V Conventus Novae Romae

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N.B. I'm currently in the middle of converting this into a report of the Conventus, would be grateful if other editors could keep their contributions until after I've got the basics in place; thanks. Cordus 20:14, 19 August 2006 (CDT)


The fifth annual Conventus Novae Romae in Europa was held at Hadrian's Wall in provincia Britannia between a. d. III Non. Sex. (Thursday the 3rd of August) and a. d. V Id. Sex. (Wednesday the 9th of August) K. Buteone Po. Minucia cos. MMDCCLIX a.u.c..

Laureatus & Astur on Walltown Crags (Day 3)


Hadrian's Wall

Laureatus, Astur, & Paulus beside a well-preserved section of the Wall (Day 3)

Hadrian's Wall was unique in the Roman world and remains one of the most outstanding historical sites in Europe. It was designated a World Heritage Site almost twenty years ago.

The Wall was built in the early second century C.E. on the orders of the emperor Hadrian, who spent much of his reign touring the frontiers of the empire and who visited Britain M'. Aviola C. Cornelio cos. (DCCCLXXV a.u.c.). Running some 80 Roman miles from the Irish Sea to the North Sea, the Wall marked the northernmost frontier of the Roman empire.

Albucius, Astur, & Buteo on a reconstructed section of the Wall at Vindolanda (Day 3)

It is a remarkable feat of Roman engineering, originally about six metres high and between two and three metres deep, and much of it still stands. It has been suggested that Hadrian was inspired by stories of the Great Wall of China brought back by travelling merchants.

More information on Hadrian's Wall


File:Day 2 (003) - The City Gateway, Carlisle - Aureliana, Michael (behind), Scholastica, Lupus, Astur, Paulus - -Cordus-.jpg
Aureliana, Michael (obscured), Scholastica, Lupus, Astur, and Paulus at the City Gateway in Carlisle (Day 2)

The Conventus was based in the city of Carlisle in north-west England, which itself began as a settlement around the Wall fort of Luguvalium. Carlisle has had a turbulent history under the Romans, Celts, Saxons and Vikings. It gained city status during the Middle Ages and during the 14th to 17th centuries was constantly involved in the feuds and bloodthirsty raids of the Border Reivers that took place over the disputed lands between England and Scotland. It has associations with some of the most striking characters of British history, including King Arthur, Mary Queen of Scots, Bonnie Prince Charlie and Queen Victoria.

Carlisle has many fascinating historical buildings to visit, but it is also a dynamic modern town with speciality shops, theatres and entertainment centres. It is large enough to be vibrant, but small enough to explore on foot. It has a fine museum of Roman and other antiquities.


Tullie House Museum


File:Day 3 (007) - St Martin's - Buteo, Pictor, Lupus, Aureliana, Falco, Jovinus (below), Laureatus, Astur (b), Cordus, Scholastica (b), Paulus, Albucius (b) - -Mic.jpg
Buteo, Pictor, Lupus, Aureliana, Falco, Iovinus (below), Laureatus, Astur (below), Cordus, Scholastica (below), Paulus, & Albucius at St Martin's (Day 3)

Guests were accommodated at St Martin's College. This was a modern block normally used as student lodgings, built M. Octavio L. Sulla (II) cos. MMDCCLV a.u.c.. Each room had its own bathroom. Rooms were grouped into flats of five to eight rooms, and each flat had a shared fully-fitted kitchen and dining area. The Conventus party occupied two floors of one building, and many of the communal activities (including breakfast and, except when eaten at a restaurant, dinner) took place in the kitchen of the downstairs flat.

Scholastica and Aureliana sitting by the window in the downstairs kitchen, while Astur, Lupus, Paulus, Albucius, and Laureatus gather around the table (Day 4)

The Guests

Present at the Conventus were:

T. Amatius Paulus
T. Amatius Paulus (citizen of Hispania) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
A. Apollonius Cordus
A. Apollonius Cordus (legatus of Britannia) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus
K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus (citizen of Thule) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
Q. Fabius Pictor
Q. Fabius Pictor (probationary citizen of Thule) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
C. Flavia Aureliana
C. Flavia Aureliana (citizen of Britannia, wife of Michael) - Read her recollections of the Conventus
D. Gladius Lupus
D. Gladius Lupus (propraetor of Hibernia) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
C. Livia
C. Livia (propraetrix of Britannia) - Read her recollections of the Conventus
P. Memmius Albucius
P. Memmius Albucius (citizen of Gallia) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
V. Minucius Falco
V. Minucius Falco (citizen of Thule) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
Gal. Minucius Iovinus
Gal. Minucius Iovinus (legatus of Thule) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
C. Moravius Laureatus
C. Moravius Laureatus Armoricus (legatus of Britannia) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
M. Octavius Germanicus
M. Octavius Germanicus (citizen of Lacus Magni) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
Cn. Salvius Astur
Cn. Salvius Astur (citizen of Hispania) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
Michael Schofield
Michael Schofield (peregrinus, husband of Aureliana) - Read his recollections of the Conventus
A. Tullia Scholastica
A. Tullia Scholastica (citizen of America Mediatlantica) - Read her recollections of the Conventus

The Conventus

A. d. III Non. Sex. (Thursday 3rd August)

Prid. Non. Sex. (Friday 4th August)

Non. Sex. (Saturday 5th August)

More information on Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum

The online catalogue of the Vindolanda tablets

A. d. VIII Id. Sex. (Sunday 6th August)

It is traditional at the annual Conventus to set aside one day for a general meeting at which guests can wear their Roman clothes (though of course they are free to do this at other times as well!) and share their thoughts and aspirations relating to Nova Roma. For educational value and a sense of gravitas, the meeting was conducted in the form of a meeting of the senate, according to ancient procedures.

A. d. VII Id. Sex. (Monday 7th August)



A. d. VI Id. Sex. (Tuesday 8th August)


A virtual tour of Vercovicium


A. d. V Id. Sex. (Wednesday 9th August)

Guests' Recollections

T. Amatius Paulus

A. Apollonius Cordus

K. Fabius Buteo

Q. Fabius Pictor

C. Flavia Aureliana

D. Gladius Lupus

C. Livia

P. Memmius Albucius

V. Minucius Falco

Gal. Minucius Iovinus

C. Moravius Laureatus

M. Octavius Germanicus

Cn. Salvius Astur

Michael Schofield

A. Tullia Scholastica


The publicity page for the Conventus, originally housed in this namespace.

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