Senate Vote Maius MMDCCLXI (Nova Roma)

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This is a report of a session of the Nova Roma Senate of a.d. V Kal. Iun. , M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXI a.u.c..


L. Livia Plauta tribuna plebis omnibus quiritibus SPD:

Senate Voting Results.

The Senate has finished its latest session and the votes have been tallied as follows:

Formal debate ended on Wednesday 28 May 2761 at 19:00 Roman time. Voting began at 06.00 hrs CET on Thursday 29 May 2761 and ended at 19.00 hrs CET on Saturday 31 May 2761.

The following 24 Senators cast votes in time. They are referred to below by their initials, in the order in which they cast their votes:

  • [TIS] T. Iulius Sabinus
  • [QFM] Q. Fabius Maximus
  • [CFD] C. Flavius Diocletianus
  • [MIS] M. Iulius Severus
  • [QSP] Q. Suetonius Paulinus
  • [KFBQ] K. Fabius Buteo Quintilianus
  • [MCC] M. Curiatius Complutensis
  • [TGP] Ti. Galerius Paulinus
  • [GPL] C. Popillius Laenas
  • [GEM] Cn. Equitius Marinus
  • [TOPA] T. Octavius Pius Ahenobarbus
  • [ATS] A. Tullia Scholastica
  • [CCS] C. Curius Saturninus
  • [MMPH] M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus
  • [KFBM] K. Fabius Buteo Modianus
  • [MIP] M. Iulius Perusianus
  • [ISM] Iulilla Sempronia Magna
  • [MAM] M. Arminius Maior
  • [MHM] M. Hortensia Maior
  • [MLA] M. Lucretius Agricola
  • [ECF] Emilia Curia Finnica
  • [MMA] M. Minucius Audens
  • [DIPI] Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus
  • [PMS]Pompeia Minucia Strabo

[PMA] Publius Memmius Albucius' vote was late for technical reasons, so it is invalid.

The following 10 Senators did not cast a vote (their absence was not announced or justified):

  • [FAC] Franciscus Apulus Caesar
  • [FGA] Flavius Galerius Aurelianus
  • [FVG] Flavius Vedius Germanicus
  • [LECA] L. Equitius Cincinnatus Augur
  • [AMA] Arnamentia Moravia Aurelia
  • [MCJ] Marcus Cassius Iulianus
  • [GEC] Gaius Equitius Cato
  • [GMM] C. Marius Merullus
  • [MBA] M. Bianchius Antonius
  • [ATMC] Ap. Tullius Marcellus Cato

A quorum was reached. 13 votes were necessary for an item to pass.

Item I - Nova Roma shall assume the cost of the subscription of its assidui to JSTOR base


The Senate approves Nova Roma tax payers (assidui) citizens' participation in JSTOR, Arts & Science II Collection. The participation costs are supported by Nova Roma.


UR: 18; ABS: 2 (MAM, PMS); ANT: 4 (GPL, MIS, MMA, TOPA): the item has passed.

Votes and opinions

  • TIS: Uti rogas. Participation in JSTOR offers more precise, more scientific knowledge about the ancient Rome, educational resources and more accurate references.
  • QFM: VTI ROGAS. JSTOR is expensive true, but if we educate our citizenry in it use, it is an amazing tool.
  • CFD: Uti Rogas
  • MIS: ANTIQVO. I am not convinced that this is the best way of investing our not very large resources.
  • QSP: VTI ROGAS. JSTOR is expensive I would agree but it will be a very helpful tool.
  • KFBQ: Uti Rogas. After consideration I accept the arguments for JSTOR.
  • MCC: Uti rogas. We need to participate in JSTOR. NR needs to offer this educational resource to the citizens, instead of the sterile debates which we are accustomed to offer them.
  • TGP: VTI ROGAS. I will donate $100.00 USD to the one time fee of $1500.USD if 14 other Senators will join me in doing so. ( or 28 other Senators at $50.00 USD each)
  • GPL: Antiquo. I do like this idea, however, I would like more discussion on this before dispensing with such a large portion of our surplus. If it is possible, perhaps some Senators could participate in some sort of demo / "test drive".
  • GEM: VTI ROGAS It may just prove to be the best thing we've ever offered our citizens.
  • TOPA: Antiquo.
  • ATS: Mihi placet assentiri; uti rogas. As Senator Marinus observed, this may be the greatest gift we could give to our assidui citizens.
  • CCS: Uti rogas. This is a fine service to offer, and it also supports the only real project we have, the MM Project. As a small organisation we need to take a close look at this kind of synergy between our efforts.
  • MMPH: Adsentior uti rogas. I trust that this initiative will offer many benefits to our Citizens and to Nova Roma as a whole. It shall offer indirect support for our Nova Roma Scholarship and the MM Project, and likewise help us develop a better, more informative website that could in turn attract new members, outside donations, and possibly institutional grants for our educational efforts.
  • KFBM: Uti Rogas.
  • MIP: VTI ROGAS. Finally something back for NR Taxes. I had the choice of using JSTOR and found it useful.
  • ISM: Uti Rogas. At last, a tangible and valuable benefit for cives.
  • MAM: Abstineo.
  • MHM: Uti Rogas. All Assidui citizens now will have the benefit of access to the latest scholarship. A wonderful way to mark our 10th anniversary.
  • MLA: Uti rogas.
  • ECF: Uti rogas. This is really an improvement for the citizens of Nova Roma!
  • MMA: No. I am not convinced that this serves all the Citizens of NR. It would seem that it serves only a few who will use it for their own purposes. My questions were not answered to my full satisfaction.
  • DIPI: Uti rogas. After listening to the comments of others, I am willing to approve this as it will be a real benefit to our citizens. I wish there had been a little more discussion of this from senators, considering this is the largest single expenditure Nova Roma has ever considered. Initially it will cost more than one year's worth of tax revenue and maintaining it will cost more than one quarter of our annual tax revenues. What little discussion there has been seems not to consider the cost, hiding behind empty slogans such as culture has no price. In this case it does. People seem to be willing to very free with other people's money. I gave a lot of thought to this vote before approving this. I hope other senators did. I hope we will go with the cheaper option, it's all we can afford. We should revisit this in a year or two to review the benefits and how many citizens actually use it. If we are subsidizing the use for 25 or 50 people, it may not be worth continuing.
  • PMS: Abstain.

Item II - Cn. Cornelius Lentulus shall receive a grant of 500 usd in the frame of the Scholarship Fund


The Senate Scholarship Committee recommend as this year's grant (500 USD) be given to Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.


UR: 16; ABS: 3 (MAM, MCC, DIPI); ANT: 5 (TOPA, CCS, MLA, ECF, PMS): the item has passed.

Votes and opinions

  • TIS: Uti rogas. My thanks to all applicants and congratulation to Cornelius Lentulus.
  • CFD: Uti Rogas
  • MIS: VTI ROGAS. All the participants have sufficient merits, but Lentulus is the best choice.
  • KFBQ: Uti Rogas.
  • MCC: Abstineo.
  • GPL: Uti rogas. My thanks to the Committee for it's work.
  • GEM: VTI ROGAS with thanks to all who applied, and congratulations to Lentulus.
  • TOPA: Antiquo.
  • ATS: Iterum, et ex animo, mihi placet assentiri; uti rogas. Candidatus optimus est; spero alios assentiri.
  • CCS: Antiquo. This is sadly very opposite of item above. This is an expensive cost, does nothing to further MM Project, does nothing to promote NR as a serious organisation and on the top of it makes us look laughable: a small organisation of amateurs throwing huge amounts of money to it's own members! Pathetic!
  • MMPH: Adsentior uti rogas. This is an important step for all of Nova Roma to finally disperse an educational grant. I join my colleague in thanking all applicants. Special congratulations to Gnaeus Lentulus, our well-deserving recipient.
  • KFBM: Uti Rogas.
  • ISM: Uti Rogas and congratulations.
  • MAM: Abstineo.
  • MHM: Uti Rogas . Congratulations to Lentulus.
  • MLA: Antiquo. Selection process does not meet minimum standards. As a full time professional academic I cannot ethically support the process we employ, regardless of the merits of the candidates.
  • ECF:Antiquo. This is an unpractical way of investing Nova Roma funds and a respected third party should make the decision of granting such a scolarship in any occasion.
  • MMA: Yes; I am not sure how else significant effort for Nova Roma can be rewarded except by the present method. If there is a better way perhaps it should be considered by the Senate. Meanwhile to penalize good work in NR is not realistic. For my purposes, work within NR far outstrips approving funding outside of NR for projects that will probably never impact on NR anytime in the realistic future.
  • DIPI: Abstineo. While I initially favored this, I am starting to be swayed by comments that there may be flaws in the process. Besides, this is another large expense, over 25 percent of our annual tax revenue. However, at this time I won't vote against this.
  • PMS: Antiquo. I agree with Agricola Senator's reasoning regarding the selection process issues, with due respect to all scholarship applicants.

Item III - Magna Mater Project: approval of its amended budget (corrected statement Apr 15)


The Senate of Nova Roma decides to approve the amended MMP budget (MMP corrected statement Apr 15), as inserted in the Senatus Romanus Yahoo! list files section.


UR: 20; ABS: 1 (MAM); ANT: 3 (QFM, CFD, QSP): the item has passed.

Votes and opinions

  • TIS: Uti rogas. Special thanks to this year MMP coordinator, aedilis curulis Memmius Albucius for MMP finances clarification.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CFD: Antiquo
  • MIS: VTI ROGAS. I also believe that P. Memmius Albucius deserves a special recognition from the Res publica.
  • QSP: Antiquo.
  • KFBQ: Uti Rogas. I would have preferred that this item had been called the MMP financial report.
  • MCC: Uti rogas.
  • GPL: Uti rogas. I agree with Senator Quintilianus that the report could have been better titled, but I think that is a language issue. I, who speak nothing but English, have always been in awe that our non-English speakers speak and write that language as well as they do - salute!
  • GEM: VTI ROGAS with the recognition that this is really a report, not a proposed budget.
  • TOPA: Uti rogas.
  • ATS: Vti rogas, with the understanding that this is actually a report, not a budget as we understand the term.
  • CCS: Uti rogas. Wonderful that this part of our financies is in order again.
  • MMPH: Adsentior uti rogas.
  • KFBM: Uti Rogas.
  • ISM: Uti Rogas
  • MAM: Abstineo.
  • MHM: Uti Rogas.
  • MLA: Uti rogas
  • ECF: Uti rogas.
  • MMA: Yes.
  • DIPI: Uti rogas.
  • PMS: Uti rogas.

Item IV - Magna Mater Project: stop of the project and give the donors their donations back


On Magna Mater Project (MMP) development or not, the Senate of Nova Roma decides to stop the Magna Mater Project, and have every donator, whose donation has not yet been used, contacted so that (s-)he decides whether he accepts leaving her/his donation to Nova Roma general budget, or whether (s-)he prefers to be reinbursed.


UR: 6 (ATS, CFD, QFM, QSP, TGP, DIPI); ABS: 1 (MAM); ANT: 17 : the item has failed.

Votes and opinions

  • TIS: Antiquo.
  • QFM: Vti Rogas
  • CFD: Uti Rogas
  • MIS: ANTIQVO. The MMP deserves all our support.
  • QSP: Vti Rogas
  • KFBQ: Antiquo. To stop the only project we have and which have some chance of developing some support in the Academic community, especially in Rome, would be nothing but a stupidity.
  • MCC: Antiquo. The MMP must continue. After the bad publicity that some citizens make to Nova Roma through their blogs and opinions, Nova Roma needs the prestige that this project brings to our organization.
  • TGP: Vti Rogas It is time to do other projects
  • GPL: Antiquo.
  • TOPA: Antiquo.
  • ATS: Vti rogas.
  • CCS: Antiquo. Absolutely no. There would have been a point to stop the project before the first step (website, promo-material) was made, and it would make sense to stop it after the second step (support of publication of excavation report) is made, but not when we are only a tiny tiny step away from achieving the second step. Besides, this is our only real project, and therefore it has to have the undisputed priority.
  • MMPH: Antiquo. The original proposal may have been too ambitious for Nova Roma to sustain. However our situation does not necessitate our abandoning the project entirely.
  • KFBM: Antiquo.
  • ISM: Antiquo. Such a major step should only be taken after significant strategic planning and re-evaluation of our overall mission and goals.
  • MAM: Abstineo.
  • MHM: Antiquo. I agree entirely with Saturninus.
  • MLA: Antiquo.
  • ECF: Antiquo. Magna Mater projest is the first and only real Nova Roman project in the field of antiquities. Redrawing would be mindless!
  • MMA: No; I think it is time for a change in our views on donating funds.
  • DIPI: Uti rogas. The MMP is a sacred cow in Nova Roma which does nothing to increase our coffers, our reputation or our assidui membership. It started out with great promise and fizzled.
  • PMS: Antiquo.

Item V - Magna Mater Project: reassessing the project on new reduced and feasible objectives


This proposal contains 4 axis:

- reassess Its support of Nova Roma in the Project and the work made by the previous teams;

- back up the principle of redefined and more simple, clear, motivating, feasible Project, with explanable objectives;

- asks aedilis curulis Memmius to make to the consuls, with the next three weeks, and in order to have them examined in a next Senate session to hold in June 2761 auc, propositions of updated objectives for the Project;

- approves the disconnection of the aedilician fund projects, and thus the Magna Mater Project, from the annual public office rythmn which is the one of our res publica. For these projects, in continuity with what the Senate has decided two years ago [to allow the appointment of a Project Leader], a Project leader, whose name will be proposed by the aedile(s)curulis(-es) will be designed by the Senate. This Project leader will be in charge for 5 years, but may be dismissed by the Senate on aedicilian proposal or if the Senate ever rejects the MMP yearly report.


UR: 16; ABS: 2 (MAM, DIPI); ANT: 6 (ATS, CCS, MHM, ECF, TGP, PMS): the item has passed.

Votes and opinions

  • TIS: Uti rogas. I have trust in this year aedilician team composed, among other valuable citizens, of L. Vitellius Triarius and C. Marcius Crispus. I'm sure that under the aedilis Memmius Albucius' leadership the aedilician team and MMP Consilium will be able to set the new and right development direction of MMP.
  • CFD: Uti Rogas
  • MIS: VTI ROGAS. We have an excellent team working in this project.
  • KFBQ: Uti Rogas. I vote for this although I think too many items are bundled together. I would rather see a shorter term for the Project leader and full set of objectives to decide about. Still I am sure we will have good proposals to decide about in the next Senate session, but I would prefer that the the ideas of the Senate would be listened to before the full agenda would be set on this item and sub-items.
  • MCC: Uti rogas.
  • TGP: Antiquo.
  • GPL: Uti rogas. Like Senator Quintilianus I would have prefered to vote on parts of this item separately. Specifically, I am not sure I support a 5 year appointment separate from our annual magistrate process. I trust the Senate will be able to refine this element when the proposed objectives are presented. I would also hope the option to eliminate the project is presented again, if the Senate fails to approve the new objectives.
  • TOPA: Antiquo
  • ATS: Vti rogas. While this is an unfortunate situation, it is also one which appears to be out of our hands. An appropriate substitute may be in the works, and if so, I trust it will be presented at our next meeting.
  • CCS: Antiquo. The project has clearly defined steps towards which there has been a consistent work. There is absolutely no need at this moment to re-evaluate the project goals. Let's do that after the second step is achieved. Only thing we need to do is to dedicated couple of thousand USD for it, get the cooperation going on with the La Sapienza university and get the damn excavation report published! Simple as that.
  • MMPH: Adsentior uti rogas. A reassessment is needed as Nova Roma's current revenues are unable to sustain the original objectives. In order to provide continuity, as our end of the project will require, we do, IMHO, need to appoint a project manager as originally intended.
  • KFBM: Uti Rogas.
  • ISM: Uti Rogas. Now this is what we need: some long-term planning.
  • MAM: Abstineo.
  • MHM: Antiquo. Again per Senator Saturninus' reasons.
  • MLA: Uti rogas.
  • ECF: Antiquo. This would undermine all previous work that has been done for the project!
  • MMA: Yes.
  • DIPI: Abstineo. This question should have been considered after we decided whether or not to continue the project. If we do continue it, then in what manner should have been considered.
  • PMS: Antiquo: I agree that we need to revisit our plan, but I think we should discuss this further. I am not prepared to commit to the above.

Item VI - No support, specially financial, shall be brought by Nova Roma in next five years, of another major project in addition of the MMP, as a "Temple of Gods" project


The Senate of Nova Roma confirms that NR cannot afford in the next five years, specially financially, backing up two major projects, the MMP and, for example, one 'Temple of Gods project' which would consist in building ex nihilo a temple on an estate located in any relevant place.


UR: 16; ABS: 4 (MAM, MIP, MLA, PMS); ANT: 4 (CFBQ, TOPA, KFBM, DIPI): the item has passed.

Votes and opinions

  • TIS: Uti rogas. It's not easy but I want to look forward with optimism.
  • QFM: VTI ROGAS I agree with the Senate.
  • CFD: Uti Rogas
  • MIS: VTI ROGAS. We can´t do everything, but surely we can do something worthwhile.
  • QSP: VTI ROGAS I agree with the Senate as well.
  • KFBQ: Antiquo. I vote against this as I want to keep the door open for the Temple project and even other projects. I am prepared to take a stand on this item when a full budget for the Res Publica is presented where all needed expenses are clear.
  • MCC: Uti rogas.
  • GPL: Uti rogas.
  • TOPA: Antiquo.
  • ATS: Vti rogas.
  • CCS: Uti Rogas. Priorities are priorities. If the NR financial situation improves dramatically then we can change this decision. Let's keep our focus and resources concentrated.
  • MMPH: Adsentior uti rogas. At present we have few assets to use in order to provide for the Scholarship Fund, NR's annual costs, and contribute towards the MM Project. We do not, however, have the resources or the revenue to sustain even one major project like the MM Project. Therefore it goes without saying that it is not financially feasible for our treasury to support two major projects. Proposals like the Temple of the Gods Project and the Temple of Diana Project shall have to rely on private individuals, formed into sodalitates, to further develop their proposals and provide a solid plan. Then, in the future, the Senate might consider offering such projects a donation. First however we shall have to stabilize our current financial situation.
  • KFBM: Antiquo.
  • ISM: Uti Rogas. See comments above.
  • MAM: Abstineo.
  • MHM: Uti Rogas.
  • MLA: Abstineo. This is not specified with enough clarity.
  • ECF: Uti Rogas. Financing such major projects is not realistic at the moment.
  • MMA: Yes.
  • DIPI: Antiquo. I would like to see us put funds towards a real Nova Roma project that would benefit our republic, either the 'Temple of Gods project' or something else, instead of the MMP. This would foolishly close the door on that.
  • PMS: Abstain

Item VII - Province of Dacia - Incorporation of Moldavia in it


The Senate approves incorporation of Moldavia in Dacia province.


UR: 22; ABS: 2 (TOPA, PMS); ANT: 0 : the item has passed.

Votes and opinions

No special opinions.

Item VIII - The two provinces of Canada Orientalis and Occidentalis shall be called respectively Canada Citerior and Ulterior


The name of Canada Orientalis is changed to Canada Citerior, and the name of Canada Occidentalis be changed to Canada Ulterior.


UR: 24; ABS: 0 ; ANT: 0 : the item has passed.

Votes and opinions

  • TIS: Uti rogas. My best wishes to governors Aurelius Severus and Iulius Caesar in theirs activities.
  • CFD: Uti Rogas
  • KFBQ: Uti Rogas. I don't see the need for this change, but I support it as the Governor seem to deem it necessary.
  • MCC: Uti rogas. It is a good idea, in this way we approach a little to our ideal of Romanitas, but it is (also) a lot of work for our webmasters, because we do not forget that we must change these names in "all" pages and links of the web.
  • GPL: Uti rogas.
  • TOPA: Uti rogas.
  • ATS: Vti rogas. This seems to be more historically correct.
  • CCS: Uti rogas.
  • MMPH: Adsentior uti rogas.
  • KFBM: Uti Rogas.
  • ISM: Uti Rogas
  • MAM: Uti rogas.
  • MHM: Uti Rogas.
  • MLA: Uti rogas.
  • ECF: Uti rogas.
  • MMA: Yes.
  • DIPI: Uti rogas. Looking for more historically accurate names for provinces that didn't exist in ancient times seems like an odd exercise but I'll approve it.
  • PMS: Uti rogas.

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