Ludi (Nova Roma)
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Racing Factiones: Factio Praesina, Factio Albata, Factio Russata, Factio Veneta Gladiator Schools: Ludus Praesinus, Ludus Albatus, Ludus Russatus, Ludus Venetus Other pages of interest: Circenses/Munera Gladitoria/Venationes rules, Ludi pages, Aediles portal Championships: Circenses Championship, Gladiatorial Championship, Cultural Championship |
Ludi, "games" in Latin (the plural of ludus: "game") are public festival games held as a form of sacrificial offering in conjunction with Roman religious festivals, and are also presented as part of the cult of state.
The earliest ancient Roman ludi were horse races in the circus (ludi circenses). Animal exhibitions with mock hunts (venationes) and theatrical performances (ludi scaenici) also became part of the festivals. Days on which ludi were held were public holidays, and no business could be conducted. Although their entertainment value may have overshadowed religious sentiment at any given moment, even in late antiquity the ludi were understood as part of the worship of the traditional gods. The relation of gladiatorial games to the ludi is complex: in 105 BC, the ruling consuls offered Rome its first taste of state-sponsored "barbarian combat" demonstrated by gladiators from Capua, as part of a training program for the military. It proved immensely popular. Thereafter, the gladiator contests formerly restricted to private munera were often included in the official state ludi that accompanied the major religious festivals. Where traditional ludi had been dedicated to a deity, such as Jupiter, the munera could be dedicated to an aristocratic sponsor's divine or heroic ancestor.
In Nova Roma, as part of our mission to revive the Roman traditions and festival celebrations, we honor the Roman holidays with similar ludi which are often in the form of a reenactment festival, or history or art competition, contest or quiz for prizes, sometimes these include virtual games, as well, played online.
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Ludi - Games
- Ludi Novi Romani March 1st - March 11th CA
- Ludi Megalenses: April 4th - 10th CA
- Ludi Ceriales: April 20 - 28 PA
- Ludi Apollinares: July 9-13 PR
- Ludi Romani: September 9th - 17th CA
- Ludi Plebeii: November XX - XX PA
Above you can see a list of different festivals celebrated throughout the year according the Roman Calendar. The festivals are arranged in order of occurrance. Not all festivals are however celebrated every year in Nova Roma. To find out more information, ancient and modern, about any of the festivals please click the name of it.
Different festivals are arranged by different magistrates. Thus, after the name of the festival, you can see the abbreviation referring to the kind of organizing-presiding magistrate : CA for curule aediles, PA for plebeian aediles, and PR for praetors.
To find out when and how you can take part into the games, please see for more information at the pages of individual ludi and from the Aedilician Portal page.
Regulae Ludorum - Rules for the competitions
- Regulae Ludorum - Rules for the competitions This page contains rules for Munera Gladiatoria (gladiator fights), Venationes (wild animal fights) and Ludi Circenses (chariot races).
Ludi Circenses Championship
During the year winners of the races recieve points from their victories and in the end of the year most successful driver-chariot is rewarded. See more on the championship page.
Factiones - Racing factions
Ludi Amphitheatricum Championship
During the year winners of the races recieve points from their victories and in the end of the year most successful owner-gladiator/animal is rewarded. See more on the championship page.
Gladiatorial Schools
Ludi Cultural Championship
During the year winners of the contests recieve points from their entries and in the end of the year most successful citizen is rewarded. See more on the championship page.
Table and video games section
Nova Roma also supports or enters modern kinds of games, such table or videogames relative to the ancient Rome.
See more for:
- table games: the Table games section.
- video games: the Roman videogames section.