Lex Iunia de iure iurando (Nova Roma)

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This lex is currently IN FORCE.
- Approved by comitia centuriata
- Yes: 147 No: 10 Abs.: 0
- a.d. V Kal. Oct. ‡ L. Equitio Dec. Iunio cos. ‡ MMDCCLII a.u.c.
Lex Iunia de iure iurando was initially enacted under the simplest form, containing the text of what readers were to suppose to be an oath. Two years later (Centuriata Nov. 13 2754 confirmed by SC Dec. 04 2754), the lex Cassia de iure iurando corrected this lex Iunia by the addition of its first and introductory paragraph. It was later further modified, by changing the text of the oath by the lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve.
This lex is hereby enacted to put in place an oath of office for any citizen assuming any magistracy of Nova Roma or any office, whether elected or appointed. Besides the oath of office, a magistrate, governor or a promagistrate with imperium must be inaugurated and invested into his or her office according to regulations determined by the Collegium Pontificum. The oath must be taken on the day, or as soon as possible afterwards, that the office is to be assumed. An officer who is required to take an oath may not take any official action or use any powers of the office until the following oath is taken:
I. The following oath must be taken publicly in the main official forum of Nova Roma before someone elected or appointed to any magistracy of the people can exercise the rights of his or her office. Promagistrates and governors must also take this oath. Commissioners, apparitors and other lower officers of the state must take this oath only if required by the appointing authority.
- “I, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], as [enter the title of the office here] of Nova Roma, do hereby solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Senate and People of Nova Roma, the New Roman Republic, Nova Roma, and to the majesty of the New Roman people, the Quirites.
- I, [enter only Roman name here], swear that as [enter the title of the office here] I will serve, protect and defend the republic, the laws and the Declaration of Nova Roma, that I will always act in the best interests of the Senate and People of Nova Roma, and that I will fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of [enter the title of the office here] to the best of my abilities.
- I further swear that as [enter the title of the office here] I will follow the mos maiorum, I will honor the Gods of Rome in my public dealings, I will uphold and defend the Roman religion as the State Religion of Nova Roma, and that I will promote the culture of ancient Rome and pursue the Roman virtues in my public and private life.
- In the presence of my ancestors and the Gods of the Roman people, by their will and favor, I hereby accept the office of [enter the title of the office here] and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities attendant thereto.”
II. The same regulations apply to magistrates of the Nova Roman plebs, the tribuni plebis and aediles plebis, but they shall also swear a special allegiance to the Plebs, and the first part of their oath of office shall read as follows:
- “I, [enter Roman name here (enter macronational name here)], as [enter the title of the office here] of Nova Roma, do hereby solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the New Roman Plebs, the Senate and People of Nova Roma, the New Roman Republic, Nova Roma and to the majesty of the New Roman People, the Quirites.
- I, [enter only Roman name here], swear that as a sacrosanct [enter the title of the office here] I will serve, protect and defend the plebs, the republic, the laws and the Declaration of Nova Roma, that I will always act in the best interests of the Plebs of Nova Roma, and that I will fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of [enter the title of the office here] to the best of my abilities... (The rest of the oath shall be the same as the oath of the magistrates of the people.)”
III. The oath, in its published written form, must be taken in Latin and in the mother tongue of the officer who is taking it. In its spoken form, it is acceptable to take the oath in only one of these languages. Official translations shall be authorized by praetorian edict.
Previous version of the lex, as modified by the lex Cassia de iure iurando
This lex is hereby enacted to put in place an oath of office for any citizen assuming any magistracy of Nova Roma, whether elected or appointed. The following oath must be taken publicly in the major public fora of Nova Roma before someone elected or appointed to any magistracy can assume his or her office. It must be taken on the day, or as soon as possible afterwards, that the office is to be assumed. The office shall be considered vacant until the following oath is taken:
"I, [enter the legal and Roman names here] do hereby solemnly swear to uphold the honor of Nova Roma, and to act always in the best interests of the people and the Senate of Nova Roma.
As a magistrate of Nova Roma, I, [enter the legal and Roman names here] swear to honor the Gods and Goddesses of Rome in my public dealings, and to pursue the Roman Virtues in my public and private life.
I, [enter the legal and Roman names here] swear to uphold and defend the Religio Romana as the State Religion of Nova Roma and swear never to act in a way that would threaten its status as the State Religion.
I, [enter the legal and Roman names here] swear to protect and defend the Constitution of Nova Roma.
I, [enter the legal and Roman names here] further swear to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of [enter the title of the office here] to the best of my abilities.
On my honor as a Citizen of Nova Roma, and in the presence of the Gods and Goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor, do I accept the position of [enter the title of the office here] and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities attendant thereto."
[1] Lex Cassia de iure iurando (currently in force) full text:
"The Lex Iunia Iusiurando is hereby amended so that the following preface will be placed before the Oath of Office:
The Lex Iunia Iusiurando is hereby enacted to put in place an Oath of Office for any citizen assuming any magistracy of Nova Roma, whether elected or appointed.
The following oath must be taken publicly in the major public fora of Nova Roma before someone elected or appointed to any magistracy can assume his or her office. It must be taken on the day, or as soon as possible afterwards, that the office is to be assumed. The office shall be considered vacant until the oath is taken.