Provincia America Austrorientalis - History (Nova Roma)/Scroll V

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SCROLL V ~ The Annals of Flavius Galerius Aurelianus

compiled by L. Vitellius Triarius from provincial and other sources within the Res publica

a.d. VIII Kal. Mar. M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXII a.u.c. | (22 Feb 2009 CE)

Flavius Galerius Aurelianus was appointed as the sixth Propraetor of America Austrorientalis on a.d. III Non. Iun. K. Buteone Po. Minucia cos. MMDCCLIX a.u.c. | (3 Jun 2006 CE) by the Senate of Nova Roma.

F. Galerius has many accomplishments along the Cursus Honorum and in the Res publica to include serving as Senator in L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. MMDCCLX a.u.c. | (2007 CE), Pontifex from L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. MMDCCLX a.u.c. | (2007 CE) and serving as Interim Pontifex Maximus in M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXI a.u.c. | (2008 CE), Tribunus Plebis in L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. MMDCCLX a.u.c. | (2007 CE) and M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXII a.u.c. | (2009 CE), Flamen Cerealis in Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. MMDCCLVII a.u.c. | (2004 CE), and Rogator in Cn. Salvio Cn. Equitio cos. MMDCCLVII a.u.c. | (2004 CE).

He has also serve in the position of Aedilis Plebis for part of the year M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXI a.u.c. | (2008 CE), Scriba in K. Buteone Po. Minucia cos. MMDCCLIX a.u.c. | (2006 CE), Scriba Curatoris Differum and Accensus in K. Buteone T. Labieno cos. MMDCCLVI a.u.c. (2003 CE) in addition to posts served within the provincia.

He is also a mercator and the proprietor of Mensa Deorum, formerly Mensa Romana.

Provincial Accomplishments

F. Galerius, upon appointment redesignated the Praetorium America Austrorientalis to be Vandium (Nashville, TN) and reaffirmed Edictum I, III, VIII, XVI, XIX, XX, XXI and XXII of his predecessor.

Lucius Vitellius Triarius was appointed Curator Anarei (Scriba) of America Austrorientalis.

Appius Galerius Aurelianus was appointed as Praefectus Regio Georgia (encompassing the states of Georgia and Alabama), but was later released from the responsibilities, obligations, and prerogatives of this office with the gratitude of the province and the Gubenator.

Tiberius Cornelius Scipio was appointed as Praefectus Regio Florida (encompassing the state of Florida), but was later released from the responsibilities, obligations, and prerogatives of this office with the gratitude of the province and the Gubenator.

Servia Iulia Caesaris Metelliana (also known as Servia Iulia Caesar Valeriana) was removed as Scriba Propraetoris of America Austrorientalis and an edictum was issued to offer her the gratitude of the province for her service.

Gaius Antonius Germanicus was appointed as Praefectus Regio Mississippi (encompassing the states of Mississippi and Louisiana).

F. Galerius ordered the duties of a Praefectus Regio of America Austrorientalis to be defined as the following: (A) to respect & obey the Constitution & By-laws of Nova Roma; (B) to report the conditions of the Regio to the Propraetor; (C) to encourage active participation by the citizens in the Regio via meetings and events; (D) to resolve any difficulties or disputes that may arise between citizens of the Regio by discussion and compromise; subject to Appeal to the Propraetor; (E) to assist the Propraetor in the establishment of the borders or boundaries of any Oppidia or Municipia within the Regio as may be defined by the appropriate legislation; (F) to sit in the Provincial Council and to offer wise advice to the Propraetor for the good of the province; (G) to encourage the citizens of the province to become assidui by paying the annual tax to Nova Roma for the improvement of the province and the model republic of Nova Roma; (H) to pay appropriate honors & deference to the Immortal Gods at public ceremonies & rites of the province.

In an order to further the growth of Nova Roma within America Austrorientalis and to ease the duties of the praefecti regii, the provincial office of sub-praefect was created by F. Galerius, with the following provisions:

The sub-praefect shall be appointed by the Gubenator America Austrorientalis by means of a provincial edictum, and will be subordinate in rank to the Gubenator America Austrorientalis and the praefect regio over the sub-praefecture within their regio. There shall be five sub-praefectures created, at this time, corresponding to the five regiones of the province. Each sub-praefecture shall encompass a specific geographical area to be declared by the Gubenator.

The sub-praefect's responsibilities, prerogatives, and duties were defined to be:

  • i. to hold meetings such as are necessary for business, education, fasti, and recruiting;
  • ii. to recruit new citizens;
  • iii. to organize events and/or participate in events sponsored by other organizations that are appropriate to the goals of Nova Roma;
  • iv. to appoint scriba (with the consent of their praefect regio) and give them appropriate work assignments;
  • v. to distribute appropriate and approved printed and/or etheric material to encourage the growth of Nova Roma within the province;
  • vi. to give all appropriate honors and respect to the Senate and People of Nova Roma by following the NR Consititution and Leges of Nova Roma along with the edicta of this province;
  • vii. to actively seek the cooperation, participation, and support of the Gubenator Am. Austrorientalis and their praefect regio in all their laudable undertakings;
  • viii. to honor the Religio Romana and Dii Immortales and never act in any manner that would diminish the Pax Deorum;
  • ix. to be assidui citizens of Nova Roma by paying the annual taxes unless released from that obligation by the consent of the Gubenator Am. Austrorientalis;
  • x. to be members of the provincial curia and to offer good and wholesome advice.

In K. Buteone Po. Minucia cos. MMDCCLIX a.u.c. | (2006 CE), the provincia held or attended the Saturnalia in Nashville, Tennessee; the Regio Georgia Convivium in Atlanta, Georgia; the Neptunalia in Nashville, Tennessee; the Consecration and dedication of shrine to Neptunus Pater in Lebanon, Tennessee, by Violentilla Galeria Saltarix; the Bacchanalia in Lebanon, Tennessee; the Lupercalia, Nashville, Tennessee; and the Nocturnalia in Nashville, Tennessee.

In L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. MMDCCLX a.u.c. | (2007 CE), the provincia held or attended the Saturnalia in Lebanon, Tennessee; the Roman Festivus in Clarksville, Tennessee; the Neptunalia in Lebanon, Tennessee; the Cerialia in Nashville, Tennessee; the Rossini Fest Street Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee; the Bacchanalia in Lebanon, Tennessee; and the Pompeii Reborn Exhibition in Mobile, Alabama.

In M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXI a.u.c. | (2008 CE), the provincia held or attended the Paganalia in Nashville, Tennessee; the Provincial Roman Conventus in Birmingham, Alabama.