Curator rei informaticae (Nova Roma)

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{{LanguageBar|Curator rei informaticae (Nova Roma)}}{{NR Magistracy articles}}
{{LanguageBar|Curator rei informaticae (Nova Roma)}}{{NR Magistracy articles}}
[[Category:Magistracies (Nova Roma)]]
The ''Curator Rei Informaticae'' and their office, the ''Officium Rei Informaticae'' was created under the ''[[Senatus consultum ultimum de curatoribus publicis]]'' and the ''[[Senatus consultum ultimum de foro Novo Romano officiali, de foris publicis et de limitibus iuris publici (Nova Roma)|Senatus consultum ultimum de foro Novo Romano officiali, de foris publicis et de limitibus iuris publici]]''.
The ''curator rei informaticae'' (fem. ''curatrix'') is the supervisor and the board level head of information technology within the [[Res publica Novae Romae|Nova Roman Republic]]. Appointed by the [[Senate (Nova Roma)|Nova Roman Senate]], the ''curator rei informaticae'' acts in the capacity of '''Chief Information Officer''' of Nova Roma under the direction of the [[Consul (Nova Roma)|consuls]] and cooperating with the ''[[Magister aranearius (Nova Roma)|magistri aranearii]]''.
The ''curator rei informaticae'' (fem. ''curatrix'') is the supervisor and the board level head of information technology within the [[Res publica Novae Romae|Nova Roman Republic]]. Appointed by the [[Senate (Nova Roma)|Nova Roman Senate]], the ''curator rei informaticae'' acts in the capacity of '''Chief Information Officer''' of Nova Roma under the direction of the [[Consul (Nova Roma)|consuls]]. The ''curator rei informaticae'' is considered the successor to the ''[[Magister aranearius (Nova Roma)|magister aranearius]]'' and absorbs the responsilbities for the now defunct office of ''[[Editor commentariorum (Nova Roma)|Editor commentariorum]]''.
The duties of the ''curator rei informaticae'', as defined by ''[[Senatus consultum (Nova Roma)|senatus consultum]]'', are:
The duties of the ''curator rei informaticae'', as defined by ''[[Senatus consultum (Nova Roma)|senatus consultum]]'', are:
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The ''curator rei informaticae'' reports to [[Consul (Nova Roma)|consuls]] of Nova Roma.  
The ''curator rei informaticae'' reports to [[Consul (Nova Roma)|consuls]] of Nova Roma.  
Beside the ''curator rei informaticae'' there is an inferior '''official webmaster''', the [[Magister aranearius (Nova Roma)|''magister aranearius'']], appointed by the Senate who helps the work of the ''curator rei informaticae'' under the ''curator'' 's authority. The senate can appoint any number of ''magistri aranearii''.
Beside the ''curator rei informaticae'' there is a subordinate '''official webmaster''', the [[Magister aranearius (Nova Roma)|''magister aranearius'']], appointed by the Senate who helps the work of the ''curator rei informaticae'' under the ''curator'' 's authority. The senate can appoint any number of ''magistri aranearii''.
== Curator Rei Informaticae ==
==Curator Rei Informaticae==
:*[[Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (Nova Roma)|Cn. Cornelius Lentulus]], ''[[Senatus consultum ultimum de curatoribus publicis]]''  
:*[[Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (Nova Roma)|Cn. Cornelius Lentulus]], ''[[Senatus consultum ultimum de curatoribus publicis]]''  
====Scriba Editor Situs Internetualis Publici====
===Scriba Editor Situs Internetualis Publici===
:*[[Decimus Aurelius Ingeniarius (Nova Roma)|D. Aurelius Ingeniarius]], ''[ Forum Romanum (#96228)]''.  
:*[[Decimus Aurelius Ingeniarius (Nova Roma)|D. Aurelius Ingeniarius]], ''[ Forum Romanum (#96228)]''.  
====Scriba Praefecti Rei Publicae Administrandae====
===Scriba Programmator Situs Internetualis Publici===
:* [[Gaius Marcius Augustinus (Nova Roma)|C. Marcius Augustinus]], ''[ Forum Romanum (#96522)]''.
:*[[Gaius Amatius Structus (Nova Roma)|C. Amatius Structus]], ''[ Forum Romanum (#98361)]''.  
====Praefectus editor principalis Canalis Twitch Novae Romae====
===Praefectus editor principalis Canalis Twitch Novae Romae===
:*[[Decimus Aurelius Ingeniarius (Nova Roma)|D. Aurelius Ingeniarius]], ''[ Forum Romanum (#97119)]''.
:*[[Decimus Aurelius Ingeniarius (Nova Roma)|D. Aurelius Ingeniarius]], ''[ Forum Romanum (#97119)]''.
=Edicts of the Curator=
[[Category:Magistracies (Nova Roma)]]
==Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de revisione apparitorum==
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{Dec 31}} {{2023}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[ Forum Romanum #100315]'''''
I hereby publicly thank the service of apparitores under the authority of the curatela informatica.
I. Mandated by the lex Vedia apparitoria We review the work of apparitors at the end of the year:
C. Amatius Structus, scriba programmator situs internetualis publici: ADEQUATE<br>
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, scriba editor situs internetualis publici: EXCELLENT<br>
C. Artorius Praeconinus, scriba editor Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: UNSATISFACTORY<br>
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: EXCELLENT<br>
C. Marcius Augustinus, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: EXCELLENT<br>
D. Claudius Aquilinus, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: EXCELLENT<br>
D. Fabricius Avitus, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: ADEQUATE<br>
C. Artorius Praeconinus, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: UNSATISFACTORY
II. Effective today, I remove C. Artorius Praeconinus and D. Fabricius Avitus from their positions with honorable discharge, and in the hope they would return to position if they have more time.
Datum pr Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ 2776 AUC, XXVI ANRC, Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae (31, December 2023 AD)
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus<br>
==Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de apparitoribus informaticis aestimandis==
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{Dec 31}} {{2022}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[ Forum Romanum #99098]'''''
Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de apparitoribus informaticis aestimandis
Required by the lex Vedia apparitoria, I am reviewing the apparitores in the Office of Informatics of Nova Roma, pertaining to informatics proper, as follows:
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, scriba editor ditus internetualis publici: EXCELLENT<br>
C. Amatius Structus, scriba programmator situs internetualis publici: EXCELLENT<br>
C. Artorius Praeconinus, scriba editor Canalis Twitch Novae Romae, ADEQUATE
Datum pridie Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio II A. Tullia II coss. anno XXV a.N.R.c. (2775/2022)
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus<br>
==Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praecone dimittendo==
Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de ratificatione legis Arriae de censu civium aestimando
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{Jun 28}} {{2022}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[ Forum Romanum #98430]'''''
Upon consultation with the editor principalis of the Nova Roma Twitch TV Channel, scriba D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, I am relieving from his position of praeco Q. Aelius Volusus until he is able to return with full commitment to the project.
Datum a.d. IV Kal. Quin. Sex. Lucilio Tutote iterum et A. Tullia Scholastica iterum consulibus, anno XXV ANRC.
==Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de ratificatione legis Arriae de censu civium aestimando==
Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de ratificatione legis Arriae de censu civium aestimando
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{May 29}} {{2022}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[ Forum Romanum #98399]'''''
Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de ratificatione legis Arriae de censu civium aestimando
The lex Arria de censu civium aestimando stipulates that, because the applicability of this law depends on the technical realization and programming of the Census Points system in the infrastructure of the Album Civium, this lex Arria will take force only after the curator rei informaticae determines that the provisions of this law have been built into the Album Civium. At that time, the curator rei informaticae will have promulgate an edict putting this law into effect.
I. The necessary works have now been conducted on the programming of the Censorial Database and Album Civium, therefore, as curator rei informaticae, I hereby officially put the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando into effect.
II. I call all citizens to examine the amounts of their Census Points and submit their requests for accounting any of the Census Points that they think they are due according to the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando, which can be read here:
III. As section III.A.4 requires a regulation on the method of counting partial Past Service Point amounts, I issue the following temporary regulation of calculation:
III.A. Amount of Census Points due for the specific office divided by 365, and the result multiplied by the number of days in office minus one, and the final result is rounded down to the preceding whole number.
Example for a consul who served 100 days in office and then residgned:
"120 Census Points are due for a past consulship. This has to be divided by 365, the result is 0,3287. This has to be multiplied by the 100 days spent in office, minus one, that is 99. The result is 32,8767, so this citizen receives 32 CP for one month as consul."
III.B.1. All laws shall always be followed to the letter as much as possible, but if the circumstances of the reality make it impossible, the government shall create a temporary solution in order that the spirit of the law can be maintained. Due to the current reconfiguration of the website, now it is technically and financially impossible to assign one quarter of the Past Service Points as an extra addition to all officers who served only a partial term of office, and it is also impossible to disregard the points for more than one subordinate office appointed by the same magistrate except the highest one. Therefore I temporarily suspend the application of these two rules.
III.B.2. Hereby I ask the approval and confirmation of the censores for this decision, because, according to II.D of the lex Arria, "in case there is any doubt regarding the interpretation of the regulations and instructions in this law or the supervision, protections, functioning and mechanisms of the Census Point system, the censors shall decide the interpretation by edict."
Datum a.d. IV Kal. Iun. Sex. Lucilio Turore et A. Tullia Scholastica coss. anno XXV a.N.R.c (29 May, 2022)
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, eq. eq. p. <br>
==Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de scriba programmatore creando==
Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de scriba programmatore creando
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{May 11}} {{2022}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[ Forum Romanum #98361]'''''
I. I hereby appoint C. Amatius Structus as scriba programmator situs internetualis publici.
II. His main responsibility is updating the internal database system and Album Civium IT programs of the official website to meet our current legal and strategical requirements. Besides, he serves as an official IT officer and programmer for the website and technical assistant and advisor to the curator rei informaticae.
III. Effective immediately, no oath is required.
Signed:  a.d. V Id. Mai. (11 May) Sex. Lucilio II et A. Tullia II coss., 25 ANRC, 2775 AUC<br>
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus<br>
curator rei informaticae
==Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praeconibus Canalis Twitch Novae Romae creandis==
Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praeconibus Canalis Twitch Novae Romae creandis
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{Dec 13}} {{2021}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[ Forum Romanum #97707]'''''
I. Upon consultation with the praefectus editor principalis of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel, D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, I decided to appoint the following citizens to serve as officers in the Scrinium Canalis Twitch:
A. C. Marcius Augustinus as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.
B. D. Claudius Aquillius as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.
II. The praecones are directed by the praefectus editor principalis at his discretion. No oath is required.
Datum pr. Id. Dec. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia coss. XXIV ANRC (12 December, 2021).
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, m. s.
==Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de officialibus Canalis Twitch Novae Romae creandis==
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{Jul 29}} {{2021}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[ Forum Romanum #97236]'''''
Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de officialibus Canalis Twitch Novae Romae creandis
I. Upon consultation with the praefectus editor principalis of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel, D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, I decided to appoint the following citizens to serve as officers in the Scrinium Canalis Twitch:
A. C. Artorius Praeconinus as deputy editor-in-chief, with the title scriba editor Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.
B. D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.
C. C. Artorius Praeconinus as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.
D. Q. Aelius Volusus as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.
E. D. Fabricius Avitus as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.
II. The praecones are directed by the praefectus editor principalis at his discretion.
III. The praefectus editor principalis may delegate as much responsibility and decision making right to the scriba editor as he deems necessary.
IV. No oath is required. Effective retroactively from a.d. IX Kal. Quint. (23 June).
Datum a.d. IV Kal. Sex. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia coss. XXIV ANRC (29 July, 2021).
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, m. s.
==Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praefecto editore principali Canalis Twitch Novae Romae==
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{Jun 23}} {{2021}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[ Forum Romanum #97119]'''''
Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praefecto editore principali Canalis Twitch Novae Romae
I. The senatus consultum de Canali Twitch Novae Romae, section III, mandates the following:
"The owner has to be appointed as the first editor-in-chief of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel by the curator rei informaticae, with an appropriate Latin title, and the Nova Roman Twitch Channel shall be made part of the official internal structure of the Officium Rei Informaticae. With the consent of the owner, other citizens can be appointed as subsequent editors-in-chief by the curator rei informaticae. The owner cannot make anyone an editor-in-chief on his own initiative."
II. As curator rei informaticae, I hereby appoint D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, the owner of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel, as the first official editor-in-chief of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel, with the Latin title praefectus editor principalis Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.
III. I authorize the praefectus to recruite and name assistants, to submit their names to me, whom I shall appoint as apparitores with the relevant titles to work within the Officium Rei Informaticae (Office of Information Technology), in the Scrinium Canalis Twitch (Twitch Channel Department). I mandate the praefectus to find a deputy editor-in-chief and to prose a name for appointment for this position in the upcoming nundinae.
Datum a.d. IX Kal. Quin. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia coss. XXIV ANRC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, m. s.
==Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de scriba editore creando==
:*STATUS: '''''In-Force'''''
:*ORIGINALLY ENACTED: '''''{{Dec 31}} {{2020}}'''''
:*OFFICIAL POST: '''''[ Forum Romanum #96228]'''''
I. I hereby appoint D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as scriba editor situs internetualis publici.
II. His main responsibility is updating the Wiki system based official website with the actual news and official information, laws and appointments. Besides, he serves as an advisor and consultant to the curator rei informaticae.
III. Effective from a.d. V Id. Oct. (11 October) this year, no oath is required.
IV. This edict serves as a public recognition and thanks on behalf of Nova Roma for the exemplary work done by D. Aurelius Ingeniarius since the time of his original appointment in October and even before that date in the preceding months.
Signed: a.d. V Id. Oct. (11 October) Q. Arrio II et T. Domitio III coss., published pridie Kal. Ian. 2773 AUC.
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
curator rei informaticae
=List of curatores rei informaticae=
*{{Mar 25}} {{2009}} - {{Aug 20}} {{2010}}: 
:::[[Gaius Curius Saturninus (Nova Roma)|C. Curius Saturninus]]
*{{Sep 9}} {{2013}} - {{Sep 9}} {{2015}}:
:::[[Marcus Pompeius Caninus (Nova Roma)|M. Pompeius Caninus]] (with the title '''"magister aranearius"''')
*{{Sep 9}} {{2015}} - {{Sep 1}} {{2017}}:
:::[[Marcus Pompeius Caninus (Nova Roma)|M. Pompeius Caninus]] (with the title '''"magister aranearius"''')
*{{Oct 7}} {{2020}} - ''current'': 
:::[[Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (Nova Roma)|Cn. Cornelius Lentulus]]

Latest revision as of 23:05, 31 December 2023


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Our magistracies

Aedilis curulis
Aedilis plebis
Tribunus plebis
Tribunus militum

Praefectus rei publicae administrandae
Curator aerarii
Curator rei informaticae


Classification of magistracies

Magistracy overview

The Curator Rei Informaticae and their office, the Officium Rei Informaticae was created under the Senatus consultum ultimum de curatoribus publicis and the Senatus consultum ultimum de foro Novo Romano officiali, de foris publicis et de limitibus iuris publici.

The curator rei informaticae (fem. curatrix) is the supervisor and the board level head of information technology within the Nova Roman Republic. Appointed by the Nova Roman Senate, the curator rei informaticae acts in the capacity of Chief Information Officer of Nova Roma under the direction of the consuls. The curator rei informaticae is considered the successor to the magister aranearius and absorbs the responsilbities for the now defunct office of Editor commentariorum.

The duties of the curator rei informaticae, as defined by senatus consultum, are:

  • 1. To oversee all of Nova Roma's IT infrastructure, including but not limited to: the album civium, the website, e-mail, and other services.
  • 2. To be the primary technical contact for all domain names owned by Nova Roma, to ensure registration and maintenance of all Nova Roma domains.
  • 3. To be the primary technical contact for all hosting and technology companies with which Nova Roma interacts.
  • 4. To fulfill any mandates of magistrates or the Senate with regards to IT issues.
  • 5. To appoint and manage a team of IT professionals to assist in these duties.
  • 6. To oversee and manage the IT budget.
  • 7. To ensure as much as possible the protection of information in Nova Roma databases, maintain a copyright policy, a privacy policy and other policies established by the Senate for the use and maintenance of Nova Roma databases.
  • 8. To advise the Senate and magistrates on IT issues related to a corporate business plan and the employment of the Internet facilities to further corporate planning."

The curator rei informaticae delegates technical decisions to employees more familiar with details, and proposes the information technology Nova Roma may need to achieve its goals and then works within a budget to implement the plan. The curator rei informaticae is involved with analyzing and reworking existing business processes, with identifying and developing the capability to use new tools, with reshaping the physical infrastructure and network access of Nova Roma, and with identifying and exploiting its knowledge resources.

The curator rei informaticae reports to consuls of Nova Roma.

Beside the curator rei informaticae there is a subordinate official webmaster, the magister aranearius, appointed by the Senate who helps the work of the curator rei informaticae under the curator 's authority. The senate can appoint any number of magistri aranearii.




Curator Rei Informaticae

Scriba Editor Situs Internetualis Publici

Scriba Programmator Situs Internetualis Publici

Praefectus editor principalis Canalis Twitch Novae Romae

Edicts of the Curator

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de revisione apparitorum


I hereby publicly thank the service of apparitores under the authority of the curatela informatica.

I. Mandated by the lex Vedia apparitoria We review the work of apparitors at the end of the year:

C. Amatius Structus, scriba programmator situs internetualis publici: ADEQUATE
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, scriba editor situs internetualis publici: EXCELLENT
C. Artorius Praeconinus, scriba editor Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: UNSATISFACTORY
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: EXCELLENT
C. Marcius Augustinus, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: EXCELLENT
D. Claudius Aquilinus, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: EXCELLENT
D. Fabricius Avitus, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: ADEQUATE
C. Artorius Praeconinus, praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae: UNSATISFACTORY

II. Effective today, I remove C. Artorius Praeconinus and D. Fabricius Avitus from their positions with honorable discharge, and in the hope they would return to position if they have more time.

Datum pr Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ 2776 AUC, XXVI ANRC, Anno Sacro Concordiae Anniversarii XXV Novae Romae (31, December 2023 AD)


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de apparitoribus informaticis aestimandis

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de apparitoribus informaticis aestimandis

Required by the lex Vedia apparitoria, I am reviewing the apparitores in the Office of Informatics of Nova Roma, pertaining to informatics proper, as follows:

D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, scriba editor ditus internetualis publici: EXCELLENT
C. Amatius Structus, scriba programmator situs internetualis publici: EXCELLENT
C. Artorius Praeconinus, scriba editor Canalis Twitch Novae Romae, ADEQUATE

Datum pridie Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio II A. Tullia II coss. anno XXV a.N.R.c. (2775/2022)

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praecone dimittendo

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de ratificatione legis Arriae de censu civium aestimando

Upon consultation with the editor principalis of the Nova Roma Twitch TV Channel, scriba D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, I am relieving from his position of praeco Q. Aelius Volusus until he is able to return with full commitment to the project.

Datum a.d. IV Kal. Quin. Sex. Lucilio Tutote iterum et A. Tullia Scholastica iterum consulibus, anno XXV ANRC.


Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de ratificatione legis Arriae de censu civium aestimando

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de ratificatione legis Arriae de censu civium aestimando

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de ratificatione legis Arriae de censu civium aestimando

The lex Arria de censu civium aestimando stipulates that, because the applicability of this law depends on the technical realization and programming of the Census Points system in the infrastructure of the Album Civium, this lex Arria will take force only after the curator rei informaticae determines that the provisions of this law have been built into the Album Civium. At that time, the curator rei informaticae will have promulgate an edict putting this law into effect.

I. The necessary works have now been conducted on the programming of the Censorial Database and Album Civium, therefore, as curator rei informaticae, I hereby officially put the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando into effect.

II. I call all citizens to examine the amounts of their Census Points and submit their requests for accounting any of the Census Points that they think they are due according to the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando, which can be read here:

III. As section III.A.4 requires a regulation on the method of counting partial Past Service Point amounts, I issue the following temporary regulation of calculation:

III.A. Amount of Census Points due for the specific office divided by 365, and the result multiplied by the number of days in office minus one, and the final result is rounded down to the preceding whole number.

Example for a consul who served 100 days in office and then residgned:

"120 Census Points are due for a past consulship. This has to be divided by 365, the result is 0,3287. This has to be multiplied by the 100 days spent in office, minus one, that is 99. The result is 32,8767, so this citizen receives 32 CP for one month as consul."

III.B.1. All laws shall always be followed to the letter as much as possible, but if the circumstances of the reality make it impossible, the government shall create a temporary solution in order that the spirit of the law can be maintained. Due to the current reconfiguration of the website, now it is technically and financially impossible to assign one quarter of the Past Service Points as an extra addition to all officers who served only a partial term of office, and it is also impossible to disregard the points for more than one subordinate office appointed by the same magistrate except the highest one. Therefore I temporarily suspend the application of these two rules.

III.B.2. Hereby I ask the approval and confirmation of the censores for this decision, because, according to II.D of the lex Arria, "in case there is any doubt regarding the interpretation of the regulations and instructions in this law or the supervision, protections, functioning and mechanisms of the Census Point system, the censors shall decide the interpretation by edict."

Datum a.d. IV Kal. Iun. Sex. Lucilio Turore et A. Tullia Scholastica coss. anno XXV a.N.R.c (29 May, 2022)

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, eq. eq. p.

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de scriba programmatore creando

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de scriba programmatore creando

I. I hereby appoint C. Amatius Structus as scriba programmator situs internetualis publici.

II. His main responsibility is updating the internal database system and Album Civium IT programs of the official website to meet our current legal and strategical requirements. Besides, he serves as an official IT officer and programmer for the website and technical assistant and advisor to the curator rei informaticae.

III. Effective immediately, no oath is required.

Signed: a.d. V Id. Mai. (11 May) Sex. Lucilio II et A. Tullia II coss., 25 ANRC, 2775 AUC

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
curator rei informaticae

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praeconibus Canalis Twitch Novae Romae creandis

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praeconibus Canalis Twitch Novae Romae creandis

I. Upon consultation with the praefectus editor principalis of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel, D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, I decided to appoint the following citizens to serve as officers in the Scrinium Canalis Twitch:

A. C. Marcius Augustinus as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.

B. D. Claudius Aquillius as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.

II. The praecones are directed by the praefectus editor principalis at his discretion. No oath is required.

Datum pr. Id. Dec. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia coss. XXIV ANRC (12 December, 2021).

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, m. s. CVRATOR REI INFORMATICAE

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de officialibus Canalis Twitch Novae Romae creandis

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de officialibus Canalis Twitch Novae Romae creandis

I. Upon consultation with the praefectus editor principalis of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel, D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, I decided to appoint the following citizens to serve as officers in the Scrinium Canalis Twitch:

A. C. Artorius Praeconinus as deputy editor-in-chief, with the title scriba editor Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.

B. D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.

C. C. Artorius Praeconinus as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.

D. Q. Aelius Volusus as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.

E. D. Fabricius Avitus as content host, with the title praeco Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.

II. The praecones are directed by the praefectus editor principalis at his discretion.

III. The praefectus editor principalis may delegate as much responsibility and decision making right to the scriba editor as he deems necessary.

IV. No oath is required. Effective retroactively from a.d. IX Kal. Quint. (23 June).

Datum a.d. IV Kal. Sex. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia coss. XXIV ANRC (29 July, 2021).

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, m. s. CVRATOR REI INFORMATICAE

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praefecto editore principali Canalis Twitch Novae Romae

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de praefecto editore principali Canalis Twitch Novae Romae

I. The senatus consultum de Canali Twitch Novae Romae, section III, mandates the following:

"The owner has to be appointed as the first editor-in-chief of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel by the curator rei informaticae, with an appropriate Latin title, and the Nova Roman Twitch Channel shall be made part of the official internal structure of the Officium Rei Informaticae. With the consent of the owner, other citizens can be appointed as subsequent editors-in-chief by the curator rei informaticae. The owner cannot make anyone an editor-in-chief on his own initiative."

II. As curator rei informaticae, I hereby appoint D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, the owner of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel, as the first official editor-in-chief of the Nova Roman Twitch Channel, with the Latin title praefectus editor principalis Canalis Twitch Novae Romae.

III. I authorize the praefectus to recruite and name assistants, to submit their names to me, whom I shall appoint as apparitores with the relevant titles to work within the Officium Rei Informaticae (Office of Information Technology), in the Scrinium Canalis Twitch (Twitch Channel Department). I mandate the praefectus to find a deputy editor-in-chief and to prose a name for appointment for this position in the upcoming nundinae.

Datum a.d. IX Kal. Quin. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia coss. XXIV ANRC.

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, m. s. CVRATOR REI INFORMATICAE

Edictum curatoris rei informaticae de scriba editore creando


I. I hereby appoint D. Aurelius Ingeniarius as scriba editor situs internetualis publici.

II. His main responsibility is updating the Wiki system based official website with the actual news and official information, laws and appointments. Besides, he serves as an advisor and consultant to the curator rei informaticae.

III. Effective from a.d. V Id. Oct. (11 October) this year, no oath is required.

IV. This edict serves as a public recognition and thanks on behalf of Nova Roma for the exemplary work done by D. Aurelius Ingeniarius since the time of his original appointment in October and even before that date in the preceding months.

Signed: a.d. V Id. Oct. (11 October) Q. Arrio II et T. Domitio III coss., published pridie Kal. Ian. 2773 AUC.

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus curator rei informaticae

List of curatores rei informaticae

C. Curius Saturninus
M. Pompeius Caninus (with the title "magister aranearius")
M. Pompeius Caninus (with the title "magister aranearius")
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
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