Italia Nova Romana
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ItaliaNova Roma

Italia in Nova Roma comprises Italy and the Vrbs of Rome. Italia hosted the I and IV Conventus Novae Romae in Europa Fr. Apulo C. Laenate cos. ‡ MMDCCLVIII a.u.c., in Bologna and Rome.
The official language is Italian but we welcome any citizen who would like to communicate with us. The flag was designed by Gaius Quirinus Longinus Minor and entitled PENINSULA ITALICA, is composed of our representative symbols, the map of Italy over the golden crown of Nova Roma on a purple background.
Manius Constantinus Serapio composed the hymn, CORAM DEIS, composed for an orchestra of 5 tubae, 1 tympanum and cymbali. The song is a triumphal parade, the rebirth of Romans on the Italian land. Listen to CORAM DEIS at
Italia is protected by Dea Roma, under the clothes of Minerva as shown on the Altare della Patria in Rome. She's Dea Italia too and she represents Italy today. She is the religious aim of any Italic citizen and the historical origins of the peninsula. Under her name and protection, the great aims of the Patres Patriae made great actions and her esaltation was the basis for the Res Publica: "primus inter pares", because only Rome is superior to you, and "civis romanus sum", being the proud witness of the Romanitas, are the sentences which represents the importance of Dea Roma as well as possible.
Following what written in the Lex Fabia de oppidis et municipiis, the citizens living in the city of Rome and in its surrounding area created the local Nova Roman community called officially Urbs. Questo Foedus viene consegnato al Praefectus della "Italia Novae Romae", della quale l'Urbs è una suddivisione locale.
- Official discussion list: [NR_Urbs]
- Official website: []
Academia Italica
Academia Italica is an institution within Italia to strengthen the cultural collaboration between the Italian citizens and the administration. It was founded M. Octavio L. Sulla (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLV a.u.c. by Manius Constantinus Serapio. Learn more ...
Pomerium Cultural Association
Pomerium is a non-profit cultural association, created in 2004 and consisting of Italian citizens of Nova Roma. Its goal is the support and organization of activities for studies, research and historical and archaeological promotion of Ancient Rome and the republican era. It supports and helps the activities of Nova Roma by permitting us to sign legal contracts, collaborations with public administrations, public documents legal in the Italian State and European Union, etc. Learn more ...
Novaroman Italia support and collaborate with the local Pomerium Cultural Association for the creation and publication of the magazine POMERIVM. It's appreciated electronical newspapar about Ancient Roma, its history and culture, and it's free.
- Provincial web page
- NR_Italia Provincial discussion list
- Pomerium Cultural Association
- Urbs discussion list
- Academia Italica
- Signa Romanorum
- Magazine POMERIVM