Cohors I Praetoria Australis (Nova Roma)

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The Cohors I Praetoria Australis of Provincia Australia is an Autonomous (Military) Reenactment Unit (fully Nova Roman unit) of Nova Roma. Cohors I Praetoria Australis was proclaimed a partner of Nova Roma on a.d. XVII Kal. Feb. P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c. by Provincia Australia governor, D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, under Edictum 78.02 - Edictum propraetorium ad conditionem Australica cohortis praetorianorum armatorum reconstructis.

Vex of Cohors I Praetoria Australis.

Cohors I Praetoria Australis is the formal name under the Album praetorianorum for the group Nova Roma Praetorium Australe (NR-PA), an incorporated Australian not-for-profit organization based in Adelaide, Australia. This unique group representing praetorian guard (praetoriani) was founded in early P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c..

The partnership with Nova Roma Praetorium Australe is documented within their own constitution, the Constitution of Nova Roma Praetorium Australe.

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The ceremonial supreme commanders of all legions within Nova Roma are the consules of Nova Roma, and the praetores are the vice-supreme commanders.

Command of the Cohortes Praetoriae of Nova Roma, of which Cohors I Praetoria Australis is apart, is commanded by the praefectus praetorio exercitus reconstructivi populi Novi Romani (prefect of the headquarters of the Nova Roman people's reenactment army) who represents the commanders-in-chief of the Nova Roman legiones and all ceremonial army, the consuls and the praetors, and serves as their military and law enforcement chief of staff.

The provincial ceremonial commander-in-chief of Cohors I Praetoria Australis (and all other legionary units in Provincia Australia), is the governor of Provincia Australia, the praetor D. Aurelius Ingeniarius. The governor manages day-to-day reporting and administration and deffers to the praefectus praetorio on unique matters affecting the Cohortes Praetoriae of Nova Roma.

The Commanding Officer (CO) of Cohors I Praetoria Australis, as the highest-ranking officer within the cohort, the Praetorianus armatus, Tribunus Cohortis Q. Fulvius Paullus. He exercises command in conjunction with his subordinate operational commanders.

Appointments and Roll

Members of the Cohors I Praetoria Australis are specially recorded in the Album praetorianorum.

State Generals (political officers of the republic):

Cohort Officers:

Praetoriani, Auxiliaries and Civilians:

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