revive the Roman nation, their traditions, virtues, their culture and religion. The whole. Not religion, not military, not clothing, not Latin, not politics, not literature, not architecture, not arts, but everything together. The whole, except what would be criminal and immoral, like slavery, or impossible, like living without electricity and modern medicines. This Agreement is what we celebrate today. That we came from all over the world, and met each other because of this Agreement. I think it is worthy to be celebrated, because it is a miracle that it can happen. No other time or age would have made it possible, except this time, our age. Our Nova Roman Concordia is worthy of celebration.

We agree in Concordia that we want to revive the Roman culture and traditions. Not as Hungarians, or Americans, or Canadians, or Italians, or Brasilians, who play Roman, but as a reborn Roman nation ourselves. We agreed to revive the Roman. To be Roman.

From today on, in the next 15 days, we shall live with this thought in our mind. We will use these days to immerse in the significant religious symbols celebrated with Concordia, during the festive days of the ludi Novi Romani. As the decree of the pontiffs on the ludi Novi Romani says: "The ludi Novi Romani, celebrating the Concordialia as the founding of Nova Roma, thus alternatively called ludi Concordiales, shall be held each year from the Concordialia on the Kalends of March to the Feriae Annae Perennae on the Ides of March. The first day, the Concordialia, symbolizes the conception of Nova Roma on the Feriae Martis, the day of Mars, the Father of the Nova Roman nation, which day is also the Matronalia, the day of the Mothers, celebrating the growth of the Roman population by birth, as the day when the fatherly and motherly creative powers, united in Concord, in the Agreement of People in their utmost wish to revive and restore the populus Romanus, give birth to the new sons and daughters of Mars, the Nova Roman people of the Quirites. As the days grow from the Kalends to the Ides, being under the protection of Mars as Feriae Martis days, so does Nova Roma grow under the protection of Mars. Concluding with the Ides of March, sacred to Jupiter, Supreme God of the Roman people, the festivities reach the old New Year's Day of the Romans, thus ending on the old day of new beginning, which is the Feriae of Anna Perenna, Goddess of the Year, Perennial Life and Eternity, the festival of longevity, representing the wish of the Nova Roman people for a perennial life of Nova Roma, and symbolizing that, by stopping the days of the ludi on Her day, Anna Perenna brings the celebration and the festive prayers of the Nova Romans with Herself towards eternity, and, under the custody of Anna Perenna, Nova Roma may live triumphantly forever."

We can hear from time to time there is no such thing as a common Mos Maiorum, and that everybody has his own Roman Mos Maiorum. Some people say it is Mos Maiorum to leave one year out of office between holding two elected magistracies, others' Mos Maiorum is to hold offices in continuation, without leaving a year off. Everyone has its own Mos Maiorum. Is it true? Or isn't? The truth is, Quirites, that Mos Maiorum is Latin for "the custom of the ancestors". Nobody has his own Mos Maiorum, because there is only one Mos Maiorum, the one found in history books. Everything else is personal Mos, personal preference, and not the Mos Maiorum. The Roman Mos Maiorum varied over history, so it includes a wide range of possible ideas. The true Mos Maiorum is not monolith, not a single minded ideology. In this sense, it is true that two people can have different views on what is the correct custom of the ancestors. But there are some basics which are unquestionable, and these basics are what keep us together in Nova Roma.

We celebrate this basis, this common part of the Mos Maiorum today. This basis, this common part of the various Mores Maiorum can be regarded our Goddess Agreement, Concordia: She brought Nova Roma to life, She keeps it in existence, and She will bring us to victory.

Let's pray to Her for a more successful and more real Nova Roma, for a Nova Roma to be an asset to the people of this world, for a Nova Roma that would nurture a New Renaissance.

This has been the ritual I have performed today morning in the name of the Republic, for every magistrate, for single citizen, on the Kalends of March, Concordialia, Feriae Marti, Matronalia:


Favete linguis!

Beginning of the sacrifice.


Dea Concordia, Concordia Novae Romae, Concordia Senatus Populique Novi Romani, Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, Concordia civium Novorum Romanorum, Concordia deorum et mortalium, Dea pacis et salutis et gloriae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, hisce Kalendis Martiis anniversarii sexti decimi Novae Romae conditae, hoc die festivissimo et sanctissimo Novae Romae conditae, te hoc ture commovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens propitia Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, mihi, domo, familiae!

[Goddess Concordia, the Concordance of Nova Roma, the Concord of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma, the Concordance of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, the Concordance of the Nova Roman citizens, the Concord of the gods and the mortals, Goddess of peace and welfare of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, on these Kalends of March of the 16th anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma, on this most festive and sacred day of the founding of Nova Roma, by offering you this incense, I pray good prayers so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, to me, to my household and to my family.]

Incense is placed in the focus of the altar.

Dea Concordia, Concordia Novae Romae, Concordia Senatus Populique Novi Romani, Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, Concordia civium Novorum Romanorum, Concordia deorum et mortalium, Dea pacis et salutis et gloriae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, uti te ture commovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte lacte inferio esto!"

[Goddess Concordia, the Concordance of Nova Roma, the Concord of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma, the Concordance of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, the Concordance of the Nova Roman citizens, the Concord of the gods and the mortals, Goddess of peace and welfare of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, as by offering you the incense I have well prayed good prayers, for the very same reason be thou blessed by this sacrificial milk.]

Libation of milk is made.


Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, Concordia Senatus Populique Novi Romani, Concordia Novae Romae, Concordia deorum et mortalium, Dea pacis et salutis et gloriae Senatus Populique Novi Romani, fortitudo et firmitas nostra, hisce Kalendis Martiis anniversarii sexti decimi Novae Romae conditae, hoc die festivissimo et sanctissimo quo Nova Roma condita est, te precor, veneror, quaesoque obtestorque: uti pacem concordiamque constantem societati Novae Romae tribuas; utique Rem Publicam Populi Novi Romani Quiritium confirmes, augeas, adiuves, omnibusque discordiis liberes; utique Res Publica Populi Novi Romani Quiritium semper floreat; atque hoc anno anniversarii sexti decimi Novae Romae conditae convalescat; atque pax et concordia, salus et gloria Novae Romae omni tempore crescat, utique omnes qui se Romanos nominant unifices, unum populum unamque gentem omnes qui se Romanos nominant facias, unum populum in Nova Roma omnes Romanos hodiernos colligas; utique Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, mihi, domo, familiae omnes in hoc anniversario sexto decimo Novae Romae eventus bonos faustosque esse siris; utique sies volens propitia Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, magistratibus, consulibus, praetoribus Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, tribunis Plebis Novae Romanae, Senatui Novo Romano, Collegio Pontificum, omnibus civibus, viris et mulieribus, pueris et puellabus Novis Romanis, mihi, domo, familiae!

[Concordance of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, Concord of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma, Concordance of Nova Roma, the Concord of the gods and the mortals, Goddess of peace, welfare and glory of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma, our stronghold and steadiness, on these Kalends of March of the 16th anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma, on this most festive and sacred day on which Nova Roma was founded, I pray, worship, ask and beseech you so that you may grant peace and steadfast concord to the society of Nova Roma; so that you may confirm, strengthen and help the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites, and save it from all discord; so that the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites may always flourish and prosper, and in this year of the 16th anniversary may get even stronger; that peace and concord, the welfare and glory of Nova Roma may increase all the time; and that you may unite all people who call themselves Roman, make them who call themselves Roman one people and one nation, collect together all modern Romans as one nation united into Nova Roma; and that you allow all events in this 16th Anniversary Year of Nova Roma to be good and salutary to the Nova Roman People of Quirites, to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites, to me, to my household and to my family; and so that you may be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Roman People of Quirites, to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites, to the magistrates, the consuls, the praetors of the Nova Roman People of Quirites, to the tribunes of the Nova Roman Plebs, to the Nova Roman Senate, to the College of Pontiffs, to all Nova Roman citizens, men and women, boys and girls, to me, to my household and to my family.]


Sicut verba nuncupavi, quaeque ita faxis, uti ego me sentio dicere: harum rerum ergo macte his duodecim libis libandis, hoc vino lacte melleque mixto libando, hoc ture ommovendo, esto fito volens propitia et hoc anno anniversarii sexti decimi Novae Romae conditae et semper Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, magistratibus, consulibus, praetoribus Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, tribunis Plebis Novae Romanae, Senatui Novo Romano, omnibus civibus, viris et mulierbus, pueris et puellabus Novis Romanis, mihi, domo, familiae!

[As I have these words pronounced, you shall do exactly what I mean I am saying: for all these reasons, thou blessed by offering these 12 liba, by offering this wine mixed with milk and honey, by offering this incense, be benevolent and propitious both in this year of the 16th anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma and always, to the Nova Roman People of Quirites, to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of Quirites, to the magistrates, the consuls, the praetors of the Nova Roman People of Quirites, to the tribunes of the Nova Roman Plebs, to the Nova Roman Senate, to the College of Pontiffs, to all Nova Roman citizens, men and women, boys and girls, to me, to my household and to my family.]

Libation of 12 liba, with with milk and honey is made, laurel and incense are sacrificed.


Dea Concordia, Concordia Novae Romae, Concordia Senatus Populique Novi Romani, Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, Concordia civium Novorum Romanorum, Concordia deorum et mortalium, Dea pacis et salutis et gloriae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, uti te duodecim libis libandis, ture commovendo, vino lacte melleque mixto libando

bonas preces bene precatus sum, earundem rerum ergo macte lacte melle mixto inferio esto!

[Goddess Concordia, the Concordance of Nova Roma, the Concord of the Senate and the People of Nova Roma, the Concordance of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, the Concordance of the Nova Roman citizens, the Concord of the gods and the mortals, Goddess of peace and welfare of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, as by offering you the 12 liba, the incense and the wine with honeyed milk

I have well prayed good prayers, for the very same reasons be thou blessed by this sacrificial honeyed milk.]

Libation of milk is made.


Mars Pater, cuius mensis et feriae hodie sunt, earundem rerum ergo macte vino inferio esto fito volens propitius Populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, Reique Publicae Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, mihi, domo, familiae!

[Father Mars, whose month and festival is today, for the very same reasons be thou blessed by offering you this sacrificial wine, and be benevolent and propitious to the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, to the Republic of the Nova Roman People of the Quirites, to me, to my household and to my family.]

Libation of wine is made.


End of the sacrifice.


Iane, Concordia Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, Iuppiter Optime Maxime, Iuno, Minerva, Mars, Omnes Di Immortales quocumque nomine: si quidquam vobis in hac caerimonia displicuit, hoc vino inferio veniam peto et vitium meum expio.

[Ianus, Concordia of the Nova Roman People of Quirites, Iuppiter, the Best and Greatest, Iuno, Minerva, Mars, All Gods Immortal by whathever name I may call you: if anything in this ceremony was displeasing to you, with this sacrificial wine I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.]

I offered incense on the altar and poured a libation of wine on the altar.


After the central and common ceremony, I have conducted Italia's, Pannonia's and Venedia's sacrifices, too. But this is another issue, and I will not send these rituals here, only into the provincial lists.

[Recommended Roman lyre music to reading ("Lambent Flames", invoking the Lambent Flames in our hearts of the burning desire to restore Aeneas' New City, to build up our New Home in place of the Old Troy):


from the Hungarian Miklós Rózsa, the best composer of Roman styled music.




Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, PONTIFEX SACERDOS CONCORDIAE Praefectus Italiae Legatus pro praetore Pannoniae Legatus pro praetore Venediae



Nova Roma was founded sixteen years ago. The foundation represent an important and essential moment which transform Nova Roma in something unique which can not be substitute or replaced.

During our short and sometime tumultuous history, our Gods were here, witnessing our birth as New Romans, our actions and work. Showing pietas to the Gods, our common goal is the day by day improvement of our still young New Roman State. All what we need to that is wisdom and patience.

Today, I performed the following ritual to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus to honor Him, to honor his past and present approval of what we are:

Favete linguis!


Iuppiter Optime Maxime, te hoc ture commovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens propitius Populo Novo Romano Quirítibus, mihi, domo, familiae!

Incense was placed in the focus of the altar.

Iuppiter Optime Maxime, uti te ture commovendo bonas preces precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto!"

Libation of wine was made.


Iuppiter Optime Maxime, hoc die festivissimo ludorum Novum Romanum anniversarioque sextio decimo Novae Romae conditae, te precor et quaeso: uti Rem Publicam Populi Novi Romani Quiritium confirmes, augeas, adiuves;

uti gloria, virtus, fortitudoque Populi Noví Romini Quiritium hoc anno anniversario sextio decimo Novae Romae conditae crescant et convalescant;

uti sis volens propitiusque consulibus nobis, et praetoribus, aedilibus, quaestoribus, tribunis plebis, senatoribus, alterisque civibus, praesentibus, mihi, domo, familiae!


Wine and incense were placed in the fire.

Quarum rerum ergo macte hoc víno libando, hoc ture ommovendo esto fíto volens propitius hoc anno anniversario sextio decimo Novae Romae conditae populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, nobis, domibus, familiis!

Libation was made and incense sacrificed.



Iane, Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva, Concordia, Omnes Dí Immortales:

si quid vobis in hac caerimonia displicuit, hoc vino inferio veniam peto et vitium meum expio.

Libation of wine was made.


T. Iulius Sabinus Acting Pontifex Maximus

Closing of the Ludi Novi Romani

Official Ædilician closing statement

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