Officina Consulis Minoris MMDCCLX

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'''[[Consul (Nova Roma)|Consul]] Minor [[MMDCCLX]] [[Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Nova Roma)|Tiberius Galerius Paulinus]]''' is the colleague of [[Consul (Nova Roma)|Consul]] Maior [[MMDCCLX]] [[Lucius Arminius Faustus (Nova Roma)|Lucius Arminius Faustus]], who has [[Officina Consulis Maioris MMDCCLX|his own officina]].
'''[[Consul (Nova Roma)|Consul]] Minor [[MMDCCLX]] [[Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Nova Roma)|Tiberius Galerius Paulinus]]''' is the colleague of [[Consul (Nova Roma)|Consul]] Maior [[MMDCCLX]] [[Lucius Arminius Faustus (Nova Roma)|Lucius Arminius Faustus]], who has [[Officina Consulis Maioris MMDCCLX|his own officina]].
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===Edictum : '''EDICTUM CONSULARE DE TRIBUTIS ANNI Amended'''===
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Given under my hand, ante diem VII Kalendas Apriles 2760 a.U.c in the consulship of Lucius Arminius Faustus and Tiberius Galerius Paulinus.
Given under my hand, ante diem VII Kalendas Apriles 2760 a.U.c in the consulship of Lucius Arminius Faustus and Tiberius Galerius Paulinus.
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Quaestor Sextus Lucilius Tutor is assigned to Consul Ti. Galerius Paulinus
He shall take up his duties immediately.
The Censors are requested to provide him, as soon as their schedules allow, the tools need for processing tax payments.
Done this day a.d. VII Kal. Iun MMDCCLX A.U.C. at 8:00 pm, Roman time in the consulship of Lucius Arminius Faustus and Tiberius Galerius Paulinus.
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Marcus Martianius Gangalius is hereby appointed as Legati Consulare of the province of California and shall be my personal representative in the province.
M. Calidius Gracchus is hereby appointed as Legati Consulare of the province of Hibernia and shall be my personal representative in the province.
Both Marcus Martianius Gangalius and M. Calidius Gracchus shall work to rebuild and organize their respective provinces.
Both Marcus Martianius Gangalius and M. Calidius Gracchus shall submit to me a written report of the status of their province by the pr. Id. Nov. 2760 A.U.C.(Nov.12th)
Their term of appointment shall extend until pr. Kal. Ian.(December 31st 2760) or until the Nova Roman Senate appoints a Legatus Pro Praetore for their provinces
This edict takes effect immediately. No oath is required.
Given by my hand ante diem XI Kalendas Sextilis MMDCCLX A.U.C.(July 23, 2760 A.U.C.), in the Consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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Edictum Consulare XIV is herby withdrawn.
Marcus Martianius Gangalius is herby appointed as Accensus with the title Legati Consulare and shall be my personal representative within the province of California .
M. Calidius Gracchus is herby appointed as Accensus with the title Legati Consulare and shall be my personal representative within the province of Hibernia.
Their term of appointment shall extend until pr. Kal. Ian.(December 31st 2760)
This edict takes effect immediately. No oath is required.
Given by my hand ante diem VIII Kalendas Sextilis MMDCCLX A.U.C. (July 25, 2760 A.U.C.), in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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Pursuant to the constitution of Nova Roma I hereby call on the Praetors, Gaius Equitius Cato and Aula Tullia Scholastica to exercise the full powers of their office in the absence of myself and my colleague for the remainder of Sextilis and for the month of September 2760 A.U.C.
I request that all citizens and magistrates provide the Praetors with any lawful requests made in furtherance of the exercise of their office. All members of my staff are placed at the disposal of the Praetors for the duration of this edict.
This edict takes effect immediately. Their oaths have already been given.
If either of the Consuls returns to handle the day to day affairs of the republic then this edict is automatically suspended.
Given by my hand ante diem a.d. VII Kal. Sep MMDCCLX A.U.C. (August 26, 2760 A.U.C.), in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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All Propraetors are reminded that your annual report is due to the Senate by Kal. Nov (Nov. 1) 2760.
It would also be helpful if each Propraetor would indicate whether or not they wish to be prorogued by the Senate for another term of office come February of 2761 A.U.C .
The pertinent legislation is listed below:
*[ Senatus consultum about regulation of gubernatorial prorogation] 
*[ Senatus consultum de provincialum pecuniarum rationibus - provincial budgets]
Given by my hand on the ante diem IV Non. Oct MMDCCLX A.U.C. (October 4, 2760 A.U.C.), at 23:22 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus
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I herby issue a call for candidates for the following offices:
*'''I CENSOR''': Must be at least 27 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor. Must be assiduus.
*'''II CONSULS''': Must be at least 27 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor. Must be assiduus.
*'''II PRAETORS''': Must be at least 25 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor. Must be assiduus.
*'''II CURULE AEDILES''': Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
*'''VIII QUAESTORES''': Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
*'''II ROGATORES''': Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
*'''IV DIRIBITORES''': Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
*'''II CUSTODES''': Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
Please announce your candidacy in this Roman forum(main e-mail list)and by posting to me at spqr753@msn. com <mailto:spqr753@msn. com>.To serve in any of these offices must have been a citizen for at least six months by Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008)and be an assiduus (tax-paying)citizen. I will submit an official list to the Magister Aranearius for placement in the cista and will post the same to the Forum.
Candidates will be accepted until pr. Kal. Nov.(October 31st 2760) 23:59 Roman time.
The voting will commence on the a.d. XVII Kal. Dec.(November 15th)Pending favorable auspices
Given by my hand ante diem XIII Kal. Oct MMDCCLX A.U.C.(October 14th 2760 A.U.C.), at 23:00 roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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Tax payments for this year, 2760 will be accepted until pr. Kal. Nov.(October 31st 2760 ) at 23:59 Roman time.
Given by my hand ante diem XIII Kal. Oct MMDCCLX A.U.C.(October 14th 2760 A.U.C.),at 23:10 roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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Amendment to the Comitia centuriata ballot.
Gaius Equitius Cato has failed to post an announcement of his candidacy to the main list as my call for candidates requested. He did send me a note to the effect that he was standing for consul and so I included him in the official list of candidates. Having repeatedly tried to reach him by phone and email to ask if he was still a candidate and not having received any
reply I am forced to strike his name from the ballot and to direct that it not be included in this election.
It is my fervent wish that Praetor Gaius Equitius Cato is well and just very much occupied with macro world concerns and has not fallen ill or had an accident.
Given by my hand a.d. IV Non. Nov MMDCCLX A.U.C. ( 2 November 2760 A.U.C.) at 23:45 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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I hereby pronounce intercessio on Consul L. Arminius Faustus “Call for candidates” issued on : Sat, 3 Nov 2007 15:13:59.
I have already issued a call for candidates to stand for elections for this year and have also convened both the Comitia Centuriata and the Comitia Plebis Tributa . Having done so I am the presiding magistrate for these elections under both Nova Roman law and constitutional provisions. If Consul L. Arminius Faustus had taken the time to read some of the posts to the forum he would, nay SHOULD have know that I had issued a call for candidates in mid October. He could have issued an intercessio at that time if he felt there was a need.
He did not.
Because he did not he can not now return to Nova Roma after his excessive absence and just assume that he can issue commands willy-nilly without first reading the posts to the forum or…asking his colleague what has transpired during my excessive absence.
As we have to few candidates for office and will need a second election prior to the end of the year Consul L. Arminius Faustus is more than free to organize those when the time comes.
Given by my hand ante diem III Non. Nov MMDCCLX A.U.C. ( November 3 A.U.C.), at 20::50 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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I herby withdraw my edicts convening both the Comitia Centuriata and the Comitia Populi Tributa.
I declare all votes cast to be null and void and without legal effect.
Within the next seventy-two hours I will ask Censor and Augur Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus to again take the auspices and I will then reconvene both the Comitia Centuriata and the Comitia Populi Tributa to elect our magistrate for 2761 a.u.c. and to enact laws.
In light of the fact that we did not have enough candidates for all offices I will also except additional candidates for those offices only that still need a full allotment of candidates.
The offices up for election are:
*AEDILIS CURULIS (2 openings) We have one candidate.
*QUAESTOR (8 openings) We have three candidates.
*CUSTOS (2 openings) We have one candidate.
The ballots will also include our current candidates for these offices and for censor, consul and praetor.
The proposed legislation will also be placed on the ballot. In addition to the leges that I have already proposed I will be adding a few more. One will be to simplify our elections based on the recommendations of those who have to carry them out.
I also offer my profound apologies to the citizens of Nova Roma. As Consul and as the conniving magistrate I take full responsibility for this turn of events.
Given by my hand a.d. IV Id. Nov. MMDCCLX A.U.C. (November 10 2760 A.U.C.), at 00:45 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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Reposing special trust and confidence in and reliance on her good qualities, especially fairness, truth, honor, and ability, I hereby appoint Equestria Iunia Laeca as accensi.
No oath is required.
This edict takes effect immediately.
Done this day .a.d. XV Kal. Dec. MMDCCLX A.U.C. at 7:19: pm, Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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The Comitia Populi Tributa is called:
I have asked Censor and Augur Gaius Fabius Buteo Modianus
to take the auspices. The Comitia Populi Tributa is convened to vote for the few remaining
Tribal magistrates for calendar year 2761 a.u.c and to enact legislation as listed.
The Contio will begin at 18:00 , Roman time (Central European Time), on 10 December and will last until 17:59 Roma time, on 16 December. Voting will then commence at 18:00 (CET) on 16 December and will end at 17:59 PM (CET) on 21 December 2760.
The presidium (the first tribe to be counted) shall be Tribe X.
''The candidates up for election are'':
*QUAESTOR (3 openings):
:[[Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (Nova Roma)|Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus]] - has been a citizen since July 24, 2004
:[[Equestria Iunia Laeca (Nova Roma)|Equestria Iunia Laeca]] - has been a citizen since July 6, 2002
:[[Marca Hortensia Maior (Nova Roma)|Marca Hortensia Maior]] - has been a citizen since May 20, 2003
*CUSTOS (1 openings):
:[[Lucius Aurelius Severus (Nova Roma)|Lucius Aurelius Severus]] - has been a citizen since January 30, 2003
''Proposed legislation:''
*Lex Galeria de cursu honorum.
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Here are the results of the second round election from Custos Pompeia Minucia Strabo (31 tribes voting of 35).
*First round: 16 tribes required to win first round.
:Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus = 16 + 4 tribes.
:Equestria Iunia Laeca = 9 tribes.
:Marca Hortensia Maior = 2 tribes.
:Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus wins First round and is elected quaestor.
*Second Round: with one voided tribe, 16 tribes are required to win Second round:
:Equestria Iunia Laeca = 16 tribes.
:Marca Hortensia Maior = 14 tribes.
:Equestria Iunia Laeca wins Second round and is elected quaestor.
*Third round: with 5 voided tribes the required number of tribes to win is now 13.
:Marca Hortensia Maior wins the required 13 tribes + 12 additional tribes approving her for the quaestorship, and she is duly elected.
B. Lex Galeria de Curso Honorum.
31 tribes voting, 16 required for passage of this lex.
24 no : 6 yes : 1 abstain.
3 tribes were tied and decided by lot in keeping with prevailing Comitia Populi Tributa legislation on election procedures. The lex does not pass.
Congratulations to all of the candidates and a sincere thanks to our the election officials for a job well done.
Given by my hand a.d. IV Kal. Dec. MMDCCLX A.U.C. ( December 28 , 2760 A.U.C.), at 04:00 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
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In accordance with the Senatus Consultum on Scholarships notice is hereby given that applications are being accepted for Scholarships for 2761.
Applicants should write to the Nova Roma Senate Scholarship committee c/o its Chairman Senator Gnaeus Equitius Marinus at
You need to include the following in your application:
:a. An explanation of their course of study, including current student status and educational institution.
:b. How their course of study furthers knowledge of Roman matters.
:c. Their involvement in organizations, projects, programs and activities dedicated to spreading knowledge of Rome.
"''While most applicants are expected to be students enrolled in universities at the advanced baccalaureate or higher level (or equivalent for universities which don't use the BA/MA/ PhD,
applicants from outside such a system may be considered by the Senate Scholarship committee in rare circumstances provided they demonstrate a comparable level of scholarship''."
"''The Senate Scholarship committee shall examine applications to determine merit. Grants shall be awarded by the Senate based on the Senate Scholarship committee's determinations of merit. One or more grants may be made by the Senate depending on available funds and the Senate Scholarship committee's review of applications''."
Only those applications considered to have merit by a majority of the committee will be forwarded to the Senate. Applications will only be accepted from citizens of Nova Roma.
Applications must be received by the Senate Scholarship committee no later than 23:59 CET on 15 January 2761 a.u.c.
Because this will be the first Scholarships ever granted by Nova Roma, the Senate Scholarship committee will announce the amount available prior to awarding them.
Grants will be awarded by the Ides of March of 2761 a.u.c..
Given by my hand ante diem V Kal. Ian. a.u.c. ( December 28, 2761 a.u.c.), at 19:40 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.
*Quaestor [[Gaius Marius Maior (Nova Roma)|Gaius Marius Maior]]
*Quaestor [[Sextus Lucilius Tutor (Nova Roma)|Sextus Lucilius Tutor]]- starting with {{May 26}}
::*Quaestor [[Gaius Marius Maior (Nova Roma)|Gaius Marius Maior]]- until {{May 22}}
*Accensus Maior [[Gnaeus Iulius Caesar (Nova Roma)|Gnaeus Iulius Caesar]]
*Accensus Maior [[Gnaeus Iulius Caesar (Nova Roma)|Gnaeus Iulius Caesar]]
*Accensus [[Gaius Iulius Scaurus (Nova Roma)|Gaius Iulius Scaurus]]  
*Accensus [[Gaius Iulius Scaurus (Nova Roma)|Gaius Iulius Scaurus]]  
Line 291: Line 571:
*Accensus [[Marcus Lucretius Agricola (Nova Roma)|Marcus Lucretius Agricola]]
*Accensus [[Marcus Lucretius Agricola (Nova Roma)|Marcus Lucretius Agricola]]
*Accensus [[Publius Memmius Albucius (Nova Roma)|Publius Memmius Albucius]]
*Accensus [[Publius Memmius Albucius (Nova Roma)|Publius Memmius Albucius]]
*Accensus [[Marcus Martianius Gangalius (Nova Roma)|Marcus Martianius Gangalius]]
*Accensus [[Diana Octavia Aventina (Nova Roma)|Diana Octavia Aventina]]
*Accensus [[Diana Octavia Aventina (Nova Roma)|Diana Octavia Aventina]]
*Accensus [[Quintus Valerius Callidus (Nova Roma)|Quintus Valerius Callidus]]
*Accensus [[Quintus Valerius Callidus (Nova Roma)|Quintus Valerius Callidus]]
*Accensus [[Equestria Iunia Laeca (Nova Roma)|Equestria Iunia Laeca]]
*Scriba  [[Marcus Cornelius Felix (Nova Roma)|Marcus Cornelius Felix]]
*Scriba  [[Marcus Cornelius Felix (Nova Roma)|Marcus Cornelius Felix]]
*Scriba  [[Sextus Pontius Pilatus Barbatus (Nova Roma)|Sextus Pontius Pilatus Barbatus]]
*Scriba  [[Sextus Pontius Pilatus Barbatus (Nova Roma)|Sextus Pontius Pilatus Barbatus]]

Latest revision as of 08:41, 7 July 2024


Consul Minor MMDCCLX Tiberius Galerius Paulinus is the colleague of Consul Maior MMDCCLX Lucius Arminius Faustus, who has his own officina.


150px}} Tiberius Galerius Paulinus





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Tiberius Galerius Paulinus



Ego, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus, hac re ipsa decus Novae Romae me defensurum, et semper pro populo senatuque Novae Romae acturum esse sollemniter IVRO.

Ego, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus, officio consulis interpone Tiberius Galerius Paulinus Novae Romae accepto, deos deasque Romae in omnibus meae vitae publicae temporibus culturum, et virtutes Romanas publica privataque vita me persecuturum esse IVRO.

Ego, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus, Religioni Romanae me fauturum et eam defensurum, et numquam contra eius statum publicum me acturum esse, ne quid detrimenti capiat IVRO.

Ego, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus, consulis officiis muneris me quam optime functurum esse praeterea IVRO.

Meo civis Novae Romae honore, coram deis deabusque populi Romani, et voluntate favoreque eorum, ego munus consulis, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus una cum iuribus, privilegiis, muneribus et officiis comitantibus ACCIPIO.

Salvete Nova Romans

I stand in awe of those who stood here before me and I swear to do well by them and by you. Please keep me and my colleague, Lucius Arminius Faustus in your prayers.

I, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Timothy Paul Gallagher) do hereby solemnly swear to uphold the honor of Nova Roma, and to act always in the best interests of the people and the Senate of Nova Roma.

As a magistrate of Nova Roma, I, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Timothy Paul Gallagher) swear to honor the Gods and Goddesses of Rome in my public dealings, and to pursue the Roman Virtues in my public and private life.

I, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Timothy Paul Gallagher) swear to uphold and defend the Religio Romana as the State Religion of Nova Roma and swear never to act in a way that would threaten its status as the State Religion.

I, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Timothy Paul Gallagher) swear to protect and defend the Constitution of Nova Roma.

I, Tiberius Galerius Paulinus (Timothy Paul Gallagher ) further swear to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of Consul to the best of my abilities.

On my honor as a Citizen of Nova Roma, and in the presence of the Gods and Goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor, do I accept the position of Consul and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities attendant thereto.



Reposing special trust and confidence in and reliance on their good qualities, especially fairness, truth, honor, and ability, I hereby appoint the following citizens of Nova Roma as

Accensus Maior:

Gnaeus Iulius Caesar

Accensi :

Gaius Iulius Scaurus [consiliarius senior de religione Romana]

A. Apollonius Cordus

Cn. Cornelius Lentulus

T. Iulius Sabinus

Q. Iulius Probus

M. Lucretius Agricola

P. Memmius Albucius

Diana Octavia Aventina

Q. Valerius Callidus

Scribae :

M. Cornelius Felix [de religione Romana]

Sex. Pontius Pilatus Barbatus

M. Flavius Fides

No oath is required. This edict takes effect immediately.

Done this day Pridie Nonas Ianuarias MMDCCLX A.U.C. at 3:00 am, Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus


Quaestor assignments for 2760. A.U.C.

The following are the Quaestor assignment for 2760. A.U.C.

Quaestor Gn. Equitius Marinus is assigned to Consul L. Arminius Faustus

Quaestor G. Marius Maior is assigned to Consul Ti. Galerius Paulinus

Quaestor G. Iulius Scaurus is assigned to Praetor G. Equitius Cato

Quaestor Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Postumianus is assigned to Praetrix A. Tullia Scholastica

Quaestor P. Memmius Albucius is assigned to Curule Aedile Iulia Caesar Cytheris Aege

Quaestor T. Iulius Sabinus is assigned to Curule Aedile Tita Artoria Marcella

Quaestor Q. Iulius Probus is assigned to Plebeian Aedile C. Curius Saturninus

Sex Lucilius Tutor is assigned to the Plebeian Aedile not yet elected and will assist the Consuls in the interim.

The oath of office for magistrates, as recorded here,is required before they take up their duties

Lex Iunia de Iusiurando

Done this day Pridie Nonas Ianuarias MMDCCLX A.U.C. at 3:00 am, Roman time, in the Consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus


Continuing the project started during the Consulship of C. Fabius Buteo Modianus and P. Minucia Strabo.

I. A content management and collaboration tool is an ongoing project for Nova Roma. This tool is MediaWiki, the same software used by It is located at:

II. Most static content of the web site - that is, almost everything except citizen profile pages - will be moved into the Wiki as time permits. The Annales, Tabularium and information on the Religio Romanum are high-priority projects.

III. The following citizens shall be WikiMagisters (Scribae), possessing administrative accounts within the Wiki, maintaining user accounts, creating and maintaining templates, creating and enforcing style guidelines, and supervising edits of articles:

1. M. Octavius Germanicus, Magister Aranearius

2. Q. Valerius Callidus

3. T. Octavius Pius Ahenobarbus

4. M. Lucretius Agricola

5.A. Apollonius Cordus

All work for and at the pleasure of the Magister Aranearius.

IV. Any citizen who wishes to participate may do so by signing up for a Wiki account and joining the mailing list Before making any major contributions, please announce on the mailing list which articles you wish to work on, to avoid duplication of effort.

Done this day of ante diem III Nonas Ianuarias MMDCCLX A.U.C. at 11:25 am, Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus


If individuals would like to donate money to Nova Roma we welcome their support..

But to ensure that the money goes to the project or fund it was meant to the following will apply to all donation as of ante diem III Nonas Februarius MMDCCLX A.U.C

Any funds donated for the payment of taxes must state that they are for taxes and include both macro nation,Nova Roman names and province .

Any funds donated to the Magna Mater project or any other named project must include the words Magna Mater or the name of the project in question..

Any funds donated to the Scholarship fund must be noted Scholarship Fund.

Any Funds donated and are not designated to a specific fund shall be deemed a general donation and shall be placed in the general treasury for use as the Senate of Nova Roma sees fit.

This edict takes effect immediately

Done this day of ante diem III Nonas Februarius MMDCCLX A.U.C. at 9:10 PM, Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus


Pursuant to a request from the Nova Roman Senate the Consuls L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus announce the formation of an Internal Financial Audit Committee to consist of the following Senators and chaired by C. Popillius Laenas :

  • M. Arminius Maior
  • C. Curius Saturninus
  • G. Equitius Marinus
  • G. Flavius Diocletianus
  • M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus
  • C. Popillius Laenas
  • Q. Suetonius Paulinus

Senator Patricia Cassia shall serve on the committee as a non voting advisor and resource member Senator Cassia shall provide the Committee with the following items per the request of the Senate and this written notice of the Consuls.

All bank Account information and statements of financial activity pertaining to Nova Roma Inc. Those held in the USA and else where.

Including but not limited to :

The names of all financial institutions and account numbers of each Nova Roman account.

The types of Accounts i.e. Certificate of Deposits, Savings, Checking etc

The current balance of each, date of maturely if it applies.

A list of the donations to the Magna Mater fund and any and all expensive

And any other information the committee or the Consuls request.

The Committee will, within thirty days, present the following to the Consuls L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus

A summary of errors or omissions they find.

Inspection of the current Budget Spreadsheet to determine any flaws in budget methodologies which precipitate errors.

Submit any recommendations regarding more efficient methods of record keeping to minimize the potential for errors.

And any other recommendations pertaining to the finances of Nova Roma.

The following documentation is uploaded to the Senate files for the assistance of the committee.

Spreadsheet of Nova Roma Budgets up to and including Adopted Spring Budget 2759

Magna Mater Spreadsheet up to and including 2759

A statement of Income and Expenses for year end 2759 AUC as reported to last year's Consuls

Spreadsheets of Tax Activity shall be forwarded to Consular Quaestors and Consuls

Also tax amounts paid for 2760 shall be likewise forwarded.


The term of the current Propraetor of Hispania Marcus Curiatius Complutensis is extend until the Nova Roman Senate appoints a replacement.

This edict takes effect immediately

Done this day of Pridie Nonas Februarias at 12:08 AM, Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus


The edict is to this address: Tax rate for 2760 a.U.c


The Edictum Consulare De Tributis Anni MMDCCLX a.U.c issued ante diem V Nonas Martias, MMDCCLX a.U.c , L. Arminio Fausto Ti. Galerio Paulino coss.

Is amended to included Lebanon at the tax rate of $1.83 US Dollar(USD) = 2,661.37 Lebanese Pound (LBP)

Given under my hand, ante diem VII Kalendas Apriles 2760 a.U.c in the consulship of Lucius Arminius Faustus and Tiberius Galerius Paulinus.


Quaestor Sextus Lucilius Tutor is assigned to Consul Ti. Galerius Paulinus

He shall take up his duties immediately.

The Censors are requested to provide him, as soon as their schedules allow, the tools need for processing tax payments.

Done this day a.d. VII Kal. Iun MMDCCLX A.U.C. at 8:00 pm, Roman time in the consulship of Lucius Arminius Faustus and Tiberius Galerius Paulinus.


Marcus Martianius Gangalius is hereby appointed as Legati Consulare of the province of California and shall be my personal representative in the province.

M. Calidius Gracchus is hereby appointed as Legati Consulare of the province of Hibernia and shall be my personal representative in the province.

Both Marcus Martianius Gangalius and M. Calidius Gracchus shall work to rebuild and organize their respective provinces.

Both Marcus Martianius Gangalius and M. Calidius Gracchus shall submit to me a written report of the status of their province by the pr. Id. Nov. 2760 A.U.C.(Nov.12th)

Their term of appointment shall extend until pr. Kal. Ian.(December 31st 2760) or until the Nova Roman Senate appoints a Legatus Pro Praetore for their provinces

This edict takes effect immediately. No oath is required.

Given by my hand ante diem XI Kalendas Sextilis MMDCCLX A.U.C.(July 23, 2760 A.U.C.), in the Consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


Edictum Consulare XIV is herby withdrawn.

Marcus Martianius Gangalius is herby appointed as Accensus with the title Legati Consulare and shall be my personal representative within the province of California .

M. Calidius Gracchus is herby appointed as Accensus with the title Legati Consulare and shall be my personal representative within the province of Hibernia.

Their term of appointment shall extend until pr. Kal. Ian.(December 31st 2760)

This edict takes effect immediately. No oath is required.

Given by my hand ante diem VIII Kalendas Sextilis MMDCCLX A.U.C. (July 25, 2760 A.U.C.), in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


Pursuant to the constitution of Nova Roma I hereby call on the Praetors, Gaius Equitius Cato and Aula Tullia Scholastica to exercise the full powers of their office in the absence of myself and my colleague for the remainder of Sextilis and for the month of September 2760 A.U.C.

I request that all citizens and magistrates provide the Praetors with any lawful requests made in furtherance of the exercise of their office. All members of my staff are placed at the disposal of the Praetors for the duration of this edict.

This edict takes effect immediately. Their oaths have already been given.

If either of the Consuls returns to handle the day to day affairs of the republic then this edict is automatically suspended.

Given by my hand ante diem a.d. VII Kal. Sep MMDCCLX A.U.C. (August 26, 2760 A.U.C.), in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


All Propraetors are reminded that your annual report is due to the Senate by Kal. Nov (Nov. 1) 2760.

It would also be helpful if each Propraetor would indicate whether or not they wish to be prorogued by the Senate for another term of office come February of 2761 A.U.C .

The pertinent legislation is listed below:

Given by my hand on the ante diem IV Non. Oct MMDCCLX A.U.C. (October 4, 2760 A.U.C.), at 23:22 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus


I herby issue a call for candidates for the following offices:

  • I CENSOR: Must be at least 27 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor. Must be assiduus.
  • II CONSULS: Must be at least 27 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor. Must be assiduus.
  • II PRAETORS: Must be at least 25 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius (formerly curator araneae), editor commentariorum (formerly curator differum), rogator, or provincial governor. Must be assiduus.
  • II CURULE AEDILES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
  • VIII QUAESTORES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
  • II ROGATORES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
  • IV DIRIBITORES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.
  • II CUSTODES: Must be at least 21 years old as of Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008). Must be assiduus.

Please announce your candidacy in this Roman forum(main e-mail list)and by posting to me at spqr753@msn. com <mailto:spqr753@msn. com>.To serve in any of these offices must have been a citizen for at least six months by Kal. Ian. 2761(January 1st, 2008)and be an assiduus (tax-paying)citizen. I will submit an official list to the Magister Aranearius for placement in the cista and will post the same to the Forum.

Candidates will be accepted until pr. Kal. Nov.(October 31st 2760) 23:59 Roman time.

The voting will commence on the a.d. XVII Kal. Dec.(November 15th)Pending favorable auspices

Given by my hand ante diem XIII Kal. Oct MMDCCLX A.U.C.(October 14th 2760 A.U.C.), at 23:00 roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


Tax payments for this year, 2760 will be accepted until pr. Kal. Nov.(October 31st 2760 ) at 23:59 Roman time.

Given by my hand ante diem XIII Kal. Oct MMDCCLX A.U.C.(October 14th 2760 A.U.C.),at 23:10 roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.



Amendment to the Comitia centuriata ballot.

Gaius Equitius Cato has failed to post an announcement of his candidacy to the main list as my call for candidates requested. He did send me a note to the effect that he was standing for consul and so I included him in the official list of candidates. Having repeatedly tried to reach him by phone and email to ask if he was still a candidate and not having received any reply I am forced to strike his name from the ballot and to direct that it not be included in this election.

It is my fervent wish that Praetor Gaius Equitius Cato is well and just very much occupied with macro world concerns and has not fallen ill or had an accident.

Given by my hand a.d. IV Non. Nov MMDCCLX A.U.C. ( 2 November 2760 A.U.C.) at 23:45 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


I hereby pronounce intercessio on Consul L. Arminius Faustus “Call for candidates” issued on : Sat, 3 Nov 2007 15:13:59.

I have already issued a call for candidates to stand for elections for this year and have also convened both the Comitia Centuriata and the Comitia Plebis Tributa . Having done so I am the presiding magistrate for these elections under both Nova Roman law and constitutional provisions. If Consul L. Arminius Faustus had taken the time to read some of the posts to the forum he would, nay SHOULD have know that I had issued a call for candidates in mid October. He could have issued an intercessio at that time if he felt there was a need.

He did not.

Because he did not he can not now return to Nova Roma after his excessive absence and just assume that he can issue commands willy-nilly without first reading the posts to the forum or…asking his colleague what has transpired during my excessive absence.

As we have to few candidates for office and will need a second election prior to the end of the year Consul L. Arminius Faustus is more than free to organize those when the time comes.

Given by my hand ante diem III Non. Nov MMDCCLX A.U.C. ( November 3 A.U.C.), at 20::50 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


I herby withdraw my edicts convening both the Comitia Centuriata and the Comitia Populi Tributa.

I declare all votes cast to be null and void and without legal effect.

Within the next seventy-two hours I will ask Censor and Augur Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus to again take the auspices and I will then reconvene both the Comitia Centuriata and the Comitia Populi Tributa to elect our magistrate for 2761 a.u.c. and to enact laws.

In light of the fact that we did not have enough candidates for all offices I will also except additional candidates for those offices only that still need a full allotment of candidates.


The offices up for election are:

  • AEDILIS CURULIS (2 openings) We have one candidate.
  • QUAESTOR (8 openings) We have three candidates.
  • CUSTOS (2 openings) We have one candidate.

The ballots will also include our current candidates for these offices and for censor, consul and praetor.

The proposed legislation will also be placed on the ballot. In addition to the leges that I have already proposed I will be adding a few more. One will be to simplify our elections based on the recommendations of those who have to carry them out.

I also offer my profound apologies to the citizens of Nova Roma. As Consul and as the conniving magistrate I take full responsibility for this turn of events.

Given by my hand a.d. IV Id. Nov. MMDCCLX A.U.C. (November 10 2760 A.U.C.), at 00:45 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


Reposing special trust and confidence in and reliance on her good qualities, especially fairness, truth, honor, and ability, I hereby appoint Equestria Iunia Laeca as accensi.

No oath is required.

This edict takes effect immediately.

Done this day .a.d. XV Kal. Dec. MMDCCLX A.U.C. at 7:19: pm, Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


The Comitia Populi Tributa is called:

I have asked Censor and Augur Gaius Fabius Buteo Modianus to take the auspices. The Comitia Populi Tributa is convened to vote for the few remaining Tribal magistrates for calendar year 2761 a.u.c and to enact legislation as listed.

The Contio will begin at 18:00 , Roman time (Central European Time), on 10 December and will last until 17:59 Roma time, on 16 December. Voting will then commence at 18:00 (CET) on 16 December and will end at 17:59 PM (CET) on 21 December 2760.

The presidium (the first tribe to be counted) shall be Tribe X.

The candidates up for election are:

  • QUAESTOR (3 openings):
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus - has been a citizen since July 24, 2004
Equestria Iunia Laeca - has been a citizen since July 6, 2002
Marca Hortensia Maior - has been a citizen since May 20, 2003
  • CUSTOS (1 openings):
Lucius Aurelius Severus - has been a citizen since January 30, 2003

Proposed legislation:

  • Lex Galeria de cursu honorum.


Here are the results of the second round election from Custos Pompeia Minucia Strabo (31 tribes voting of 35).

  • First round: 16 tribes required to win first round.
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus = 16 + 4 tribes.
Equestria Iunia Laeca = 9 tribes.
Marca Hortensia Maior = 2 tribes.
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus wins First round and is elected quaestor.
  • Second Round: with one voided tribe, 16 tribes are required to win Second round:
Equestria Iunia Laeca = 16 tribes.
Marca Hortensia Maior = 14 tribes.
Equestria Iunia Laeca wins Second round and is elected quaestor.
  • Third round: with 5 voided tribes the required number of tribes to win is now 13.
Marca Hortensia Maior wins the required 13 tribes + 12 additional tribes approving her for the quaestorship, and she is duly elected.

B. Lex Galeria de Curso Honorum.

31 tribes voting, 16 required for passage of this lex.

24 no : 6 yes : 1 abstain.

3 tribes were tied and decided by lot in keeping with prevailing Comitia Populi Tributa legislation on election procedures. The lex does not pass.

Congratulations to all of the candidates and a sincere thanks to our the election officials for a job well done.

Given by my hand a.d. IV Kal. Dec. MMDCCLX A.U.C. ( December 28 , 2760 A.U.C.), at 04:00 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


In accordance with the Senatus Consultum on Scholarships notice is hereby given that applications are being accepted for Scholarships for 2761.

Applicants should write to the Nova Roma Senate Scholarship committee c/o its Chairman Senator Gnaeus Equitius Marinus at

You need to include the following in your application:

a. An explanation of their course of study, including current student status and educational institution.
b. How their course of study furthers knowledge of Roman matters.
c. Their involvement in organizations, projects, programs and activities dedicated to spreading knowledge of Rome.

"While most applicants are expected to be students enrolled in universities at the advanced baccalaureate or higher level (or equivalent for universities which don't use the BA/MA/ PhD, applicants from outside such a system may be considered by the Senate Scholarship committee in rare circumstances provided they demonstrate a comparable level of scholarship."

"The Senate Scholarship committee shall examine applications to determine merit. Grants shall be awarded by the Senate based on the Senate Scholarship committee's determinations of merit. One or more grants may be made by the Senate depending on available funds and the Senate Scholarship committee's review of applications."

Only those applications considered to have merit by a majority of the committee will be forwarded to the Senate. Applications will only be accepted from citizens of Nova Roma.

Applications must be received by the Senate Scholarship committee no later than 23:59 CET on 15 January 2761 a.u.c.

Because this will be the first Scholarships ever granted by Nova Roma, the Senate Scholarship committee will announce the amount available prior to awarding them.

Grants will be awarded by the Ides of March of 2761 a.u.c..

Given by my hand ante diem V Kal. Ian. a.u.c. ( December 28, 2761 a.u.c.), at 19:40 Roman time in the consulship of L. Arminius Faustus and Ti. Galerius Paulinus.


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