Codex Juris: Ius Edicendi

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INDEX: Return to the Codex Juris Novae Romae.

Ius Edicendi

This book contains all the legislation on the right enjoyed by curule magistrates (i.e., aediles, praetors) and other offices defined under law (i.e., governors of provinces and special apparitors) to make edicts with respect to their sphere of jurisdiction.


Magisterial Decrees (Edicta)

The basis of edicta within Nova Roma can be found in Article I of the Lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda.

Primary Legislation Description Modifying Leges Modifying Senatus Consulta Modifying Edicta Related or Complimentry Legislation General Praetores Commentary
Lex Vedia de ratione edictorum

(#X, 2752)

About the guidelines for the issuance of magisterial edicta. I. Lex Vedia altera de ratione edictorum

II. Lex Arminia de ratione edictorum

Lex Vedia altera de ratione edictorum

(#XXVII, 2754)

About the responsibilities of the now magister aranearius to post edicts to the Tabularium. Lex Vedia de ratione edictorum

(Modifies this lex)

Lex Arminia de ratione edictorum

(#LXIII, 2755)

About the time period validity of edicts and the renewal of edicts by new office incumbents. Lex Vedia de ratione edictorum

(Modifies this lex)

Lex Arminia de ministris provincialibus

(#LXXXVIII, 2757)

About the validity of governor edicts after a change of governor for a province.

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