Becoming a citizen
Welcome, Roman!
Welcome to our international Roman reconstruction project! We are sure you have many questions about Nova Roma, so after you read this page, feel free to browse our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to some commonly asked questions.
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What Nova Roma membership means for you
First, it allows you to be part of an international project to help ensure that the past foundations laid by ancient Rome, which led to the development of the modern Western World, are remembered and preserved in the present for those generations of the future. It is, in a sense, nation re-building.
With the advent of global connectivity to virtually every remote village in the world, those of similar minds and desire may now converse, work together with, and build a nation together, rather than just reading about it in a book in the local library.
If the ancient world peaks your interest, either a little or a lot, Nova Roma is the place for you. There are many opportunities for you to delve into the ancient world, and especially ancient Rome. It’s kind of like getting your Masters in Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations, but you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to your local college or university to do so. Many of our citizens are from the collegiate community (from students to staff).
The good thing is that the opportunity to participate in Nova Roma is absolutely free. However, we do have “taxes,” which are optional annual dues. Should you choose to become actively involved in the magistracies, your area administration, your local communities, and other specific positions within Nova Roma, you will have to pay your taxes before you can be officially appointed or elected.
We use the revenue from citizen taxes (membership dues) to maintain the website, provide for real life face-to-face events and activities, fund real-life charity projects, pay for general macronational expenses involved with maintaining the organization, etc. The taxes are minimal and have various levels, based on commitment and desire to participate. Information on citizen taxes can be found on the taxes page of our website.
How do I benefit by joining?
It’s simple. You share what you have with us, and we will share what we have with you. There are many ways to benefit from membership in the Res publica (our organization):
- Learn about Rome and the ancient world from experts in their fields, historical researchers, authors, and more informed citizens.
- Have a forum to express your ideas and thoughts on ancient Rome.
- Experience the workings of the Forum Romanum on the official Main Mailing List.
- Join a Special Interest Group (Sodalitas) and join in discussions, events and activities with others of the same interest. There are many different groups, so there’s probably one or more that suit you interests. If there is not one, feel free to start a new Sodalitas. Once your group meets the requirements, you can petition the Senate for official state approval!
- Participate in the meetings and reenactment events of the Nova Roman community of your area. Attend our ceremonies, festivals and gatherings with Roman legions, rituals, gladiatorial shows, where you can wear your toga proudly!
- Become a member of the nearest Nova Roman reenactment legion and work your way up from simple soldier to become a centurion!
- There is no local Nova Roman group in your area? Do you have some friends that share your interests? Start a local group, an oppidum or a regio which meets regularly to share the Nova Roma experience on a personal, face-to-face level. This can be a living history group, purely social, research group, charity or educational group, etc. What do you want to do?
- Serve in government on the local, provincial or national levels. Climb to the top (from scriba to consul) of the Roman political ladder by advancing through the cursus honorum. There are many jobs to fill, just like in ancient Rome. When do you want to apply?
- Work your way to becoming a Roman equestrian or senator, with a real job, not a reenactment portrayal, but someone who is responsible for the participation in and maintenance of a working legislative body.
- Be an official merchant of Nova Roma. Start or petition to have your Ancient-Mediterranean business included in our Macellum (Marketplace). If you are willing to donate a portion of your sales to the Treasury of the Res Publica, your business can reach a global audience within your market.
- Learn the Roman way of life, the sacred tradition (mos maiorum) and experience it in a manner consistent with its older counterpart.
- Learn about the Roman spirit, the cultus deorum and religio Romana, the religion of the ancient Romans. You can become a practitioner, train for the priesthood, and advance to become a pontifex, or just be an observer to study and learn how the old system worked. This is not a reenacting group, but an organized religion that has been reintroduced to the world with a working environment to propel it to success.
- Learn about the Roman civic life, law, arts, literature, language and every aspect of Roman life. Experience what like being a real Roman citizen is by participating in person in a working, living, functioning and authentic Roman republic and society: Nova Roma.
- Learn about the Roman military establishment, not only from books, or not only through the discussions in our Roman Sodalitas Militaris, but in person, experiencing the Roman legions in one of our reenactor units.
- Learn Latin in Nova Roma from Nova Roman Latinists and real Latin teachers. Everyone who feels Roman must learn the language that gives you a real Roman mindset.
- Become an instructor to others in the various topics on ancient Rome. Share your knowledge and experience with others, so that they may benefit.
- Participate in our various cultural games; compete against others in cultural contests and activities during the ludi (games), which are held, following Roman tradition, several times throughout the year annually to celebrate the Roman holidays. Join one of the four Racing Factions of ancient Rome and participate in Chariot Races and Horse Race, plus other historical games, like gladiator fighting: many of these are simulated in real life, but we also have online game versions of them.
There are thousand ways to benefit from membership in Nova Roma. We’re sure there is one or two that fit your interests.
How do I join?
First of all, learn what Nova Roma is about. If you haven't yet read over the Nova Roma site, we suggest you do so before becoming a citizen. Note particularly our Declaration and Constitution. They are the bases of how we exist and operate.
Step 1. Join one of our forums
It's very important that you subscribe to one of our forums and write an introduction about yourself as soon as possible.
Step 2. Learn about Nova Roma and elementary matters of Romanitas
For any applicant of citizenship, it is recommended to study elementary matters of Nova Roman citizenship and basic Roman history, religion, language, and social practices. We also encourage you to learn at least some basic Latin that will help you in our online communications. It will be useful to know some of the basic greetings and terminology you will be encountering.
Step 3. Choose a Roman name
Choosing a Roman name is something we ask all our prospective citizens to do. It was the proper Roman name that made somebody a citizen in ancient Rome, and it means the same thing to us in Nova Roma. The Choosing a Roman name page is probably the most informative page on the subject on the internet. It will walk you through the process, as the Roman names were a different style than our modern formatting of the name. Instead of first name, middle name and surname, you will have a first name, a gens surname and a family surname, where certain rules apply.
Step 4. Fill the application form
If you have understood what we are and how we function, and you have studied the system of Roman names and you have chosen yours, you can apply for Nova Roman citizenship by filling the Citizenship Application Form. Don’t worry, you won’t be risking or jeopardizing your status as a citizen of your real country: although we take our Nova Roman citizenship very seriously, in real legal terms our Nova Roman citizenship is simply a membership in the Nova Roma, Inc. cultural organization.
The citizenship application form has two parts. On the first page, we ask you for information about yourself. On the second (last) page, you will choose a Roman name which will complete the process. If you are under 18, you have to ask your parents to apply for citizenship first, and once they are citizens, they will have to register you.
Once you are granted citizenship, you may also pay your taxes for the current year: see more information on the taxes page. Taxpayment is not required, but it will open up opportunities for you that you may not be able to participate in unless you are an assiduus (tax payer).
As we have no real-world money to pay our citizens for their participation and efforts toward helping further the Republic, we do award points for participation and service called “Census Points” or CP. Unless you are of the assidui, in most cases, your opportunity to earn is limited. Position and status in ancient Rome was based on wealth. In Nova Roma it is based on service and contribution to the community (measured by CP), for which there are many ways. The more you work for Roman culture, the more respected and influential you will become in Nova Roma!
After your citizenship is approved, you can start with your first steps as a new citizen!