Lex Salvia de intercessione (Nova Roma)

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This lex is currently IN FORCE.
- Approved by comitia populi tributa
- Yes: 28 No: 6 Abs.: 0
- a.d. III Kal. Mar. ‡ M. Octavio L. Sulla (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLV a.u.c.
This lex has been modified by the lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve, enacted on on the a.d. VII Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c..
Current version as modified by the lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve
I. Pursuant to fulfill what is ruled in Paragraph IV.A.7.a.3 of the Constitution, this lex is enacted to define the process by which tribuni plebis may use their power of intercessio.
II. A tribunus plebis may use intercessio by making an official announcement to the main official forum of Nova Roma, and if the intercessio is made in a senate session, to the discussion board of the senate, as well (as defined by law) within 72 hours of the announcement of the item or action to be vetoed. The items and actions which tribuni plebis may use intercessio against are defined in paragraph IV.A.7.a.1 of the Constitution.
III. The issuance of intercessio shall place the item or action on hold, preventing it from being in any way effective, for 72 hours from the time at which the intercessio is announced.
IV. During this 72 hour period, other tribuni plebis may officially announce their agreement or disagreement with the particular use of intercessio.
- IV.A. Such announcements shall be made to the main official forum of Nova Roma, and if the intercessio is made in a senate session, to the discussion board of the senate, as well, and shall be made to the forum in which the original announcement of intercessio occurred.
- IV.B. A tribunus plebis who chooses not to state his agreement or disagreement with the use of intercessio shall be assumed to have abstained, and his abstention shall be counted neither for nor against the use of intercessio.
- IV.C. The initial use of intercessio shall be assumed to be a statement of agreement with itself. Therefore, the tribunus plebis who initially issued the intercessio in question need not state his agreement with his own action.
V. Should more tribuni plebis agree than disagree with the use of intercessio in question, it shall stand, and the action which was vetoed shall be void. Otherwise, the action which was vetoed shall be allowed to take effect starting immediately at the end of the period allotted for tribuni plebis to state their agreement or disagreement.
Previous version of the lex Salvia de intercessione
The lex Arria Tullia de quibusdam legibus obsoletis abrogandis corrigundisve, approved on the a.d. VII Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c., replaced phrases in sections II and IV.A: phrase “to at least one of Nova Roma’s main communications fora” was corrected to “to the main official forum of Nova Roma, and if the intercessio is made in a senate session, to the discussion board of the senate, as well”. The phrase “(as defined by the Constitution)” was corrected to “(as defined by law) within this lex.
II. A tribunus plebis may use intercessio by making an official announcement to at least one of Nova Roma’s main communications fora (as defined by the Constitution) within 72 hours of the announcement of the item or action to be vetoed. The items and actions which tribuni plebis may use intercessio against are defined in paragraph IV.A.7.a.1 of the Constitution.
- IV.A. Such announcements shall be made to at least one of Nova Roma’s main communications fora, and shall be made to the forum in which the original announcement of intercessio occurred.