Officina Consulis Maioris MMDCCLX

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'''[[Consul (Nova Roma)|Consul]] Maior [[MMDCCLX]] [[Lucius Arminius Faustus (Nova Roma)|Lucius Arminius Faustus]]''' is the colleague of [[Consul (Nova Roma)|Consul]] Minor [[MMDCCLX]] [[Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Nova Roma)|Tiberius Galerius Paulinus]], who has [[Officina Consulis Minoris MMDCCLX|his own officina]].
'''[[Consul (Nova Roma)|Consul]] Maior [[MMDCCLX]] [[Lucius Arminius Faustus (Nova Roma)|Lucius Arminius Faustus]]''' is the colleague of [[Consul (Nova Roma)|Consul]] Minor [[MMDCCLX]] [[Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Nova Roma)|Tiberius Galerius Paulinus]], who has [[Officina Consulis Minoris MMDCCLX|his own officina]].
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*Accensus [[Aulus Apollonius Cordus (Nova Roma)|Aulus Apollonius Cordus]]
*Accensus [[Aulus Apollonius Cordus (Nova Roma)|Aulus Apollonius Cordus]]
*Accensus [[Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus (Nova Roma)|Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus]]
*Accensus [[Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus (Nova Roma)|Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus]]
*Accensus [[Kaeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus (Nova Roma)|Kaeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus]]
*Accensus [[Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus (Nova Roma)|Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus]]
*Accensus [[Lucius Iunius (Nova Roma)|Lucius Iunius]]
*Accensus [[Lucius Iunius (Nova Roma)|Lucius Iunius]]
==Public Prayers==
The consules carries the auspices of the State. So, Faustus has been mostly worried on keeping the Pax Deorum. As the Muses helps, Faustus prays on some poems.
'''To [[Ceres]], by the [[Ludi Cerealia]]'''
''Spring has come, autumn as well,
From all Earth we celebrate
The winter leaves, with summer too
One expects the heat to come back
Others pray for it go away
Two sides of the Orbe celebrates
And the sister of Iove we remember
Saturnia Ceres, holy Eleusina
Goddess of the farmers
Aventina dea of the Plebeains
On the happy days of your celebration
Look upon us with your good will
I know, oh peaceful dea,
My muse is more used to controversy
Than religious hymns
Make on this Cerealia, however,
An exception, and smile to my verses
Horatius would have much to teach
And Ovidius to laugh, but
Look with some good will,
If the verses have poor words
It is true that Aeneas had eaten
Your tables, with a no worst peel
Than these misplaced words
Orpheus had better rhymes
To move the will of your daughter
And your silent son in law
It is true, but Nero couldn´t sing
And being a good emperor,
It would be a bad exemple for a consul
Although showing some piety
Being a better poet than politician
And I am none of them, but
If on my complete incompetence,
These rag-tag words may move
At least a generous smile
from your nectar shinning lips
Oh Ceres, hear me in the name of the Republic
Grant wiseness to the Tribunes,
Make them the guardians they are called for
Keep the Aediles on the core of your heart
Look upon the sacred consules,
Make than worth of their offices
May the Senatores do not lose heart
And put their wiseness for a good use
Please bring Concordia by hand for us
May Nova Roma be her everlasting empire
A glorious but tiring task
Is being a Novorroman...
Each of us is a small Aeneas
On the path of his destiny
Fighting the Turnos of our own incapacity
To deal one with the other.
Yes, it is hard to pick so many
From so many corners of the world
In a same association, much to talk
Much to understand, much to do
Ars longa, vita brevis, said the poet
And when the novorromans lose heart
Discouraged by the natural struggles
Of human written comunication
You, oh magnifica dea,
Raise us, and strength our will
It is not our worth, I am sure
But only a supernatural influx
Which make us one, although many
It is a blessing of high origin
A thunder of Iove!
Without it, no money, no latin
No culture, no laws, no website,
No priesthoods, no magistratures
Could make this Republic
Alive... and keep it still alive...''
[[Category:Edicta (Nova Roma)]]
[[Category:Edicta (Nova Roma)]]

Latest revision as of 08:41, 7 July 2024


Consul Maior MMDCCLX Lucius Arminius Faustus is the colleague of Consul Minor MMDCCLX Tiberius Galerius Paulinus, who has his own officina.


150px}} Lucius Arminius Faustus






Ego, L. Arminius Faustus, hac re ipsa decus Novae Romae me defensurum, et semper pro populo senatuque Novae Romae acturum esse sollemniter IVRO.

Ego, L. Arminius Faustus, officio consulis interpone Novae Romae accepto, deos deasque Romae in omnibus meae vitae publicae temporibus culturum, et virtutes Romanas publica privataque vita me persecuturum esse IVRO.

Ego, L. Arminius Faustus, Religioni Romanae me fauturum et eam defensurum, et numquam contra eius statum publicum me acturum esse, ne quid detrimenti capiat IVRO.

Ego, L. Arminius Faustus, consulis officiis muneris me quam optime functurum esse praeterea IVRO.

Meo civis Novae Romae honore, coram deis deabusque populi Romani, et voluntate favoreque eorum, ego munus consulis, L. Arminius Faustus una cum iuribus, privilegiis, muneribus et officiis comitantibus ACCIPIO.


I ask all citizes who desires to undertake a propraetorship on 2007 (proconsulship in case of consular citizens) to send me your names until the ides of ianuarius (15). The same applies for current propraetores or proconsules who wants a new term.

The names will be submited to the first Senate meeting of 2007 (the initial forecast is by the end of ianurius or begging of february, still to confirm). The magistrature of the propraetor/proconsul starts since the releasing of the result of the Senatusconsultum no the forum of the main list.

I recall a propraetor/proconsul has all Imperium of a consul or a praetor (for practical purposes it is the same level for governors) inside the provincia, ie, the geographic limits which a Imperium is bounded. These offices were born on the Second Punic War, which there was necessary more ´manpower´ besides the two consules and one dictator to lead the roman army on the many far provinces where there were fights.

A citizen can send to the consul the name after 15th ianuarius, however, the name may only be submited to the second senate meeting the consules have not forecasted yet. So, I urge the citizens to respect the data, so the term serving can be early.

The citizens who asked propraetorships/proconsulships to previous consuls, Modianus and Strabo, don´t need to aks this call. We have the names.

I urge the citizens to remember the propraetor/proconsul is the first ´spokesman´ of Nova Roma to the new citizens on its own language and culture. So, if there is an office who can boost the gathering and keeping of new citizens, this is the office. I pray to Iove Optimus Maximus to grant our citizens wiseness and a generous heart to serve NR as governors.


I ask all citizes who desires to undertake the office of interpreter on 2007 to send me your names and language mastered until the ides of ianuarius (15). The same applies for current interpreters who wants a new term.

The names will be submited to the first Senate meeting of 2007 (the initial forecast is by the end of ianurius or begging of february, still to confirm). The service of the interpreter starts since the releasing of the result of the Senatusconsultum no the forum of the main list.

I recall the interpreter has Potestas (granted by the Senate) to afirm the validation of a version of an official NR text on another language.

A citizen can send to the consul the name after 15th ianuarius, however, the name may only be submited to the second senate meeting the consules have not forecasted yet. So, I urge the citizens to respect the data, so the term serving can be early.

More information can be seen on the Tabularium on Lex Cornelia de Linguis Publicis. I recall new languages can be available by a SenatusConsultum.

On this edictum, I´d like to praise also our WikiMagistrates by such good tools on NR website that can provide us quick reference to any piece of legislation we want.


I confirm and put under my Imperium the edictum issue by Consul P.Minucia Strabo on 31 December 2006 about Comitia Populi Tributa results.


Pompeia Minucia Strabo Consul Quiritibus Novae Romae S.P.D.

By my imperium as Consul 2759 and after discussion with both incoming Consuls 2760, I hereby instruct the Custodes of 2759 to remain in their current magisterial capacities until they have certified and delivered to the 2760 Consuls, the outstanding election results of the Comitia Populi Tributa, OR until Ides Ian 2760, whichever comes first.

The imperium by which this edict receives legal force shall be uninterrupted as the incoming Consuls adopt its language.

The Custodes elected for 2760 shall take their oaths of office and assume their duties when instructed by the Consuls 2760 that the terms of this edict have been resolved.

Given by my hand Dec. 31, 2759 AUC.



Ex hoc, cives :

A. Apolonius Cordus

M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus

K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus

L. Iunius

accensos creo. llum ius iurandum poscetur.

Hoc edictum ilico valet.

Datum sub manu mea a.d. IV Non. Ian.MMDCCLX.


Public Prayers

The consules carries the auspices of the State. So, Faustus has been mostly worried on keeping the Pax Deorum. As the Muses helps, Faustus prays on some poems.

To Ceres, by the Ludi Cerealia

Spring has come, autumn as well,

From all Earth we celebrate

The winter leaves, with summer too

One expects the heat to come back

Others pray for it go away

Two sides of the Orbe celebrates

And the sister of Iove we remember

Saturnia Ceres, holy Eleusina

Goddess of the farmers

Aventina dea of the Plebeains

On the happy days of your celebration

Look upon us with your good will

I know, oh peaceful dea,

My muse is more used to controversy

Than religious hymns

Make on this Cerealia, however,

An exception, and smile to my verses

Horatius would have much to teach

And Ovidius to laugh, but

Look with some good will,

If the verses have poor words

It is true that Aeneas had eaten

Your tables, with a no worst peel

Than these misplaced words

Orpheus had better rhymes

To move the will of your daughter

And your silent son in law

It is true, but Nero couldn´t sing

And being a good emperor,

It would be a bad exemple for a consul

Although showing some piety

Being a better poet than politician

And I am none of them, but

If on my complete incompetence,

These rag-tag words may move

At least a generous smile

from your nectar shinning lips

Oh Ceres, hear me in the name of the Republic

Grant wiseness to the Tribunes,

Make them the guardians they are called for

Keep the Aediles on the core of your heart

Look upon the sacred consules,

Make than worth of their offices

May the Senatores do not lose heart

And put their wiseness for a good use

Please bring Concordia by hand for us

May Nova Roma be her everlasting empire

A glorious but tiring task

Is being a Novorroman...

Each of us is a small Aeneas

On the path of his destiny

Fighting the Turnos of our own incapacity

To deal one with the other.

Yes, it is hard to pick so many

From so many corners of the world

In a same association, much to talk

Much to understand, much to do

Ars longa, vita brevis, said the poet

And when the novorromans lose heart

Discouraged by the natural struggles

Of human written comunication

You, oh magnifica dea,

Raise us, and strength our will

It is not our worth, I am sure

But only a supernatural influx

Which make us one, although many

It is a blessing of high origin

A thunder of Iove!

Without it, no money, no latin

No culture, no laws, no website,

No priesthoods, no magistratures

Could make this Republic

Alive... and keep it still alive...

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