NovaRoma:Article Names

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Revision as of 15:14, 7 September 2007 by M. Lucretius Agricola (Talk | contribs)
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This is one of the Nova Roma wiki help files.

In order that articles may be located easily, and there be less likelihood of confusion or duplication, all articles must adhere to the naming conventions described here. If you're not sure how to name your article, please contact a WikiMagister for advice.



Article names begin with a capital letter - this is a requirement of the Wiki software.

Roman numerals are used for Years AUC - such as MMDCCLVI

Spelling - For Latin words, please do not use the letter 'J' or the 'AE' ligature; but use "U" and "V" as a modern English author would. (Example: Iulius, not Julius or IVLIVS). For more information, see the help file "Latin orthography".

Capitalization - Capitalize the first letter of the title and the first letter of all proper nouns. Also capitalize acronyms and Roman numerals. Everything else should be lower case. Never place anything in ALL CAPS that is not an acronym or Roman numeral.


The wiki is divided into namespaces. Article names take the form Namespace:Article Title. Putting a colon (the ":" character) in an article name puts that article in a different namespace, according to what's before the colon.

The major namespaces are:

Namespace Description Example
User: where each contributor can set up a page about himself or herself User:Marcus Octavius Germanicus
User talk: where you can leave messages for a user User talk:Marcus Octavius Germanicus
Template: a repository of standard fragments that can be included into articles
NovaRoma: pages about the Wiki itself - like this one - but not for general Nova Roma articles. NovaRoma:Article Names
(default) Articles with no namespace prefix are in the default namespace. All general content - whether about Nova Roma, ancient Rome, or something else - goes in the default namespace. Nova Roma, Minerva

The search feature will, by default, search only the default namespace. Thus, so that articles can be seen, they should go in the default namespace - don't use any colon in the article title. The WikiMagisters will rename articles that are in he wrong namespace.

Articles on Non-Nova Roma Topics

We hope to provide a wealth of content here about Roman culture, religion, traditions, history, etc., and about other parts of the ancient world as they relate to Rome. Articles about such topics go into the general namespace - i.e., they have no special prefix or suffix.

Always use full names, such as Gaius Iulius Caesar, when known. For those who are commonly known by another name by the general public (especially if it has a "J" in it), you can set up redirect pages that will automatically send users to the right place:

(How to do a redirect: edit the page which you want to become an alias (NOT the page where the real article is!) and put in #REDIRECT [[Real Article Name Here]].).

Articles about Nova Roma Topics

Articles about persons and events in Nova Roma must have (Nova Roma) at the end of the article name, in order to prevent conflicts with articles about the ancient world, and to clearly mark which articles are about ourselves. Some examples:


  • Nova Roma -- the link to the article on Nova Roma itself, for such would be redundant.
  • Years such as MMDCCLVI, [[MMDCCLI], even though the year's article is principally about NR events.

Articles about Nova Roma People

A citizen who has held elected or appointed office or a priesthood is eligible for a page in the general namespace, with the article name being that citizen's full Roman name followed by (Nova Roma). This page is not a personal playground for that citizen; rather, it is a public record, editable by all, with Neutral Point of View strictly enforced by the administrators.

The (Nova Roma) suffix rule described above is particularly important for names; we would lose credibility if there was no clear distinction between the names of ancients and moderns. Some of our prominent citizens have names that exactly match that of an ancient person, and it is vital to prevent confusion between them:

If a person's name has changed over time, place the main article under the most recent name, and use redirects for the other forms of it. Historical writings and lists of magistrates should always use the name that the person used at the time the office was held.

Any registered user of the Wiki may also have a personal page in the User: namespace - this is automatically linked to by the WikiMedia software wherever your name appears in edit history, discussions, etc. This personal page is yours to do with as you will - though administrators may still remove content that is clearly abusive, slanderous, etc.

Your user name must exactly match your citizen name as registered with the censores, otherwise the account (and its User: page) will be deleted. (The only exceptions are administrative accounts).

Link Titles

Links to an article can be placed within another article by surrounding them with double square brackets.

When you want the link text that appears on the page to be different from the article title, you can do so by placing a vertical pipe symbol after the article title, then put the alternate title after that, all within the double square brackets:

So that names that have the (Nova Roma) article suffix do not interrupt the flow of the text, use the special "empty pipe". The wiki software will automatically supply the article name without the suffix:

  • [[Flavius Vedius Germanicus (Nova Roma) | ]] was twice [[Consul (Nova Roma) | ]] of [[Nova Roma]].
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