Lex Moravia de renuntiatione senatus actorum (Nova Roma)

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

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Codex Iuris Novae Romae


This lex is currently IN FORCE.

Approved by comitia plebis tributa
Yes: 22 No: 5 Abs.: 8
a.d. XVII Kal. Dec. K. Buteone T. Labieno cos. MMDCCLVI a.u.c.

I. Procedures for Reporting the Senate's Call to Order.

A. The reporting Tribune shall publish the agenda of the Senate's meeting in the Forum romanum and the Comitia Plebis Tributa forum/-a (1) within 72 hours of the presiding magistrate's call to order of the Senate.

B. Within this announcement to the people, the Tribune shall include:

1. The date that the Senate has been called to order as well as the date when voting shall begin and the date when voting shall end.
2. A summary of the items on the Senate's agenda which shall be discussed and voted on.
3. Any additional comments that the reporting Tribune feels are necessary for the people's better understanding of the agenda.
4. If the Senate will be voting on an item which is of a confidential nature (for example, the dismissal of a citizen) for the protection of the citizen(s) in question, the reporting Tribune should confer with the Senate as to what details of the vote should be reported to the citizens.

II. Procedures for Reporting the Results of the Senate's Meetings

A. The reporting Tribune shall report the results of the Senate meeting in the Forum romanum and the Comitia Plebis Tributa forum/-a (1) within 168 hours (7 days) of the close of voting of the Senate.

B. Within the report to the people, the Tribune shall include:

1. The date that the Senate was called to order as well as the date that voting began and the date that voting ended.
2. A list of the full names and initials of all Senators who voted.
3. The full name of the Senators who were empowered by fellow Senators to present his/her vote by proxy.
4. The full name of the Senators who did not vote.
5. The number of yes ('uti rogas') votes necessary in order for an agenda item to be passed.
6. For each agenda item, the reporting Tribune shall include:
  • a. The full text of the agenda item.
  • b. Whether or not the agenda item was passed.
  • c. The initials of all voting Senators accompanied by their vote and comments (if any).
  • d. Any additional comments that the reporting Tribune feels are necessary for the people's better understanding of the report.
  • e. If the Senate has voted on an item which is of a confidential nature (for example the dismissal of a citizen) for the protection of the citizen(s) in question the reporting Tribune should confer with the Senate as to what details of the discussion/comments/voting should be reported to the citizens.

(1) : the original text is "in the Nova Roma and the Comitia Plebis Tributa fora". This writing let the reader think that the Comitia Plebis Tributa (CPT) fora is not in Nova Roma. Here, what was meant is referring to the Forum romanum aka "the main list". The word "fora", applied to the Comitia Plebis, has then been corrected in "forum/-a", to let the future open, though, currently, there is but one CPT forum.

Correction made by application of lex Equitia de corrigendum legum erratis and of legal principle "Qui potest majus potest et minus".

P. Memmius Albucius, praetor 2762 auc.

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