List of leges (Nova Roma)

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See also: Codex Juris Novae Romae


The following laws were approved of either the Comitia Centuriata, Comitia Populi, or Comitia Tributa.

Numerus1 Nomen2 Comitia3 Presented4 Approved5 Votation6 Status7
I Lex Vedia de Ratione Comitiorum Populi Tributorum Dictator
n.a. 30 Jul 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 resc. Lex XXIX
II Lex Vedia de Ratione Comitiorum Plebis Tributorum Dictator
n.a. 30 Jul 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 resc. Lex I
III Lex Vedia de Ratione Centuriatorum Comitiorum Dictator
n.a. 30 Jul 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 In place
IV Lex Vedia de Ratione Eligium Dictator
n.a. 30 Jul 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 In place
V Lex Vedia Apparitoria Dictator
n.a. 30 Jul 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 In place
VI Lex Vedia Vigintisexviri Dictator
n.a. 30 Jul 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 In place
VII Lex Vedia Senatoria Dictator
n.a. 30 Jul 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 In place
VIII Lex Vedia Tributorum Dictator
n.a. 30 Jul 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 In place
IX Lex Vedia Centuriata Dictator
n.a. 30 Jul 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 In place
X Lex Vedia de Ratione Edictium Dictator
n.a. 01 Aug 52
10 Aug 52
7 x 1 In place
LXXXIX Lex Equitia Galeria De Ordinarii Centuriata Sen.Cons. 16 Jun 57 02 Jul 57
30 Jun 57
37 x 5
18 x 0
In Place
XCVII Lex Arminia Equitia de Sanctitate Populi Tributa 23 Jul 57 13 Aug 57 20 x 11 Resc. Lex CXV
CVIII Lex Apula de Magistro Arenario Plebis Tributa 09 Dez 58 31 Dec 58 41 x 6 In place
CXVI Lex Vipsania De Consecratione Plebis Tributa 20 Nov 59 12 Dec 59 22 x 1 In place


1Number of the law, by order of approval. The laws are numbered to avoid misunderstanding of different laws with similar names.

2The names of the laws of Nova Roma follow the usage in ancient Rome, when the word Lex (law) followed by the name of the proposing magistrate and the topic of the law, in Latin.

3The legislative body that approved the law. Can be one of the three Comitia (Centuriata, Popili Tributa, Plebis Tributa, or, in the case of a constitutional amend, the Comitia Centuriata confirmed by the Senate, or even, in excepcional circumstances, a magistrate extraordinary (Dictator), confirmed by the Senate.

4The date in which the presiding magistrate presents the text of the law to the Comitia.

5The date in which the presiding magistrate announced the approval of the law in question.

6Number of votes in favor of the law versus the votes against. Could be a number of centurias, tribes or senatores.

7After the approval, a law could be rescinded or modified by another law; if else, the law remains completely valid (In place).

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