Censorial edicts on Senate appointments (Nova Roma)

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Senate appointments
Message #185 of 1507 Fri Dec 6, 2002 2:19 pm
Censurae Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus et Caius Flavius Diocletianus Quiritibus SPD
In accordance with the Constitution Novae Romae, section IV.A.1.d.
"To maintain the album senatorium (list of Senators), including the power to add and remove names on that list according to qualifications set by law;"
et Lex Vedia Senatoria, section II.
"Any individual elected to the office of curule aedile or appointed to the office of provincial governor may, at the discretion of the censor(e)s, be included in the album Senatorum six months after assuming office (assuming that the individual was not already a member of the Senate)."
It is our privilege and pleasure to announce the addition of two new Senatores.
Propraetor Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
Propraetor Lucius Sicinius Drusus
Both of them have exhibited the qualities sought by us all as Cives Romani.
pridie Nonas December MMDCCLV (4 Dec 2002)
Mars nos Protegas.
In accordance with the Lex Octavia de Senatoribus, passed by the Comitia Populi Tributa in February 2755, those Senators named below who have failed to maintain the required level of activity in the Senate are hereby removed from the Senate.
I. Minervina Iucundia Flavia, who last voted in the Senate in early 2753 (2000), last posted to the Senate list in November 2753 (2000), and did not vote in any Comitia in the general elections of 2754 or 2755;  
In view of the paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, according which the censors have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium ;
II. Gaius Tullius Triumphius Cicero, who last voted in the Senate in April 2754 (2001), and last posted to the Senate list in October 2754 (2001), and did not vote in any Comitia in the general elections of 2754 or 2755.
In view of the results of the last annual elections ;
We wish to make it perfectly clear that these Senators are not being dismissed for any sort of wrongdoing; rather, we are acknowledging that they have have vanished entirely from our Res Publica, and bringing the official list of Senators into conformity with reality. Should these citizens choose to become active at a later date, they may be reinstituted at the option of the censores of that time.  
Considering the last resignations from the Senate, specially the latest by consularis M. Iulius Severus ;
20 January 2756
Considering the need, on the beginning of a new year to reinstate the senators who were suspended for absence of payment of their annual tax ;
Considering the legal necessity to limit the number of the senators to 22, in order to respect Nova Roma inc. articles of incorporation ;
EDICTUM CENSORICUM: Appointment of Senators
Ex Officio
Censors Iulius and Memmius edict jointly:
I. The maximal number of senators is set at twenty - two (XXII) senators/directors, specially to comply with both Nova Roma rules and the State of Maine incorporation law (NR Inc. Articles of incorporation).
II. In order to reach this maximal number of 22 senators/directors, the following moves are recorded :
II-a. The following senators, suspended for non-payment of their annual tax in 2763 auc, are reinstated :
C. Popillius Laenas – censorius America Austrorientalis.
K. Fabius Buteo Modianus - censorius Lacus Magni.
A. Moravia Aurelia -  quaestoria Americae Austroccidentalis.
Fr. Apulus Caesar -  consularis Italiae
Caius Flavius Diocletianus et Marcus Octavius Germanicus, Censores
II-b. Are sublected into the Senate :
- P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator (Lacus Magni) in regard of his virtues, dignitas, and current consular position
- G. Petronius Dexter (Gallia), in regard of his virtues, dignitas, and skills.
I. Based on the Consitution of Nova Roma, Par. IV.A.1.d., and the Lex Vedia Senatoria, Par. II., the following citizens are added to the Album Senatorium:
II-c. The following senators are removed from the Senate from their absence or lack of participation to the Senate of Nova Roma :
A. Moravia Aurelia -  quaestoria Americae Austroccidentalis.  
Fr. Apulus Caesar -  consularis Italiae
Decimus Iunius Silanus, Propraetor Britanniae
The Senate of Nova Roma shall be thus composed, from the present day on, of the twenty-two (22) following senators, listed below :
Franciscus Apulus Caesar, Propraetor Italiae
II. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
30 December 2756
1. D. Iunius Palladius Invictus - Nova Britannia&nbsp;, princeps Senatus
2. L. Cornelius Sulla Felix - America Austroccidentalis
3. C. Flavius Diocletianus - Germania
4. K.  Fabius Buteo Modianus - Lacus Magni
5. Ti. Galerius Paulinus - Mediatlantica
6. C. Popillius Laenas - America Austrorientalis
7. Q. Fabius Maximus - California
8. Titus Iulius Sabinus - Dacia
9. M. Curiatius Complutensis – Hispania
10. P. Memmius Albucius - Gallia
11. M. Minucius Audens - Nova Britannia
12. C. Equitius Cato -  Mediatlantica
13. A. Tullia Scholastica -  Mediatlantica
14. M. Iulius Perusianus -  Italia
15. M. Arminius Maior -  Brasilia
I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.  
16. Cn. Iulius Caesar - Canada Ulterior
17. E. Curia Finnica - Thule
II. According to Paragraph II of the Lex Vedia Senatoria, the censores may, at their discretion, adlect to the Senate anyone elected curule aedile or appointed governor of a province who has served at least six months in those offices.  
18. Q. Suetonius Paulinus - Canada Ulterior
19. C. Vipsanius Agrippa -  Canada Ulterior
20. G. Petronius Dexter - Gallia
III. According to Paragraph I of the Lex Arminia Senatoria, the censores may, at their discretion, adlect to the Senate anyone elected aedilis plebis six months after assuming office.
IV. Therefore it is our privilege and pleasure to announce the addition of these new Senatores:  
Quaestorii :  
21. P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator - Lacus Magni
Manius Constantinus Serapio
(Propraetor, 12 March 2004-)
Julilla Sempronia Magna
(Propraetrix, 7 Feb. 2002-present)
Gaia Fabia Livia
(Propraetrix, 2 June 2004-present)
Pompeia Minucia-Tiberia Strabo
(Propraetrix, 5 Dec. 2000 to 30 Oct. 2002)
Emilia Curia Finnica
(Aedilis Plebis, 1 Jan. 2004-31 Dec. 2004)
Each has, in addition to fulfilling the legal requirements making them qualified for adlection into the Senate, demonstrated exceptional dedication to Nova Roma.
Given under our hands this 28th day of January 2005 CE
Privati :
22. M. Lucretius Agricola - Nipponia
Caeso Fabius Quintilianus, Censor
Gnaeus Equitius Marinus, Censor
The current magistrates with the ius sententiae are senators-consuls Ullerius and Equitius ; senator-praetor Cn. Iulius Caesar and praetor M. Cornelius Gualterus Graecus ; senators-censors Iulius and Memmius.
Datum sub manibus nostris a.d. VI Idus Ian. MMDCCLXIV a.u.c, P.Ullerio C. Equitio coss.
Given under our hands this the 8th day of January 2764 a.u.c, in the consulship of P. Ullerius and C. Equitius.
Message #1486 of 1507  Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:13 pm
Ex Officio
Censores Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus Tiberius Galerius Paulinus salutem plurimam quiritibus dicunt.
According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma and Lex Popillia senatoria, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium,
Marcus Cassius Julianus, who has announced a two year leave of absence from Nova Roma for " for a combination of personal concerns and a burgeoning business practice" is removed from the list of active Senators until his return. We honor Marcus Cassius Julianus for his past service to the republic.
Lucius Equtius Cincinnatus is removed from the list of active Senatores. We honor Lucius Equtius Cincinnatus for his past service as Pontifex, Augur, Flamen Maior, Censor, Consul, Proconsul , Senator, Lictor, Scribe and Consular Accensus.
Marcus Bianchius Antonius is removed from the list of active Senatores, for inactivity. We honor his past accomplishments as a provincial governor and tribune.
It is our hope that they will eventually return to an active life within Nova Roma.
In full knowledge that we can not replace over twenty years of service as shared by Marcus Cassius Julianus and Lucius Equtius Cincinnatus we never the less announce the sublection of the following citizens to the Senate:
Gnaeus Iulius Caesar
Annia Minucia Marcella
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus
Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
Censores, Novae Romae
Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:30 pm
Ex Officio
Censores Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus Tiberius Galerius Paulinus salutem plurimam quiritibus dicunt.
According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma and Lex Popillia Senatoria, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium, and
With the decision of  Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus to turn down an appointment to the Senate for the reasons stated,  we take this opportunity to sublection the following citizens to the Senate.
Stephanus Ullerius Venator Piperbarbus,  a citizen of Nova Roma since 2751 ( 1998).
He is currently serving as Custos . He has served as Diribitor, Rogator, three times as Quaestor and as a Lictor since 2752 (1999). He has proven himself to be a selfless citizen who will take on those jobs others fail to do.  He has maintained a demeanor, courtesy  and commitment  to Nova Roma that has won him friends from all political views within Nova Roma.  Truth be told his appointment to the Senate is long over due.
Equestria Iunia Laeca is currently serving as Consular Quaestor and  Curator Aerarii (Chief Financial Officer of Nova Roma, Inc)). She has almost single-handedly brought the finances of Nova Roma from chaos to transparency
Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus
Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
Censores, Novae Romae
Line 111: Line 193:
I. E Paragrapho IV. A. 1. d. Constitutionis Novae Romae, censores potestates Albi Senatori servandi habent.
II. E Paragrapho III. A. Legis Octaviae de Senatoribus, liceat censoribus Senatu et Albo Senatorio movere Senatorem qui pedibus in alicuius sententiam saltem tertiam partem senatus convocati anno fastorum vertente non iit.
III. Ergo statuimus ut Gnaeum Octavium Noricum Senatu Alboque Senatorio moveamus.
Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus.
Datum sub manibus nostris ante diem VIII Kal. FEBRVARIAS MMDCCLVIII
Ex Officio
Censores Marcus Octavius Gracchus Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus salute
plurimam quiritibus dicunt.
I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova
Roma and Lex Popillia senatoria, the censores have the powers of
maintaining the Album Senatorium.
II. Therefore it is our privilege and pleasure to announce the
addition of these new Senatores:
a. Titus Iulius Sabinus
b. Marcus Curiatius Complutensis
c. Marcus Iulius Severus
d. Gaius Equitius Cato
e. Aula Tullia Scholastica
f. Flavius Galerius Aurelianus
g. Marca Hortensia Maior
h. Publius Memmius Albucius
i. Marcus Lucretius Agricola
III. The following senatores are removed for non-payment of taxes:
a. Titus Labienus Fortunatus.
b. Manius Constantinus Serapio.
IV. The following senator is removed for inactivity:
a. Gaia Livia.
V. Per section II.c & d of Lex Popillia senatoria the following
senator is removed:
a. Lucius Arminius Faustus for inactivity while serving as consul.
VI. Senator Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus is appointed Princeps
Senatus. The appointment of Princeps Senatus bestows neither power or
advantage within the senate, only dignitas. It is bestowed in
recognition of Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus being the eldest and
senior of the Censorii.
VII. We thank those senatores who are being dismissed by this edict
and their contribution to Nova Roma should be honored and respected.
It is our hope that they eventually return to active life within Nova
Roma in the future when they are willing and able. We thank these
Senatores for their past service, and wish them well in their current
Marcus Octavius Gracchus
Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus
Censores, Novae Romae
Ex Officio
Censores Gnaeus Equitius Marinus Marcus Octavius Gracchus quiritibus
salutem plurimam dicunt.
I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma,
the censors have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.
II. The Lex Popillia Senatoria establishes that the censors may remove
senators from the Album Senatorium for cause. Furthermore, it stipulates
that former consuls and former censors who are not enrolled in the Album
Senatorium may still attend the meetings of the Nova Roman Senate and
vote therein.
III. Section II c of the Lex Popillia Senatoria stipulates that the
Censors shall provide a public explanation when we strike existing
senators from the Senate list. Therefore the following public explanation
is provided: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix is stricken from the Senate
list for nonparticipation in the Senate since October of 2757 auc.
IV. Future convening magistrates of the Senate of Nova Roma shall understand
that Lucius Cornelius Sulla is welcome to join the Senate mailing list,
participate in, and vote in meetings of the Senate of Nova Roma by virtue of
his Consular and Censorius status.
V. The Edictum Censorium de Senatu of ante diem IV Kal. Ianuarias
MMDCCLVIII established the maximum size of the Senate as 36 senators until
after the census of MMDCCLIX. The Lex Popillia Senatoria directs the
censors to maintain the size of the Senate at this level, replacing senators
who resign or are otherwise lost.
VI. Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus is hereby appointed a Senator
of Nova Roma.
Datum sub manibus nostris XVI Kal. NOVEMBRIS MMDCCLVIII a.u.c.
Given under our hands this 17th day of October 2006 CE
Gnaeus Equitius Marinus
Marcus Octavius Gracchus
Censores, Novae Romae
''Edictum censorium de senatoribus adlectis (on the appointment of senators)''
I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.
II. According to Paragraph II of the Lex Vedia Senatoria, the censores may, at their discretion, adlect to the Senate anyone elected curule aedile or appointed governor of a province who has served at least six months in those offices.
III. According to Paragraph I of the Lex Arminia Senatoria, the censores may, at their discretion, adlect to the Senate anyone elected aedilis plebis six months after assuming office.
IV. Therefore it is our privilege and pleasure to announce the addition of these new Senatores:
*Manius Constantinus Serapio, propraetor;
*Julilla Sempronia Magna, propraetrix;
*Gaia Fabia Livia, propraetrix; 
*Pompeia Minucia-Tiberia Strabo, propraetrix;
*Emilia Curia Finnica, aedilis Plebis.
Each has, in addition to fulfilling the legal requirements making them qualified for adlection into the Senate, demonstrated exceptional dedication to Nova Roma.
Given under our hands a.d. V Kal. Feb. 2758 auc (28 Jan. 2005 cc)
''Caeso Fabius Quintilianus'', Censor
''Gnaeus Equitius Marinus'', Censor
''Edictum censorium de senatoribus eiectis e Senatu (on the removal of senators of the Senate )''
I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.  
I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.  
Line 119: Line 351:
II. In accordance with Paragraph III. A. of the Lex Octavia de Senatoribus, the censores may remove from the Senate and Album Senatorium a Senator who has not voted in at least a third of the senate meetings in the course of a calendar year.  
II. In accordance with Paragraph III. A. of the Lex Octavia de Senatoribus, the censores may remove from the Senate and Album Senatorium a Senator who has not voted in at least a third of the senate meetings in the course of a calendar year.  
III. Therefore we have decided to remove Gnaeus Octavius Noricus from the Senate and the Album Senatorium.  
III. Therefore we have decided to remove '''Gnaeus Octavius Noricus''' from the Senate and the Album Senatorium.  
Given under our hands this 25th day of January 2005 CE
Given under our hands a.d. VIII Kal. Feb. 2758 (25 Jan. 2005 cc), in the consulship of F. Apulus Caesar and G. Popillius Laenas.
In the consulship of Franciscus Apulus Caesar and Gaius Popillius Laenas.
''Edictum censorium de senatoribus quietis (on the inactive senators)''
In accordance with lex Octavia de senatoribus, passed by the Comitia populi tributa in February 2755, those Senators, named below, who have failed to maintain the required level of activity in the Senate are hereby removed from the Senate:
* '''Minervina Iucundia Flavia''', who last voted in the Senate in early 2753 (2000), last posted to the Senate list in November 2753 auc (2000), and did not vote in any Comitia in the general elections of 2754 or 2755;
* '''G. Tullius Triumphius Cicero''', who last voted in the Senate in April 2754 (2001), and last posted to the Senate list in October 2754 auc (2001), and did not vote in any Comitia in the general elections of 2754 or 2755.
We wish to make it perfectly clear that these Senators are not being dismissed for any sort of wrongdoing; rather, we are acknowledging that they have have vanished entirely from our Res Publica, and bringing the official list of Senators into conformity with reality. Should these citizens choose to become active at a later date, they may be reinstituted at the option of the censores of that time.
''a.d. XIII Kal. Feb. 2756 (20 Jan. 2003)''
I. E Paragrapho IV. A. 1. d. Constitutionis Novae Romae, censores potestates Albi Senatori servandi habent.
II. E Paragrapho III. A. Legis Octaviae de Senatoribus, liceat censoribus Senatu et Albo Senatorio movere Senatorem qui pedibus in alicuius sententiam saltem tertiam partem senatus convocati anno fastorum vertente non iit.
''Edictum censorium de senatoribus adlectis (on the appointment of senators)''
III. Ergo statuimus ut Gnaeum Octavium Noricum Senatu Alboque Senatorio moveamus.
Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus.  
Ex Officio ''C. Flavii Diocletiani'' et ''M. Octavii Germanici'', censores
Datum sub manibus nostris ante diem VIII Kal. FEBRVARIAS MMDCCLVIII
I. Based on the Consitution of Nova Roma, Par. IV.A.1.d., and the Lex Vedia Senatoria, Par. II., the following citizens are added to the Album Senatorium:
*'''Decimus Iunius Silanus''', propraetor Britanniae
*'''Franciscus Apulus Caesar''', propraetor Italiae
II. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.
''a.d. III Kal. Ian. 2757 (30 Dec. 2003)''
Message #1486 of 1507  Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:13 pm
Ex Officio
Censores Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus Tiberius Galerius Paulinus salutem plurimam quiritibus dicunt.
According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma and Lex Popillia senatoria, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium,
Censores ''Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus'' et ''Caius Flavius Diocletianus'' Quiritibus s.p.d.
In accordance with the Constitution Novae Romae, section IV.A.1.d.
("to maintain the album senatorium (list of Senators), including the power to add and remove names on that list according to qualifications set by law;" - http://www.novaroma.org/tabularium/constitution.html)
et Lex Vedia Senatoria, section II, ("any individual elected to the office of curule aedile or appointed to the office of provincial governor may, at the discretion of the censor(e)s, be included in the album Senatorum six months after assuming office (assuming that the individual was not already a member of the Senate)." - http://www.novaroma.org/tabularium/leges/1999-07-30-vii.html), it is our privilege and pleasure to announce the addition of two new senatores to the Senate:
*'''L. Pompeius Octavianus''', propraetor;
*'''L. Sicinius Drusus''', propraetor.
Both of them have exhibited the qualities sought by us all as Cives Romani.
Mars nos protegat.
Marcus Cassius Julianus, who has announced a two year leave of absence from Nova Roma for " for a combination of personal concerns and a burgeoning business practice" is removed from the list of active Senators until his return. We honor Marcus Cassius Julianus for his past service to the republic.
Lucius Equtius Cincinnatus is removed from the list of active Senatores. We honor Lucius Equtius Cincinnatus for his past service as Pontifex, Augur, Flamen Maior, Censor, Consul, Proconsul , Senator, Lictor, Scribe and Consular Accensus.
''pridie Nonas December MMDCCLV (4 Dec 2002)''
Marcus Bianchius Antonius is removed from the list of active Senatores, for inactivity. We honor his past accomplishments as a provincial governor and tribune.
It is our hope that they will eventually return to an active life within Nova Roma.
In full knowledge that we can not replace over twenty years of service as shared by Marcus Cassius Julianus and Lucius Equtius Cincinnatus we never the less announce the sublection of the following citizens to the Senate:
Gnaeus Iulius Caesar
To date, some individuals mentioned in my original post elevating individuals to the Senate have not indicated a willingness to accept the post, whether in private email to me or by posting their Oath to the public list. Please note that the offer is now closed, and anyone who has not done so has given up their opportunity (some for very valid reasons, some out of spite, and some out of apathy).
Annia Minucia Marcella
Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
''Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus'' - a.d. XIV Kal. Sext. 2752 auc (July 19, 1999 cc)
Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus
Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
Censores, Novae Romae
Due to special circumstances, Gaius Triumphius Cicero was unable to send or receive email over the last few weeks, and thus was unable to know of or respond to my offer to elevate him to the Senate. Now that he's back on-line, he has indicated his wish to accept.
Therefore, as legally-appointed Dictator of Nova Roma, I hereby declare that '''Gaius Triumphius Cicero''' is elevated to membership in the Senate, with all of the duties and privileges that brings.
''Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus'' - a.d. XII Kal. Sext. 2752 auc (July 21, 1999 cc)
As legally appointed dictator of Nova Roma, I hereby declare that the album senatus shall consist of the following individuals:
*'''Caius Aelius Ericius'''
*'''Quintus Caecilius Metellus'''
*'''Marcus Cassius Iulianus'''
*'''Gaius Drusus Domitianus'''
*'''Antonius Gryllus Graecus'''
*'''Minervina Iucundia Flavia'''
*'''Decius Iunius Palladius'''
*'''Marcus Mucius Scaevola Magister'''
*'''Gaius Triumphius Cicero'''
*'''Flavius Vedius Germanicus'''
This edictum supersedes all others pertaining to Senatorial appointments and previous enrollment status.
''Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus'' - a.d. VII Kal. Sext. 2752 auc (July 26, 1999 cc)
'''Lucius Cornelius Sulla''' is hereby added to the album senatorium. His omission from the previous list was an error on my part.
''Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus'' - a.d. VII Kal. Sext. 2752 auc (July 26, 1999 cc)
[[Category:Edicta (Nova Roma)]]

Latest revision as of 15:38, 12 December 2015

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P. Ullerio C. Equitio cos. MMDCCLXIV a.u.c.


In view of the paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, according which the censors have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium ;

In view of the results of the last annual elections ;

Considering the last resignations from the Senate, specially the latest by consularis M. Iulius Severus ;

Considering the need, on the beginning of a new year to reinstate the senators who were suspended for absence of payment of their annual tax ;

Considering the legal necessity to limit the number of the senators to 22, in order to respect Nova Roma inc. articles of incorporation ;

Censors Iulius and Memmius edict jointly:   I. The maximal number of senators is set at twenty - two (XXII) senators/directors, specially to comply with both Nova Roma rules and the State of Maine incorporation law (NR Inc. Articles of incorporation). II. In order to reach this maximal number of 22 senators/directors, the following moves are recorded : II-a. The following senators, suspended for non-payment of their annual tax in 2763 auc, are reinstated : C. Popillius Laenas – censorius America Austrorientalis. K. Fabius Buteo Modianus - censorius Lacus Magni. A. Moravia Aurelia - quaestoria Americae Austroccidentalis. Fr. Apulus Caesar - consularis Italiae

II-b. Are sublected into the Senate : - P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator (Lacus Magni) in regard of his virtues, dignitas, and current consular position - G. Petronius Dexter (Gallia), in regard of his virtues, dignitas, and skills.

II-c. The following senators are removed from the Senate from their absence or lack of participation to the Senate of Nova Roma : A. Moravia Aurelia - quaestoria Americae Austroccidentalis. Fr. Apulus Caesar - consularis Italiae

The Senate of Nova Roma shall be thus composed, from the present day on, of the twenty-two (22) following senators, listed below :

Censorii: 1. D. Iunius Palladius Invictus - Nova Britannia , princeps Senatus 2. L. Cornelius Sulla Felix - America Austroccidentalis 3. C. Flavius Diocletianus - Germania 4. K. Fabius Buteo Modianus - Lacus Magni 5. Ti. Galerius Paulinus - Mediatlantica 6. C. Popillius Laenas - America Austrorientalis

Consulares: 7. Q. Fabius Maximus - California 8. Titus Iulius Sabinus - Dacia 9. M. Curiatius Complutensis – Hispania 10. P. Memmius Albucius - Gallia 11. M. Minucius Audens - Nova Britannia

Praetorii: 12. C. Equitius Cato - Mediatlantica 13. A. Tullia Scholastica - Mediatlantica 14. M. Iulius Perusianus - Italia 15. M. Arminius Maior - Brasilia

Aedilicii: 16. Cn. Iulius Caesar - Canada Ulterior 17. E. Curia Finnica - Thule  

Tribunicii: 18. Q. Suetonius Paulinus - Canada Ulterior 19. C. Vipsanius Agrippa - Canada Ulterior 20. G. Petronius Dexter - Gallia

Quaestorii : 21. P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator - Lacus Magni

Privati : 22. M. Lucretius Agricola - Nipponia

The current magistrates with the ius sententiae are senators-consuls Ullerius and Equitius ; senator-praetor Cn. Iulius Caesar and praetor M. Cornelius Gualterus Graecus ; senators-censors Iulius and Memmius.

Datum sub manibus nostris a.d. VI Idus Ian. MMDCCLXIV a.u.c, P.Ullerio C. Equitio coss. Given under our hands this the 8th day of January 2764 a.u.c, in the consulship of P. Ullerius and C. Equitius.

P. Memmio K. Buteone (II) cos. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c.

M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXII a.u.c.

M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXI a.u.c.

Message #1486 of 1507 Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:13 pm


Ex Officio

Censores Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus Tiberius Galerius Paulinus salutem plurimam quiritibus dicunt.

According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma and Lex Popillia senatoria, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium,


Marcus Cassius Julianus, who has announced a two year leave of absence from Nova Roma for " for a combination of personal concerns and a burgeoning business practice" is removed from the list of active Senators until his return. We honor Marcus Cassius Julianus for his past service to the republic.

Lucius Equtius Cincinnatus is removed from the list of active Senatores. We honor Lucius Equtius Cincinnatus for his past service as Pontifex, Augur, Flamen Maior, Censor, Consul, Proconsul , Senator, Lictor, Scribe and Consular Accensus.

Marcus Bianchius Antonius is removed from the list of active Senatores, for inactivity. We honor his past accomplishments as a provincial governor and tribune.

It is our hope that they will eventually return to an active life within Nova Roma.

In full knowledge that we can not replace over twenty years of service as shared by Marcus Cassius Julianus and Lucius Equtius Cincinnatus we never the less announce the sublection of the following citizens to the Senate:

Gnaeus Iulius Caesar Annia Minucia Marcella Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus


Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus Tiberius Galerius Paulinus Censores, Novae Romae

Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:30 pm


Ex Officio

Censores Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus Tiberius Galerius Paulinus salutem plurimam quiritibus dicunt.

According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma and Lex Popillia Senatoria, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium, and

With the decision of Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus to turn down an appointment to the Senate for the reasons stated, we take this opportunity to sublection the following citizens to the Senate.

Stephanus Ullerius Venator Piperbarbus, a citizen of Nova Roma since 2751 ( 1998). He is currently serving as Custos . He has served as Diribitor, Rogator, three times as Quaestor and as a Lictor since 2752 (1999). He has proven himself to be a selfless citizen who will take on those jobs others fail to do. He has maintained a demeanor, courtesy and commitment to Nova Roma that has won him friends from all political views within Nova Roma. Truth be told his appointment to the Senate is long over due.

Equestria Iunia Laeca is currently serving as Consular Quaestor and Curator Aerarii (Chief Financial Officer of Nova Roma, Inc)). She has almost single-handedly brought the finances of Nova Roma from chaos to transparency


Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus Tiberius Galerius Paulinus Censores, Novae Romae

I. E Paragrapho IV. A. 1. d. Constitutionis Novae Romae, censores potestates Albi Senatori servandi habent.

II. E Paragrapho II, Legis Vediae Senatoriae, censoribus suo arbitratu liceat aliquem aedilem curulem creatum vel gubernatorem provinciae designatum munere suo sex menses ut minimum functum in Senatum legant.

III. E Paragrapho I, Legis Arminiae Senatoriae, censoribus suo arbitratu liceat aliquem aedilem plebis susceptum munus suum sex menses ut minimum in Senatum legant.

IV. Ergo nobis iure praecipuo praeditis cordi est horum Senatorum novorum lectionem pronuntiare:

Manius Constantinus Serapio (Propraetor a.d. III Id. Mar. MMDCCLVII-) Julilla Sempronia Magna (Propraetrix a.d. VII Id. Feb. MMDCCLV-) Gaia Fabia Livia (Propraetrix, a.d. IV Non. Iun. MMDCCLVII-) Pompeia Minucia-Tiberia Strabo (Propraetrix, Non. Dec. MMDCCLIII ad a.d. III. Kal. Nov. MMDCCLV) Emilia Curia Finnica (Aedilis Plebis, Kal. Ian. MMDCCLVII ad pridie Kal. Ian. MMDCCLVIII) Praeter iura necessaria expleta eos aptos reddentia ut in Senatum legantur, unusquisque eorum studium rarum Novae Romae exhibuit.

Datum sub manibus nostris ante diem V Kal. FEBRVARIAS MMDCCLVIII a.u.c.

Caeso Fabius Quintilianus, Censor Gnaeus Equitius Marinus, Censor


I. E Paragrapho IV. A. 1. d. Constitutionis Novae Romae, censores potestates Albi Senatori servandi habent.

II. E Paragrapho III. A. Legis Octaviae de Senatoribus, liceat censoribus Senatu et Albo Senatorio movere Senatorem qui pedibus in alicuius sententiam saltem tertiam partem senatus convocati anno fastorum vertente non iit.

III. Ergo statuimus ut Gnaeum Octavium Noricum Senatu Alboque Senatorio moveamus.

Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus.

Datum sub manibus nostris ante diem VIII Kal. FEBRVARIAS MMDCCLVIII


L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. MMDCCLX a.u.c.


Censores Marcus Octavius Gracchus Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus salute plurimam quiritibus dicunt.


I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma and Lex Popillia senatoria, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.

II. Therefore it is our privilege and pleasure to announce the addition of these new Senatores: a. Titus Iulius Sabinus b. Marcus Curiatius Complutensis c. Marcus Iulius Severus d. Gaius Equitius Cato e. Aula Tullia Scholastica f. Flavius Galerius Aurelianus g. Marca Hortensia Maior h. Publius Memmius Albucius i. Marcus Lucretius Agricola

III. The following senatores are removed for non-payment of taxes: a. Titus Labienus Fortunatus. b. Manius Constantinus Serapio.

IV. The following senator is removed for inactivity: a. Gaia Livia.

V. Per section II.c & d of Lex Popillia senatoria the following senator is removed:

a. Lucius Arminius Faustus for inactivity while serving as consul.

VI. Senator Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus is appointed Princeps Senatus. The appointment of Princeps Senatus bestows neither power or advantage within the senate, only dignitas. It is bestowed in recognition of Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus being the eldest and senior of the Censorii.

VII. We thank those senatores who are being dismissed by this edict and their contribution to Nova Roma should be honored and respected. It is our hope that they eventually return to active life within Nova Roma in the future when they are willing and able. We thank these Senatores for their past service, and wish them well in their current projects.

Marcus Octavius Gracchus Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus Censores, Novae Romae

K. Buteone Po. Minucia cos. MMDCCLIX a.u.c.

Ex Officio

Censores Gnaeus Equitius Marinus Marcus Octavius Gracchus quiritibus salutem plurimam dicunt.


I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the censors have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.

II. The Lex Popillia Senatoria establishes that the censors may remove senators from the Album Senatorium for cause. Furthermore, it stipulates that former consuls and former censors who are not enrolled in the Album Senatorium may still attend the meetings of the Nova Roman Senate and vote therein.

III. Section II c of the Lex Popillia Senatoria stipulates that the Censors shall provide a public explanation when we strike existing senators from the Senate list. Therefore the following public explanation is provided: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix is stricken from the Senate list for nonparticipation in the Senate since October of 2757 auc.

IV. Future convening magistrates of the Senate of Nova Roma shall understand that Lucius Cornelius Sulla is welcome to join the Senate mailing list, participate in, and vote in meetings of the Senate of Nova Roma by virtue of his Consular and Censorius status.

V. The Edictum Censorium de Senatu of ante diem IV Kal. Ianuarias MMDCCLVIII established the maximum size of the Senate as 36 senators until after the census of MMDCCLIX. The Lex Popillia Senatoria directs the censors to maintain the size of the Senate at this level, replacing senators who resign or are otherwise lost.

VI. Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus is hereby appointed a Senator of Nova Roma.

Datum sub manibus nostris XVI Kal. NOVEMBRIS MMDCCLVIII a.u.c.

Given under our hands this 17th day of October 2006 CE

Gnaeus Equitius Marinus Marcus Octavius Gracchus Censores, Novae Romae

Fr. Apulo C. Laenate cos. MMDCCLVIII a.u.c.

Edictum censorium de senatoribus adlectis (on the appointment of senators)

I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.

II. According to Paragraph II of the Lex Vedia Senatoria, the censores may, at their discretion, adlect to the Senate anyone elected curule aedile or appointed governor of a province who has served at least six months in those offices.

III. According to Paragraph I of the Lex Arminia Senatoria, the censores may, at their discretion, adlect to the Senate anyone elected aedilis plebis six months after assuming office.

IV. Therefore it is our privilege and pleasure to announce the addition of these new Senatores:

  • Manius Constantinus Serapio, propraetor;
  • Julilla Sempronia Magna, propraetrix;
  • Gaia Fabia Livia, propraetrix;
  • Pompeia Minucia-Tiberia Strabo, propraetrix;
  • Emilia Curia Finnica, aedilis Plebis.

Each has, in addition to fulfilling the legal requirements making them qualified for adlection into the Senate, demonstrated exceptional dedication to Nova Roma.

Given under our hands a.d. V Kal. Feb. 2758 auc (28 Jan. 2005 cc)

Caeso Fabius Quintilianus, Censor Gnaeus Equitius Marinus, Censor

Edictum censorium de senatoribus eiectis e Senatu (on the removal of senators of the Senate )

I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.

II. In accordance with Paragraph III. A. of the Lex Octavia de Senatoribus, the censores may remove from the Senate and Album Senatorium a Senator who has not voted in at least a third of the senate meetings in the course of a calendar year.

III. Therefore we have decided to remove Gnaeus Octavius Noricus from the Senate and the Album Senatorium.

Given under our hands a.d. VIII Kal. Feb. 2758 (25 Jan. 2005 cc), in the consulship of F. Apulus Caesar and G. Popillius Laenas.

Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. MMDCCLVII a.u.c.

K. Buteone T. Labieno cos. MMDCCLVI a.u.c.

Edictum censorium de senatoribus quietis (on the inactive senators)

In accordance with lex Octavia de senatoribus, passed by the Comitia populi tributa in February 2755, those Senators, named below, who have failed to maintain the required level of activity in the Senate are hereby removed from the Senate:

  • Minervina Iucundia Flavia, who last voted in the Senate in early 2753 (2000), last posted to the Senate list in November 2753 auc (2000), and did not vote in any Comitia in the general elections of 2754 or 2755;
  • G. Tullius Triumphius Cicero, who last voted in the Senate in April 2754 (2001), and last posted to the Senate list in October 2754 auc (2001), and did not vote in any Comitia in the general elections of 2754 or 2755.

We wish to make it perfectly clear that these Senators are not being dismissed for any sort of wrongdoing; rather, we are acknowledging that they have have vanished entirely from our Res Publica, and bringing the official list of Senators into conformity with reality. Should these citizens choose to become active at a later date, they may be reinstituted at the option of the censores of that time.

a.d. XIII Kal. Feb. 2756 (20 Jan. 2003)

Edictum censorium de senatoribus adlectis (on the appointment of senators)

Ex Officio C. Flavii Diocletiani et M. Octavii Germanici, censores

I. Based on the Consitution of Nova Roma, Par. IV.A.1.d., and the Lex Vedia Senatoria, Par. II., the following citizens are added to the Album Senatorium:

  • Decimus Iunius Silanus, propraetor Britanniae
  • Franciscus Apulus Caesar, propraetor Italiae

II. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.

a.d. III Kal. Ian. 2757 (30 Dec. 2003)

M. Octavio L. Sulla (II) cos. MMDCCLV a.u.c.

Censores Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus et Caius Flavius Diocletianus Quiritibus s.p.d.

In accordance with the Constitution Novae Romae, section IV.A.1.d. ("to maintain the album senatorium (list of Senators), including the power to add and remove names on that list according to qualifications set by law;" - http://www.novaroma.org/tabularium/constitution.html) et Lex Vedia Senatoria, section II, ("any individual elected to the office of curule aedile or appointed to the office of provincial governor may, at the discretion of the censor(e)s, be included in the album Senatorum six months after assuming office (assuming that the individual was not already a member of the Senate)." - http://www.novaroma.org/tabularium/leges/1999-07-30-vii.html), it is our privilege and pleasure to announce the addition of two new senatores to the Senate:

  • L. Pompeius Octavianus, propraetor;
  • L. Sicinius Drusus, propraetor.

Both of them have exhibited the qualities sought by us all as Cives Romani. Mars nos protegat.

pridie Nonas December MMDCCLV (4 Dec 2002)

Fl. Vedio (II) M. Cassio (II) cos. MMDCCLIV a.u.c.

Q. Maximo M. Minucio cos. MMDCCLIII a.u.c.

Fl. Vedio M. Cassio cos. MMDCCLI a.u.c.

L. Equitio Dec. Iunio cos. MMDCCLII a.u.c.

To date, some individuals mentioned in my original post elevating individuals to the Senate have not indicated a willingness to accept the post, whether in private email to me or by posting their Oath to the public list. Please note that the offer is now closed, and anyone who has not done so has given up their opportunity (some for very valid reasons, some out of spite, and some out of apathy).

Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus - a.d. XIV Kal. Sext. 2752 auc (July 19, 1999 cc)

Due to special circumstances, Gaius Triumphius Cicero was unable to send or receive email over the last few weeks, and thus was unable to know of or respond to my offer to elevate him to the Senate. Now that he's back on-line, he has indicated his wish to accept. Therefore, as legally-appointed Dictator of Nova Roma, I hereby declare that Gaius Triumphius Cicero is elevated to membership in the Senate, with all of the duties and privileges that brings.

Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus - a.d. XII Kal. Sext. 2752 auc (July 21, 1999 cc)

As legally appointed dictator of Nova Roma, I hereby declare that the album senatus shall consist of the following individuals:

  • Caius Aelius Ericius
  • Quintus Caecilius Metellus
  • Marcus Cassius Iulianus
  • Gaius Drusus Domitianus
  • Antonius Gryllus Graecus
  • Minervina Iucundia Flavia
  • Decius Iunius Palladius
  • Marcus Mucius Scaevola Magister
  • Gaius Triumphius Cicero
  • Flavius Vedius Germanicus

This edictum supersedes all others pertaining to Senatorial appointments and previous enrollment status.

Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus - a.d. VII Kal. Sext. 2752 auc (July 26, 1999 cc)

Lucius Cornelius Sulla is hereby added to the album senatorium. His omission from the previous list was an error on my part.

Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus - a.d. VII Kal. Sext. 2752 auc (July 26, 1999 cc)

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