Legio XX Valeria Victrix (Nova Roma)

The Nova Roman Legio XX Valeria Victrix is an allied legionary reenactment unit of Provincia Britannia. The Legio XX Valeria Victrix was founded by A. Ocratius Maximus Gittus, and it was recruited as an official allied legion of Nova Roma in a.d. VII Kal. Oct. ‡ Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXV a.u.c. who is also the current praefectus castrorum and a retired centurio. The legion resides in Castra Ovum, their military camp which is also a military municipality of Nova Roma.
The ceremonial supreme commanders of all legions within Nova Roma are the consules of Nova Roma, and the praetores are the vice-supreme commanders.
The provincial ceremonial commander-in-chief of the Legio XX Valeria Victrix (and all other legionary units in Provincia Britannia), is the governor of Britannia, who is coincidentally the consul of Nova Roma, C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, so he is at the same time the global commander-in-chief and the provincial commander-in-chief, as well. The provincial legatus of the consul C. Petronius, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus is the provincial deputy commander-in-chief.
The ceremonial legion commander, the general of the legion who is directly in charge of it, is also the consul C. Petronius, who will automatically become the legatus legionis after his imperium expires. He was appointed as the ceremonial commander of the legion, but his previous magistracy as praetor and current magistracy as consul trump any lower political commander offices, such as legatus, so during his tenure as consul, he ceremonially commands the legion as the consul of our res publica.
The actual commander of our allied Legio XX Valeria Victrix, appointed specifically as chief commanding officer of the legion, is the praefectus castrorum A. Ocratius Maximus Gittus. He exercises command on his own. Missions and operations of the legion are directed by the praefectus castrorum and his fellow officers.
Province Level State Generals (political officers of the republic):
- consul - C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus (governor, ceremonial legion commander)
- legatus consulis - Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (vice-governor, ceremonial deputy commander)
Legionary Officers:
- praefectus castrorum - A. Ocratius Maximus Gittus (actual chief commanding officer)
- centurio primus pilus - A. Ocratius Maximus Gittus (holding the appointment of praefectus castrorum: fortress commander)
- centurio hastatus prior - Ti. Ocratius Maximus Brasus
- tesserarius -
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Master Index > Maintenance Categories > Pages to be deleted > English > Nova Roma > Res publica (Nova Roma) > Provinciae (Nova Roma) > Provincia Britannia (Nova Roma)
Provinciae (Nova Roma)