Provincia Britannia - Events (Nova Roma)
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Oxoniae Fl. Vedio M. Cassio cos. ‡ MMDCCLI a.u.c.
a.d. XI Kal. Dec. ‡ governor Q. Claudia Lucentia Aprica hosted a Roman banquet for citizens of Nova Roma in Oxford. This appears to be the first recorded provincial gathering.
She described the event as follows:
- Salvete, quirites!
- We British Nova Romans held our Roman banquet on Saturday evening, and I'm glad to be able to report that the event was a great success. I've attached a copy of our menu for anyone who is curious - this was folded in half, with the words Cena Britannicorum Novorum Romanorum on the outside cover, and given to each guest. All the dishes cooked seemed to go down very well, and much wine was quaffed in true Roman fashion over the course of the evening. Three of the five participants were in Roman dress, giving the evening a suitably authentic feel, and I have several photos waiting to be developed and scanned as jpgs, which I will hopefully be able to post to the list once I've finished my film! Several games of Iactus, our ancestor Claudius' favourite game, were also played - this turned out to be a thrilling game of luck and strategy, and we decided we could see why it must have led to many a knife fight in the streets of the Subura late at night.
- Many thanks go to all who helped to shop, cook, peel, slice, bake and, indeed, eat, and especially to those people who travelled all the way from Cambridge and Lancaster to join us. It was great to meet so many of our fellow Nova Romans in one place, and I highly recommend any citizens anywhere who are even considering putting on such a feast to go ahead and do it, as it certainly makes for a great evening!
- Multas felicitates, and here's looking forward to many more gatherings in the future!
- Valete,
- Q. Claudia Lucentia Aprica
- Praetor Britanniae Provinciae