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Several state-sponsored public collegia (sing. collegium) and several aedilician private sodalitates (sing. sodalitas), exist within Nova Roma for the discussion of topics of special interests to Nova Roma citizens. These special interest groups or associations are operated independently, often through their own forums or mailing lists.

Collegia and Sodalitates in Roma Antiqua
At Rome the principle of private association was recognized very early by the state; sodalitates for religious purposes are mentioned in the XII Tables (Gaius in Digest, 47. 22. 4), and collegia opificum, (trade guilds), were believed to have been instituted by Numa Pompilius, which probably means that they were regulated by the ius divinum as being associated with particular worships. It is difficult to distinguish between the two words collegium and sodalitas; but collegium is the wider of the two in meaning, and may be used for associations of all kinds, public and private, while sodalitas is more especially a union for the purpose of maintaining a cult. Both words indicate the permanence of the object undertaken by the association, while a societas is a temporary combination without strictly permanent duties. [1]
Burial Associations
Associations to provide for the burial of members were common. An inscription from one such association in Lanuvium appears to cite the pertinent law: "The following are permitted to assemble, convene and maintain a society; those who wish to make monthly contributions for funerals may assemble in such a society, but they may not assemble in the name of such a society except once a month for the sake of making contributions to provide burial for the dead." [2]
Further Reading
Selected photo
Tomb of Eurysaces.jpg

Tomb of M. Vergilius Eurysaces, outside the Porta Praenestina, Rome.

Collegia and sodalitates in Nova Roma

Per the lex Cassia de creatione sodalitatum and the more recent Lex Caecilia de collegis et sodaliciis, any group of citizens may petition the Senate to create a collegium, or the aediles for a sodalitas. A collegium group should first form and operate informally for at least six months. After that, the Senate will consider recognizing it.

Collegium Sodalitas Barbarica

The Collegium Sodalitas Barbarica formed with the purpose of studying topics such as foreign cults and religions, “barbarian” languages & literature, material culture such as clothing, jewelry and household items, barbarian military & reenactment, historical events, and the adoption of Romanitas.

Collegium Sodalitas Iurisprudentium

The Collegium Iurisprudentium is dedicated to the study of ancient Roman law and its application in Nova Roma. The Collegium aims to provide a service to the Res Publica by offering subject matter expertise to magistratus and cives alike. Offering advocate and jurist training programs as well as legislative editing services, the collegium focuses discussions and legal tasking through the experience of past and present senior magistratus and officers, like the decemviri stlitibus iudicandis.

Collegium Sodalitas Coquorum et Cerevisiae Coctorum

Collegium Sodalitas Coquorum et Cerevisiae Coctorum is devoted to all aspects of food drink and dining in Roma Antiqua.

Collegium Sodalitas Egressus

The Collegium Sodalitas Egressus promotes our Republic and establishes person-to-person contact of cives of Nova Roma with other organizations of Roman-related interests.

Collegium Sodalitas Graeciae

The Collegium Sodalitas Graeciae is dedicated to enriching Nova Roma with knowledge and discussion of the Ancient Greek world.

Collegium Sodalitas Latinitatis

A place to discuss the Latin language, Latin literature and Classical philology, along with the promotion of Latinity in Nova Roma. Messages in Latin and other languages are welcome. Collegium Sodalitas Latinitatis

Collegium Sodalitas Militarium

Members of Collegium Sodalitas Militarium discuss and study aspects of the Roman Military with focus on Infantry, Cavalry, Naval, Engineering and Cartography.

Collegium Sodalitas Munerum

Nova Roman citizens interested in the art of gladiatorial combat and related entertainments as practiced in ancient Rome. Collegium Sodalitas Munerum

Collegium Sodalitas Musarum

The Sodalitas Musarum, under the patronage of Apollo and the Nine Muses, endeavours to develop and serve the cultural and artistic life of Nova Roma. Learn more ...

Sodalitas Virtutis

The Sodalitas Virtutis is an long-standing private group for the exploration and discussion of Roman Virtues. It is open to Citizens of Nova Roma, and also to non-Citizens.
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