Patrician (Nova Roma)

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Our society

Patricians - Plebeians
The equestrian order
Nobiles - Homines novi
Gens and domus, families
The 19 tribes
The 23 centuries
The 5 classes
Census points
Assidui - Capite censi

Social structure of Nova Roma

Patricians (patricius: "descended from the founding fathers") were the native-born aristocracy in ancient Rome, descended from the earliest inhabitants of the city. In Nova Roma, patricians are members of the founding gentes and families which came on-board at a very early stage of Nova Roma and were therefore instrumental in our early history.

These citizens are the patrician citizens of Nova Roma:

New citizens of Nova Roma will be plebeians. Access to the patrician order is by birth or adoption into a patrician family.

Regarding rights and privileges, functionally there is almost no difference between patricians and plebeians, however, patricians can not participate or vote in the comitia plebis tributa, and can not be elected tribunus plebis and aedilis plebis, offices open only to plebeians. These restrictions make plebeians relatively more powerful than patricians.

The Constitution of Nova Roma states that there are three orders equal under the eyes of the law, the plebeian, equestrian and patrician, and says about the patrician order:

1. Ordo Patricius (patrician order)
a. The Ordo Patricius shall consist of a minimum of 30 families.
b. Should there be fewer than 30 patrician families the Senate shall have the power to nominate a plebeian family to the Comitia Curiata for elevation to patrician status.
c. The Senate shall have the power to nominate additional families to the Comitia Curiata for elevation to patrician status if this elevation does not cause the Ordo Patricius to exceed 5% of the population of Nova Roma.
d. A patrician family may allow its members to form new patrician families.
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