Lex Curiatia Complutensi II de consecratione (Nova Roma)
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This lex is currently LAPSED.
- Approved by comitia plebis tributa
- Yes: 33 No: 0 Abs.: 0
- Kal. Dec. ‡ L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. ‡ MMDCCLX a.u.c.
We the Plebians of Nova Roma recognize and accept the results of the election of Tribunus Plebis held in the Comitia Plebis Tributa in 2760 A.U.C. as reported by the Office of the Custodes, and by this act of consecratio afford to the designatus:
- Titus Flavius Aquila
- Lucia Livia Plauta
- Quintus Arrius Nauta
- Quintus Valerius Callidus
- Quintus Iulius Probus
the rights, responsibilities, and obligations to exercise on behalf of all Nova Romans, in our name, the Tribunicia Potestas as outlined in Nova Roma law and in accordance with the mos maiorum.
And afford to the designati:
- Publius Constantinus Placidus
- Flavius Galerius Aurelianus
the rights, responsibilities, and obligations to exercise on behalf of all Nova Romans, in our name, the duties of Aediles Plebiis as outlined in Nova Roma law and in accordance with the mos maiorum.