Ludi Cornelii

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Ludi Cornelii Opening Banner SMALL.gif

Ceremonial Opening of the Ludi Cereales

The Ludi Cornelii which aere funerary games, that is, ludi funebres, in honor of the late Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, were opened by a religious ritual and sacrifice to the spirit and Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander by aedilis plebis M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius which you can read below:

Aedilician Opening Speech

CIV-Marcus Aurelius Cotta Iovius.jpg
M. Cotta Iovius, aedilis
Album Civium
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius aedilis s. p. d.
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius aedilis sends greetings.
Fellow citizens, it is my sad duty to officially open the Ludi Cornelii in honor and in memory of censor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander Imperator, proconsul, pater patriae. The senate decreed these 10 days of funerary games in his honor. I was present at his funeral where my gladiators performed the funerary munus gladiatorium. That was the preliminary part of the Ludi Cornelii. My colleague aedilis A. Iulius Paterculus started to announce the activities of the Ludi Cornelii, but I performed the official opening ceremony only today.
We have lost the person who opened the new chapter in Nova Roma's history, and that's why the senate awarded him with the title pater patriae. As far as I know, he could really be the father of all other citizens due to his age and his caring nature. I didn't know an older citizen of Nova Roma than him. I have never met him, but I meet very often his filius Lentulus whose character, if he inherited just a tiny portion of his pater familias' nature, can demonstrate very well why Lentulus Alexander was a great man and a great Roman.
Let's honor Cn. Lentulus Alexander, pater patriae, with these ludi funebres, let's dedicate ourselves to the idea of becoming better and better each day, and to make Nova Roma better. Lentulus Alexander wanted to help Nova Roma in this, and he did what he could.
This is everything that we are ever expected to do in Nova Roma.
To do everything that we can.
Long live the memory of Lentulus Alexander!
May he enjoy eternal happiness with the Gods!
And let the Games begin!
M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius

Programs of the Ludi Cornelii

Tabula ansata funebris Cn. Lentuli Alexandri - MINI.gif


Certamen Lentulianum

Ludi Cornelii - Certamen Lentulianum Banner 2 - SMALL.gif

Hosted by M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius, aedilis

To be uploaded.

Certamen Szolnokinense by aedilis

Ludi Cornelii - Certamen Szolnokinense banner - SMALL.gif

Hosted by M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis, aedilis

To be uploaded.

Certamen Pannonicum

Ludi Cornelii - Certamen Pannonicum banner - SMALL.gif

Hosted by A. Iulius Paterculus, aedilis

To be uploaded.

Photo Tributes to Lentulus Alexander from Around the World

Ludi Cornelii - Photo Tributes to Lentulus Alexander from Around the World banner - SMALL.gif

Hosted by A. Iulius Paterculus, aedilis

Access this program at this page: Ludi Cornelii - Photo Tributes to Lentulus Alexander from Around the World

Munera Gladiatoria Live Gladiatorial Betting Game

Hosted by M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius, aedilis

To be uploaded.

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