Annua Sacra (Nova Roma)

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M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus consul: consuli collegae, praetoribus, tribunis plebis, senatoribus patribus mátribusque conscriptís, viris clarissimis et castissimae mulieribus, omibus quibusque in senatu senteniam dicere licet: salutem plurimam dicit:

Annum novum faustum felicem!

Iuppiter Optime Maxime et Fides perpetuorumque custos Vesta ignium, vos publicá voce obtestor atque precor, uti custodiatis, servetis, protegatis hanc Rem Publicam liberam, hunc populum, hos consules; atque senatui sapientiam providentiamque ad bona consilia habenda detis, pacem concordiamque constantem Rei Publicae nostrae tribuatis.
Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Fides, and Vesta, guardian of the eternal flame, to You the public voice calls to witness and prays: may You guard, preserve, and protect this Free Republic, this People, these Consuls, and grant to the Senate wisdom and providence to advise well, may You grant peace and steadfast concord for our Republic.
Vos hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor uti sitis volentes propitii nobis liberisque nostris domibus familiisque nostris.
In offering to You this incense I pray good prayers that You may favor us, our children, our homes and our households.
Iuppiter Pater, custos rei secundae nostrae, perinde ac legiones patrum nostrorum duxisti ut tellurem antiquam in Romanitatem adducerent, duce nos ut etiam amplius beneficia Romanitatis vulgemus. Ut recte nos in deliberationibus nostris regas et in amplexum sacrum tuum has conscriptas matres patresque Novae Romae comprehendas te oro. Ut cum Salute et Concordia certamina nostra sanes, in mente communi nos consocies, et re secunda victrice dignitatem huius Senatus augeas te oro.
Father Jupiter, guardian of our success, even as You led the legions of our forefathers to bring Romanitas to the ancient world, lead us that we may spread the benefits of Romanitas yet further. I beseech You that You rightly guide us in our deliberations and take into Your holy embrace these conscript mothers and fathers of Nova Roma. I beseech You that with Salus and Concordia You heal our conflicts, unite us in a common purpose, and with victorious success increase the dignitas of this Senate.
Pater Iuppiter, te hoc vino inferio ommovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens propitia nobis, Senatui populi Novae Romae, Quiritibus.
Father Jupiter, in offering to You this sacrificial wine I pray good prayers, in order that You may willingly be propitious to us, the Senate of the people of Nova Roma, the Quirites.
Victoria Divina, custos et domina rei secundae nostrae, perinde ac legiones patrum nostrorum duxisti ut tellurem antiquam in Romanitatem adducerent, duce nos ut etiam amplius beneficia Romanitatis vulgemus. Ut recte nos in deliberationibus nostris regas et in amplexum sacrum tuum hos conscriptos matresque patresque Novae Romae comprehendas te oro. Ut cum Salute et Concordia certamina nostra sanes, in mente communi nos consocies, et re secunda victrice dignitatem huius Senatus augeas te oro.
Holy Victory, guardian and lady of our success, even as You led the legions of our forefathers to bring Romanitas to the ancient world, lead us that we may spread the benefits of Romanitas yet further. I beseech You that You rightly guide us in our deliberations and take into Your holy embrace these conscript mothers and fathers of Nova Roma. I beseech You that with Salus and Concordia You heal our conflicts, unite us in a common purpose, and with victorious success increase the dignitas of this Senate.
Victoria Divina, te hoc vino inferio ommovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens propitia nobis, Senatui populi Novae Romae, Quiritibus.
Holy Victory, in offering to You this sacrificial wine I pray good prayers, in order that You may willingly be propitious to us the Senate of the people of Nova Roma, the Quirites.
Iuppiter Optime Maxime, sive quo alio nomine te appellari volueris, Deaeque, si quidquam vos in hac caerimonia displicet, hoc vino inferio veniam peto et vitium meum expio.
Jupiter Optimus Maximus, or by whatever other name You desire to be called, and You Goddesses, if anything in this ceremony is displeasing to You, with this small portion of wine I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.

Ex hoc ego Senatum populi Novae Romae convoco.

I hereby declare the Senate of the People of Nova Roma convened.

Kal. Ian. M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXI a.u.c.