Ludus Russatus (Nova Roma)

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Racing Factiones: Factio Praesina, Factio Albata‎, Factio Russata, Factio Veneta

Gladiator Schools: Ludus Praesinus, Ludus Albatus, Ludus Russatus, Ludus Venetus

Other pages of interest: Circenses/Munera Gladitoria/Venationes rules, Ludi pages, Aedile portal

Championships: Circenses Championship, Gladiatorial Championship, Cultural Championship



Nova Roma

Russata team vex.png
Lanista factionis

Enroll Your Virtual Gladiators and Beasts

How to Enroll: Have an entry or two for the next Ludi Munera Gladiatoria or Venationes games? Enroll your entries here. The Ludus is now open for patronage by all citizens of Nova Roma. We are one of four official Nova Roma gladiator schools for virtual characters of the Ludi, operated by the racing Factio Russata. By entering your gladiators and animals, we will track your standings in the games. You will also be eligible for the coveted and prestigious Ludi Award Palms and Victory Banners.

Suggestions on Creating Characters: The games are a great way to learn more about Roman history through character creation:

  • Pick an ancient Roman area (Gallia, Hispania, Thrace, Greece, Egypt, etc.)
  • Pick a region in that area.
  • Pick a tribe/town in that region.
  • Research a little bit about that tribe and it's environment, culture, friends and enemies, industries, etc.
  • Pick a name for your Gladiator, Chariot, Chariot Driver, and/or Wild Beast for Venationes that is reflective of all of this.
  • Create a description of your Ludi character from all of this.
  • When you have some spare time, do it several times again, creating several Gladiators, Chariots, Chariot Drivers, and/or Wild Beasts for Venationes. Remember, just like the real Ludi games, our NR characters get injured and even killed, then you need another one.
  • As these characters enter and complete, you can improve the descriptions of them, based on their results.
  • Keep all of your characters in a text file for easy reference.
  • Register your characters with Ludus Praesinus by sending your character information to our Lanista, and we will maintain their career history wins and current points for the year.

Rules: Click Here for Regulae Ludorum

Munera Gladiatoria School Entries ~ 2766 a.u.c. (Gladiators)

Number Owner Entry Name Class/Type Best Finish Points
I Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 20
II Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
III Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
IV Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
V Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
VI Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
VII Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
VIII Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
IX Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
X Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0

MORTUUS: Deceased/Killed

Venationes Entries ~ 2766 a.u.c. (Beasts)

Number Owner Entry Name Class/Type Best Finish Points
I Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
II Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
III Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
IV Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
V Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
VI Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
VII Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
VIII Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
IX Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
X Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0

MORTUUS: Deceased/Killed

Athletics Entries ~ 2766 a.u.c. (Olympic-styled Games)

Number Owner Entry Name Class/Type Best Finish Points
I Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
II Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
III Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
IV Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
V Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
VI Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
VII Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
VIII Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
IX Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0
X Your Name Here!  ?  ?  ? 0

Career Statistics/Historical Data (2761 a.u.c. to Present) (Owners)

Recorded Games: Columns below reflect the number of Past Quarter-Finals (QF), Semi-Finals (SF), Finals and Victor Finishes for Ludi Munera Gladiatoria, Venationes and Foot Race events. Palms are awarded for 1st place finishes in the Quarter- and Semi-Finals, for participation in the Finals, and for Victor in the Finals.

Number Owner QF Palm SF Palm Finals Palm Victor Palm Career Points
I Your Name Here! 1 1 1 1 0
II Your Name Here! 0 0 0 0 0
III Your Name Here! 0 0 0 0 0
IV Your Name Here! 0 0 0 0 0
V Your Name Here! 0 0 0 0 0
VI Your Name Here! 0 0 0 0 0
VII Your Name Here! 0 0 0 0 0
VIII Your Name Here! 0 0 0 0 0
IX Your Name Here! 0 0 0 0 0
X Your Name Here! 0 0 0 0 0

Victory Points Calculation Rules

Munera Gladiatoria and Venationes Matches:

In the Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship Series of Nova Roma (Munera Gladiatoria/Venationes) the Victory Points are calculated according to the following rules. Points are given in each match, ideally of 4 players. For example 16 players means 4 Quarters match, 2 Semi-Finals match and 1 Finals match. Of each match of each level the two best will be given points.

Participant: Quarters: Semi-Finals: Finals:
Par: 1 VP Q-1: 4 VP S-1: 8 VP F-1: 12 VP
Q-2: 2 VP S-2: 6 VP F-2: 10 VP

Foot Races:

In the Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship Series of Nova Roma (Foot Races) the Victory Points are calculated according to the following rules. Points are given in each race for 1st through 6th places, plus participation points are given for 7th and subsequent places.

Participant: 6th Place: 5th Place: 4st Place: 3rd Place: 2nd Place: 1st Place:
1 VP 2 VP 4 VP 6 VP 8 VP 10 VP 12 VP

Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship Annual Award:

Corona Amphitheatricum Novae Romae
Awarded for 1st Place in annual Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship. Award consists of a 2 1/2" cast gold medal with red and gold neck ribbon (1 1/2" x 30")

Ludus Administration

  • Lanista: vacant

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: The position of Lanista for this school is open. The Lanista for this school is appointed by the members of the Ludus, under the direction of the Dominus factionis of Factio Russata. This person is responsible for entering and maintaining participant information from the Nova Roma virtual Ludi on this page, recruiting members for the Munera Gladiatoria and Venationes portion of the annual Ludi Championships. For more information on becoming appointed as Lanista for this School, contact the Factio or the Curule Aediles of Nova Roma

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