In memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander

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Tabula ansata funebris Cn. Lentuli Alexandri - MINI.gif


(Sándor Gonda),

has passed away while holding the office of CENSOR and PROCONSUL.

He lived 93 years.

He will live in our hearts forever!

The people of Nova Roma is devastated by the loss of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, the Father of the Nation. "Lentulus the Elder was like a new Romulus, in unison with our founders Cassius and Vedius" as consul Q. Arrius praised him. The most respected Cn. Lentulus Alexander will be missed not only as a leader of Nova Roma, but also as a role model to many, and a father and most reliable support to one of the most productive citizens, a chief theoretician of Nova Roma, Cn. Lentulus the Younger.

Nova Roma and the Nova Romans extend their condolence to the family and friends of Cn. Lentulus Alexander. Nova Roma will pray for Cn. Lentulus and his family in this difficult time, and ceremonies in his memory are being performed. The senate has also awarded a funus censorium, a censorial state funeral and fifteen days of official State Mourning, memorial games called the Ludi Cornelii, and a new series of coins minted, all these to be done in his memory. The Nova Roman censorial funeral takes place as a separate ceremony after the actual funeral on a.d. VI Kal. Quin. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c., but the senate and people of Nova Roma have donated an amount towards the costs of his actual funeral, making the pater patriae Cn. Lentulus' actual funeral an official Nova Roman event and a real Roman funus censorium. You can help and support his family and his funeral costs by donations as announced in our forum. You can learn more about his life and role in Nova Roma on his biography page.

THANK YOU for your contribution and dedication to Nova Roma, dear Lentulus Alexander! Thank you for being our fellow citizen for more than a decade!
Farewell our censor and proconsul CN. CORNELIUS LENTULUS ALEXANDER, imperator, pater patriae and consular senator!


State Mourning Photogpraph of Cn. Lentulus Alexander.jpg


* * *


This poem, loosely following the form of versus Saturnius, the poetical format of Roman epitaph inscriptions, was written in memory and honor of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander the Elder by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus the Younger. The epitaph of Cn. Lentulus Alexander imitates the texts of the most famous versus Saturnius funerary inscription poems of Scipio Barbatus and that of Scipio Africanus Minor. The English translation of the epitaph is below:

To the Divine Departed Spirits
of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander,
censor and proconsul,
who lived 93 years.
* * *
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, consul,
Interrex and priestly king who served the state among you,
He was acclaimed imperator for his victories,
As proconsul he saved a lot of provinces:
Gallia, Germania, Thule and the Asias,
Guria, Nipponia, Hispanica in the Americas,
Mississippiensis, Missuriensis, Montana, Minnesota,
Nebrascensis, Noveboracensis, Nova Britannia
Citerior, Georgia Florida, Oregonensis,
Transappalachiana, Carolina, Dacota,
Argentina, Brasilia and Nova Hispania.
He died as censor and proconsul, an heroic and wise man,
Whose appearance was well matched to his noble virtues:
The people of Rome affirm confessing in concord
That he was the best of all the great men of the New one.
He won against the enemies who conjured a civil war,
He took Nova Roma for the reborn Roman people,
Through which he re-founded and renewed the republic
Of the Roman people of the ancient Quirites.
The freedom and the republic of the Nova Roman people
He restored. He completed the founding of New Rome.
In honor, fame, virtue and glory he has surpassed all.
For these accomplishments, by his loving pious son
And the Senate, he was called Father of the Nation.

May the earth rest lightly upon you.

Cn. Lentulus
his son
wrote it.

Tabula ansata cum versu Saturnino de Cn. Lentulo Alexandro - MINI.gif


In Memoriam Cn. Corneli Lentuli Alexandri.jpg



CN. CORNELIUS LENTULUS ALEXANDER THE ELDER (lieutenant colonel Sándor Gonda), CENSOR, PROCONSUL WITH IMPERIUM MAIUS, PATER PATRIAE, CONSULAR SENATOR and the FIRST INTERREX of Nova Roma and interim REX SACRORUM, under whose auspices the ritual founding of the Nova Roman People and its unification with the world's renascent Roman People inside and outside Nova Roma was completed, a patrician member of the Order of Knights of Nova Roma, reservist tribunus of the Legio XXI Rapax of Nova Roma, pater familias of Pontifex Cn. Lentulus, the Younger, passed away yesterday afternoon a. d. XIV Kal. Quin. (16 June) after some months of illness, in his home, surrounded by his family (all being citizens of Nova Roma) in Pannonia. In his macronational life, he was a lieutenant colonel of the Hungarian Armed Forces. He left behind her wife, Aemilia Lepida, filius Cn. Lentulus, pontifex and current quaestor and legate-governor, his two daughters Cornelia Lentula Maior and Cornelia Lentula Minor, his three grandchildren, his Roman filius the same Cn. Lentulus, M. Marcellus and Claudia Marcella.

He lived 93 years.

The Lentulus-family and many Nova Romans who knew him or worked with him are mourning. Funeral arrangements will be later, there will be a Roman funeral, as well. His modern, military funeral will be held on a.d. VIII Id. Quin. Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III), 9th July, in Szolnok, Pannonia Provincia. Nova Roma will be represented there by several citizens and the governor of the province; and at a later date, his Roman funeral ceremony will be held by Nova Roma, with due Roman pomp.

CN. CORNELIUS LENTULUS ALEXANDER THE ELDER saw as a duty for a valuable worldwide community to serve Nova Roma in those very important symbolic capacities which marked the start of a new era in Roman revival, when the Completion of the Founding of the Nova Roman People was carried out, even if his role was mostly ceremonial, but still important, and he was proud to facilitate the reforms and recovery of Nova Roma during the years of trouble, because he was a man of action and pragmatism, helping and changing things for the better was his nature. His illness caused an -- understandable -- block to the proceedings of current state affairs, which he regretted, but there was a hope until yesterday that he recovers within a few weeks. He was a very dutiful and active man even in his very old age, and he was an inspiration to his filius Cn. Lentulus, one of the front participants of Nova Roman activities. Lentulus the Younger deferred and transferred his honorary pater patriae acclamation to Lentulus the Elder for his presiding activity over the Completion of the Founding of the New Roman Nation. In his public announcement about his pater's passing, Cn. Lentulus the Younger wrote:

"...He was a very dutiful and active man even in his very old age, and he was an inspiration to me in my whole life, including my Nova Roman life, in which he was eager to help our community and my work, too, even after his age was above 90. He was my grandfather who was really the father to me in my whole life, and he was definitely my Roman father. I loved him more than I could have loved a real father, and even more. I will emulate his example in the rest of my life."

Nova Roma and the Nova Romans extend their condolences to the family and friends of censor Cn. Lentulus Alexader, proconsul and senator. Nova Roma will will pray for Cn. Lentulus Alexander and his family in this difficult time, and ceremonies in his memory will be performed.

THANK YOU for your contribution and dedication to Nova Roma, dear Lentulus Alexander! Thank you for being our fellow citizen for 15 years! Farewell censor CN. CORNELIUS LENTULUS ALEXANDER!

D. M.

Invitatio funebris censoris Cn. Lentuli Alexandri patris patriae.gif

Funeral of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander

Macronational Military Funeral of Sándor Gonda, lieutenant colonel

The modern military funeral of our censor and proconsul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, the Elder (lieutenant colonel Sándor Gonda), pater patriae, has been held today, Rome Time 10:00, on a.d. VIII Id. Quin. Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III), 9th July, in Szolnok, Pannonia Provincia. Nova Roma was represented there by several citizens and the governor of the province, two quaestors, and a tribune of the plebs. Nova Roma honored his leader with a funeral wreath which was laid down in front of the ashes of the proconsul Lentulus, our censor. The laudatio funebris (funeral speech) was held by Cn. Lentulus quaestor, pontifex, legatus pro praetore, the filius of Cn. Lentulus Alexander. Take a look at our little photo report on Facebook:

Citizens of Nova Roma and the allies of the Nova Roman People are invited to pray for our censor, proconsul and pater patriae Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander on this day of his macronational funeral, and to offer sacrifices to his Manes and to his Genius for his eternal happiness.

Our New Roman Nation will hold a proper Roman State Funeral ceremony for the beloved Lentulus Alexander at a later date, with due Roman pomp.

Censorial State Funeral of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander imperaror, pater patriae: the Funus Censorium

On a.d. VI Kal. Quin. , our Cn. Lentulus the Elder was buried in the Roman way, the funeral was officiated by his son, pontifex Cn. Lentulus the Younger. His macronational military funeral, as he served in the Armer Forced as a liezutenant colonel, was held on a.d. VII Id. Quin. Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c.. Details will b uploaded later...

Take a look at our initial photo report on Facebook:

Nova Romans at the funus censorium Censorial State Funeral of censor Cn. Lentulus Alexander, proconsul, imperator, pater patriae in Aquincum (Budapest, Hungary). From left to right: the Legio X Gemina as guest unit, formerly allied, now a dear friendly group, the Nova Roman Cohors VI Carpathica, the Cohors I Atilia, the Legio XXI Rapax, the family members and friends of the Cornelii Lentuli in black, aedilis M. Cotta, quaestors Cn. Lentulus, T. Popillia, A. Fabricius, the magistrates, priests and senators who attended the funeral, in toga praetexta standing separately praetor C. Artorius, the consul Q. Arrius, praetor C. Cornelius, the 12 lictors in honor of the consular status of Lentulus Alexander and also in attendance of the consul Q. Arrius and the praetors present, wailers (professional mourners), gladiators of the Familia Gladiatoria Pannonica and the gladiators of the Ludus Gladiatorum "Aquincum". In the middle, the symbolic body of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander covered by censorial purple, with his real ashes under the veil, and filius Cn. Lentulus the Younger who conducted the rituals, the mourning portrait of Lentulus Alexander next to them, carried by an "impersonating" actor in the same censorial purple, according to Roman custom.

Ludi Cornelii in memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander

After the Roman censorial state funeral has been completed, the Ludi Cornelii which are funerary games, that is, ludi funebres, in honor of the late Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, were opened by a religious ritual and sacrifice to the spirit and Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander by aedilis M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius. The Ludi Cornelii included a Certamen Lentulianum about the life of Lentulus Alexander, a Certamen Szolnokinense about the Roman connections of the home town of Lentulus, a Certamen Pannonicum about his home province, a Photo Tributes Collection of citizens remembering him, and Munus Gladiatorium Betting Game in his honor. These were organized by the four aediles collectively, and you can view the programs, the games and the results here on this page:

Ludi Cornelii Opening Banner - 500px.gif

Signs and omens regarding the death of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander

Sign of the October Horse festival at the Completion of the Founding of Nova Roma event

His greatest deed, the Completion of the Founding of the New Roman Nation on the October Horse festival was already accompanied by a remarkable sign: horse blood, meat and hair were sacrificed as part of the completion of the founding of Nova Roma, the first real October Horse ceremony after the fall of Rome (these were obtained from farmers, no live horse was involved at the event), which religiously substituted the for the live horse sacrifice, which would have been impossible for several reasons. However, as a miraculous sign that Mars accepted this partial horse sacrifice, not far away from the site of the Completion of the Founding of Nova Roma ritual, which was held in Aquincum (Budapest), still within ancient Roman territory, a hours jumped off a rock in Budapest at the time of the symbolic horse sacrifice of rex sacrorum and interrex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander. It was a miraculous coincidence, and an obvious sign that appeared as if the horse was offering himself as sacrifice (animal sacrifice always had to be "voluntary", the animal had to seem to go into its fate willingly in ancient Rome) for the October Horse ceremony and the Completion of Founding of Nova Roma. This miracle and omen contributed to the faith in the validity of Lentulus Alexander's founding actions, and marked the sign of divine blessing.

First sign announcing his near passing

Some months before his death, on the tiny parcel of land of Lentulus Alexander, as he and the family worked, a mouse came out from the earth upon the stroke of his hoe: the mouse is a sign of death among the Romans. Pontifex Cn. Lentulus the Younger noted that it was an ill omen for his pater familias and performed a piaculum.

Second sign announcing his near passing

A bit later, still a few months before his death, the bronze roster of the Calvinist church fell off from the top of the tower of the church: it was a notable thing because Lentulus the Elder belonged to the Calvinist church, he lived near this temple, the tower and the rooster being visible from his window, and that rooster accompanied his entire life, and was kind of a symbol for the family. It was again Lentulus the Younger who noticed the bad omen, and he was worried for months what it could mean for the family. Amazingly, just days before the passing of Lentulus Alexander, the rooster, totally renovated, was returned to top of the tower, but with the renovations, both the rooster and the church was not the same, and it seemed as an end of an era, and the sign proved to be announcing the death of Cn. Lentulus censor.

Sign after his death and during his macronational funeral

The tribune of the plebs Ti. Caecilia Sabina reported to the senate that in many places over Pannonia Provincia of Nova Roma, that is Hungary, a comet appeared on the sky and was present during his macronational military funeral. This comet was the comet NEOWISE, and even this acronym name evokes a connection to him as "neo" means "Nova" (new), and as the eldest senator, he was certainly a wise man of the state. In English, the ending "-wise" can also mean relation, connection, regard: for example,"clockwise", related to a clock, like a clock. Similarly, NEOWISE, "new-wise" could mean a sign "Related to the New One", "to the New Rome". The death and funeral of Julius Caesar was likewise accompanied by a comet, called the sidus Iulium afterwards. This comet over the homeland of Lentulus Alexander illuminated the sky for several days after his death and during his funeral, which seemed to many as a sign of the heavens that he was well received.

Sign on the first anniversary of his death, a few days before his Roman funeral

Consul Q. Arrius reported that there was an ominous coincidence that the first anniversary of the passing of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander was accompanied by a partial solar eclipse over Pannonia (Hungary) where Lentulus the Elder lived. This happened just a few days before his Roman funeral, during the preparations. The consul interpreted this as a sign of mourning by the gods, and an approval of the actions that he made as the completion of the founding rituals for Nova Roma. This is a corroborative omen because there were several others, including a comet which the tribune of the plebs Caecilia Sabina announced after his death during his macronational funeral.

First sign after the Roman funeral of Lentulus Alexander

Lentulus the Younger reported that when he arrived back home after the Roman funeral, in which there was a part when the family of the Lentuli invited the departed spirit of Lentulus Alexander to join the household gods, the Di Manes, and guard the home of the Lentuli, then young Lentulus, upon arrival, washed his hands, and looked into the mirror above the sink, before the mirror there was a black box, in the color of grief, that he had never seen before, and the word "SALVE" was written on it. Lentulus filius described the moment as ominous and thrilling. It was as if Lentulus pater, now in his full power among the Di Manes reigning in this household, wanted to greet instantly his son upon his first arrival back home.

Second sign after his Roman funeral

On the last day of the State Mourning period, concluding the funeral of the censor and proconsul who has contributed to the completion of the re-founding of the Roman nation, quaestor C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus from Provincia Britannia reported, that the face and hand of Neptune was seen in the Ocean on that day, and it was photographed by BBC. On the same day, endless waters fall on the grave and the home city of censor Cn. Lentulus Alexander: the Roman nation's ritual re-founding started on a water festival, by the family of the Lentuli, on the Volturnalia. Pontifex Lentulus interpreted the sign as an approval of the actions of Lentulus Alexander taken in favor of the gods and the re-founding.

Third sign after his Roman funeral

The end of the State Mourning period after the Roman funeral of Lentulus the Elder coincided with the first anniversary of his macronational funeral. This coincidence was accidental, not planned. The day was rainy rainy, totally different than the preceding days, the sky seemed weeping. Lentulus filius reported that when he started the ceremony of laying down the ashes of Lentulus pater into the cellar-crypt in the ground (his permanent urn grave in a church's crypt was not yet ready), the rain stopped, the weather became very pleasant and clear. Lentulus filius wanted to conclude the last element of the Roman funeral, to throw three handfuls of earth on his Roman urn and grave so that his spirit could finally move into the realm of the Di Manes. The Roman style urn contained his real ashes that were present and burned at the large public event of the funus censorium, Censorial State Funeral two weeks before that in Aquincum. This temporary grave was a stone built pit in the ground, where his urn remains until it will be put in the church's crypt. At the moment when Lentulus the Younger was done throwing dust three times on the grave, the rain started falling, more and more decisively, and on the left, from the propitious side, there were several lightning bolts, which all seemed very reassuring, very positive.


Official Statements on the death of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander

Senatus consultum on the state funeral and honors of the late Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander pater patriae


Enacted on: a.d. VIII Id. Oct. Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III) cos. MMDCCLXXIII a.u.c. ‡ XXII ANRC (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and P. Annaeus, 8 October, 23 ANRC / 2773 AUC / 2020 AD)


It was with great and overwhelming sadness that the Nova Roman senate and people learned of the death of our current censor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, proconsul cum maiore imperio over Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Thule, America Hispanica, America Mississippiensis, America Missuriensis, America Montana, America Nebrascensis, America Noveboracensis, America Oregonensis, America Transappalachiana, Carolina, Dacota, Georgia Florida, Minnesota, Nova Britannia Citerior, Nova Hispania, Argentina, Brasilia, Guria and Nipponia, consular senator, former interrex and rex sacrorum, pater patriae, who was saluted as imperator twice by the members of the reenactment legions committed to save the Nova Roman Republic from the hostile forces of Cn. Caesar and L. Sulla after the victory over Caesar and once again after the victory over Sulla, a patrician member of the equestrian order and reservist tribunus of the Legio XXI Rapax of Nova Roma, pater familias of pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, the Younger. He served as the first ever interrex of Nova Roma and rex sacrorum, under whose interim royal auspices the ritual founding of the Nova Roman people and its unification with the world's renascent Roman people inside and outside Nova Roma was completed, which was the most important event in the history of Roman revival since the founding of Nova Roma, and which closed our founding years, the long process of the foundational ritual actions and rites, and established the contract with the gods and the pax deorum Romanorum. This is his historical legacy and symbolic significance for Nova Roma and in the history of Roman revival, this is why he is saluted and celebrated as pater patriae alongside Cassius and Vedius, the founders of Nova Roma. Earth and Heavens mourn his departure and hail his ascendance to heaven among our great forefathers, as evidenced after his death, when a shining star, a comet appeared on the sky, and at the time of his mundane funeral, this sign was visible to the Nova Romans, and reported to the senate so that the people will always honor his name!

The Republic is in grief, and the senate is mourning the loss of their fellow senator, a friend to many, the illustrious Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander. Our respected Cn. Lentulus, The Elder was one of the most important and greatest men in the history of our res publica, a true Roman in character, a virtuous and exemplary man beloved by the people. All members of the senate extend their sincere and deeply felt condolences to the family and friends of censor and proconsul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, and to the entire citizenry of Nova Roma, for the loss of our excellent fellow citizen. His loss is felt even more tragically as he departed from us while holding the most respected office of censor, and as proconsul holding imperium over the provinces of Nova Roma, and we had great expectations that with the help of his son, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus the Younger, his quaestor and legatus, doing the actual organizational work he would be able to preside over a complete revitalization process of the inactive provinces of which he was appointed to govern nominally as a transitional solution. His ascension to our ancestors makes the senate and the people of Nova Roma feel miserable, however, at the same time, the senate and the people feel blessed that we could have our great father Cn. Lentulus the Elder with among us in Nova Roma for so long, and he could preside over the completion of the founding of the Nova Roman people and its unification with the renascent Roman people of the world, making Nova Roma the ritually and sacrally fully valid and legitimate heir of the old Roman people.

I. In order to honor the memory of the late illustrious Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, to express gratitude for his many great contributions to Nova Roma, for his service of presiding over the completion of the founding of the Nova Roman people, the Quirites, and to pay homage to the greatness of his character and importance for Nova Roman history, the senate is hereby awarding and declaring a funus censorium state funeral to the censor and proconsul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander imperator, vir consularis et censorius, as it is appropriate.

II. Further, the senate also authorizes a donation of an unspecified amount to the family of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander toward the costs of the funeral in the name of the Nova Roman People, the Quirites. This unspecified donation shall count as if it were given from the Treasury of Nova Roma, but due to the current problems, this unspecified amount of money shall be raised by a fundraising managed by our consules. Recognizing that the actual funeral arranged by the family and the Hungarian Army has been already held on a.d. VIII Id. Quin. Q. Arrio (II) T. Domitio (III), 9th July, this funus censorium serves as our separate Roman funeral where the Nova Roman senate and people, the Quirites, will honor our most illustrious censor's ashes, part of which will be actually present and burned at the Roman ceremony, and it also supports his mundane funeral financially with this symbolic amount of donation.

III. The funus censorium of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander imperator, censor and proconsul shall take place in a form of a funerary ritual and sacrifice conducted by one or both of the consuls, based on their agreement. The volunteering consul has the usual authorization to request one of the pontifices to perform the ritual in his place.

IV. The funus censorium ritual shall take place on the date appointed by the volunteering consul, and published in a consular edict on the funus censorium of censor Cn. Lentulus Alexander, proconsul. Before issuing the edict, the consul shall obtain an approval for the chosen day from a pontifex and an augur because of the calendrical complications of Roman religion. If the consul chooses to perform the ritual through the person of a pontifex, he has to arrange the date with the officiating pontifex before publishing the edict.

V. The senate, to further honor the memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, pater patriae, hereby officially declares a state mourning for the funeral of our censor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, which shall take place beginning from the day which precedes the funus censorium ritual, and shall last fifteen days.

VI. The fifteen days of the state mourning are declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP), and, according to the Decretum Pontificum de Diebus III.A., no official state business, no judicial procedure, no comitia shall be held, no edicts shall be issued on these days.

VII. During this state mourning period, the main page of the Nova Roma website shall show nothing else but a tribute to censor and proconsul Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander imperator, pater patriae, his mourning portrait, black flags and similar symbols of grief, and other main portal pages of the website shall contain a black flag and reference to the mourning for Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.

VIII. On each day of the state mourning period, the consuls shall take care that there be a daily public message on the official fora of Nova Roma calling the citizens' attention to the mourning and asking for prayers for Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.

IX. The senate also instructs all aediles (curule and plebeian) collegially as a body to hold public funerary games in honor and in memory of our censor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, the proconsul, no later than within one month after the funus censorium, which can be held also under the state mourning. The memorial funerary games shall be called Ludi Cornelii (Cornelian Games), shall be held for 10 days, and shall include virtual or real munera gladiatoria and a biography contest about the life and Roman activities of censor and proconsul Cn. Lentulus. The rest of the programs is at the discretion of the curule and plebeian aediles.

X. The senate orders that a coin shall be officially issued by Nova Roma to remember Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.

Edictum consulare de funere censorio Cn. Cornelii Lentuli Alexandri patris patriae

Edictum consulare de funere censorio Cn. Cornelii Lentuli Alexandri patris patriae

Pursuant to the Senatus Consultum de funere censorio Cn. Cornelii Lentuli Alexandri censoris et proconsulis and to honour the memory and service of the late Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, pater patriae, the Consules have determined that:

I. The funus censorium of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, pater patriae, funerary ritual and sacrifice will be held at a.d. VI Kal. Quint. (26th June). The ritual and sacrifice will be officiated by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus on behalf of both consuls.

II. A state mourning is declared from a.d. VII Kal. Quint. (25th June) to a.d. VII Id. Quint. (9th July). In accordance with the Senatus Consultum de funere censorio Cn. Cornelii Lentuli Alexandri censoris et proconsulis those days are declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP).

III. The consuls instruct the aediles to hold the Ludi Cornelii memorial games in this period.

Q. Arrius Nauta

Lentulus Alexander memorial tabula - 500px.gif

Announcement of Death by his son, quaestor, praefectus rei publicae Cn. Cornelius Lentulus the Younger, pontifex

Cn. Lentulus, quaestor, scriba censorius, pontifex, praefectus, legatus senatui populoque Novo Romano s. p. d.

It is my very sad duty to inform you that my pater familias, the current censor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, proconsul with imperium maius, senator, pater patriae, the one under whose auspices as interrex and interim rex sacrorum the ritual founding of the Nova Roman People and its unification with the world's renascent Roman People inside and outside Nova Roma, died yesterday, a. d. XIV Kal. Quin. (16 June) in his home, surrounded by his family (all being citizens of Nova Roma) in Pannonia, after some months of illness.

Our family and many Nova Romans who knew him or worked with him are mourning. Funeral arrangements will be later, there will be a Roman funeral, as well.

He saw as a duty for a valuable worldwide community to serve Nova Roma in those very important symbolic capacities which marked the start of a new era in Roman revival, even if his role was mostly ceremonial, but still imporrtant, and he was proud to facilitate the reforms and recovery of Nova Roman during the years of trouble, because he was a man of action and pragmatism, helping and changing things for the better was his nature. His illness caused an, understandable, block to the proceedings of current state affairs, which he regretted, but there was a hope until yesterday that he recovers within a few weeks. He was a very dutiful and active man even in his very old age, and he was an inspiration to me in my whole life, including my Nova Roman life, in which he was eager to help our community and my work, too, even after his age was above 90. He was my grandfather who was really the father to me in my whole life, and he was definitely my Roman father. I loved him more than I could have loved a real father, and even more. I will emulate his example in the rest of my life.


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, filius
quaestor, pontifex, scriba censorius
praefectus rei publicae administrandae

Tributes by Nova Roman citizens

Farewell by his colleague, censor A. Tullia Scholastica, princeps senatus

A. Tullia Scholastica Cn. Cornelio Lentulo quiritibus bonae voluntatis S.P.D.

Eheu! Lugete, Romani veri! Carissime, valde doleo mortem tui avi tibi carissimus, qui munere patris nepoti optimo optimé functus est. Quoque, ut militi decuit, rei publicae populoque Romano etiamsi provectus aetate diligentissimé serviit.

Spero me plura postea privatim quidem scribere posse, at infeliciter operarius mihi expectandus et multa paranda.

Cura ut valeas!


We shall honor a good Roman, Lentulus Alexander, with the funus censorium and a period of mourning which he richly deserves.


A. Tullia Scholastica Cn. Cornelio Lentulo carissimo suo S.P.D.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem, non secus in bonis...valde doleo haec tempora tibi arduissima fore. Eheu pater adempte tibi! Dolor te torquet; spero hunc mox evanescere et mentem tuam plenam memoriis jucundis vitae ejus mansuram. Profecto pro avo, familia, teque orabo, vos omnes in memoria tenens.


Farewell by consul Q. Arrius Nauta, consular senator

Salvete, Quirites,

Fellow citizens, I am very sad to return home for these bad news. I have just returned from my COVID-19 assignment from the military and I see that things are bad, and I must blame myself, too, for this, due to my absence, which was, unfortunately, unavoidable and unpredictable. First I see the senate session is not yet finished and people are complaining. Their complaints are justified and I as your consul promise that my colleague and I will resolve this delay and stalemate within a few days in a totally satisfactory way.

Second, I see our censor, and chief governor of all provinces proconsul Cn. Lentulus Alexander died. I knew him and all I can say: what a tragedy, he was a fantastic, adorable, strong old man, always full of energy, will and good spirit. Under his auspices Nova Roma received the New Palladium of Rome, which made us finally and irrevocably the heir to the Old Roman people. We knew it was the younger Lentulus the pontifex who made the actual works and actions under his father's auspices, but the gods' only care about the "official version", and for them, Lentulus the Elder was like a new Romulus, in unison with our founders Cassius and Vedius. We must give him a proper goodbye according to his rank.

Third, we must hold an election for censor suffectus, and centralize the communication and work organization of Nova Roma, while we are making steps for the recovery of the corporation and the corporate bank account. These are our most urgent tasks and I believe these can be completed before the end of summer.

Q. Arrius Nauta


I call you to pray for Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander and to remember him today, and especially tomorrow (Saturday) when his Nova Roman funeral will be held, and during the days of the State Mourning. If you feel so, please share your memories and prayers with the public of Nova Roma.

His significant service will not be forgotten, his participation of the restoration and renewal of Nova Roma, his presiding over the Completing of the Founding of Nova Roma, consecrating the New Palladium and the Pignora Imperii. His actions contributed to opening a new chapter in Nova Roma history, and new level of seriousness in our goals.

Tomorrow the funus censorium ritual will be held by his son, pontifex Lentulus, by both praetors of Nova Roma, C. Artorius Praeconinus and C. Cornelius Barosus, and by me in the name of the Nova Roman people. The Ludi Cornelii will be held around this time, the state mourning, and real life funerary gladiatorial games will be held tomorrow at his live Nova Roman state funeral which I will attend.

I ask all citizens and friends of Nova Roma to honor the memory and and pray for Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, for his widow, for his Roman filius, Lentulus the Younger, and for his entire family. May our good prayers be reciprocated by propitious blessings from the gods!

Requiescat in pace!

Q. Arrius Nauta

Farewell by consul T. Domitius Draco, consular senator, former consular colleague of Cn. Lentulus Alexander

Ah... man...

I'm sorry beyond words at your loss. Know that your grandfather, you, and your entire family will be in my prayers.

T. Domitius Draco

Farewell by praetrix M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina, praetorian senator, former legata pro praetore, flamen Carmentalis

M. Faustina Cn. Lentulo s. p. d.;

I wrote to Lentulus privately, but our esteemed consul Q. Arrius Nauta has given me the words to say;

farewell and honour to your virtuous father: the new Romulus.

Dii te consolentur
May the gods console you
Marca Faustina


To all quirites, let us show proper mourning for our censor Gn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander in respect of his age and distinguished career in service of the state, put aside all disagreements and respect Concordia in these sad days. Pietas is a Roman virtue we should all observe.

Dii Novae Romae faveant!
M. Faustina


May he have a safe journey to the Isles of the Blessed and reside with heroes, care amice...


May such a noble Roman dwell with the heroes in the Elysian Fields.


What an incredible tribute to your august grandfather [was the state funeral], o fili pie!


May all Nova Romans honour and remember Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander for his exemplary life and deeds on behalf of Nova Roma!

May he reside eternally with the heroes in the Elysian Fields and may his son be seen by all Nova Romans as a guiding model of Romanitas!

M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina
Flaminica Carmentalis

Farewell by praetor T. Flavius Severus, the praetor governing Sarmatia

Severus Pr. sal.,

I am sincerely condolences. Eternity took another worthy man and a good Roman. The host of ancestors replenished with another pious man.

Vale et valete!

Farewell by the pontifex maximus of Nova Roma, C. Petronius Dexter, praetorian senator, former propraetor of Gallia, flamen Portunalis

C. Petronius Cn. Lentulo s. p. d.,

All my condolences, my friend. It is sad to read, but I know you are strong enough to overcome this sad reality as the Roman you are.

Cura ut valeas.
C. Petronius Dexter

Farewell by aedilis P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, censorial and consular senator, former praefectus of Italia

Placidus Lentulo amico caro S.D.

Lentule, I am stepping momentarily out of my firefighter uniform and putting on my senatorial toga to tell you how sorry I am about your granddad.

I lost my own dad 15 years ago and I know perfectly how it feels. He was supportive of whatever I wanted to be. I'm sure he is proud of me now just like your granddad was undoubtedly proud of you.

Again, let me offer you my deepest condolences for your loss. And my utmost respect from me as a member of a Corps. I know he was a lieutenant colonel, and I actually am in service of my country just like he was. He had a responsibility rank. I do too, but of course much lower than him.

P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus

Farewell by aedilis M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius, praetorian senator, flamen Floralis

What a great man we lose, the savior of Nova Roma! His character is richly mirrored in his Roman filius, Lentulus the Younger. My sincere condolences, I wish the family consolation!


M. Cotta aedilis, flamen SPD

I will personally participate in the State Funeral of Lentulus Alexander and start the ludi funebres gladiator games. This will be the first event of the Ludi Cornelii funerary games.

This man raised the younger Lentulus for us, so if for nothing else, for this already we can be grateful. Despite his very high age, he dedicated his last efforts to Nova Roma, and this is a paramount action of virtue.

A role model for all dedicated Nova Romans, I wish eternal happiness for the late Lentulus Alexander now and forever.

RIP M. Aurelius Cotta Jovius
aedilis, flamen Floralis

Farewell by aedilis C. Artorius Praeconinus

My sincerest condolences. We will remember him always.

C. Artorius Praeconinus
aedilis plebis


Nova Roma lost a great man. Please include him in your sacrifices that he may have a good journey to the after life.

[Tribute#3, after the State Funeral, by then praetor C. Artorius Praeconinus]:

Without Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander Nova Roma would have perished in the civil war times. He died in his year 93, and was still active censor and held governorship over many provinces. He was even interrex in the civil war. A roman thru and thru. If anyone in the modern Roman history deserves a statue or a state funeral, aside of the founders, it is him.

Farewell by the proconsul of Venedia and Sarmatia, tribunus plebis Sex. Lucilius Tutor, censorial and consular senator

To the Lentulus family and to all Nova Roma,

I am so sorry.... no one will hold back time. My sincere condolences brother.

I know he was like a father to you. I knew the older Lentulus and what he did for Nova Roma and he was a great man and real pater patriae for his action in the completing the founding steps of the new Roman nation.

Today is always better than tomorrow. Let's enjoy the presence. I remember the debate we had in Plovdiv.

Do not be sad. I will pray for him today.

Sextus Lucilius Tutor
tribune of plebs

Farewell by the proconsul of America Deserta, C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus, consular senator, augur

Salve, amice!

I am sorry, I wanted to offer you condolences on the recent loss of your paterfamilias.

I hope that you are as well as you can be, amice!

Farewell by the proconsul of Canada, C. Claudius Quadratus, consular senator, augur

Salve, Lentule!

I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Having met some of your family, I know how close you are to them and of their influence upon you as well as upon Nova Roma. Be strong!


Farewell by the proconsul of Dacia, T. Iulius Sabinus, censorial, consular senator, pontifex


Sorry to hear about your lost. Sincere condolences.


Farewell by the proconsul of California Angelensis and Franciscensis, Q. Fabius Maximus, consular senator, pontifex

Sad news indeed. I hope he did not suffer long. Charon grant him passage.

Q. Fabius Maximus

Farewell by the proconsul of Alasca et Havaia, M. Pompeius Caninus, consular senator, pontifex

M. Caninus Cn. Lentulo s. p. d.

Fogadja őszinte részvétem - mindannyiunk számára nagy veszteség.

My family prays for your family.

Cura, ut valeas!
M. Pompeius Caninus


M. Pompeius Caninus consulibus quiritibusque s. p. d.

At an appropriate time, the pontifices, senatores, and consules should arrange a period of State mourning for the passing of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander as we have done for other notable citizens.

Facite valeatis!
M. Pompeius Caninus

Farewell by the propraetor of Hispania, Q. Lutatius Catulus, praetorian senator, former military tribune with consular power

My condolances!

Farewell by the legatus pro praetore of Thracia, A. Vitellius Celsus, former aedilis

On behalf of all members of Provincia Thracia I extend condolences to the family of this noble and great Nova Roma member - a true Pater Patriae of our community.

A. Vitellius Celsusbr> governor

Farewell by the legatus pro praetore of Nova Britannia Ulterior, quaestor A. Iulius Paterculus, former aedilis

A. Paterculus Cn. Cornelio Lentulo s. p. d.

I am very sorry that that your grandfather has been lost to you and your family. Nova Roma should remember him fondly for all the work he had undertaken, and we all know that the rest of your family will continue to add to the legacy he left, both here and in the world at large.


Farewell by the legatus pro praetore of Marcomannia, quaestor Ti. Iulius Nerva, former aedilis

What a great man left us!

Farewell by the legatus pro praetore of Australia, M. Claudius Nero, former quaestor

Very sad news! Great people like him bring honour to the Nova Roman community.

Farewell by quaestor D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, legatus of Cn. Lentulus Alexander proconsul

Like all of Nova Roma, the whole province of Australia mourns at this loss.

Through him and your guidance, we ushered in a new era for this province. Your loss and his absence will be felt by all here.

The most heartfelt sympathies and goodwill of the gods rest upon you and your family.

Praefectus Provinciae Australiae Administrandae
Legatus Proconsulis Cn. Lentuli Alexandri, Legatus Regionis Australiae


Many will mourn this.

Farewell by the legatus pro praetore belli civilis causa, curator aerarii, quaestor P. Porcius Licinus

P. Porcius Cn. Lentulo s. p. d.

May I extend heartfelt sympathy to you and your entire family. I did not know him well, but he must have lived by Roman virtues, as those have been passed on to his descendants.

May those who remain cherish and honor his memory.

Vale optime!

Farewell by quaestor C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus

C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus omnibus s. p. d.

Salvete omnes,

I hereby inform you that in my role as one of the consular quaestors of Nova Roma I have, today, performed a sacrifice to the memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander on behalf of the citizens and peregrini of Provincia Britannia.

This is the 10th day of the State Mourning for our esteemed colleague, pater patriae, and liberator rei publicae.

The 15 days of state mourning were declared Dies Nefasti Publici (NP) by the Nova Roma senate and, according to the Decretum Pontificum de Diebus III.A., no official state business, no judicial procedure, no comitia shall be held, no edicts shall be issued on these days.

I call on you honour Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, one week after his funus censorium (Roman funeral) on ante diem VI Kalendas July (June 26th) held by his son, pontifex Lentulus, by both praetors of Nova Roma, C. Artorius Praeconinus and C. Cornelius Barosus.

Although I did not know him personally, I understand that Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander had a significant role in the restoration and renewal of Nova Roma after the dictatorship of Caesar and Sulla. He presided over the Completing of the Founding of Nova Roma, consecrating the New Palladium and the Pignora Imperii. I am informed that his actions contributed to opening a new chapter in Nova Roma history, and a new level of seriousness in our goals.

I ask all citizens and friends of Nova Roma to honour the memory and pray for Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, for his widow, for his Roman filius, Lentulus the Younger, and for his entire family. May our good prayers be reciprocated by propitious blessings from the gods!

Requiescat in pace!

C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus
Eques equo publico

Farewell by tribunus plebis C. Cornelius Barosus, former quaestor

Deepest condolences!

Farewell by tribuna plebis, Ti. Caecilia Sabina

Őszinte részvétem! (My sincere condolences!)

Farewell by pontifex, fetialis Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Postumianus, former aedilis and legatus pro praetore

Metellus Lentulo suo salutem dicit.

Salue, amice.

Admittedly, I am more skilled at receiving than giving condolences. Loss is something I came to understand well at an early age, and neither easy nor swift have I ever seen it be.

Grief is, I ask you to remember, a process, which takes time and some patience. I have seen many seek to speed through it, including myself; more often, with poor results. Of you, then, I also ask that you ensure care for yourself. You are a pious man: in that great responsibility, you must ensure your health, in all its divisions, that the torch may be carried forward.

If I can be of assistance to you or your family, I remain available to you.

Ut ualeas bene, cura optime!

Farewell by the sacerdos of Quirinus, M. Aemilius Agricola

Integer ille nihilque in terris relinquens sui fugit et totus excessit ; paulumque supra nos commoratus, dum expurgatur et inhaerentia vitia situmque excutit, deinde ad excelsa sublatus inter felices currit animas. Excepit illum coetus sacer, Scipiones Catonesque.


Condoléances sincères. Nous savons combien est douloureuse la perte d'un père.

Farewell by Pompeia Minucia Strabo, former consul

Pomp. Minucia Cn. Cornelio Lentulo sal.

Please accept my sincere condolences. I am sorry for your loss.


Farewell by C. Aemilius Crassus, former consul

My sincere condolences, amice, to you and all your family.

Farewell by Sta. Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia, former consul

Sta. Cornelia Aeternia Cn. Cornelio Lentulo Omnibusque SPD:

Lentule: Condolences to you and your family.

Valete bene,

Farewell by P. Claudius Caecus Iunius Brutus, former aedilis

Salve, Lentule,

My sincerest regards for your loss. A remarkable man who lived a long and virtuous life. I wish I had the opportunity to meet him. May his memory bring further honor to your family for the generations to come, and continue to serve as an example.

Valeas quam optime,
P. Iunius Brutus

Farewell by M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis, former aedilis

Deepest condolences! Our family lit a candle for Lentulus Alexander on the day of his funeral.


Ave Lentulus amice

You know I knew your pater familias in person for many years and how I respected him. We met very often near our hobby gardens and I admired how he worked like a middle age man in the garden even when he was 90. He is a model for us how to age and how to behave.

I am so sorry that I can't participate in person in the Roman funeral. I will honor with a program in the Ludi Cornelii aedilician games, and I will be with you all in heart.

M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis
Aedilis Plebis

Farewell by Paulla Venuleia Corva Gaudialis, former aedilis

I grieve to hear that Lentulus has died. He was always a gentleman and an honorable citizen of Nova Roma. I will miss him.

Venuleia Gaudialis

Farewell by T. Octavius Silvanus, former quaestor

Our most sincere condolences, Brother.

Farewell by M. Pompeius Marcellus, former tribunus plebis and legatus pro praetore


Sorry for being late in offering my condolences to the family of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander. May his memory remain with us.

May the God preserve our republic,

Gaius Pompeius Marcellus

Farewell by Q. Valerius Callidus, former tribunus plebis and magister aranearius

My condolences!


Ille vir integer et verus Romanus erat!

Farewell by M. Martianius Lupus, former tribunus plebis

Salve Lentule, mi carissime amice

I was deeply saddened to read your post on the Saving Nova Roma list informing us of the passing of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander. I am not very gifted with words, but please know that my thoughts are with you and Lentulus Alexander’s family during this sad time. I leave you with the words of the poet Kahlil Gibran —

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart,
and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

My condolences to you and your paterfamilias’s family.

Vale, mi amice
Martianius Lupus

Farewell by proquaestor of Pannonia, Sp. Porcius Gemma, former tribunus plebis, quaestor and legatus

Őszinte részvétem! (My sincere condolences!)

Farewell by legata of the Pannonian governor, L. Laelia Laeta Scaevolilla

Sajnálom! (I'm sorry!)

Farewell by scriba of the Pannonian praetorium, C. Laelia Laeta

Őszinte részvétem! (My sincere condolences!)

Farewell by scriba L. Livia Rufa

I'm so sorry!

Farewell by C. Aurelius Vindex, former legatus in Italia

Condoglianze! (Condolences!)

Farewell by C. Aelius Solaris Marullinus, former scriba and website curator of Italia

Grande dispiacere! Che la terra gli sia lieve!

(This is a big tragedy! May the earth rest lightly on you!)

Farewell by M. Decius Prometheus Golias, former legatus of Dacia

Condoglianze sentite, amice. (Heartfelt condolences, my friend.)

Farewell by C. Marius Basilius, former scriba

I am very sorry for your loss, my condolences!

Farewell by Helena Galeria Aureliana, former editrix commentariorum, former praefecta of America Austrorientalis

My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. The passing of a great man, and a true Roman.

Helena Galeria

Farewell by frater Galerius Paulinus maior

Deepest sympathy for your loss!

Farewell by M. Licinius Verres

Salve Lentule!

Please accept my sincere condolences and regret for your loss. My heart goes out to you. And let me say how very grateful I am for your steadfastness, your service and dedication to Nova Roma. It is now your turn to carry on. May the gods sustain and comfort you and yours and see you through this time of sadness and grief.


Farewell by Sp. Vibius Calvus

Sp. Vibius Calvus corde doloroso Cn. Cornelio Lentulo s.p.d.


Misericordiam profundissimam offero de morte avi tui. Requiescat in nitore deorum.


Farewell by Sibylla Fulvia Ambrosia

I hope that his passing was gentle and pain free. What a loss! This is the first I have heard of his death


Farewell by Q. Gratius Andreas

My condolences to everybody!

Farewell by Q. Vibius Severus

Sit tibi terra levis!

Farewell by M. Valerius Maximus

Requiescat in pace!

Farewell by M. Furius Purpureo

The Elysian Fields welcome such a noble Roman. I'm sorry I couldn't attend in person, albeit I'm there in spirit. I have dedicated candle lit and curls of frankincense and myrrh scenting the air here in tribute and in a small way involved.

Farewell by Flavius Stilicho

My condolances! Ad honorem!

Farewell by M. Iulia Aquila Agrippa

I'm very sorry about your grandfather. [The Roman funeral was] very beautiful and impressive. Requiescat in pace!

Farewell by Ti. Octavia Carnuntina

I'm touched and lost for right words.

Farewell by P. Atilius Severus

Részvétem! (My condolences!)

Farewell by Ap. Clavius Arcturus

Részvétem! (My condolences!)

Farewell by Sp. Vestinius Cursor

Meae tibi consolationes!

Farewell by M. Villius Macro

Részvétünk, Lentule! (Our condolences, Lentulus!)

Farewell by C. Valeria Terra

Őszinte részvétem! (My sincere condolences!)

Farewell by L. Hortensia Theodora

Őszinte részvétem! (My sincere condolences!)

Farewell by the family of Florius Otho

Részvétünk! (Our condolences!)

Farewell by M. Nautius Balla

Részvétem! (My condolences!)

Farewell by L. Coponius Caupo

Részvétem! (My condolences!)

Farewell by Ti. Aelius Pannonicus

Részvétünk, Lentule! (Our condolences, Lentulus!)

Farewell by M. Fabius Longus

Őszinte részvétem! (My sincere condolences!)

Farewell by C. Aemilia Rufa

My deepest condolences.

Farewell by M. Quirinus Sulla

Requiescat in pace, Dis Manibus, amice!

Farewell by C. Valerius Etrurio

Kérlek fogadd őszinte részvétem! (Please accept my sincere condolences!)

Farewell by Q. Fabius Labeo

I am so sorry for your family's great loss.

Farewell by Sex. Valerius Paternus

Requiescat in pace. Meae tibi consolationes, Lentule.

Farewell by D. Marcius Vulpes

I offer my most sincere condolences to yourself and the Nova Roma family. Remember: Virtus junxit mors non separabit.

D. Marcius Vulpes



Now that the mourning period is over. If acceptable to you all, I shall dedicate the shrine to Mars to the honour of this great leader, [to Lentulus Alexander]. I have all the material to create this shrine and a donation of a bust along with the aid to building it from M. Cassius Iulianus. I estimate the shrine to be completed by 14 August and then I shall forward a picture to the site.

I feel although I did not know this esteemed man, the outpouring shows his virtues.
I look forward to keeping all apprised of the progress of the fort in Maine.

D. Marcius Vulpes

Farewell by Q. Aelius Volusus

Our condolences our evermore extended and we do wish him the best! To us he is as we hear but to you he is as you had experienced and we cannot begin to fathom how Nova Roma feels about this loss to those more knowledgeable.

I have lost many in my life and I understand on a personal level loss and grief and I understand that sometimes others do not want those who do not understand to share or comment on their grievances as they may not understand or comprehend the level of pain experienced.

I extend my condolences to Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (the Younger) and the others in Nova Roma. May my sorrows and condolences reach them and give them strength, may it reach Lentulus Alexander and may he prosper in the afterlife!


He truly did deserve a send off much more illustrious than the one he had! I will raise a glass to him tonight at cena! May he rest eternally peacefully. My condolences to all.

Farewell by C. Albius Barrus

My condolences on your loss and my admiration for the spectacle provided to your late grandfather. Great honours done to a greatly honourable man. May he be welcomed with honour among the Di Manes and remembered forever in Nova Roma.

Farewell by M'. Nonius Dominicanus

Salve Lentulus, my condolences for your loss. My prayers for your and your family and those who knew him well. May he find peace and joy among his ancestors and the Gods.

Farewell by D. Gratius Ludovicus

Amice, my deepest condolences to you and your family. Keep the good memories they will guide you through your loss. I was rather sorry to read that terrible news since we talked about him not that long ago. May the gods bless you and guide you through this night now.

Farewell by M. Hortensia Maior Faustina Aureliana Marina

I just wanted you to know that I have been praying for your grandfather every day of the state mourning and asking Karachun (Saturnus Morozko as the god of death) to watch over him!

Farewell by A. Scribonius Nasica

Lugeo absentiam viri nobilis iustique, qui pro salute Novae Romae pugnavit fortiter ac diligenter. Erit nobis monitus ut simus iusti et legales in natione nostra pro bono omnium. Non mortus, solum in corpore absens sed praesens in mentibus et vivus in cordibus nostris. Accipiat terra eum sicut mater accipit filium dilectum suum.

Lentulus Alexander picture only memorial tabula - 500px.gif
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