Lex Petronia de novis civibus (Nova Roma)

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This lex is currently IN FORCE.
- Approved by comitia plebis tributa
- Yes: 15 No: 3 Abs.: 0
- a.d. IV Kal. Mar. ‡ Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXV a.u.c.
I. Sons and daughters of any existing, full citizen, civis Novus Romanus optimo iure, shall be granted citizenship in Nova Roma without any requirement of probationary period and citizenship test.
II. When an entire community joins Nova Roma, as part of the process of incorporation within Nova Roma as a municipality, its members shall not be submitted to the probationary period and the citizenship test, but shall be granted the civil right status of civitas Latina, civitas Nova Romana sine suffragio, or the status of socius and amicus, en masse. In clarification of the lex Fabia de oppidis municipiisque, members of a municipality of Nova Roma, whether it be of civitas Nova Romana optimo iure, civitas Nova Romana sine suffragio, civitas Latina, or of socius and amicus status, have the right of iura publica within their municipality according to the degree of citizenship they have: cives optimo iure may have local iura publica in all types of municipalities; cives sine suffragio may have iura publica in all types of municipalities except in a civitas Nova Romana optimo iure; cives Latini may exercise iura publica only in municipalities of the Latin or allied status; socii or amici may exercise iura publica in the community of allied status where they belong.
III. Full citizenship, civitas optimo iure, may be granted only on an individual basis, upon request by the person, but citizenship test and probationary period may not be imposed on such applicants of full Nova Roman citizenship who have obtained a lesser civil right status (civitas sine suffragio, Latin rights, or ally and friend status) already either individually, or as part of a grant en masse to their community.
IV. When legions, gladiatorial schools, other reenactment groups, religious societies or other non-governmental Roman communities join Nova Roma, whether with their entire membership, the Censorial Office shall apply the procedure described at Sections II-III.
V. When individual Roman reenactors, Latinists, Classicists, Roman archaeologists, scholars of Roman studies are applying for full citizenship, if they demonstrate their status, they should not be subjected to the citizenship test, except if the Censorial Office deems it absolutely necessary according to the discretion of the decision makers (the censors, or, in the absence of censors, the officer in charge of the Censorial Office).
VI. The Censorial Office shall have the unconditional right to waive the requirement of probationary period and citizenship test for any applicant of citizenship.
VII. The Censorial Office is obliged to provide material (links, short descriptions or summaries) to educate applicants of citizenship, even those who receive waiver from under the test and probationary period, about the basics of the internal rules, mission and function of Nova Roma.
VIII. Sections II and II.A of the lex Equitia de tirocinio civium novorum shall be modified to read as:
- “II. Beginning Kalendis Ianuarias, MMDCCLVIII, all new citizens of Nova Roma shall be subject to a probationary period, during which they will not be allowed the 'iura publica', the right to vote and to stand for any public office.
- III.A. The probationary period will end when the new citizen has taken and passed a simple examination covering elementary matters of Nova Roman citizenship and basic Roman history, religion, language, and social practices.”