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m (Q. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus name correction)
m (Q. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus name correction)
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::(5) C. Marcius Augustinus, vigil forensis, tesserarius
::(5) C. Marcius Augustinus, vigil forensis, tesserarius
::(6) Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, vigil forensis, tesserarius
::(6) Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, vigil forensis, tesserarius
::(7) L. Papirius Cursos, vigil forensis, gregalis
::(7) Q. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus, vigil forensis, gregalis
:IX.D. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Variorum
:IX.D. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Variorum
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Cn. Cornelius Lentulus<br>
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus<br>
==Edictum aedilicium Cn. Lentuli aedilis curulis de regimine et moderatione fori Domitii==
==Edictum aedilicium Cn. Lentuli aedilis curulis de regimine et moderatione fori Domitii==

Latest revision as of 18:17, 20 October 2024

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INDEX: Return to the Edicta of Nova Roma.

[edit] Overview

Use the table of contents to navigate to the edicta of a particular office of the Magistratus Ordinarii. This page primarily shows the edicta raised and issued for this year only.

Edicts are posted, by office, in the order they are issued through the course of the year. The most recent edicts will be towards the top of an office section.


[edit] Edicta of the Censores

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

[edit] Edicta of the Consules

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

[edit] Edictum consulare de ludis quinvicennalibus


With this edict, I confirm the EDICTUM AEDILICIUM DE LUDIS QUINVICENNALIBUS MAGNIS FINALIBUS EXTENSIS under consular potestas and imperium. Long live the quarter century old Nova Roma! Glory to our Roman revival!


Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de revisione apparitoribus


I hereby publicly thank the service of apparitors who served in my staff and my colleague C. Cornelius Cethegus Barosus's staff. I take due care in their recognition by issuing the law required evaluations.

I. Mandated by the lex Vedia apparitoria I review the work of the consular apparitors at the end of the consular term and I remove those who did not want to continue

D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, accensus consularis: EXCELLENT
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, accensus consularis: EXCELLENT
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, praeco consularis interpres: EXCELLENT
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, scriba consularis: EXCELLENT
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, scriba amanuensis: EXCELLENT
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, scriba ad praefectum auxilio civili, ADEQUATE

II. I remove D. Aurelius Ingeniarius from all, and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, from his amanuensis position, with praise and honors, at their own request.

Datum a.d. III Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ 2776 AUC, XXVI ANRC, Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae (30, December 2023 AD)


C. Cornelius Cethegus Barosus
and Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de praetorio exercitus populi Novi Romani reconstructivi


Various laws of Nova Roma stipulate that an organized central chief command office shall be institutionalized in Nova Roman law as the praetorium of the ceremonial reenactment army of Nova Roma. The praetorium of the consuls have long served a similar purpose in Nova Roma but its existence was based on tradition and unwritten law. This edict makes the sysetm more complete, in a written law and transparent to the people.

I. The central chief headquarters and general staff of the ceremonial reenactment army of Nova Roma shall be the joint praetorium of the consuls and praetors.

II. Members of this praetorium are the consuls, the praetors, the consular and praetorian quaestors, the praefectus praetorio, the tribuni militum comitiati and any chief commanders of the Nova Roman legions and units that the consuls invite.

III. The consuls, praetors and the praefectus praetorio can also add various experts even if they are not the chief commanders of any unit.

IV. The praefectus praetorio serves as the chief of staff of the Nova Roman ceremonial reenactment army, and acts as the secretary and organizer of the work of the praetorium.

V. The main purpose of the praetorium as general staff and headquarters of the Nova Roman legions is coordinate the military reenactment units of Nova Roma, including the administrative units (cohortes officiales), to formulate plans of activities and work toward implementing these plans in a coordinated way across all units of Nova Roma, to spread useful information, and also the notion of our common identity and sense of unity and belonging, and to promote knowledge and standards of high quality in the Roman military reenactment units of Nova Roma.

VI. The permanent default executive staff of the praetorium shall be the tribuni militum and any praetoriani added to the praetorium for this purpose. On a case by case basis, various other members of the praetorium may also be given tasks to execute according to the direction of the consuls, praetors and the praefectus praetorio.

Datum a.d. III Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ 2776 AUC, XXVI ANRC, Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae (30, December 2023 AD)


Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de cohortibus praetoriis et de cohortibus rei publicae


On the basis and initiative of the aedilician reforms of aedilis curulis Cn. Cornelius Lentulus who restored the proper law enforcement corps, the Cohortes Vigilum in Nova Roma, as part of the aedilis's envisioned complete system, I am establishing the complementary parts of the Roman law enforcement system: this edict intriduces the two missing elements into Nova Roma: the Cohortes Praetoriae and the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae (alternatively called Cohortes Urbani in reenactment service).


I. Definition of the Cohortes Praetoriae

I hereby establish the Cohortes Praetoriae of Nova Roma under the joint authority of the consuls and praetors of Nova Roma, and of all imperium bearers who appoint praetoriani. The Cohortes Praetoriae are the tools of consular, praetorian oversight of internal security and law enforcement, as well as a tool for special officers with grant of imperium. The Cohortes Praetoriae are presidential guards of the Nova Roman Republic, working directly for the implementation of the policies and visions of the consuls and praetores, the presidential magistrates of Nova Roma, and of all officers who have been granted equivalent imperium. Members of the Cohortes Praetoriae are termed praetoriani, and their primary function shall be to ensure consular and praetorian oversight and control over the general law enforcement in all aspects, assets, areas and forums of Nova Roma, for example as delegated to participate among the vigiles. Like the vigiles, the praetoriani shall also be divided into praetoriani officiales (administrative, office-work praetoriani) who do only online administrative work, praetoriani armati who do only physical reenactment armed service as a ceremonial guard of our events, and to a category of praetoriani officiales armati who work in both aspects of the Cohortes Praetoriae. The praetoriani shall be the personal guards of the imperium bearing officers and essentially a complementary force to their lictors, filling the same role in a large extent.

I.A. Praetorianus officialis
I.A.1. The praetoriani officiales shall be service persons guarding that the policies of the consuls, praetors or other imperium bearers are observed, implemented and duly enforced. They represent the will and interests of the magistrate under whom they belong. They have the duty to notice and report any violations or transgressions against the policies and edicts of their superior magistrate to the those magistrates, and to interact with the persons suspected or caught on violation. In case of need, they shall assist the vigiles and complement their numbers.
I.A.2. The praetoriani are the watching eyes of those imperium bearing magistrates who appointed them, and they are their out reaching arms which can be sent to any provinces or entities of Nova Roma in order to exert governmental control and united action over all Nova Roma.
I.B. Praetorianus armatus
The praetoriani armati are either members of an officially recognized reenactment unit of Nova Roma which represent Roman praetoriani, or individual praetorianus reenactors administratively distributed into formal cohortes created by imperium bearers. They serve Nova Roma at events and do not have any duty in the online work of the praetoriani.
I.C. Praetorianus officialis armatus
The praetoriani officiales armati are praetoriani who are both field serving praetoriani and office workers in policy enforcement under consuls, praetors and other imperium bearers.

II. The cohortes praetoriae officiales

The following are the cohortes praetoriae officiales. It shall be possible to serve in more than one cohors, but it will be counted still as one appointment.

II.A. The Cohors Praetoria Officialis Consularis I shall consist of the praetoriani officiales enrolled by the consul prior.
II.B. The Cohors Praetoria Officialis Consularis II shall consist of the praetoriani officiales enrolled by the consul posterior.
II.C. The Cohors Praetoria Officialis Praetoris I shall consist of the praetoriani officiales enrolled by the praetor rei publicae (praetor primus).
II.D. The Cohors Praetoria Officialis Praetoris II shall consist of the praetoriani officiales enrolled by the praetor peregrinus (praetor secundus).
II.E. The Cohortes Praetoriae Officiales Ducum shall consist of the praetoriani officiales enrolled by any imperium bearer and each shall have his own cohors, or multiple cohortes, as they deem necessary.
II.F. None of these cohortes have to be created unless they are needed and wanted by the aforementioned magistrates, except the two consular cohortes which shall have at least one-one praetorian in each permanently.

III. The cohortes praetoriae armatae reconstructivae

III.A. Other cohortes shall be created if a sufficient number of praetorian reenactors are recruited for the purpose of forming reenactment units of praetorians. The number of necessary individuals to establish a new cohors shall be at the discretion of the imperium bearers entitled to form a cohors. The cohortes praetoriae armatae reconstructivae shall be composed only of field service praetorians (praetoriani armati) who wear the historical equipment of ancient Roman praetorians.
III.B. If a praetorianus officialis is also a praetorianus armatus ( praetorianus officialis armatus), they shall be added to to a cohors praetoria armata if, and only if they can physically participate in the field activities of the cohors, and the leadership of the cohors is in agreement with the addition of said individual. In this case, the praetorianus officialis armatus shall be in two cohortes: in his cohors officialis and also in his cohors armata. If the praetorianus officialis armatus does not participate in a field operating (reenacting) cohors praetoria armata in any form, they shall remain in the cohors officialis alone.

IV. Ranks and functions

The ranks of the praetoriani shall follow, mutatis mutandis, exactly the system of the vigiles set forth in the Edictum aedilicium de vigilibus, Chapter IV. The relevant terms shall be changed to praetorianus officialis gregalis (OR-1), praetorianus officialis tesserarius (OR-3), praetorianus officialis vexillarius (OR-4), praetorianus officialis optio (OR-5) etc. The roles filled by the praefectus vigilum in this chapter for the vigiles shall be filled by the praefectus praetorio in case of the praetoriani. Praetoriani may be given the task by their appointing imperium bearer (if they are magistrates with the right to give such commands, the consuls or praetors normally) to participate in the moderation and management teams of the forums and other venues of Nova Roma, and in such cases the description of various degrees of moderator and admin rights apply to the praetoriani delegated among the vigiles. When praetoriani do not have in such forum management tasks, their ranks indicate seniority and higher decision making power, and seniorty is decided by the praefectus praetorio or the imperium bearer directly under whom they serve.

V. Chain of command and management in the Cohortes Praetoriae

The rules below apply primarily when praetoriani work within their own cohortes and offices. Praetoriani delegated as supervisors to other offices have to follow the command structure of that office, while also reporting to their delegating authority, and keeping the chain of command between each other, between fellow praetorians, but obeying the chain of command in relation to the hosting office.

V.A. Lower commanders within the cohors
The chain of command within a cohors is according to rank: the higher ranking officers can command the lower ranking officers. Officers of equal rank can decide between themselves by majority decision. In case of a tie, a higher ranking officer must decide, or if no resolution is possible, the praefectus praetorio shall make the decision. Praetorians may be found in offices, for example among the vigiles, complementing and supervising their work: the same chain of command applies, with the addition that higher moderator rights mean precedence also in decision making.
V.B. Cohors commander
The commander of a cohors shall be a tribunus selected to the role by the praefectus praetorio; or if there is no tribunus in the cohors, the commander shall be the highest ranking praetorianus. If there are more praetorian officers with equally rank as highest ranking, the cohors commander shall be selected by the praefectus praetorio. The cohors commander is the day-to-day operational commander and responsible officer for the specific cohors. The job title of the cohors commander who is not a tribunus shall be praepositus cohortis, plus the praetorian rank he is holding.
V.C. Praefectus praetorio
In full, the praefectus praetorio exercitus reconstructivi populi Novi Romani (prefect of the headquarters of the Nova Roman people's reenactment army) represents the commanders-in-chief of the Nova Roman legiones and all ceremonial army, the consuls and the praetors, and serves as their military and law enforcement chief of staff. Currently this position is merged with the praefectus of the Officium Consulare (chief of staff of the Consular Office), with the title "praefectus consulari officio itemque praetorio" but future consuls can decide to appoint separate individuals to each position. The praefectus praetorio is the direct commander of the consular and praetorian Cohortes Praetoriae, and the overall representative commander of all and any Cohortes Praetoriae of other imperium bearers. The praefectus does not act on his own initiative and ideas: he ensures the implementation of decisions and policies of the consuls and praetors. The praefectus praetorio shall be appointed by the consuls by unanimous agreement; they may not appoint any current consuls or praetors to this office, because that person would be subordinate to all of them and would lose the right to act on his own. The citizen appointed to the position of praefectus praetorio becomes a praetorianus gregalis by this appointment if he was not a praetorian previously, in which case he preserve his previous rank.
V.C.1. The praefectus praetorio shall be the general assistant and military reenactment chief of staff to the consuls and praetors and shall be responsible to coordinate the praetoriani between the various cohortes and offices, community platforms and assets of Nova Roma so that policies and directives of consuls and praetors be observed and enforced equally in all of them. It is the job of the praefectus praetorio as chief of staff of the overall Nova Roman exercitus to coordinate between the all the legions and units of Nova Roma assisting the consuls and praetors in their role as commanders-in-chief. As an overall principle, the praefectus praetorio has as much influence and active commanding rights over the Cohortes Praetoriae as is given to him by the consuls and praetors. The consuls and praetors can choose to direct the Cohortes Praetoriae personally or they can leave everything to their appointed praefectus.
V.C.2. The praefectus praetorio can be granted tasks, projects and missions by the consuls and praetors that he has to carry out, and partial or complete consular and praetorian powers regarding law enforcement can be delegated to him. The praefectus praetorio shall obey any order of the consuls in the first place and of the praetors in the second.
V.C.3. The praefectus praetorio has the right to commission new praetoriani into any of the cohortes (both officiales and armatae), to decommission (exclude or retire) existing ones, and to make promotions and demotions up to the rank of tribunus. Each praetorianus officialis shall be registered and enrolled by the praefectus praetorio who shall be responsible for the maintenance of the album praetorianorum. In case of praetoriani officiales, the praefectus praetorio has the right to refuse enrollment to individuals he does not deem fit for service; in case of praetoriani armati, the praefectus must enroll any member without the right of refusal. Praetoriani officiales candidates for enrollment shall be submitted to the praefectus by the consuls, praetors or by any imperium bearer.
V.C.4. The praefectus praetorio shall strictly and actively oversee and guard the work of the praetoriani in the cohortes praetoriae officiales of the consuls and praetors, and shall intervene to their work any time he thinks intervention is necessary. The praefectus praetorio does not have such direct responsibility over the cohortes praetoriae armatae and the cohortes praetoriae officiales ducum, but he is a ceremonial overall commander to those.
V.D.5. The praefectus praetorio is primarily responsible for recruitment of new praetoriani and for the maintenance of the Cohortes Praetoriae and for the satisfactory number and training of the praetoriani officiales.
V.D.6. The praefectus praetorio has the right to give commands to, and override or overturn the actions and decisions of, the praetoriani. It is the primary duty of the praefectus praetorio in relation to the praetoriani to ensure they work according to the policies and directives of the consuls and praetors.
V.D.7. The praefectus praetorio has the right directly to appoint (i.e. promote), and remove (i.e. demote) officers of the praetoriani to any of the ranks, but the consuls and praetors reserve the right to intervene and make their own promotions or demotions.
V.D.8. If there is no praefectus praetorio in office, the consuls shall order one of the praetors or quaestors to be temporarily in change of the Cohortes Praetoriae (without the appointing them as praefectus).
V.C.9. Secondary praefecti praetorio may also be appointed by any imperium bearer to manage the praetoriani of their own personal cohors, but only if they deem it a necessity: praetorian units without an immediate secondary praefectus placed over them shall be normal and acceptable. Such praefecti praetorio shall be marked by an additional titling label showing their department, for example: "praefectus praetorio legati pro praetore Provinciae Daciae". These fill similar functions to the overall praefectus praetorio just within the area and extent of imperium of their appointing officer.

VI. Involvement of praetoriani in the work of the vigiles and consular or praetorian intervention for maintaining law and order in the public forums and venues

The consuls and praetors shall normally stay away from interfering with the area of responsibility of the aediles and tresviri capitales, but when they deem that intervention is necessary from the point of view of a higher interest of Nova Roma, consuls or praetors can delegate praetoriani to be present in the cohortes vigilum and either observe, supervise or participate in their work. This shall happen only through an issuing of an edict describing the rationale and specifying the tasks of the delegated praetoriani.

VI.A. When intervention is warranted into the magament of the forums and other venues of Nova Roma, in minor cases or in more urgent situations, and if they cannot resolve the problem by commanding the praetoriani available to intervene, the consuls and praetors may give a direct order, as an exceptional alternative of edicts, to the vigiles individually or to the praefectus vigilum, the triumviri capitales or to the aediles: in such cases individual vigiles, the praefectus vigilum, the tresviri capitales or the aediles may refuse to implement the order if they feel it as excessive and against the normal aedilician policies set forth in edicts that they have been following. In such cases, the consuls and praetors shall have the right to compel them to obey the order in edict, and the edict shall include an explanation why intervention was deemed a necessity. According to this procedure, the consuls and praetors may exercise all rights and powers of the aediles, the tresviri capitales and the praefectus vigilum in justified emergencies.
VI.B. The consuls and praetors may employ their lictors, and the quaestors or, in case of non-central public official forums, the quattuorviri rerum curandarum, delegated by themselves to this task, as additional moderators of any forum of Nova Roma. Such delegated officers shall be moderators and shall have moderation rights equivalent to a vigil optio.
VI.C. The consuls and praetors may appoint apparitores of the Officium Consulare and Officium Praetorium serving within the offices of the vigiles as supervisors, observers, advisors, clerks, bureaucrats and negotiators in the forum moderation teams. These apparitores shall not have moderating rights normally unless they are also vigiles. In exceptional cases, an apparitor may be granted moderator rights in edict for a period not exceeding 3 months (this restriction does not concern lictors).
VI.D. The consuls and praetors may also appoint other state officers (praefecti, praepositi etc.) entrusted with moderation duties: these belong under VI.B.
VI.E. The consuls and praetors may decide to get personally involved as moderators, and grant themselves moderator rights in a specific forum, by issuing of an edict. Without granting this status to themselves in edict, they may not personally access moderator rights, except in the Forum Novum Romanum (Main List). The extent of these moderator rights granted to them shall be at discretion of the owners of the forums and venues, but shall at least involve the right of deleting messages, putting users on moderation status, and approving pending messages. After issuing the edict, they shall settle with the owner about the exact rights to personally possess.

VII. First praetoriani of Nova Roma

The following individuals are hereby enrolled as the first praetoriani of Nova Roma and allocated in the following cohortes. The requirements for rank shall not be applied in this original installation of the Cohortes Praetoriae. For their further promotions, all of these initial praetoriani shall be considered exempt from any service length requirement.

VII.A. The Cohors Praetoria Officialis Consularis I
(1) Ap. Clavius Arcturus, praetorianus officialis armatus, tribunus cohortis
(2) Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, praetorianus officialis, gregalis
VII.B. The Cohors Praetoria Officialis Consularis II
(1) Ap. Curius Rullus, praetorianus officialis armatus, tribunus cohortis
(2) C. Octavius Delphinus, praetorianus officialis, gregalis
VII.C. The Cohors Praetoria Officialis Ducis et Legati Pro Praetor Cn. Corneli Lentuli
(1) Ap. Clavius Arcturus, praetorianus officialis armatus, tribunus cohortis
(2) Ap. Curius Rullus, praetorianus officialis armatus, tribunus
(3) C. Octavius Delphinus, praetorianus officialis, gregalis
VII.D. There are no Cohortes Praetoriae Officiales Praetorum and cohortes praetoriae armatae reconstructivae as of yet.

VIII. The current praefectus consulari officio itemque praetorio Cn. Cornelius Lentulus is recognized as the commander of the Cohortes Praetoriae in his capacity as praefectus praetorio.

IX. Sacramentum of the praetoriani

IX.A. For a praetorianus officialis of Nova Roma enrolled in the corps, the following oath has to be taken and posted to the iusiurandum@groups.io address under the supervision of the quaestors:
I _Roman name_ (native name), as a praetorian of Nova Roma, do solemnly swear that I will serve, guard and protect the consuls, praetors and imperium bearing officers, and the res publica of Nova Roma, and that I will obey the orders of my superiors and enforce their policies; and that I will prevent all harm and any offences against the consuls, praetors and imperium bearing officers, and the res publica of Nova Roma; and I will discharge all of my duties faithfully, to the best of my abilities in the interest of Nova Roma. (Me Dius Fidius!)
IX.B. The sacramentum of praetoriani armati shall be at the discretion of their unit commanders.


X. Definition of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae

I hereby establish the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae of Nova Roma under the joint authority of the consuls and the praefectus rei publicae administrandae of Nova Roma. Field units of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae reenacting ancient Roman cohortens urbanae may use label Cohortes Urbanae of Nova Roma. The Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae are the tools of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae to coordinate the harmonized and synchronized operation of the entire Nova Roman government and law enforcement, and to fulfill his duties as chief executive officer and powerhouse of the consular government. Members of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae are termed milites forenses rei publicae (or milites urbani when reenactors), and their primary function shall be to serve the praefectus rei publicae administrandae in any tasks, but especially in coordinating the various forums and online venues of Nova Roma, or within the spheres of interest of Nova Roma, for example as delegated to participate among the vigiles, or as representatives sent to other organizations and communities. Like the vigiles, the milites forenses rei publicae shall also be divided into milites forenses rei publicae officiales (administrative, office-work milites forenses) who do only online administrative work, milites forenses armati (also called milites urbani) who do only physical reenactment armed service as a ceremonial guard of our events, and to a category of milites forenses officiales armati (also called milites urbani officiales) who work in both aspects of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae.

X.A. Miles forensis rei publicae officialis
X.A.1. The milites forenses rei publicae officiales shall be service persons assisting the praefectus rei publicae in implementing his duties. Since their field service units go by a completely different placeholder name (milites urbani), the milites forenses rei publicae officiales can be identified even with a shorter title, omitting a couple of words: their usual shorthand name shall be milites forenses. They represent the praefectus rei publicae and through him the consuls of Nova Roma. They have the duty to implement the directives of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae and to ensure a unified and harmonized government in the various subsections, departments and offices of Nova Roma. In case of need, they shall assist the vigiles and complement their numbers.
X.A.2. The milites forenses rei publicae are can be sent to any provinces or entities of Nova Roma, or even to entities that are not part of Nova Roma, in order to observe, supervise or exert governmental influence, control and united action in the interests of Nova Roma.
X.B. Miles forensis rei publicae armatus
The milites forenses rei publicae armati, or with their short name, milites urbani, are either members of an officially recognized reenactment unit of Nova Roma which represent Roman cohortes urbanae, or individual miles urbanus reenactors administratively distributed into formal cohortes created by the praefectus rei publicae or the consuls. They serve Nova Roma at events and do not have any duty in the online work of the milites forenses rei publicae.
X.C. Miles forensis rei publicae officialis armatus
The milites forenses rei publicae officiales armati, or with their short name, milites urbani officiales, are milites forenses rei publicae who are both field serving milites forenses rei publicae and office workers in policy enforcement in serve of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae.

XI. The cohortes forenses rei publicae officiales

The following are the cohortes forenses rei publicae officiales. It shall be possible to serve in more than one cohors, but it will be counted still as one appointment.

XI.A. The Cohors Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis I shall consist of the milites forenses rei publicae serving with the vigiles, aiding one of their cohors
XI.B. The Cohors Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis II shall consist of the milites forenses rei publicae serving in other function
XI.C. These two cohortes shall always exist and shall have at least one miles forensis in each.

XII. The cohortes forenses rei publicae armatae reconstructivae (cohortes urbanae)

XII.A. Other cohortes shall be created if a sufficient number of miles urbanus reenactors are recruited for the purpose of forming reenactment units of the ancient Roman Cohortes Urbanae, and their name in reenactment shall be cohortes urbanae. The number of necessary individuals to establish a new cohors shall be at the discretion of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae or the consuls.The cohortes urbanae shall be composed only of field service milites forenses rei publicae armati who wear the historical equipment of ancient Roman milites urbani.
XII.B. If a miles forensis rei publicae officialis is also a miles forensis rei publicae armatus (miles urbanus), their cohors allocation shall follow the solution applied for praetorians in similar situation.

XIII. Ranks and functions and chain of command in the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae

XIII.A. The ranks and functions of the miles forensis rei publicae shall follow, mutatis mutandis, exactly the system of the praetoriani as described in this edict in Chapter IV. The relevant terms shall be changed to miles forensis rei publicae gregalis (OR-1), miles forensis rei publicae tesserarius (OR-3), miles forensis rei publicae vexillarius (OR-4), miles forensis rei publicae optio (OR-5) etc. The roles filled by the praefectus praetorio in this chapter for the praetoriani shall be filled by the praefectus rei publicae administrandae in case of the milites forenses rei publicae.
XIII.B. The chain of command shall follow, mutatis mutandis, exactly the system of praetoriani as described in Chapter V.
XIII.C. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae
The praefectus rei publicae administrandae, or the praefectus rei publicae, for its short and ceremonial version, originally two very similar but separate positions currently merged, represents the consuls. If future consuls can decide to appoint separate individuals to each position, both remain the co-commanders of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae is the direct commander of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae. Like the praefectus praetorio, the praefectus rei publicae also does not act on his own initiative and ideas: as chief executive officer of Nova Roma, he ensures the execution and implementation of government decisions and policies of the consuls. The consuls may not appoint any current consuls or praetors to this office, because that person would be subordinate and could not be a proper presidential magistrate and would lose the right to act on his own.
XIII.C.1. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae shall be the responsible to command the milites forenses rei publicae to ensure that consular policies and directives are observed and enforced equally and in a harmonized, concerted manner between the various offices, magistracies, community platforms and assets of Nova Roma, so that the entire management of Nova Roma may work as one body, toward the same purposes, in a coordinated way. The praefectus rei publicae is in complete control of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae, but he is subordinate to the consuls who shall retain the right to direct the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae personally on occasion.
XIII.C.2. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae can be granted tasks, projects and missions by the consuls that he has to carry out, and partial or complete consular powers regarding law policy and enforcement can be delegated to him. The praefectus rei publicae shall obey any order of the consuls.
XIII.C.3. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae has the right to commission new milites forenses rei publicae into any of the cohortes, to decommission (exclude or retire) existing ones, and to make promotions and demotions up to the rank of tribunus. Each miles forensis rei publicae officialis shall be registered and enrolled by the praefectus rei publicae who shall be responsible for the maintenance of the album militum forensium rei publicae. In case of milites forenses officiales, the praefectus rei publicae has the right to refuse enrollment to individuals he does not deem fit for service; in case of milites forenses armati, the praefectus must enroll any member without the right of refusal.
XIII.C.4. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae shall strictly and actively oversee and guard the work of the milites forenses in the cohortes forenses rei publicae officiales, and shall intervene to their work any time he thinks intervention is necessary.
XIII.C.5. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae is primarily responsible for recruitment of new milites forenses and for the maintenance of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae and for the satisfactory number and training of the milites forenses officiales.
XIII.C.6. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae has the right to give commands to, and override or overturn the actions and decisions of, the milites forenses rei publicae officiales.
XIII.C.7. The praefectus rei publicae administrandae has the right directly to appoint (i.e. promote), and remove (i.e. demote) officers of the milites forenses to any of the ranks, but the consuls reserve the right to intervene and make their own promotions or demotions.
XIII.C.8. If there is no praefectus rei publicae administrandae in office, the consuls shall order one of the praetors or quaestors to be temporarily in change of the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae (without the appointing them as praefectus). In this case all consitutional duties of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae shall be temporarily carried out by that praetor or quaestor as acting chief executive officer of Nova Roma.

XIV. Involvement of milites forenses rei publicae in the work of the vigiles

In order to assert the consular government policies, the praefectus rei publicae administrandae may delegate milites forenses rei publicae to be present in the cohortes vigilum and either observe, supervise or participate in their work. This may happen only for the duration of a nundinum at maximum, and after a nundinum passed, milites forenses may remain, or may be re-sent, only through an issuing of an edict by the praefectus rei publicae administrandae, or the consuls, describing the rationale and specifying the tasks of the delegated milites forenses. The milites forenses shall be the regular reinforcement forces in any forums and community assets in case of a problem, turmoil or crisis, supplementing the vigiles, or taking over the problem if the vigiles failed.

XV. First milites forenses rei publicae of Nova Roma

The following individuals are hereby enrolled as the first praetoriani of Nova Roma and allocated in the following cohortes. The requirements for rank shall not be applied in this original installation of the Cohortes Praetoriae. For their further promotions, all of these initial praetoriani shall be considered exempt from any service length requirement.

XV.A. The Cohors Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis I
(1) Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, miles forensis rei publicae officialis, gregalis, praepositus cohortis
XV.B. The Cohors Forensis Rei Publicae Officialis II
(1) D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, miles forensis rei publicae, officialis, praepositus cohortis
XV.C. There are no cohortes forenses rei publicae armatae as of yet.

XVI. The current praefectus rei publicae administrandae is Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.

XVII. Sacramentum of the milites forenses rei publicae

XVII.A. For a miles forensis rei publicae officialis of Nova Roma enrolled in the corps, the following oath has to be taken and posted to the iusiurandum@groups.io address under the supervision of the quaestors:
I _Roman name_ (native name), as a miles forensis rei publicae of Nova Roma, do solemnly swear that I will serve, guard and protect the res publica of Nova Roma and its consular government, and that I will obey the orders of my superiors and enforce their policies; and that I will prevent all harm and any offences against the res publica of Nova Roma, its laws and public order; and I will discharge all of my duties faithfully, to the best of my abilities in the interest of Nova Roma. (Me Dius Fidius!)
XVII.B. The sacramentum of milites forenses rei publicae armati shall be at the discretion of their unit commanders.


XVIII. Census points and status

XVIII.A. All types of the praetoriani and milites forenses rei publicae shall be in the same category as military reenactors, and shall be awarded with CP accordingly.
XVIII.B. Retired or excluded praetoriani and milites forenses shall not receive CP for past service. This shall apply to the vigiles, as well.
XVIII.C. Reenactor's special discounts and privileges do apply to the praetoriani, milites forenses and vigiles unless they are armati (field service).
XVIII.D. The cohortes officiales within each corps shall be displayed in the official website of Nova Roma as one military reenactment unit, giving three in total: the Cohortes Vigilum Officialium, the Cohortens Praetoriae Officiales and the Cohortes Forenses Rei Publicae Officiales. Active field serving reenactors who also serve within each corps will represent them in the wider world of Roman reenactment.

Datum a.d. III Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ 2776 AUC, XXVI ANRC, Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae (30, December 2023 AD)


Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de iure iurando magistratuum minorum et apparitorum

Edictum consulare de iure iurando magistratuum minorum et apparitorum

Effective immediately, the method of taking the oath of office by the vigintiviri, the tribuni militum, the apparitores, the curiate officers and all provincial subordinate officials shall be the following:

I. Instead of directly sending the text of their oath of office to the Forum Novum Romanum (Main Mailing List of Nova Roma), they shall send their oaths to a depository first, under the administration of the quaestors. The address of this depository is:


II. The Ius Iurandum mailing list is open to receive messages for non-subscribers, as well, so officers posting their oaths to the Ius Iurandum mailing list do not have to subscribe to the group.

III. The quaestors, the praefectus rei publicae administrandae and the curator rei informaticae shall subscribe to supervise and administer the oaths and the technical aspects of the mailing list.

IV. The quaestors shall periodically (as deemed practical and reasonable) collect the oaths and post them compiled in one single message to the Forum Novum Romanum, but not more often than twice a month.

Dated on a.d. V Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. anno sacro Concordia XXV Anniversarii

Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de comitiis curiatis convocandis II

Edictum consulare de comitiis curiatis convocandis

I hereby convene the Comitia Curiata to approve all laws that affect the curiae and the Comitia Curiata and to invest the consuls and praetors with imperium, and commander legatus pro praetore C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho who was appointed legatus pro praetore earlier this year. The agenda is the following:


ITEM I. Conferring imperium on the consuls and praetors, and commander legatus pro praetore C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho who was appointed legatus pro praetore earlier this year.

II. AUSPICES Favorable auspices for this Comitia Curiata session were obtained in my name by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.

III. OPENING CEREMONY The opening ritual was performed in my name by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.

IV. SCEDULE OF THE COMITIA The session of the Comitia Curiata starts immediately as the time stamp on the message shows (approximately at 13:00 noon). The session shall end on 12:30 PM Rome Time on 28 December.

V. RULES OF THE SESSION A. The session shall be held according to the Decretum pontificum de comitiis curiatis on the "Discord" server of the Curiae at: https://discord.com/channels/1051239138843705354/1051275715783434290 B. I mandate the curio maximus P. Aurelius Barbatus, or when/if he is not available, or needs assistance to conduct the mechanisms of the Comitia Curiata on the channel of Comitia Curiata in the forum of the Curiae: 1. The curio maximus shall post on the Comitia Curiata channel my call to vote which is attached below in the Appendix for the lictores curiati 2. When the curio maximus sees the first vote statement posted in the channel of the Comitia Curiata, he shall announce to the Forum Novum Romanum that the imperium has been conferred, according to V.C of the Decretum pontificum de comitiis curiatis. 3. After 12:30 PM Rome Time on 28 December, the curio maximus shall send me in email all vote statements collected in one document (marking the voting officers' identities) that were submitted to the channel of the Comitia Curiata.



ITEM I: My vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia (Name Of My Curia) personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, the praetores P. Aurelius Barbatus and C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, and the legatus pro praetore exercitus reconstructivi populi Novi Romani tardae antiquitatis C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curia votes as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.


ITEM I: Proxy vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia Titia and curia Hersilia personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, the praetores P. Aurelius Barbatus and C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, and the legatus pro praetore exercitus reconstructivi populi Novi Romani tardae antiquitatis C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.


ITEM I: Proxy vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of every curia personally to be present here this day, the curiae which could not attend have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, the praetores P. Aurelius Barbatus and C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, and the legatus pro praetore exercitus reconstructivi populi Novi Romani tardae antiquitatis C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.

Date: a.d. XI Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c. in the Sacred Year of Concordia, XXVth Anniversary Year of Nova Roma

Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de comitiis populi tributis convocandis II

Edictum consulare de comitiis populi tributis convocandis

I. The Nova Roman People is hereby called to attend the Comitia Populi Tributa in the electronic main forum of Nova Roma.


Auspices have been taken in my name by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and were favorable.


The opening ritual for the comitia was performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus in my name.


A. The comitia are convened as the time stamp on this public message shows. It is opened immediately.
B. Both the comitia and the voting period shall begin at 12:30 Rome Time on 22 December.
C. Voting shall end at 12:30 PM Rome Time on 28 December.
D. The results shall be announced and the comitia shall be ritually closed before 18:00 PM Rome Rome on 28 December 2023.

V. ELECTION OFFICIALS Election officials have been already appointed.



1. Start your vote email with your full Roman name or identify yourself clearly.
2. Send an email to the cista (voting urn) at:

Under your Roman name, COPY AND PASTE THE LIST OF CANDIDATES that we vote on, and delete the choices which you do not support. You can select no more than the number of openings:


(for 10 openings)

D. Aurelius Ingeniarius
L. Cornelia Lentula
L. Claudia Marcella
L. Hortensia Theodora
Ti. Caecilia Sabina
Q. Arrius Nauta
Cn. Cornelia Lentula
C. Octavius Delphinus
C. Quinctius Flamininus
M. Tarquinius Cincinnatus

(for 3 openings)

D. Flavius Nero
L. Dellius Liberalis
C. Popillius Laenas

(for 3 openings)

A. Octavius Trio
P. Atilius Severus
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
M. Octavius Corvus
N. Octavius Astronomus

(for 4 openings)

A. Iulius Paterculus
L. Vitellius Curio
Ap. Flavia Procula
D. Caesennius

(for 4 openings)

Ap. Curius Rullus
D. Fabricius Avitus
Ti. Antonius Serenus
Marcus Caecina Maxentius Conditor
A. Vitellius Celsus

[edit] Edictum consulare de comitiis centuriis et comitiis tributis convocandis


I. The Nova Roman People is hereby called to attend the Comitia Centuriata and Comitia Tributa in the electronic main forum of Nova Roma. The same rules apply to the Comitia Plebis Tributa convened by M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis, tribune of the plebs.


Auspices have been taken in my name by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and were favorable.


The opening ritual for both comitia was performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus pontifex in my name.


A. The comitia are convened as the time stamp on this public message shows. It is opened immediately.
B. Both the comitia and the voting period shall begin at 23:50 Rome Time on 4 December.
C. Voting shall end at 12:00 noon Rome Time on 10 December.
D. The results shall be announced and the comitia shall be ritually closed before 20:00 PM Rome Rome on 10 December 2023.


The same election official shall serve whom I appointed in my previous edict for the quaestorian election.


You can vote by sending an email to the cista (voting urn) at:
cista2776 at gmail dot com
1. Start your vote email with your full Roman name or identify yourself clearly.
2. Send an email to the cista (voting urn) at:


Under your Roman name, COPY AND PASTE THE LIST OF CANDIDATES that we vote on, and delete the choices which you do not support. You can select no more than the number of openings:


YES: Write UTI ROGAS or UR ("yes") under the name of the law proposal (rogatio) if you support it.
NO: Write ANTIQUO or A ("no") under the rogatio which you oppose.



C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus
C. Quinctius Flamininus
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius


P. Aurelius Barbatus
C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho
M. Pompeius Caninus


D. Claudius Aquilinus
M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis
T. Octavius Silvanus


C. Marcius Augustinus
C. Lucretius Agricola
M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis Cyprianus


C. Valeria Terra
M. Claudius Marcellus
Ti. Iulius Nerva
K. Quirinius Dasius
Q. Antonius Scaeva
S. Metilius Ahenobarbus
Ap. Pompeia Messallina
D. Caesennius


Rogatio Arria de patriciis Romanis

Rogatio Petronia de Latinis et sociis

Rogatio Caecilia de collegis et sodaliciis

[edit] Edictum consulare de comitiis populi tributis convocandis


I. The Nova Roman People is hereby called to attend the Comitia Populi Tributa in the electronic main forum of Nova Roma, according to emergency procedure, described in lex Tullia de comitiis habendis.

II. Justification for the accelerated procedure: This 4 December is the only suitable day to vote according to pontifical decree on comitia, and on 5 December the quaestors must enter office.


Auspices have been taken in my name by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and were favorable.


The opening ritual for the comitia was performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus pontifex in my name.


A. The comitia are convened as the time stamp on this public message shows. It is opened immediately.
B. Both the comitia and the voting period shall begin at 00:00 Rome Time on 4 December.
C. Voting shall end at 24:00 PM Rome Time on 4 December.
D. The results shall be announced and the comitia shall be ritually closed before 18:00 PM Rome Rome on 5 December 2023.


I appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as rogator and diributor, D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as custos and diribitor and P. Aurelius Barbatus as diribitor.



1. Start your vote email with your full Roman name or identify yourself clearly.

2. Send an email to the cista (voting urn) at:


Under your Roman name, COPY AND PASTE THE LIST OF CANDIDATES that we vote on, and delete the choices which you do not support. You can select no more than the number of openings:



T. Popillia Laenas
A. Ocratius Maximus Gittus
L. Siccius Dentatus
Q. Cornelius Rufus
Q. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus
C. Caelius Merula
M. Equitius Noctua
M’. Naevius Carbo
L. Calpurnius Bestia
Ap. Flavia Procula
T. Barbatius Naso
Ti. Claudius Vibianus

Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de contione convocanda

Edictum consulare de contione convocanda

I. The Nova Roman People is hereby called to attend the contio of the Comitia Centuriata in the electronic main forum of Nova Roma.


Auspices are not required for a contio, and none were taken. Auspices will be taken for the comitia when convened. An opening sacrificial offering has been made to Iuppiter today by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus today seeking his blessing upon this contio.


The time schedule of the contio is the following:

Contio begins immediately, as of 21:20 Rome Time on 9 November 2023 Contio will end at 20:00 Rome Time on 26 November 2023


ITEM I – Rogatio Arria de patriciis Romanis

In this sacred 25th Anniversary year of Nova Roma, the New Roman people of the Quirites enacts this law in tribute and honor of the Old Roman people which we are reviving and restoring to its formal glory. This law is the fruit of decades of growing consideration that the Nova Roman people should be fully united with the renascent Roman people as the organic continuation of the Old Roman people, and that those who are patricians according to the law and mos maiorum of the Roman people should be patricians in Nova Roma, as well. Since the Nova Roman people has been subsumed by the renascent Roman people of the world recently in the year of the consular tribunes Sex. Lucilius, C. Claudius, P. Annaeus and Q. Catulus, and Nova Roma has become the possesion of all Romans of the world, in this solemn year of our 25th Anniversary it is a very appropriate time to mark this milestone and celebrate our new era by further integrating the the Romans inside and outside of our res publica. The instructions set forth in this law serve this purpose.

I. As a gesture of celebrating a quarter century of glorious history of revival, the 25th Anniversary of Nova Roma, all Roman patricians whose nomen and cognomen combination were recognized in the ancient Roman Republic as a marking patrician status shall henceforth be recognized as patricians of Nova Roma, as well, if they are, or become, citizens of Nova Roma. In same rare cases the nomen gentile alone marked patriciatus: this shall also be recognized accordingly. The elevation of these citizens to the patriciatus is part of the celebrations of the 25th Anniversary of Nova Roma, it is not a retroactive act dating back to the start of their citizenship, but it is dated and takes effect on the day of the enactment of this law.
I.A. It shall be within the authority of the Onomastic Office of the censors to determine which ancient Roman nomen-cognomen combinations were patricians, but the decision can be regarded as valid if there is published, academic evidence in research and scholarship demonstrating the patrician status of the stirps. The members of the Onomastic Office department of the Censorial Office shall be Latinists with an a university degree from Classics (Classical Pholology).
I.B.In uncertain cases where modern scholarship is undecided, the determining factor shall be what the communis opinio is about the family in the extant ancient Roman authors; if there is no such communis opinio evidenced, the censors may not enroll the stirps among the patricians of Nova Roma. Stirpes with consuls until the consulship of L. Aemilius Mamercinus and L. Sextius Sextinus Lateranus shall be regarded as patricians even if there is no clear evidence about their status in scholarship or in the Roman authors.
I.B.1. For a stirps that is defined by this regulation as patrician, but is found as plebeian in later history (an example would be the Iunii Bruti, patricians at first but plebeians in the late republic), it shall be possible to choose between the patriciatus and the plebs.
I.B.2. This decision is made by a voting of the patres familias of the stirps organized by the censors. The vote of the patres familias has an effect on those members of the stirps who are genetically related to them or who are their adopted or recognized relatives whom they represent: such citizens shall be uniformly in the same genus gentilicium. Those who bear the same nomen-cognomen combination but are not bound by such connection are also not bound by the the decision of another pater familias in the stirps. If part of a stirps decides to be plebeian, the other part patrician, those two will be considered separate stirpes from that point on.
II. If a citizen wishes to correct his or her name to the name of an existing stirps (with the approval of that stirps) which has a different genus gentilicium than their own, the genus gentilicium of the correcting citizen shall change to the genus gentilicium of his or her new stirps with the following restructions:
II.A. Patrician citizens from the founding years of Nova Roma, that is, who obtained citizenship between Year I to Year XX shall keep their patrician status regardless to whatever their name is changed through administrative name correction described in the lex Apula Popillia. They shall be patricians in their person, not only in their names, as long as they are not officially transitioned to the plebs by the Comitia Curiata. Plebeian genus gentilicium is not fixed the same way, if a plebeian citizen joins a patrician stirps by administrative name correction (subject to approval by that stirps), that citzen immediately and retroactively receives the patriciatus, however, this kind of administrative name correction shall not be possible for citizens have already held a title that is open only to plebeians. Patrician citizens from the founding period of Nova Roma cannot change their patrician status to plebeian by any other mechanism but transitio ad plebem or adrogatio, that is, through the procedure at the Comitia Curiata.
II.B. Citizens enrolled after Year XX ANRC shall be patricians in their name, so their patrician or plebeian status changes not only by official act of the Comitia Curiata, but also by administrative name correction. For such citizens administrative name correction that would result in a change of genus gentilicium shall not be possible at all if they have already held a title that is open only to patricians or only to plebeians.
III. The nomen-cognomen combination of those Nova Roman patricians who are currently cives incensi or former citizens, which are originally Roman plebeian stirpes, shall continue to be regarded as patrician in Nova Roma. New citizens taking these names shall receive the patriciatus. Exception to this rule are those Nova Roman stirpes (both patrician and plebeian) that are judged as incorrectly formed names by the Onomastic Office of the censors: these are forbidden to continue, a new citizen cannot join such stirpes and any unregistered or former citizen who wishes to resume their full status in Nova Roma shall change their name to a correct form according to the classical Roman naming conventions before they are allowed to be reinstated.

[edit] Edictum consulare de supplicationibus triumphalibus

I. I hereby issue this edict to call all magistrates, officers, priests and citizens to offer supplicatio sacrifice in gratitude for the first (partial) victory of Nova Roma in 2018. These should be offered today and/or tomorrow in the first place, on the two days of the Triumphus ex Canada de Tyranno, but it shall be possible also within five days (August 25-29).

II. The recommended text of the prayer is this:

Iuppiter Capitoline et Omnes Di Immortales vos in supplicatione precamur nomine senatus populique Novi Romani et renascentis populi Romani Quiritium uti gratiarum agendarum ergo accipiatis:
hoc libum (if you sacrifice libum)
hoc vinum (if you sacrifice wine)
hoc tus (if you sacrifice incense)
pro Victoria legati pro praetore Gnaei Corneli Lentuli imperatoris pro Nova Roma servata et pro re publica servata et restituta, atque triumphum ab eo habitum, utique semper sitis volentes propitii Novae Romae Gnaeo Lentulo Imperatori, Legioni Vicesimae Primae Rapaci, Cohorti Carpathicae et Legioni Secundae Adiutrici, toti exercitui Lentuli imperatoris, toti populo Novo Romano, rei publicae Novae Romane, nobis, domibus familiis. Macte hoc libo (if you sacrifice libum)
hoc vino (if you sacrifice wine)
hoc ture (if you sacrifice incense)
estote fitote volentes propotii.
(Now offer the sacrificed items).

Date: a.d. VIII Kal. Sept. ‡ C. Cornelio Q. Arrio (IV) cos.


Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de quaestoribus assignandisa

I. Quaestrix T. Popillia Laenas is assigned is assigned to consul C. Cornelius Barosus as his consular quaestor.
II. Quaestor L. Rutilius Cuminum is assigned to consul Q. Arrius Nauta as his consular quaestor.
III. Quaestor M. Licinius Verres is assigned to praetor P. Porcius Licinus as his praetorian quaestor.
IV. Quaestor D. Claudius Aquilinus is assigned to praetor C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus as his praetorian quaestor.

Date: a.d. III Non. Apr. ‡ C. Cornelio Q. Arrio (IV) ‡ MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c., XXVI a. N. R. c., Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae conditae. (3 April, 2023)


Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de comitiis curiatis convocandis

Edictum consulare de comitiis curiatis convocandis

I hereby convene the Comitia Curiata to approve all laws that affect the curiae and the Comitia Curiata and to invest the consuls, praetors and governors with imperium. The agenda is the following:


ITEM I. Confirming all laws that affect the Comitia Curiata or the curiae in any way

This confirmation serves now only a symbolic purpose because all these laws were enacted before the current requirement of approving them by the Comitia Curiata was established, therefore this requirement legally is not applicable to the laws made before the requirement was instituted. However, in order to have the most ceremonially correct legal set up, I decided to have the previous laws approved by the Comitia Curiata so that we can proudly say that the blessings of the curiae, the sacred assembly, is on all fundamental institutions of Nova Roma

ITEM II. Conferring imperium on the consuls, praetors, the proconsuls, propraetors, the dux and the legates with praetorian power, the proquaestor with praetorian power, and the prefect of Italia

This is the first time that the imperium of the governors will be properly granted by the Comitia Curiata.


Favorable auspices for this Comitia Curiata session were obtained in my name by augur Fl. Vedius Germanicus


The opening ritual was performed in my name by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus today morning


The session of the Comitia Curiata starts immediately as the time stamp on the message shows (approximately at 12:00 noon). The session shall end on 23 January, at 12:00 noon, Rome Time.


A. The session shall be held according to the Decretum pontificum de comitiis curiatis on the "Discord" server of the Curiae at https://discord.gg/gGyCaEZA


B. I mandate the curio maximus P. Aurelius Barbatus, or when/if he is not available, or needs assistance, the tribuni tribuum, L. Tullia Scholastica Flaviana, M. Pompeius Caninus and L. Dellius Liberalis, to conduct the mechanisms of the Comitia Curiata on the channel of Comitia Curiata in the forum of the Curiae:

1. The curio maximus shall post on the Comitia Curiata channel my call to vote which is attached below in the Appendix for the lictores curiati

2. When the curio maximus sees the first vote statement posted in the channel of the Comitia Curiata, he shall announce to the Forum Novum Romanum that the imperium has been conferred, according to V.C of the Decretum pontificum de comitiis curiatis.

3. After 23 January, at 12:00 noon, Rome Time, the curio maximus shall send me in email all vote statements collected in one document (marking the voting officers' identities) that were submitted to the channel of the Comitia Curiata.



ITEM I: My vote statement formula confirming the laws affecting the Comitia Curiata

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia (Name Of My Curia) personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confirm the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, the lex Arria de veteribus tribubus et curiis, the Decretum pontificum de curiis, the Decretum pontificum de Comitiis Curiatis, the Edictum censorium de curiis et gentibus and the Edictum censorium de gentibus curiis addendis affecting the old and sacred ceremonial tribes and curiae of the Nova Roman People, the Quirities, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curia votes as you requested, and we wish them a long and happy life.

ITEM II: My vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia (Name Of My Curia) personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules C. Cornelius Barosus and Q. Arrius Nauta, the praetores P. Porcius Licinus and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, the proconsul of Provincia America Noveboracensis et Mediatlantica T. Domitius Draco, the proconsul of Provincia California Q. Fabius Maximus, the proconsul of Provincia Nova Britannia M. Cassius Iulianus, the propraetor of Provincia America Hispanica and Provincia Australia D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, the propraetrix of Provincia Sarmatia and Provincia Scythia et Russia M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina, the dux et legatus pro praetore of Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae encompassing Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Hispania and Thule Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia America Cismississippiana P. Aurelius Barbatus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Canada P. Iunius Brutus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia of Provincia Dacia, Provincia Lacus Magni and Provincia Pannonia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Marcomannia Ti. Iulius Nerva, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Thracia A. Vitellius Celsus, the proquaestor pro praetore of Provincia America Transmississippiana, Provincia Brasilia and Provincia Nova Hispania Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the praefectus pro praetore of Italia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curia votes as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.


ITEM I: Proxy vote statement formula confirming the laws affecting the Comitia Curiata

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia Caelia, curia Cispia and curia Martia personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confirm the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, the lex Arria de veteribus tribubus et curiis, the Decretum pontificum de curiis, the Decretum pontificum de Comitiis Curiatis, the Edictum censorium de curiis et gentibus and the Edictum censorium de gentibus curiis addendis affecting the old and sacred ceremonial tribes and curiae of the Nova Roman People, the Quirities, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them a long and happy life.

ITEM II: Proxy vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia Caelia, curia Cispia and curia Martia personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules C. Cornelius Barosus and Q. Arrius Nauta, the praetores P. Porcius Licinus and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, the proconsul of Provincia America Noveboracensis et Mediatlantica T. Domitius Draco, the proconsul of Provincia California Q. Fabius Maximus, the proconsul of Provincia Nova Britannia M. Cassius Iulianus, the propraetor of Provincia America Hispanica and Provincia Australia D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, the propraetrix of Provincia Sarmatia and Provincia Scythia et Russia M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina, the dux et legatus pro praetore of Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae encompassing Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Hispania and Thule Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia America Cismississippiana P. Aurelius Barbatus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Canada P. Iunius Brutus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia of Provincia Dacia, Provincia Lacus Magni and Provincia Pannonia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Marcomannia Ti. Iulius Nerva, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Thracia A. Vitellius Celsus, the proquaestor pro praetore of Provincia America Transmississippiana, Provincia Brasilia and Provincia Nova Hispania Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the praefectus pro praetore of Italia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.


ITEM I: Proxy vote statement formula confirming the laws affecting the Comitia Curiata

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia Titia and curia Hersilia personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confirm the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, the lex Arria de veteribus tribubus et curiis, the Decretum pontificum de curiis, the Decretum pontificum de Comitiis Curiatis, the Edictum censorium de curiis et gentibus and the Edictum censorium de gentibus curiis addendis affecting the old and sacred ceremonial tribes and curiae of the Nova Roman People, the Quirities, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them a long and happy life.

ITEM II: Proxy vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia Titia and curia Hersilia personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules C. Cornelius Barosus and Q. Arrius Nauta, the praetores P. Porcius Licinus and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, the proconsul of Provincia America Noveboracensis et Mediatlantica T. Domitius Draco, the proconsul of Provincia California Q. Fabius Maximus, the proconsul of Provincia Nova Britannia M. Cassius Iulianus, the propraetor of Provincia America Hispanica and Provincia Australia D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, the propraetrix of Provincia Sarmatia and Provincia Scythia et Russia M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina, the dux et legatus pro praetore of Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae encompassing Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Hispania and Thule Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia America Cismississippiana P. Aurelius Barbatus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Canada P. Iunius Brutus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia of Provincia Dacia, Provincia Lacus Magni and Provincia Pannonia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Marcomannia Ti. Iulius Nerva, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Thracia A. Vitellius Celsus, the proquaestor pro praetore of Provincia America Transmississippiana, Provincia Brasilia and Provincia Nova Hispania Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the praefectus pro praetore of Italia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.


ITEM I: Proxy vote statement formula confirming the laws affecting the Comitia Curiata

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia Rapta, curia Solonia, curia Taracia and curia Latia personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confirm the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, the lex Arria de veteribus tribubus et curiis, the Decretum pontificum de curiis, the Decretum pontificum de Comitiis Curiatis, the Edictum censorium de curiis et gentibus and the Edictum censorium de gentibus curiis addendis affecting the old and sacred ceremonial tribes and curiae of the Nova Roman People, the Quirities, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them a long and happy life.

ITEM II: Proxy vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of the curia Rapta, curia Solonia, curia Taracia and curia Latia personally to be present here this day, they have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules C. Cornelius Barosus and Q. Arrius Nauta, the praetores P. Porcius Licinus and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, the proconsul of Provincia America Noveboracensis et Mediatlantica T. Domitius Draco, the proconsul of Provincia California Q. Fabius Maximus, the proconsul of Provincia Nova Britannia M. Cassius Iulianus, the propraetor of Provincia America Hispanica and Provincia Australia D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, the propraetrix of Provincia Sarmatia and Provincia Scythia et Russia M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina, the dux et legatus pro praetore of Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae encompassing Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Hispania and Thule Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia America Cismississippiana P. Aurelius Barbatus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Canada P. Iunius Brutus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia of Provincia Dacia, Provincia Lacus Magni and Provincia Pannonia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Marcomannia Ti. Iulius Nerva, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Thracia A. Vitellius Celsus, the proquaestor pro praetore of Provincia America Transmississippiana, Provincia Brasilia and Provincia Nova Hispania Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the praefectus pro praetore of Italia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.


ITEM I: Proxy vote statement formula confirming the laws affecting the Comitia Curiata

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of every curia personally to be present here this day, the curiae which could not attend have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confirm the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, the lex Arria de veteribus tribubus et curiis, the Decretum pontificum de curiis, the Decretum pontificum de Comitiis Curiatis, the Edictum censorium de curiis et gentibus and the Edictum censorium de gentibus curiis addendis affecting the old and sacred ceremonial tribes and curiae of the Nova Roman People, the Quirities, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them a long and happy life.

ITEM II: Proxy vote statement formula investing authorities with imperium

Consul, it not being convenient for the citizens of every curia personally to be present here this day, the curiae which could not attend have commanded me to declare and notify their Assent to these acts of the Comitia Curiata with full power and authority in their name to confer imperium and auspices, just as it was had by Romulus and all the good and lawful Kings of Rome, upon the consules C. Cornelius Barosus and Q. Arrius Nauta, the praetores P. Porcius Licinus and C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, the proconsul of Provincia America Noveboracensis et Mediatlantica T. Domitius Draco, the proconsul of Provincia California Q. Fabius Maximus, the proconsul of Provincia Nova Britannia M. Cassius Iulianus, the propraetor of Provincia America Hispanica and Provincia Australia D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, the propraetrix of Provincia Sarmatia and Provincia Scythia et Russia M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina, the dux et legatus pro praetore of Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae encompassing Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Hispania and Thule Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia America Cismississippiana P. Aurelius Barbatus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Canada P. Iunius Brutus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia of Provincia Dacia, Provincia Lacus Magni and Provincia Pannonia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Marcomannia Ti. Iulius Nerva, the legatus pro praetore of Provincia Thracia A. Vitellius Celsus, the proquaestor pro praetore of Provincia America Transmississippiana, Provincia Brasilia and Provincia Nova Hispania Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the praefectus pro praetore of Italia Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, which shall be good, propitious, happy and fortunate to the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. My curiae vote as you requested, and we wish them good fortune in their office and in their work under the auspices of the religio Romana.

Date: a.d. XIII Kal. Feb. ‡ C. Cornelio Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c. in the Sacred Year of Concordia, XXVth Anniversary Year of Nova Roma.

Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edictum consulare de edictis prioribus

Edictum consulare de edictis prioribus

I hereby confirm all previous consular edicts currently in force.

Date: a.d. XIII Kal. Feb. ‡ C. Cornelio Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c. in the Sacred Year of Concordia, XXVth Anniversary Year of Nova Roma.

Q. Arrius Nauta

[edit] Edicta of the Praetores

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

[edit] Edictum praetorium de revisione apparitorum


Datum ante diem a.d. II Kal. Ian. C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) coss. anno XXVI a.N.R.c. (2776 a.u.c - 2023 CE)

C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus praetor et consul designatus populo Novo Romano Quiritibus s. p. d.

As mandated by law, I hereby review the work of my sole praetorian apparitor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, accensus, with the mark "excellent".

If there were a higher mark than “excellent,! I would have awarded it. However, “excellent” will have to do.


C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus

[edit] Edictum praetorium de comitiis regendis


With this edict, I convene the Comitia Centuriata to vote on my rogatio Petronia de Latinis et sociis discussed by the previous contio presided by myself, and I designate consul Q. Arrius Nauta to preside over this comitia in my name, to hold my comitia jointly together with his, and to decide and publish all administrative details of the comitia (schedule, organization, conducting).

C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus

[edit] Edictum praetorium de contione convocanda

I. The Nova Roman People is hereby called to attend the contio of the Comitia Centuriata in the electronic main forum of Nova Roma.


Auspices are not required for a contio, and none were taken. Auspices will be taken for the comitia when convened. An opening sacrificial offering has been made to Iuppiter today by praetor C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus today seeking his blessing upon this contio.


The time schedule of the contio is the following:

Contio begins immediately, as of 22:00 Rome Time on 15 November 2023
Contio will end at 22:00 Rome Time on 25 November 2023


ITEM I – Rogatio Petronia de Latinis et sociis

The text of the proposal will be posted in my next message.


C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus

[edit] Edictum praetorium de praefecta expositionibus archaeologicis curandis

I. As praetor of the Nova Roman People, I hereby appoint Ser. Tullia Silvana (formerly known as Tullia Sentia Silvana) to the position of praefecta expositionibus archaeologicis (prefect in charge of archaeological expositions).

II. The duty of praefecta expositionibus archaeologicis shall be providing, or offering, opportunities of Classical Antiquity archaeological exhibitions, museum programs or similar cultural programs for the praetors and the Nova Roman People which they can integrate into the activities of Nova Roma.

III. No oath is required, effective by a.d. III Non. Sext. (Aug 3) C. Cornelio Q. Arrio IV coss., the 25th Anniversary Year of Nova Roma, Sacred Year of Concordia.


C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus

[edit] Edictum praetorium de accenso

I. As praetor of the Nova Roman People, I hereby appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus to the position of accensus Officii Praetorii or accensus praetorius for short (accensus of the Praetorian Office).

II. The duty of accensus Officii Praetorii shall be the management of the Praetorian Office.

III. No oath is required, effective by a.d. III Non. Sext. (Aug 3) C. Cornelio Q. Arrio IV coss., the 25th Anniversary Year of Nova Roma, Sacred Year of Concordia.


C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus

[edit] Edictum praetorium de legione I Italica in provincia Thracia Legunda

I. In my capacity as deputy commander-in-chief of the Nova Roman Ceremonial Armed Forces, I hereby recruit and establish the Legio I Italica (represented macrionationally by the Council of Tourism - Svishtov Nonprofit Organization) in Provincia Thracia as an Allied Legion of Nova Roma.

II. I appoint C. Cornelius Celer Rufus as legatus legionis I Italicae. No oath is required.

III. I place the Legio I Italica under my direct praetorian command, outside of the provincial army structure of Provincia Thracia. The Legio I Italica shall remain under direct praetorian command as long as the governor of Thracia and the senate does not decide otherwise.

III.A. The praetorian office will organize discussion with the governor's office of Thracia about future structure.

III.B. After my term as praetor expires, the chief state command over the legion will past to the next praetors who shall sort the command out between themselves, and if needed, senate decision can determine it.

IV. Over the past year I have come to respect the passion and commitment of the ordinary soldiers of legio I Italic to Roman re-enactment, and how they have behaved as a body of men when participating with them at the same festivals in Bulgaria, Romania, Rome, and Britain. While it is understood that improvements need to be made to their equipment, and the leadership of Legio I Italica are already taken steps in that direction, for which I feel it is incumbent on us, as a supportive organisation, to help educate, encourage, and facilitate, their spirit is already Roman. It is for this reason I wish to ally Legio I Italica with the Nova Roma movement.

V. This edict took force on a.d. VII Kal. Iun. C. Cornelio et Q. Arrio IV cos. (May 26, 2023), in the 25th Anniversary of Nova Roma, Sacred Year of Concordia.

Signed on a.d. VII Kal. Iun. C. Cornelio et Q. Arrio IV cos. (May 26, 2023) by:

C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus

[edit] Edicta of the Aediles Curules

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

[edit] Edictum aedilicium de ludis quinvicennalibus magnis finalibus extensis


I. We, the aediles curules of Nova Roma, Cn. Lentulus and M. Cotta, hereby extend the Ludi Quinvicennales Magni Finales Saturnalicii to the month of January, concluding with January 31. The overflowing of the programs, events, celebrations of the year C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. XXVI ANRC warrants and demands that extension so that we can conclude all programs, results, video recorded chariot races and gladiatorial races with the due care they deserve: the glory and pride of our Quarter Century just overflows this year's frames, and this extension symbolizes it. Results of contests, especially the Chief 25th Anniversary Contest, the Ceramen Artium, reports and presentations of the highlights of the 25th Anniversary Year the Sacred Year of Concordia and the postal mailing of all awards won this year will be conducted this starting January.

II. We hereby appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as curator Ludorum Quinvicennalium, effective until the Kalends of February, and we delegate the aedilician authority to carry out all these remaining tasks of the great 25th Anniversary Sacred Year.

III. We request the consuls to confirm this edict and appointment with their imperium.

Datum pr Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ 2776 AUC, XXVI ANRC, Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae (31, December 2023 AD)


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius

[edit] Edictum aedilicium de vigilibus


Guardians and officers of the enforcement of Nova Roman law and order in our online forums have never been clearly defined in the past 25 years of Nova Roma. These moderators and administrators of our online forums and other community venues usually have been appointed as scribae. By this edict, I, as aedilis curulis, in charge of managing and administering the public infrastructure, assets and forums of Nova Roma, bring this question to its natural Roman solution and completion, and define the status, titles and duties of the officers who moderate and administer the public forums and other public assets of Nova Roma. At the same time, I ensure that our "offline," real guards that reenact these types of units are integrated into the same single structure to make our Roman revival a one and whole continuum.

I. I hereby establish the Cohortes Vigilum of Nova Roma under the joint authority of the four aediles of Nova Roma. The vigiles take the place of the scribae and other apparitores that were previously employed for the management of public communication venues. The vigiles shall be divided into vigiles officiales (administrative, office-work vigiles) who do only online administrative work, vigiles armati who do only physical reenactment armed service as a ceremonial guard of our events, and to a category of vigiles officiales armati who work in both aspects of the Cohortes Vigilum.

I.A. Vigil officialis
The vigiles officiales who serve in the forums of Nova Roma have the title "vigil forensis". Those who do not serve in forums retain the title "vigil officialis".
I.A.1. Vigiles serving in the forums or the websites of Nova Roma shall be service persons guarding that the rules of behavior, the code of conduct, Nova Roman law and order is maintained, and the instructions or orders of the magistrates are enforced. They have the duty to notice and report any violations or transgressions regarding the above to the tresviri capitales, and to interact with the persons suspected or caught on violation.
Additionally, they have the duty to help and assist individuals on the forums of Nova Roma who are in need of help regarding the use of the communication venue, or the understanding of the mechanisms of Nova Roma.
I.A.2. All types of vigiles officiales are generally entrusted to discover irregularities, incorrect behavior or violations of Nova Roman law and to report them to the tresviri capitales, like a macronational police. The vigiles are the watching eyes of Nova Roman law, and the tresviri capitales are the constitutional powers that can initiate procedure, based on discoveries by the vigiles, to remedy those discovered incorrect actions.
I.B. Vigil armatus
The vigiles armati are either members of an officially recognized reenactment unit of Nova Roma which represent Roman vigiles, or individual vigil reenactors administratively distributed into formal cohortes created by the aediles. They serve Nova Roma at events and do not have any duty in the online work of the vigiles.
I.C. Vigil officialis armatus
The vigiles officiales armati are vigiles who are both vigil reenactors and office workers in Nova Roman public venues management.

II. The cohortes vigilum officialium

The following are the cohortes vigilum officialium. It shall be possible to serve in more than one cohors, but it will be counted still as one appointment.

II.A. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Fori Novi Romani shall consist of the moderators and other supervisors of the Forum Novum Romanum (Forum Cassium or Main Mailing List).
II.B. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Fori Cornelii shall consist of the moderators and other supervisors of the Forum Cornelium (Nova Roma Facebook Group).
II.C. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Fori Domitii shall consist of the moderators and other supervisors of the Forum Domitium (Nova Roma Discord Chat Platform).
II.D. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Variorum shall consist of the moderators and other supervisors sent to discussion groups, forums and other community internet sites of various sodalitates, collegia and societies inside Nova Roma. To this cohors shall belong guardians sent to provincial or other territorial-based official forums of Nova Roma delegated by the tresviri capitales or aediles (on a case-by-case basis) and of the guardians of the official websites (especially the Wiki) of Nova Roma.

III. The cohortes vigilum armatorum reconstructivae

III.A. Other cohortes shall be created if a sufficient number of vigil reenactors are recruited for the purpose of forming reenactment units of vigiles. The number of necessary individuals to establish a new cohors shall be at the discretion of the aediles. The cohortes vigilum armatorum reconstructivae shall be composed only of field service vigiles (vigiles armati) who wear the historical equipment of ancient Roman vigiles.
III.B. If a vigil officialis is also a vigil armatus (vigil officialis armatus), they shall be added to to a cohors armata vigilum if, and only if they can physically participate in the field activities of the cohors, and the leadership of the cohors is in agreement with the addition of said individual. In this case, the vigil officialis armatus shall be in two cohortes: in his cohors officialis and also in his cohors armata. If the vigil officialis armatus does not participate in a field operating (reenacting) cohors armata vigilum in any form, they shall remain in the cohors officialis alone.

IV. Ranks and functions

The ranks of the vigiles, both armati and officiales, follows the Roman military hierarchy as applied in Nova Roma, but with simplification. The functions of each rank among the vigiles armati shall be determined by the immediate commanders. The functions of the ranks of the vigiles officiales is described in this chapter.

IV.A. If needed, the vigiles armati and the vigiles officiales armati can be promoted to other ranks of the more elaborate system used in the Nova Roman legions, but this simplified scale is the recommended range of ranks for them, too. The vigiles officiales may not be promoted to any other ranks than the ones listed below.
IV.B. The rank grades of vigiles (with modern approximations), and the functions and requirements of each rank shall be the following. Their title may be vigil officialis (online service, but not in forums), vigil forensis (online service in forums), vigil armatus (field service in reenactment), or mixed: vigil officialis armatus, vigil forensis armatus (this latter is for those vigiles officiales armati who work in forum administration). Since the most typical use of vigiles in Nova Roma will be forum management, in the listing of ranks that type will be used, but the term "forensis" may be substituted with "officialis" for website guardians or others who work in other areas:
IV.B.1. Vigil forensis gregalis (OR-1)
The vigiles gregales shall not have any moderator privileges: their job is to monitor the content of a forum, remind forum users if they are violating, or close to a violation of posting rules and code of conduct, answer questions by users, or to connect inquirers with the officers who can answer and help, and in general provide guidance to forum users if they need assistance. The vigiles gregales, and all ranks of vigiles, are generally entrusted to discover irregularities, incorrect behavior or violations of Nova Roman law and to report them to the tresviri capitales.
IV.B.2. Vigil forensis tesserarius (OR-3)
The tesserarii shall be the lowest grade of moderators of public forums and other online infrastructures, or vigil officialis with any decision making right. A vigil may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 3 months service as gregalis, but most moderators should be kept in this rank. The tesserarius shall be considered the default rank for moderators.
IV.B.3. Vigil forensis vexillarius (OR-4)
The vexillarii shall be an intermediate grade of moderators and minor decision makers. This grade in the rank system shall be granted to those who are selected to be promoted to optio later, and generally should be considered a temporary position. Very long serving tessararii may be promoted to this rank as a recognition for their long and excellent service. This rank shall be filled only if by making this promotion there remain at least two tesserarii in the cohors. A vigil may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 1 year service as tesserarius.
IV.B.4. Vigil forensis optio (OR-5)
The optiones shall be the fullest and highest grade of moderators but not administrators: they still shall not possess all the tools and rights in the technical administration of the forum or a specific online asset. A vigil may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 2 year service as tesserarius, or a 18 month service as tesserarius and vexillarius combined. This rank should be considered the default rank for leading and experienced moderators.
IV.B.5. Vigil forensis centurio posterior (OF-1) (W-1/O-1)
The centuriones posteriores shall be the first grade of administrators in forums or other websites: they shall possess tools with which they can manage not only forum members but the moderators, as well. In other areas of service, they shall be also responsible decision makers in their relevant office. They shall have the right for substantial decisions and changes in the system and editing the archives where it's possible. They have the right to promote or demote vigiles up to the rank of optio. Only they (and higher ranks) may have the right to remove forum members. A vigil may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 1 year service as optio. This rank should be considered the default rank for admins.
IV.B.6. Vigil forensis centurio prior (OF-2) (W-3/O-3)
Centuriones priores shall be more experienced chief administrators and decision makers. If the technical system of the forum or other venue makes it possible, they should be given more admin rights than the centuriones posteriores, or even the entirety of admin rights (depending on the asset owner's decision). Very long serving centuriones posteriores may be promoted to this rank as a recognition for their long and excellent service. This rank shall be filled only if by making this promotion there remains at least one centurio posterior in the cohors. A vigil may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 1 year service as centurio posterior.
IV.B.7. Vigil forensis tribunus (OF-5)
The tribunus shall be the highest ranking chief administrator and decision maker among the service personnel, but their access and rights to technical administration tools is not higher than that of the centuriones priores who have the highest rights and complete technical control already (depending on the asset owner's decision). They have the right to promote or demote vigiles up to the rank of centurio prior. This rank shall be considered the top of a vigil career and to fill it shall be seen as an award to the best serving vigil centurions. A vigil may be promoted to this rank only after a minimum of 1 year service as centurio prior.
IV.C. The date of start of service, end of service and promotions shall be registered in an album vigilum on the official website of Nova Roma.
IV.D. Demotion to a lower rank shall be a possible process as a reprimand for poor service, mismanagement, abuse of power, dereliction of duty or other types of errors in service.
IV.E. Vigiles removed from active duty keep their ranks as retired vigiles ("vigiles veterani"), and if they are appointed to duty again, they shall be in the same rank that they bore. Vigiles can be retired by an official decision of the praefectus vigilum. Vigiles veterani do not possess any rights or duties as vigil, but they remain members of the cohors where they belonged and they are entitled to their insignia and to participate in the parades or ceremonial field service of their cohors (if it has any). Remaining member in the cohors does not imply that they have to be privy to the cohors's office work and its discussion group. Vigiles who wish to quit completely and irreversibly from the corps, or vigiles who brought disrepute to corps and the commanders wish to cancel their title as vigiles, can be permanently excluded from the corps of the vigiles by an official decision of the praefectus vigilum.
IV.F. The functions attributed to each rank may be changed, but only on an individual, case-by-case basis, and only in the form of a decrease of rights and authority, never as an increase. For example, a centurio (who would normally be an admin) may be given the rights of just a moderator, or may be even deprived of all moderation rights and used for other types of work (such as greeting newcomers e.g.) if the work organization within the cohors requires this.
IV.G. Vigil officers serving in multiple cohortes of the vigiles shall hold the same rank in all cohortes, but active moderation or admin rights shall be given to them only if the cohors commanders think so.

V. Chain of command and management in the Cohortes Vigilum

V.A. Lower commanders within the cohors
The chain of command within a cohors is according to rank: the higher ranking officers can command the lower ranking officers. Officers of equal rank can decide between themselves by majority decision. In case of a tie, a higher ranking officer must decide, or if no resolution is possible, the praefectus vigilum shall make the decision.
V.B. Cohors commander
The commander of a cohors shall be a tribunus who actually possesses admin rights; or if there is no such tribunus in the cohors, the commander shall be the highest ranking vigil with the highest degree of admin rights. If there are more vigiles equally qualified to be the commander based in these rules, the cohors commander shall be selected by the praefectus vigilum. The cohors commander is the day-to-day operational commander and responsible officer for the forums and assets under the guardianship of the specific cohors. The job title of the cohors commander who is not a tribunus shall be praepositus cohortis, plus the vigil rank he is holding.
V.C. Praefectus vigilum
The praefectus vigilum represents the tresviri capitales and the aediles to the personnel of the Cohortes Vigilum. The praefectus does not direct the forums based on his own initiative and ideas: he ensures the implementation of triumviral decisions and aedilician policies. The praefectus vigilum shall be appointed by the tresviri capitales by majority agreement; they shall be entitled to appoint one among themselves, as well. The citizen appointed to the position of praefectus vigilum shall be a vigil who has served at least 3 months as vigil prior to his appointment as praefectus.
V.C.1. The praefectus vigilum shall be the general assistant and chief of staff to the tresviri capitales and shall be responsible to coordinate the vigiles between the various forums, community platforms and assets of Nova Roma so that the code of conduct and policies of Nova Roma be observed and enforced equally in all of them. As an overall principle, the praefectus vigilum has as much influence and active commanding rights over the Cohortes Vigilum as is given to him by the tresviri capitales. The tresviri can choose to direct everything personally or they can leave everything to their appointed praefectus.
V.C.2. Besides the general duties described as V.C.1, the praefectus vigilum shall report also to the aediles, and has the fiduciary duty to check on the work of the tresviri capitales and all vigiles if they attend their duties satisfactorily and apply fair policies. The aediles have the right to intervene and change the person of the praefectus if they deem intervention necessary.
V.C.3. The praefectus vigilum can be granted tasks, projects and missions by the tresviri or by the aediles that he has to carry out, and partial or complete triumviral and aedilician powers regarding forum management and law enforcement can be delegated to him. The praefectus vigilum shall obey any order of the triumviri capitales or the aediles.
V.C.4. The praefectus vigilum has the right to commission new vigiles into any of the cohortes (both officiales and armatae), to decommission (exclude or retire) existing ones, and to make promotions and demotions up to the rank of tribunus. Each vigil officialis shall be registered and enrolled by the praefectus vigilum who shall be responsible for the maintenance of the album vigilum. In case of vigiles officiales, the praefectus vigilum has the right to refuse enrollment to individuals he does not deem fit for service; in case of vigiles armati, the praefectus must enroll any member without the right of refusal. Vigiles officiales candidates for enrollment shall be submitted to the praefectus by the tresviri capitales, the aediles or the cohors commanders.
V.D. Tresviri capitales
The tresviri capitales shall strictly and actively oversee and guard the operation of the moderation teams of the forum and shall intervene any time they think intervention is necessary. They represent popular oversight and constitutional authority over the forums and public venues of Nova Roma, while the praefectus vigilum represents the professional command.
V.D.1. The tresviri are primarily responsible for recruitment of new vigiles and for the maintenance of the Cohortes Vigilum and for the satisfactory number and training of the vigiles. They submit candidates for enrollment to the praefectus vigilum, and they help the recruitment and operation of the cohortes vigilum armatorum in Nova Roma.
V.D.2. The tresviri have the right to give commands to, and override or overturn the actions and decisions of, the vigiles. The tresviri should use this power only when such intervention is warranted by the public interests of Nova Roma, and the people of Nova Roma. It is the primary duty of the triumviri capitales in relation to the vigiles to ensure they work according to the laws and in the interest of Nova Roma, protecting the good name and reputation of our organization.
V.D.3. The tresviri receive the reports on infringements from the vigiles and make further decisions and steps about the reported cases, or about any infringements they noticed themselves, as described by law.
V.D.4. According to the lex Lucilia de vigintiviris, the tresviri capitales have the right directly to appoint (i.e. promote), and remove (i.e. demote) officers of the vigiles to any of the ranks (as moderators or admins). They shall have this power extraordinarily, even ignoring the rank requirements set in this edictum. The aediles expect the tresviri capitales not to promote or demote officers excepting extraordinary situations where a vis major necessitates this intervention to the normal procedure.
V.D.5. The tresviri do not have the right to enroll new vigiles, to exclude vigiles from the corps, or to retire vigiles, as long as there is a praefectus vigilum in office. If there is no praefectus in office, or if he is unavailable, the tresviri have the right to do these in place of the praefectus.
V.E. The aediles
The aediles are the ultimate constitutionally responsible party over the Cohortes Vigilum, but they shall not directly intervene in the work of the vigiles.
V.E.1. The aediles set the moderation policies and rules by which the Cohortes Vigilum work. Apart from this legislative aspect, the implementation of these aedilician policies is the responsibility of the tresviri capitales, aided by the praefectus vigilum and the Cohortes Vigilum.
V.E.2. The aediles shall normally give instructions to the vigiles and the aforementioned officers in form of edictum. The tresviri capitales shall then see that the edictum is enforced by the vigiles. When aedilician intervention is warranted, in minor cases or in more urgent situations, the aediles may give a direct order, as an exceptional alternative of edicts, to the vigiles individually or to the praefectus vigilum or the triumviri capitales: in such cases individual vigiles, the praefectus vigilum or the tresviri capitales may refuse to implement the order if they feel it as excessive and against the normal aedilician policies set forth in edicts that they have been following. In such cases, the aediles shall have the right to compel them to obey the order in edict, and the edict shall include an explanation why intervention was deemed a necessity. According to this procedure, the aediles may exercise all rights and powers of the tresviri capitales and the praefectus vigilum in justified emergencies.
V.E.3. The aediles may employ their lictors, and the quaestors or, in case of non-central public official forums, the quattuorviri rerum curandarum, delegated by themselves to this task, as additional moderators of any forum of Nova Roma. Such delegated officers shall be moderators and shall have moderation rights equivalent to a vigil optio.
V.E.4. The aediles may appoint apparitores of the Officium Aedilicium serving within the offices of the vigiles as supervisors, observers, advisors, clerks, bureaucrats and negotiators in the forum moderation teams. These apparitores shall not have moderating rights normally unless they are also vigiles. In exceptional cases, an apparitor may be granted moderator rights in edict for a period not exceeding 3 months (this restriction does not concern lictors).
V.E.5. The aediles may also appoint other state officers (praefecti, praepositi etc.) entrusted with moderation duties: these belong under V.E.3.

VI. Personal involvement in forum moderation by the aediles, tresviri capitales and higher magistrates

VI.A. The aediles are not expected to be personally involved, or be personally present, in the moderation and administration of the forums and other venues of Nova Roma.
VI.B. The tresviri capitales are expected to be personally present in the offices of the vigiles officiales, but they are not expected to be involved in the actual work of the moderation and management, but they are expected to supervise the work of the vigiles and to resolve difficult controversial questions by decision, to judge cases and decide about consequences of misconduct.
VI.C. Both the aediles and the tresviri may decide to get personally involved as moderators, and grant themselves moderator rights in a specific forum, by issuing of an edict. Without granting this status to themselves in edict, they may not personally access moderator rights. The extent of these moderator rights granted to them shall be at discretion of the owners of the forums and venues, but shall at least involve the right of deleting messages, putting users on moderation status, and approving pending messages. After issuing the edict, they shall settle with the owner about the exact rights to personally possess. Consuls and praetors shall have the same privilege, by the same method.
VI.D. On the main official forum of Nova Roma, the Forum Novum Romanum, the aediles, the tresviri capitales, and the consuls and praetors shall have automatic moderation rights, but they may opt out form receiving moderation notifications.

VII. Owners of the forums and the vigiles

VII.A. Since the official public forums of Nova Roma are not legally owned by Nova Roma but only offered for the use of Nova Roma, the legal owners retain ownership rights, the highest degree of admin access and privileges, and the right to refuse certain actions they judge as violating their ownership rights that are imposed on the forums by vigiles of Nova Roma. Consequently, owners have the right to refuse actions by the vigiles (or magistrates), but they are expected to comply with the rules of Nova Roma and the actions and decisions made by the officers of Nova Roma. It is understood that owners would contract to these only in the most exceptional cases and direst circumstances.
VII.B. If owners abuse their privileged position in Nova Roma and do not regularly comply with the Nova Roman authorities, the aediles, tresviri capitales and quaestores are obliged to initiate a legis actio against them with the crimen laesae patriae (as defined by the lex Salvia poenalis).
VII.C. A formally negotiated, fair-process withdrawal of the asset from Nova Roma by the owner, in which the owner offers help to save the forum or website archives for Nova Roma, shall not constitute a basis for crimen laesae patriae.

VIII. Right to moderator and admin privileges

Besides the owner, the magistrates and other state officers specially granted moderator or admin statuses based on law, and the vigiles, nobody shall have any moderator or admin rights in any forums that are under the supervision or authority of the aediles.

IX. First vigiles of Nova Roma

The following individuals are hereby enrolled as the first vigiles of Nova Roma and allocated in the following cohortes. The requirements for rank shall not be applied in this original installation of the Cohortes Vigilum. For their further promotions, all of these initial vigiles shall be considered exempt from any service length requirement.

IX.A. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Fori Novi Romani
(1) M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis, vigil forensis, tribunus cohortis
(2) P. Aurelius Barbatus, vigil forensis, optio
(3) Q. Arrius Nauta, vigil forensis, tesserarius
IX.B. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Fori Cornelii
(1) Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, vigil forensis, tesserarius, praepositus cohortis
IX.C. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Fori Domitii
(1) D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, vigil forensis, tribunus cohortis
(2) T. Domitius Draco, vigil forensis, centurio prior
(3) C. Artorius Praeconinus, vigil forensis, centurio posterior
(4) P. Aurelius Barbatus, vigil forensis, optio
(5) C. Marcius Augustinus, vigil forensis, tesserarius
(6) Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, vigil forensis, tesserarius
(7) Q. Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus, vigil forensis, gregalis
IX.D. The Cohors Vigilum Officialium Variorum
(1) D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, vigil officialis, tribunus cohortis
(2) P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, vigil officialis, optio
IX.E. There are no cohortes vigilum armatorum reconstructivae as of yet.

X. The first praefectus vigilum

I hereby appoint D. Aurelius Ingeniariusas the first praefectus vigilum.

XI. Sacramentum of the vigiles

XI.A. For an vigil officialis of Nova Roma enrolled in the corps, the following oath has to be taken and posted to the iusiurandum@groups.io address under the supervision of the quaestors:
I _Roman name_ (native name), as a vigil of Nova Roma, do solemnly swear that I will serve, guard and protect the res publica of Nova Roma and its laws and property, with fairness, diligence and impartiality, respecting the rights of all citizens and obeying the orders of my superiors; and that I will cause law and order, peace and dignity to be kept and preserved, and will prevent all offences against the citizens and government of Nova Roma, the res publica and its laws and property; and I will discharge all of my duties faithfully, to the best of my abilities in the interest of Nova Roma. (Me Dius Fidius!)
XI.B. The sacramentum of vigiles armati shall be at the discretion of their unit commanders.

XII. Census points and status

All types of the vigiles shall be in the same category as military reenactors, and shall be awarded with CP accordingly.

Datum a.d. IV Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ 2776 AUC, XXVI ANRC, Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae (29, December 2023 AD)


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

[edit] Edictum aedilicium Cn. Lentuli aedilis curulis de regimine et moderatione fori Domitii


I. Ownership The Owner of the Forum Domitium (Discord Chat Platform of Nova Roma) is the consular senator T. Domitius Draco imperator, eques equo publico of Nova Roma. He has generously offered this platform for the use of the Res Publica Nova Romana, and the actual management and policies employed on this forum are thus the ones determined by the authorities of Nova Roma. The Owner retains the rights to revoke his offer regarding the Forum Domitium and to refuse the implementation of policies that he finds in violation of his ownership rights. In the future, a more detailed and mutual understanding may be contacted between T. Domitius and Nova Roma regarding the exact ownership rights. For the time being this Aedilician Edict serves to satisfy the requirement of an agreement between Nova Roma (NR) and the Owner as mandated by the Senatus ultimum de foro Novo Romano officiali, de foris publicis et de limitibus iuris publici.

II. Purpose & Background

A. Under article II.B of the Senatus consultum ultimum de foro Novo Romano officiali, de foris publicis et de limitibus iuris publici, the “Nova Roma Discord Server”, herein referred to as “the Forum”, (https://discord.gg/AtkTd5X) was formally recognized as an official public forum of Nova Roma. Bestowed with the title of Forum Domitium, in honor of the Owner, the online forum became an integrated asset for all citizens to utilize.
B. Under the legislation, the recognition levies a mandate for an agreement to be reached between the Owner and NR as to the administration of the Forum, the powers of various magistrates within the Forum and the expected code of conduct. This Edict serves as the agreement between relevant parties that dictates the ongoing operations of the Forum as recognized by Nova Roma.
C. The Forum was first started by T. Domitius Draco and C. Artorius Praeconinus in Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXII a.u.c. as an alternative and complimentary online space to the Forum Romanum for all Nova Romans. Discord offers a less formal and more modern environment that doesn’t require the use of email communication and allows Users to opt into discussions of their choice. The Forum has been running for some years now and has sought to develop practices and operations complimentary to NR society. This Edict seeks to formalize and document those existing processes deemed complimentary to NR society and detail the relationship of the Owner and the Server to NR.

III. Duration and definitions of Edict

A. This is a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between NR, represented by the Consuls and the Owner. The MoU will apply from the date of issuance of this Edict and will apply for an indefinite period or until termination by either party. Two months written notice must be provided in the event that one party requests a termination of the agreement.
B. The following applicable definitions are provided for the understanding of all parties:
Nomenclature Definition
Discord A free voice, video, and text chat application used by tens of millions of people all over the globe. Can accommodate communities of any size, but it's most widely used by small and active groups of people who talk regularly. The vast majority of servers are private, invite-only spaces for groups of friends and communities to stay in touch and spend time together. There are also larger, more open communities, generally centered around specific topics such as popular games. All conversations are opt-in, so people have total control over who they interact with and what their experience on Discord is.
Server These are the spaces on Discord. Any user can start a new one for free and invite people to use it. It is a generic name to specify a particular community within Discord.
Owner The person who first started the Server.
Role A specific designation that defines the range of custom permissions a user is granted within a Server.
Administrator One or more individuals may be appointed this Role. They possess all permissions and can access all parts of a Server. The Owner is automatically granted this Role, which cannot be changed.
User Can be a NR citizen, a guest, or visitor who has accessed and is using the Server.
Authorized NR Magistrate These are magistrates with imperium (Consuls and Praetors) and the Aediles and Tresviri Capitales (and their authorized staff able to act in their name) who are able to give direction or instruction into the operation and conduct of NR forums. A Governor is considered part of this designation concerning applicable provincial Channels.
Channel Servers are organized into text and voice spaces, which are usually dedicated to specific topics and can have different rules.
Direct Message (DM) Users can send private messages to other users, as well as start a voice or video call. Most are one-on-one conversations, but users have the option to invite up to nine others to the conversation to create a private group message, with a maximum size of ten people. Group messages are not public and require an invite from someone in the group to join. An Owner or Administrator cannot see these messages.
Boosts These give servers special perks like more custom emotes, better video and voice quality, and the ability to set a custom invite link. Boosts can be bought with Nitro or purchased separately.
Nitro This is Discord’s premium subscription service. It offers special perks for subscribers, such as the option to customize their Discord Tag, the ability to use custom emotes in every server, a higher file upload cap, and discounted Server Boosts.
Time Out This is a moderating permission assigned to a user through an appropriate Role that can be used to temporarily preclude someone from interacting with all Channels on the Server. Its duration is limited technically by Discord to one week but it can be renewed as many times as needed.
Kick This is a moderating permission assigned to a user through an appropriate Role that can be used to temporarily remove someone from the Server. This does not preclude the removed user from rejoining.
Ban This is a moderating permission assigned to a user through an appropriate Role that can be used to permanently remove someone from the Server. The removed user is unable to rejoin the Server unless an Administrator removes the ban.
Bot These are AI-driven tools that can help automate tasks on a Server. They make it a lot easier to build a community that is truly engaged and can be used to moderate, welcome new members, or even ban people who are creating a bad environment for everyone else. Aside from moderation features, Bots allow the addition of games, music, memes, and other fun, engaging, and entertaining content.
Moderator A generic term that describes one or more Roles granted by an Administrator of a Server. This Role(s) often possesses more permissions than the average user and may have the ability to modify or delete posts, mute, Time Out, Kick or Ban other users for indiscretions against set Server rules.

IV. Rights and Responsibilities of the Owner

A. The Owner retains the rights to posses the permanent Role of Administrator on the Forum, but he shall not appoint anyone to the Roles of Administrator and Moderator unless so mandated by an Authorized NR Magistrate.
B. The Owner shall retain a set of Server rules or code of conduct, publicly accessible on the Forum.
C. The Owner shall adopt the rules and legislation concerning public forums of NR as the rules of the Server, but they may detail more specific or more restrictive rules in addition to these as permitted under NR law.
D. The Owner shall not restrict what languages are used in the Forum in accordance with part IV.C.
E. The Owner shall implement measures to control the use of profanity and vulgar wordage, primarily in English, but other languages as well where able in accordance with part IV.C.
F. The Owner shall implement measures to control the display of, or reference to, pornography and adult material on the Server in accordance with part IV.C.
G. The Owner may use and display the Nova Roma logo, emblem and other imagery considered copyright to NR.
H. The Owner retains the rights to customize Server descriptions, Server emojis and stickers, Role color schemes, welcomes and other public messages to new users, use of Discord support Bots, and how Server resources are provided for individual Users.
I. The Owner retains the rights to customize Channel layout and naming provided the conditions on channel names are met in accordance with the Senatus consultum ultimum de foro Novo Romano officiali, de foris publicis et de limitibus iuris publici, and any usage of the Latin language is grammatically correct.
J. The Owner is obliged to recognize and distinguish NR magistrates and other key offices with appropriate Roles. These Roles are not necessarily afforded additional Server privileges or permissions, with the exception of Authorized NR Magistrates that shall be granted read and post permissions in all “discussion” Channels, relevant to their spheres of authority, other than any Administrator specific Channel(s). The exact extent, details and potential restrictions to these permissions, and similar permissions for other officers of NR, may be regulated by NR law.

V. Roles and responsibilities of NR

A. The Owner will report to the Curator Rei Informaticae of Nova Roma on matters pertaining to the Server. Within the bounds of this MoU and extant NR legislation, the Curator will be the NR delegate responsible for the operation of the Server and the ongoing efficacy of this MoU (those IT related issues that NR can and needs to regulate).
B. NR will issue formal appointments for the Administrators and Moderators of the Server.
C. NR may not issue any decision that unilaterally modify the ownership rights of the Owner. The Senate or the Consuls, Praetors or Aediles and the Curator Rei Informaticae may negotiate changes about ownership rights with the Owner or instigate a revision process to this MoU, and the Owner has the right to initiate this same processes, in which case the Aediles and the Curator Rei Informaticae have to initiate the procedures of decision making on behalf of Nova Roma.

VI. Moderating Practice in the Server

A. The Moderator Role exists to provide a mechanism for consistent Forum control year to year despite changing NR government officials. Due to the unique nature of Discord, the need for two-factor authentication for moderation privileges, as well as the education to understand Server permissions and operation, it is a burden to induct new NR magistrates each year as Moderators in the Forum in their own right. Not all magistrates choose to join the Forum as a User as well. As such, the Owner retains significant control, and all rights attended to this Role, as a permanent Administrator, irrespective of having been or not having been appointed to this position by the Authorized NR Magistrates.
B. However, as a recognized forum of NR, there needs to be a mechanism to implement moderation instructions or commands from various responsible NR magistrates. Moderating actions that may be implemented in the Server by an Authorized NR Magistrate include: (1) Time Out, (2) posting prohibitions on one or more Channels, and (3) to Kick a User with a prohibition of reentry for a set period of time. By default, magistrates who are authorized under NR law to implement moderating actions against a User in NR forums shall communicate their instructions on moderating actions to the Moderators (or Administrators).
1. If a Moderator does not concur with the instruction from an Authorized NR Magistrate, they may refer the decision to an Administrator.
2. If an Administrator does not concur with the instruction from an Authorized NR Magistrate, the Authorized NR Magistrate may then pass a public edict specifying the moderating action to be taken. The Administrators and Moderators are then obliged to implement the moderation within the Server. The public edict is needed to absolve the actioning Administrator and Moderator from the moderating action.
3. If the nature of the offending posts warrants discretion, Authorized NR Magistrates may leave out the exact reason for the moderating action from their public edict, but a general definition of the offense shall be given at least (e.g. “the post has to be removed due to racist insults contained therein”).
C. All Administrators and Moderators are permitted to delete Server posts they judge to be in contravention to NR legislation and Server rules. Authorized NR Magistrates may order this action without the use of a public edict, obliging an Administrator or Moderator to carry out the action. Administrators and Moderators are first required to take screenshots of the offending posts and be able to make them available to the original posting User or NR magistrates upon request. The procedure for Authorized NR Magistrates to order this action is the same as described in VI.B.1-3.
D. Administrators and Moderators are permitted to lock individual Channels to all Users on the Server when it is judged that discussion has become disorderly or awry. Authorized NR Magistrates may order this action without the use of a public edict, obliging an Administrator or Moderator to carry out the action. A Channel should not be locked for more than 48 hours. Administrators and Moderators shall post, in the affected Channel, the reason why the channel is locked and the authorizing citizen who instigated the Channel lockdown. The procedure for Authorized NR Magistrates to order this action is the same as described in VI.B.1-3.
E. Administrators and Moderators may Ban any User who merits this form of disciplinary measure only according to NR legal procedure. The procedure for Authorized NR Magistrates to order this action is the same as described in VI.B.1-3.

VII. Server Operations

A. All new Users to the Server, shall first be identified and verified as to whether they are a NR citizen or not. User location shall be determined and NR governors shall be informed or otherwise have access to see such information.
B. Channels for individual NR provinces shall be provided on the Server.
C. The NR Discord Server is an apolitical civil forum. Discussions about internal political affairs or individual politicians of NR shall be limited and restricted to positive, supportive, cooperative and creative discussions of ideas, suggestions, inquiries and plans for implementing the mission and function of Nova Roma, the public service, the activities and projects of Nova Roma as an organization. Internal political quarrels shall be avoided. This does not imply that positive and civilized discussions of professional governmental and administrative work is prohibited, but those, too, shall be limited to restricted channels. The exact extent of permissible governmental topics shall be left to further regulation by the Authorized NR Magistrates.
D. Authorized NR Magistrates may request the creation of Channels for special projects or subjects. These may be limited to select Users provided the requirements of part IV.I and IV.J of this MoU are met. Administrators will always have access to all Channels.
E. Channels may still be created that reference or pertain to subjects covered by an NR sodalitas. These Channels shall advertise and reference links to access the applicable sodalitas.
F. All NR magistrates are permitted to make “announcement” style posts that advertise or reference international NR events or news. These posts must be done in an appropriate Channel in accordance with Server rules.

VIII. Reporting & Meetings There are no ongoing reporting or meeting requirements required by this MoU. The Curator Rei Informaticae will act as the NR agent to ensure all parties are providing the agreed resources and taking the agreed actions as appropriate. On-going health of the partnership and MoU may be reported to the NR senate through Curator reporting.

IX. Confidentiality The parties acknowledge that personal information disclosed by one party to the other (the disclosing party) in the course of the subject matter of this MoU may be confidential and unless required by law, must not be disclosed to a third party except with the prior written consent of the disclosing party.

X. Dispute resolution

A. If a dispute or difference arises between the parties out of or in connection with this MoU, either party may give the other a written notice specifying the dispute or difference.
B. Within two nundina (16 days) of the date of the notice, a representative with authority of each party must meet and undertake negotiations in good faith, and without prejudice, with a view to resolving the dispute or difference.
C. If either party initiates to withdraw from the MoU in accordance with part 3.a, the Forum will still remain in operation under the regulation and remit of the Owner as it was prior to this agreement. All benefits and rights of all parties afforded under this MoU will be rescinded.

XI. Variation

A. The parties may agree to vary any of the requirements of this MoU. Changes requested by the Owner shall be initiated by the procedure described at V.C. Changes initiated by Nova Roma shall be first negotiated with the Owner and then issued in the form of a Nova Roman law as described at V.C.
B. Changes implemented to the agreement or otherwise broached by applicable changes in NR legislation should be reflected in a newly issued Edict serving as MoU.
C. The NR Senate remains within their right to withdraw the recognition of the Forum as an official NR forum. This does not necessarily nullify the MoU but a revision to the MoU is required to be conducted and agreed to by both parties.
D. NR and the Owner may raise this MoU to a higher degree of official nature, in form of a signed binding or non-binding contract. Until such a document is signed, this Edict serves the purpose of MoU.

Datum a.d. IV Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ 2776 AUC, XXVI ANRC, Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae (29, December 2023 AD)


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

[edit] Edictum aedilicium de praefecto commercio negotiando


I. I hereby appoint Ap. Curius Rullus as praepositus aedilicius commercii negotiandi (2nd rank official).

II. The duty of the praepositus is to negotiate a discount deal for Nova Roman citizens in ancient Rome related shops as directed by the aediles. The results of negotiations require aedilician approval, but the praepositus is authorized to talk in the name of the aediles and Nova Roma.

III. Effective immediately, no oath is required.

Datum pridie Kal. Dec. C. Cethego Q. Arrio coss. Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

[edit] Edictum aedilicium de scriba et lictoribus nominandis

I.A. In order to recognize and reward the excellency and great work and admirable service of M. Licinius Savariensis during the25th Anniversary Nova Roman Parilia celebration in Rome (Dies Natalis Romae), I hereby appoint him as scriba aedilicius.

I.B. His duties are: completing various tasks, especially help in public event and festival organization and choreography, entrusted to him by the aedilis, that are necessary for the public programs and events of Nova Roma.

II.A. I appoint these citizens as my official curule aedilician lictors:

M. Licinius Savariensis
C. Octavius Delphinus

II.B. Their duties are: filling the traditional bodyguard and honor guard roles of a Roman lictor at events, and serving as office assistants to the aedilis curulis Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, completing various tasks as assigned to him by the governor.

Signed on 30 April, prid. Kal. Mai. C. Cornelio Q. Arrio (IV) cos. anno sacro Concordiae, anniversarii XXV NR


[edit] Edictum aedilicium de scriba aedilicio

I. I hereby appoint A. Octavius Trio as scriba aedilicius aedilis curulis Cn. Lentuli to assist in the aedilician duties.

II. His primary duty will be to participate in the tasks of ludi organization with special emphasis on all programs that concern our 25th Anniversary Celebrations throughout the Sacred Year of Concordia.

III. Oath is required.

Datum a.d. VI Kal. Mar. C. Cornelio Baroso et Q. Arrio Nauta IV coss. anno XXVI a. N. R. c. Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae, Anno Sacro Concordiae


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

[edit] Edictum aedilicium de kalendario Romano diurnali Novae Romae praedicando

Edictum Aedilicium De Kalendario Romano Diurnali Novae Romae Praedicando

Pontifex M. Antonius Gryllus Graecus founded a long lasting institution for Nova Roma on the Ides of March in the year of the consulship of Q. Fabius Maximus and M. Minucius Audens, and our predecessor, aedilis curulis C. Iulius Scaurus, pontifex, reinforced and completed this institution from the side of the government, on the Kalends of January in the consulship of Cn. Salvius Astur and Cn. Equitius Marinus (1 January, 2004): the Daily Roman Calendar Posting, hereby defined in Latin as Kalendarium Romanum Diurnale. From the beginning it was an institution under pontifical, and then aedilician and pontifical supervision, but it has so far been trusted into the unwritten traditions of Nova Roma, and it was never formally regulated. This aedilician edict shall provide the formal regulation of this institution, and recognize the past work of the individuals who served Nova Roma and the international Roman revivalist community so dutifully on a daily basis by supplying them with education and information about the Roman calendar, the holidays, customs, traditions and the historical Roman events of each day.

I. The aediles of the Nova Roman People, the Quirites, shall provide the Nova Roman citizens and the wider public audience benefiting from the educational service of Nova Roma with a Daily Roman Calendar Posting informational and educational public service, as started and established first by pontifex M. Antonius Gryllus Graecus on Id. Mar. Q. Maximo M. Minucio cos., and completed by aedilis curulis C. Iulius Scaurus on Kal. Ian. Cn. Salvio Cn. Marino cos..

I.A. Daily Roman Calendar Posting public service shall consist of posting the actual Roman style date of the current calendar day with additional ancient Roman religious and historical information related to that day, including the festivals and holidays celebrated in ancient Rome that day, important historical events, famous births and deaths and similar. The calendar shall make mention of the events, programs, holidays and festivals celebrated specially by Nova Roma, and their dates which might be different from the historical dates occasionally.

II.B. The Daily Roman Calendar Posting shall be made, edited and published by the praeco aedilicius editor Kalendarii Diurnalis (Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting), appointed by the aediles to be in change of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting. This praeco shall work under the joint supervision of the aediles and the pontifices.

II.B.1. The Collegium Pontificum shall have the power to confirm or reject the appointment of the praeco, or to remove a praeco already appointed. If a praeco is neither confirmed nor rejected by the Collegium Pontificum, the appointment shall be considered to be valid and in force. If a praeco is confirmed by the Collegium Pontificum, their confirmation shall count as another appointment as praeo pontificius editor Kalendarii Diurnalis, and henceforth the officer shall serve under two appointments.

II.B.2. In case of a praeco editor confirmed (and thus appointed) by the Collegium Pontificum, the Collegium shall have the greater right, the higher decision making power, in supervising the work of the praeco and the content of the calendar posts if there is no consensus between the aediles and the Collegium Pontificum.

III. The following citizens are retroactively recognized and appointed to the office of praeco editor for their past work publishing the Daily Roman Calendar Posting of Nova Roma:

III.A. M. Antonius Gryllus Graecus from Id. Mar. Q. Maximo M. Minucio cos. (15 Mar., 2000) to Id. Sept. M. Octavio L. Sulla (II) cos. (13 Sept., 2002) is recognized for his work as the founder publisher of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting as pontifex. He is recognized as the first Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting in his capacity as pontifex, not as praeco.

III.B. C. Iulius Scaurus from Kal. Ian. Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. (1 Jan., 2004) to a.d. IV Kal. Sext. Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. (29 July, 2004) is recognized for his work as the publisher of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting as aedilis curulis and pontifex. He is recognized as the second Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting in his capacity as aedilis and pontifex, not as praeco.

III.B. C. Equitius Cato from Non. Ian. Fr. Apulo C. Laenate cos. (5 Jan., 2005) to a.d. IV Non. Oct. L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. (4 Oct., 2007) is recognized for his work as the publisher of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting as quaestor, then as aedilis, and later as praetor. He is recognized as the third Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting in his capacity as quaestor, aedilis, and praetor, not as praeco.

III.C. M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus from a.d. III Non. Oct. L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. (5 Oct., 2007) to a.d. XVII Kal. Nov. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. (16 Oct., 2010) is recognized for his work as the publisher of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting. From a.d. III Non. Oct. L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. as praeco editor aedilicius (Publisher and Editor-In-Chief) appointed hereby retroactively up to the date of his appointment as pontifex on pr. Id. Dec.. From that date on, he shall be considered Publisher and Editor-In-Chief under his title as pontifex and later as pontifex maximus. He is recognized as the fourth Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting.

III.D. Once again C. Equitius Cato from a.d. XVI Kal. Nov. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. (17 Oct., 2010) to a.d. III Id. Oct. L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega (13 Oct., 2013) is recognized for his work as the publisher of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting. From a.d. XVI Kal. Nov. P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. as praeco editor aedilicius (Publisher and Editor-In-Chief) appointed hereby retroactively up to the date of his consulship on Kal. Ian. P. Ullerio C. Equitio cos.. From that date on, he shall be considered Publisher and Editor-In-Chief under his title as consul. After his consulship, from Kal. Ian. Cn. Caesare C. Tullio cos., he shall be again hereby appointed as praeco editor aedilicius retroactively. He is recognized as the fifth Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting.

III.E. M. Pompeius Caninus from a.d. VI Id. Mar. Cn. Lentulo Alexandro T. Domitio cos. (10 Mar., 2016) to prid. Id. Feb. Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. (12 Feb., 2020) is recognized for his work as the publisher of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting as pontifex. His edition was the sole Daily Roman Calendar Posting until 23 Oct. 2017, from that day on he was responsible for the Daily Roman Calendar Posting on the Main List only, and another editor was appointed for the Facebook version of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting. M. Caninus is recognized as the sixth (and the fifth individual) Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting in his capacity as pontifex, not as praeco.

III.F. Q. Vibius Serius from a.d. X Kal. Nov. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. 23 Oct., 2017) to a.d. VII Id. Nov. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. (7 Nov., 2022) is recognized for his work as the publisher of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting and is hereby appointed praeco editor aedilicius (Publisher and Editor-In-Chief) retroactively. His edition was a parallel edition for the Nova Roman Facebook group, the Forum Cornelium, until 12 Feb., 2020, when his edition became the sole version of Daily Roman Calendar Posting until now. He is recognized as the seventh (and the sixth individual) Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting in his capacity as praeco until 7 Nov., 2022.

IV. I hereby appoint pontifex C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus as the new praeco aedilicius editor Kalendarii Diurnalis (Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Roman Calendar Posting). No oath is required.


a. d. IV Id. Ian. C. Cornelio Baroso et Q. Arrio Nauta IV coss. anno XXVI a. N. R. c. Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae, Anno Sacro Concordiae


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

[edit] Edictum aedilicium de scriba principe officii aedililii

Edictum aedilicium de scriba principe officii aedililii

I. As new aedilis curulis, I hereby confirm all aedilician edicts in force. Changes to the existing edicta aedilicia may be expected in the upcoming months.

II. I hereby appoint D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as scriba aedilicius princeps to serve as the chief of staff of the joint Aedilician Office of Cn. Lentulus, M. Cotta, C. Flavius and K. Quirinius.

II.A. His primary duty is to organize the work of the apparitores and to ensure a timely execution of the aedilician duties and preparation for all ludi in advance.

II.B. No oath is required.

Datum a. d. IV Id. Ian. C. Cornelio Baroso et Q. Arrio Nauta IV coss. anno XXVI a. N. R. c. Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae, Anno Sacro Concordiae


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

[edit] Edicta of the Aediles Plebes

INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

[edit] Edicta of the Tribuni Plebes

[edit] Edictum tribunicium de contione convocanda

Edictum tribunicium de contione convocanda

I. The Nova Roman Plebs is hereby called to attend the contio of the Comitia Plebis Tributa in the electronic main forum of Nova Roma.


Auspices are not required for a contio. Auspices will be taken for the comitia when convened. An opening sacrificial offering has been made to Iuppiter today by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus in my name to seeking his blessing upon this contio.


The time schedule of the contio is the following:

Contio begins immediately, as of 19:30 Rome Time on 16 November 2023 Contio will end at 19:30 Rome Time on 26 November 2023


ITEM I – Rogatio Caecilia de collegiis et sodaliciis
I. Based on the lex Cassia de sodalitatibus, Nova Roman citizens have the privilege to form sodalitates in Nova Roma. This present law enhances this right and gives even more possibilities for Nova Romans to forum internal civic societies within Nova Roma in which membership may be extended to Latins or non-citizens.
II. There shall exist of a form of state sponsored societies and a form of private societies.
A. State sponsored civic societies shall be classified as collegia. If an existing collegium wishes to continue the name “sodalitas”, they are allowed to use this word as their brand name, but their appellation as a legal entity will be collegium (for example: Collegium “Sodalitas Militaris”).
B. After the enactment of this lex, private societies may be legally termed as sodalitas or sodalicium.
III. Requirements for registration as a civic society
A. Each society has to register itself at the aediles, with their name and charter.
1. The approval of private sociates by the aediles shall be automatic, unless there is any subversive, dangerous or highly unRoman and unlawful in the their character. Their charter of all these societies must state that only Nova Roman citizens may hold any office of the society, that the society functions under the authority of Nova Roman law, and that the supervising authority of the society are the magistrates of Nova Roma.
2. The approval procedure for state sponsored societies shall remain the same as defined by the lex Cassia.
B. Each society has to select one or more patron deities the cult of whom will be the formal legitimation of the society, because ancient Roman civic societies were always formed around some cultic purpose, at least nominally. The deity can be of any religion, but only such deity who was worshipped in the territory and time period of the ancient Roman Empire (all eras). This shall not be interpreted as obligatory worship or participation in the cultic activity for all members, except if the society willingly sets this as a rule for members in the charter. Actual religious ceremonies will not be required, but the society must have a declared ceremonial purpose.
IV. Unregistered civic societies may not bear the titles collegium, societas, corpus, corporatio, sodalitas or sodalicium. If an unregistered society uses these terms in their name, or if they operate under another title but they are operated by Nova Roman citizens and the society in a significant part works for the benefit of Nova Roman citizens, the aediles shall privately warn the involved citizens to register their society. If the involved citizens do not comply with the private warning within a nundinum, the aediles shall repeat the warning in private and shall issue a public warning at the same time. If there is still no cooperation by the leaders of the society after another nundinum, the aediles shall initiate a legis actio against all involved citizens, and if proven guilty, said citizens shall suffer a penatly of census point deduction up to 100 CP, and/or multa pecuniaria and/or inhabilitatio up to five years.
V. Reenactment military units do not belong among the civic societies. They are regulated in the lex Aurelia de legionibus reconstructivis.
VI. Any society founded outside the frames of Nova Roma may be also registered at the aediles as a society operating in Nova Roma, as well.
A. Their acceptance is determined by the same rules as that of the societies founded within Nova Roma, but they do not have to declare patron deities, and they do not belong under Nova Roman law and magisterial supervision, except in cases where there is the society request Nova Roma to take action.
B. There shall be at least one Nova Roman citizen in such a society who is the official responsible contactperson of the society for Nova Roma. Such registered societies shall be granted various benefits in NR defined by law.




INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.

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