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Em Tradução... Uma tribo não era uma indicação de ancestralidade comum; as tribos eram distribuídas geograficamente e um homem pertencia à tribo na qual estava localizada a sua residência principal. A tribo era uma parte essencial da cidadania, uma vez que voto era frequentemente realizados por tribo. No período médio da República a abreviatura de tribo no qual a pessoa se envolvia era adicionado ao nome da pessoa.

Usage in names

The tribe is inserted between the nomen and the cognomen, e.g. M. Tullius Cor. Cicero (meaning "Marcus Tullius Cornelia tribu Cicero", or "Marcus Tullius, of the Cornelian tribe, Cicero").

Often the tribe is included together with the filiation, in which case it appears after the filiation and before the cognomen, thus:

M. Tullius M. f. M. n. Cor. Cicero

Development of tribes

According to tradition there were originally three tribes, created by king Romulus; the tribes were reorganized by king Servius Tullius and greatly increased in number. New tribes were added from time to time until N. Vibulano T. Capitolino cos. (CCCXXXIII a.u.c.) it was decided to fix the number at 35.

The tribes in ancient times were fundamental social units. Each tribes had its own officials, and many important activities were organized on a tribal basis including the census, collection of taxes, and voting in the Comitia Populi Tributa and the Comitia Plebis Tributa. They were so important that a Roman's full name included the name of his tribe along with the name of his father and grandfather.

Four of the tribes (Collina, Esquilina, Palatina, and Suburana) are urban tribes; the rest are rural tribes. In ancient times citizens who owned land outside the city of Rome were enrolled in rural tribes, while those who lived exclusively in the city belonged to urban tribes. The result was that the urban tribes had much less power in the voting assemblies than the rural tribes had.

By 242 BCE the number of tribes was fixed at 35.