Provincia Britannia - Events (Nova Roma)

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Upcoming events of Nova Roma in Provincia Britannia

Camulodunum - Opening Day of the Colchester Roman Circus Visitor Centre, by quaestor C. Petronius

Britannia-Colchester -Petronius and group.jpg

  • a.d. XI Kal. Iun. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c., Camuloduni (22 May, 2021, in Camulodunum, modern day Colchester)

The next Roman event in Nova Roman Britannia is an open day being held at the Colchester Roman Circus Visitor Centre on May 22nd, in the current year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and A. Tullia. This is where you will find the remains of Britain's only Roman circus are on display, with some of the archaeological finds from the circus itself and nearby Colchester, Britian's "oldest" city and the original Roman capital of Britain, where the emperor Claudius, accepted the submission of the British tribal kings in 43 AD. Since most of this event can be held out of doors with ample social distancing, this means that even last year three events were held at the Visitor Centre for Roman enthusiasts like ourselves. The responsible party for the event, on behalf of Nova Roma, is quaestor C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus'. Contact him here:

Past events of Nova Roma in Provincia Britannia

Oxoniae Fl. Vedio M. Cassio cos. MMDCCLI a.u.c.


a.d. XI Kal. Dec. .




Governor Q. Claudia Lucentia Aprica.


Q. Claudia Lucentia Aprica;
others unknown.

Description (by Q. Claudia):

Salvete, quirites!
We British Nova Romans held our Roman banquet on Saturday evening, and I'm glad to be able to report that the event was a great success. I've attached a copy of our menu for anyone who is curious - this was folded in half, with the words Cena Britannicorum Novorum Romanorum on the outside cover, and given to each guest. All the dishes cooked seemed to go down very well, and much wine was quaffed in true Roman fashion over the course of the evening. Three of the five participants were in Roman dress, giving the evening a suitably authentic feel, and I have several photos waiting to be developed and scanned as jpgs, which I will hopefully be able to post to the list once I've finished my film! Several games of Iactus, our ancestor Claudius' favourite game, were also played - this turned out to be a thrilling game of luck and strategy, and we decided we could see why it must have led to many a knife fight in the streets of the Subura late at night.
Many thanks go to all who helped to shop, cook, peel, slice, bake and, indeed, eat, and especially to those people who travelled all the way from Cambridge and Lancaster to join us. It was great to meet so many of our fellow Nova Romans in one place, and I highly recommend any citizens anywhere who are even considering putting on such a feast to go ahead and do it, as it certainly makes for a great evening!
Multas felicitates, and here's looking forward to many more gatherings in the future!
Q. Claudia Lucentia Aprica
Praetor Britanniae Provinciae

Londinii Q. Maximo M. Minucio cos. MMDCCLIII a.u.c.


a.d. V Kal. Mai. .









Bournemouth K. Buteone T. Labieno cos. MMDCCLVI a.u.c.


a.d. V Non. Oct. to a.d. III Non. Oct. .




C. Moravius Laureatus Armoricus.


D. Iunius Silanus;
C. Moravius Laureatus Armoricus;
A. Apollonius Cordus;
C. Fabia Livia;
C. Flavia Aureliana;
Iohannes Moravius Meridius;
M. Duilius Fusconius.

Description (by C. Livia):

On the Saturday, once everyone had arrived, we went to a pub for lunch and held our first administrative meeting, which was chaired by the Governor D. Junius Silanus. That evening we had a lovely meal out in a local Greek restaurant, and then sampled some of the Bournemouth nightlife.
Sunday was spent walking along the beach, and we had another nice meal overlooking the sea before going our separate ways.

Devae Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. MMDCCLVII a.u.c.


a.d. VII Kal. Quin. to a.d. V Kal. Quin.




C. Flavia Aureliana


C. Fabia Livia;
C. Moravius Laureatus Armoricus;
A. Apollonius Cordus;
C. Flavia Aureliana;
A. Gratius Garseius Avitus;
Michael Schofield.
A. Gratius Garseius AvitusC. Flavia AurelianaA. Apollonius CordusC. Moravius LaureatusC. Fabia Livia

Description (by C. Livia):

On the Saturday we went to Chester town centre and visited the Roman Amphitheatre, the city wall, the Roman gardens and the Grosvenor museum; we also held our administrative meeting.
Sunday was the Roman Festival at Chester Racecourse, where we saw chariot races and gladiatorial combat, soldiers and doctors, craftsmen and chefs, slaves and aristocrats, musicians and dancers, and a couple of owls. We also enjoyed a picnic lunch (generously provided by Aureliana) in the sunshine.

Londinii Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. MMDCCLVII a.u.c.


a.d. III Kal. Nov. to prid. Kal. Nov. .




C. Fabia Livia;
A. Apollonius Cordus.


Cn. Salvius Astur;
C. Fabia Livia;
C. Moravius Laureatus Armoricus;
A. Apollonius Cordus;
C. Flavia Aureliana;
Post. Sempronia Graccha Placidia;
A. Gratius Garseius Avitus;
Euphemia Maxentia Iulia;
Iohannes Moravius Meridius;
T. Octavius Salvius;
Jeremy Heath.

Aureliana, Placidia, Meridius, Cordus, the emperor Trajan, Livia, Avitus, Laureatus, Salvius

Description (by C. Livia):

On the Saturday, we went first to the British Museum to look at the Roman and Celtic collections. We had lunch in a nearby French restaurant, then returned to the museum as everyone had more that they wanted to see, particularly the Elgin Marbles which were in a gallery we hadn't visited. We then held our administrative meeting (in something of a rush) before attending a performance of Stephen Sondheim's musical comedy A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum (based on the plays of Plautus) at the National Theatre. After the play, we went on for dinner and a drink at a local pub.
Sunday began with a talk by Cordus on London in Roman times, followed by a trip out to see the ruins of a mithraeum and the remains of the Roman city wall. By the first section of the wall, near the river at Tower Hill, we enjoyed a picnic of Roman foods (prepared by Livia, Cordus, and Astur) which included freshly-baked bread, pates, soup, and pies, followed by wine and desserts: sesame biscuits, and dates in honey with their stones replaced by almonds - a typically Roman joke which everyone fell for, picking out the nuts and storing them on the sides of their plates until the difference between date stones and almonds was pointed out. After lunch, we walked the course of the wall to the Museum of London, where we spent some time in the Roman galleries.

Ponti Aelii Fr. Apulo C. Laenate cos. MMDCCLVIII a.u.c.


a.d. IV Non. Mar. to prid. Non. Mar. .




T. Octavius Salvius


C. Fabia Livia;
C. Moravius Laureatus Armoricus;
A. Apollonius Cordus;
C. Flavia Aureliana;
Iohannes Moravius Meridius;
T. Octavius Salvius.
Meridius, Laureatus, Livia, Salvius, Aureliana

Description (by C. Livia):

After a long drive northwards, the only thing Livia, Laureatus, and Meridius wanted to do on Friday night was sit back with a drink; luckily Salvius had brought a bottle of wine, and our hosts at the Hadrian's Lodge hotel were happy to sell us beer.
On the Saturday, we visited Vindolanda, where we saw the reconstructed wall sections, and then went on to the Roman Army Museum, where we had a nice lunch of soup and sandwiches. We then went for a walk to see some of the original wall remains. Returning to our hotel, we managed to fit in the first four years of a game of Diplomacy before dinner.
Most of Sunday was spent getting lost, as Salvius (who was leading the way) kept driving through traffic lights just before they changed to red, leaving the rest of the party behind. We managed to meet up in an industrial estate, but got separated again when Salvius' GPS system insisted on sending him down closed roads with multiple diversions (while Aureliana navigated a more sensible route). Once we all finally reached Arbeia we discovered, of course, that it's closed on Sundays - so we peered through the railings at the amazing reconstructed gate, before having a late lunch in a local pub and then going our separate ways.

Livia, Meridius, Laureatus, and Salvius at VindolandaHadrian's WallLost in Newcastle

Londinii K. Buteone Po. Minucia cos. MMDCCLIX a.u.c.


a.d. XV Kal. Apr. to a.d. XIV Kal. Apr. .




A. Apollonius Cordus.


C. Livia;
Di. Moravia Aventina;
C. Moravius Laureatus Armoricus;
A. Apollonius Cordus;
C. Flavia Aureliana;
A. Gratius Garseius Avitus.

Description (by A. Apollonius Cordus):

This was a small and informal meeting organized at relatively short notice. After a little shopping for board-games, the party gathered in the Museum Tavern opposite the British Museum, there to meet up with Di. Moravia and her brother-in-law. The following day there was a short meeting in the Forum Cafe in the same area to discuss arrangements for the upcoming conventus and to ratify the charter of Inter Alia. This was followed by a visit to the Museum itself.

Conventus Novae Romae K. Buteone Po. Minucia cos. MMDCCLIX a.u.c.

Day 3 (017) - Walltown Crags - Paulus, Lupus, Falco (below), Jovinus, Pictor - -Cordus-.jpg
Day 4 (010) - St Martin's - Paulus, Astur, Albucius - -Cordus-.jpg


a.d. III Non Sext. to a.d. V Id. Sext. .




Britannia provincia.


K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus;
M. Octavius Germanicus;
Cn. Salvius Astur;
C. Livia;
P. Memmius Albucius;
D. Gladius Lupus;
C. Moravius Laureatus Armoricus;
A. Apollonius Cordus;
A. Tullia Scholastica;
C. Flavia Aureliana;
T. Amatius Paulus;
Gal. Minucius Iovinus;
V. Minucius Falco;
Q. Fabius Pictor;
Michael Schofield.


You can read a full account of Vth International Grand Conventus of Nova Roma in Britannia here.

Selected pictures

Day3 Vindolanda Visitors Centre.jpg

Day 3 (027) - Walltown Crags - Albucius (below), Buteo - -Cordus-.jpg Day2 007 Teza Carlisle.jpg

Day6 Mithraeum.jpg Day 5 (131) - Arbeja - Astur, Laureatus, Paulus - -Cordus-.jpg Day 3 (088) - Vindolanda - Paulus, Laureatus, Albucius - -Cordus-.jpg

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