Template:Tabularium articles

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

· Home: Legal System ·
Declaration - Constitution
Leges - Senatus Consulta - Decreta - Edicta

Codex Iuris Novae Romae



Purpose and Usage

Provides globalized navigation for articles on the laws of Nova Roma.

Location: After the languagebar.

  • Useage Syntax: {{Tabularium articles|pgchk|lexstat|com|yes|no|abs|when|scstat|scyes|scno|scabs|scwhen|guideone|guidetwo}}
  • Standard Tabularium Page Example: {{Tabularium articles|pgchk=}}
  • Lex (In-Force) Page, Usage Example: {{Tabularium articles|pgchk=1|lexstat=1|com=comitia plebis tributa|yes=16|no=2|abs=0|when={{Dec 22}} {{1999}}}}
  • SC (In-Force) Page, Usage Example: {{Tabularium articles|pgchk=2|lexstat=|com=|yes=|no=|abs=|when=|scstat=1|scyes=15|scno=1|scabs=2|scwhen={{Dec 22}} {{1999}}}}
  • Lex (In-Force) with SC Approval/Rejection (e.g. Constitution) Page, Usage Example: {{Tabularium articles|pgchk=3|lexstat=1|com=comitia plebis tributa|yes=16|no=2|abs=0|when={{Dec 22}} {{1999}}|scstat=1|scyes=15|scno=1|scabs=2|scwhen={{Dec 22}} {{1999}}}}

If not being used for a lex or senatus consultum page, set "pgchk" to a null state: {{Tabularium articles|pgchk=|}}
If being used for a lex page with only standard comitia approval, set "pgchk" to "1" and use only up to and including the "when" parameter.
If being used for a lex page with both a comitia approval and an approving SC, set "pgchk" to "3" and use up to and including the "scwhen" parameter.
If being used for a SC page, set "pgchk" to "2", set "lexstat", "com, "yes", "no", "abs" and "when" parameters to "null". Fill in the remaining parameters and set "scstat" to only either "1", "2", or "3".
You can add guidance pages (when placing this template on a lex/SC page) by adding a value to parameters "guideone" and "guidetwo". Set both to "null" for a default page.


  • pgchk: To activate the lex/senatus consultum status box and format for the circumstances. set to "1" for a standard lex page; set to "2" for a senatus consultum page; set to "3" for a lex page that also has an senatus consultum approval (like the constitution).

Note: pgchk activates the "Related Guidance Pages" box. Must be set to null to turn it off {{Tabularium articles|pgchk=}}

The following are parsed into the "LexPassed template" used in the overall template:

  • com: comitia centuriata / comitia plebis tributa / comitia populi tributa
  • yes: Number of "yes" votes (number only)
  • no: Number of "no" votes (number only)
  • abs: Number of "absentions" (number only)
  • when: date lex enacted; follow format "{{Dec 22}} {{1999}}"

The following are parsed into the "SenConPassed template" used in the overall template:

  • scyes: Number of SC "yes" votes (number only)
  • scno: Number of SC "no" votes (number only)
  • scabs: Number of SC "absentions" (number only)
  • scwhen: date SC enacted; follow format "{{Dec 22}} {{1999}}"

The following uses "SenConStatusActive template":

  • scstat: set to "1" for IN-FORCE; set to 2 for REPEALED; set to 3 for LAPSED.

Note: "SenConStatusRepealed template" is not used in this template.

  • guideone: The name of the internal Nova Roma wiki page, use the "(Nova Roma)" text as called.
  • guidetwo: The name of the internal Nova Roma wiki page, use the "(Nova Roma)" text as called.
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