Lex Cornelia de linguis publicis (Nova Roma)

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This lex is currently IN FORCE.
- Approved by comitia populi tributa
- Yes: 18 No: 16 Abs.: 0
- a.d. VIII Kal. Mar. ‡ M. Octavio L. Sulla (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLV a.u.c.
This lex has been modified by the lex Tullia de lingua Latina fovenda, enacted on on the a.d. VII Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c..
Current version as modified by the lex Tullia de lingua Latina fovenda
I. Latin is the official and ceremonial language of Nova Roma. As such, it shall be used in rites conducted by the magistrates, officers and priests of Nova Roma on behalf of the entire nation, as well as other circumstances where it may be deemed appropriate.
II. Latin and English are hereby both adopted as the business languages of the central government of Nova Roma. As such, Latin or English shall be used in law, in official communications from, and day-to-day business conducted by, the central government. Other languages may be used in such communications where deemed appropriate, but a Latin or English translation or summary is strongly recommended to accompany such communications.
III. In order to accommodate the needs of citizens who do not speak Latin or English, or who speak Latin or English as a second language, interpretes (singular: interpres, official interpreter, translator) may be appointed by magistrates who possess the ius edicendi or by anyone who has been granted this right by law. The interpretes are defined as a type of praecones, and as praecones interpretes belong to their decuriae.
IV. This lex does not effect in any way languages used in official or unofficial provincial fora, fora maintained by official Sodalitates, or private fora (including but not limited to email lists organized by private Citizens).
Previous version of the lex Cornelia de linguis publicis
The lex Tullia de lingua Latina fovenda replaced sections I-V of this lex, and section VI was renumbered as IV.
I. Due to the increasingly inter macronational nature of the Citizenship of Nova Roma, it has become necessary for the official language policy of the Republic to be defined, in such a way that acknowledges our historical antecedents, practical concerns, and the sensibilities of all of our Citizens. To that end, this Lex Cornelia de Linguis Publicis is adopted.
II. Latin is hereby adopted as the official ceremonial language of Nova Roma. As such, it shall be used in rites conducted by the curule magistrates and appointed priests of Nova Roma on behalf of the entire nation, as well as other circumstances where it may be deemed appropriate.
III. English is hereby adopted as the business language of Nova Roma's central government. As such, it shall be used in official communications from and day-to-day business conducted by the central government (defined for purposes of this proviso as the Senate and non-provincial magistrates). Other languages may be used in such communications where deemed appropriate, but an English translation must accompany such communications.
IV. In order to accommodate the Needs of Citizens who do not speak English, or who speak English as a Second Language, and in accordance with section IV 9 of the Constitution, the Decuria Interpretum is established.
A. The Decuria Interpretum shall consist of ten Interpretes who shall be responsible for making official translations of all proposed Leges and Plebiscita, and all Edicta and official announcements made by the magistrates of Nova Roma, along with all Senatus Consulta. The Interpretes shall also be responsible for providing official translations of all Leges, Plebiscita, Senatus Consulta, Priestly Decreta, and Magisterial Edicta in force at the time this lex is passed. Each of the Interpretes shall have authority to appoint his own scribae. Should the position be vacant, and suitable and willing candidates are available, the Senate shall have the authority to appoint interpretes.
B. Each of the Interpretes shall be responsible for one language.
C. The Position of Interpres Latinitatis is established. The Interpres Latinitatis shall serve as the Caput/Magister of the Decuria Interpretum and shall provide aid to magistrates in complying with section II of this lex in addition to the duties of all members of the Decuria Interpretum.
D. Interpretes for the five non-English and Latin Languages most widely spoken in Nova Roma are hereby established. Until such time as the Senate determines which languages are most widely spoken, The Interpretes will provide translations of the French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish Languages.
E. The Language that the remaining four Interpretes shall provide shall be chosen by the Senate of Nova Roma.
V. In the event of linguistic differences between texts, the language that will be considered official in terms of interpretation shall be English.