Certamen Petronianum II
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The Certamen Petronianum II is the Second Edition of the highest profile literary competition of Nova Roma, organized by the aediles plebis, currently by aedilis A. Iulius Paterculus.
It is tradition in Nova Roma that the Certamen Petronianum is always presided by renowned and notable jury members: this year our notable jury member is Jo Walton, international award-winner Canadian author, writer and poet, our fellow citizen under the name Ap. Tullia Hospes. The current Certamen Petronianum II celebrates the memory of the first Certamen Petronianum held exactly 10 years ago, when Nova Roma was honored by the presence of acclaimed jury members like world famous Roman themed novel series author Dr. Colleen McCullough and Roman history scholar and author Prof. Dr. Peter Wiseman. The first Certamen Petronianum was a huge success, a moment in Nova Roma history when our res publica could reach out to the world, when the most notable celebrities within the fields of Roman studies and fandom got involved in Nova Roma. Our aedilis plebis A. Iulius Paterculus and his main assistant co-organizers, aedilician scriba and praetorial quaestor C. Claudius Quadratus, as well as aedilician scriba and consular quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus are organizing the Second Edition of the Certamen Petronianum in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first Certamen Petronianum, and to honor the memory of Colleen McCullough, who has passed away this year, and to remember her involvement to Nova Roma in the first Certamen Petronianum 10 years ago. By remembering Colleen McCoullough, we acknowledge the influence she had in many of our fellow citizens' lives, as many of us were drawn here by her excellent novels set in the Roman republic with utmost historical accuracy, authenticity and detail.
- Read more about the First Edition of the Certamen Petronianum on its decennial webpage: Certamen Petronianum I Webpage
Contents |
The Award and Prizes

The first, second and thirds place winning tales, and the winners, will be advertised and published on the website of Nova Roma.
- 1st Prize - The winner's award and the first prize is a wonderful 4 days and 3 nights of free accommodation in the picturesque suburban area of Rome, Italy, with easy accessibility to the Eternal City's historical center. The free accommodation is provided by the Dea Diana Bed and Breakfast, courtesy of C. Aurelius Vindex and the co-owners of the Dea Diana B&B. In addition, the winner's 1st prize includes a genuine high-quality, original ancient Roman coin, provided by C. Claudius Quadratus. The best author and the winning novel will be highly featured and published on the Nova Roma website and other venues of our community.
- 2nd Prize - The author of the second best novel, determined by the Jury, receives an assortment of spices favored by the Romans, courtesy of Sibylla Ambrosia Fulvia, the proprietress of Auntie Arwen's Spice Shop. The second prize also includes a genuine, identifiable original ancient Roman coin, provided by C. Claudius Quadratus. The second best work and its author will be published on the Nova Roma website.
- 3rd Prize - The third best author is awarded by a genuine, identifiable original ancient Roman coin, provided by C. Claudius Quadratus. The third best work and its author will be published on the Nova Roma website.
The Rules
The Certamen Petronianum is open to all writers without nationality restrictions. Authors under 18 may participate with the permission of a guardian. The closing date for entries is 17th November 2015. All entries will be judged anonymously.
- Entries for the Certamen Petronianum II must be tales set in ancient Rome, during the Republic.
- Entries must be written in English, and have a maximum length of 3000 words.
- Entrants may submit only one tale, and the entry must be accompanied by a completed entry form.
- Entries must be submitted in Word, RTF or plain text file. The tale shall contain no pictures.
- Each tale must be the original work of the author, and must not have been previously published or successfully entered in to other contests.
- The judges' decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
- By submitting your story, you give non-exclusive permission for it to be posted publicly on the Nova Roma website should it be selected as one of the top three stories. Nova Roma will not use your story for any purpose other than the above, and particularly not for sale, without further written permission from you. At no time will you lose access to your own copyright, and you retain the right to post, submit, or publish your story elsewhere as you see fit (although doing so prior to the announcement of the winning stories may result in disqualification).
How to submit your novel
Entries must be submitted until 17th November 2015, in the following entry form:
- Macronational Name: _____________________________
- Nova Roman Name, if any: ________________________
- Mailing address: _________________________________
Submissions have to be sent to <certamen.petronianum@gmail.com>.
The Judges
It is an important tradition of the Certamen Petronianum literary contest that it is always presided by renown and notable jury members: this year our celebrity jury member happens to be a citizen of Nova Roma, which makes this edition of the Certamen Petronianum special for us.
Jo Walton, who is our fellow citizen as Ap. Tullia Hospes, is a well known Welsh-Canadian fantasy and science fiction writer and poet, author of numerous acclaimed works published all over the world. She has won and been nominated for numerous awards for her work, including a Prometheus Award for her alternate history novel Ha'Penny. She won the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 2002 and the World Fantasy award for her novel Tooth and Claw in 2004. Her novel Lifelode won the 2010 Mythopoeic Award. Her novel Among Others won the 2011 Nebula Award for Best Novel, and the 2012 Hugo Award for Best Novel, and is one of only seven novels to have been nominated for the Hugo Award, Nebula Award, and World Fantasy Award. Her most recent series, which includes the novels The Just City and The Philosopher Kings, deals with history, mythology, and the ideal city described in Plato's Republic. She has been a citizen of Nova Roma since 2012.
The winners
The jury has chosen two novels as shared winners: "Historic Event" by C. Claudius Quadratus, and "A Vestal’s Insight", the work of L. Maria Silvana.
You can read the winning novels here: