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Roman calendar

Roman dates
Kalends - Nones - Ides
Nundinae - Feriae

·Nova Roma·
Fasti Novi Romani
Calendar for the current year
Dies atri - Market days

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The Oxford Classical Dictionary (ISBN 0198606419) states the following for Feriae, listed under "Festivals, Roman"

The basic notion included not only the hounouring of the gods, but also restrictions on public life: the courts were closed, some agricultural work was restricted, and in some cases holidays given to other workers.

The word feriae applied to specific days, and in its narrowest sense meant simply 'festival' or 'holiday'. Thus, it is seen in general use in the name of a given festival, to simply mean 'festival to'.

Feriae may be divided into two broad classes: feriae publicae and feriae privatae [1] .


Feriae Privatae

Feriae Publicae

Feriae publicae were of three types:

  • feriae stativae, which were held on a fixed date, held annually;
  • feriae conceptivae, which were held on a date determined by various officials, also held annually; and
  • feriae imperativae, which were decreed by the Senate or various other bodies of the State, and held at the decreed date.

Most feriae were also included in the various Fasti, which have been found in homes, inside and outside temples, and in other places in public view.

Feriae stativae

The following Feriae Stativae are found in the Fasti:

Feriae (Deities honoured) Date(s) Source(s)[2]



Mensis Martius (March)
Feriae Marti (Mars) 1 Mar. - 24 Mar. Fowler (35-43), Scullard (85-87)
Navigium Isidis (Isis) 5 Mar. Salzman (124, 129, 170, 242)
Equirria (Mars) 14 Mar. Fowler (44-50), Scullard (89)
Feriae Annae Perennae (Anna Perenna) 15 Mar. Fowler (50-54), Scullard (90)
Liberalia (Liber)/Agonia (Ianus) 17 Mar. Fowler (54-57), Scullard (91-92)
Quinquatrus (Mars)/(Minerva) 19 Mar. Fowler (57-62), Scullard (92-94)
Pelusia (Harpocrates, Isis) 20 Mar. Salzman (125, 170, 174)
Tubilustrium 23 Mar. Fowler (62-65), Scullard (94-95)
Q[uando] R[ex] C[omitavit] F[as] 24 Mar. Fowler (62-65), Scullard (95)
Mensis Aprilis (April)
Veneralia (Venus) 1 Apr. Fowler (67-69)
Ludi Magnae Matri Deum (Magna Mater) 4-10 Apr. Fowler (69-71)
Fordicidia 15 Apr. Fowler (71-72)
Cerialia (Ceres) 19 Apr. Fowler (72-79)
Parilia 21 Apr. Fowler (79-85)
Vinalia Priora 23 Apr. Fowler (85-88)
Robigalia (Robigus) 25 Apr. Fowler (88-91)
Serapia (Serapis) 25 Apr. Salzman (124, 129, 170-171)
Ludi Florae (Flora) 28 Apr. - 3 Mai. Fowler (91-95)
Mensis Maius (May)
Laribus (Lares) 1 Mai. Fowler (100-106)
Lemuria 9, 11, and 13 Mai. Fowler (106-111)
Agonia (Ianus, Tiberinus) 21 Mai. Fowler (121-122)
Tubilustrium (Vulcanus) 23 Mai. Fowler (123-124)
Mensis Iunius (June)
Vestalia (Vesta) 9 Iun. Fowler (145-154)
Matralia (Magna Mater) 11 Iun. Fowler (154-157)
Mensis Quinctilis (July)
Poplifugium 5 Quint. Fowler (174-179)
Ludi Apollinares (Apollo) 6-13 Quint. Fowler (179-182)
Lucaria 19 and 21 Quint. Fowler (182-185)
Neptunalia (Neptunus) 23 Quint. Fowler (185-187)
Furrinalia (Furrina) 25 Quint. Fowler (187-188)
Mensis Sextilis (August)
Lychnapsia (Isis) 12 Sex. Salzman (125, 170, 175)
Portunalia (Portunus) 17 Sex. Fowler (202-204)
Vinalia Rustica 19 Sex. Fowler (204-206)
Consualia (Consus) 21 Sex. Fowler (206-209)
Volcanalia (Vulcanus) 23 Sex. Fowler (209-211)
Mundus Patet 24 Sex. Fowler (211-212)
Opiconsivia (Ops) 25 Sex. Fowler (212-214)
Volturnalia (Volturnus) 27 Sex. Fowler (214)
Mensis September
Ludi Romani 5-19 September Fowler (?)
Epulum Iovis (Iuppiter) 13 September Fowler (217-220)
Mensis October
Fidei (Fides) 1 Oct. Fowler (237-239)
Mundus Patet 5 Oct. Fowler (211-212; cf. 239)
Meditrinalia 11 Oct. Fowler (239-240)
Fontinalia 13 Oct. Fowler (240-241)
Equus October 15 Oct. Fowler (241-250)
Armilustrium 19 Oct. Fowler (250-251)
Isia/Inventio Osiridis, Castu Isidis (Isis, Osiris) 28 Oct. Salzman (121, 123, 125-126, 129, 135, 170)
Isia/Inventio Osiridis, Adventus Divi (Isis, Osiris) 29 Oct. Salzman (121, 123, 125-126, 129, 135, 170)
Isia/Inventio Osiridis, Ludi Votivi (Isis, Osiris) 30 Oct. Salzman (121, 123, 125-126, 129, 135, 170)
Isia/Inventio Osiridis, Ludi (Isis, Osiris) 31 Oct. Salzman (121, 123, 125-126, 129, 135, 170)
Mensis November
Isia/Inventio Osiridis, Ex se nato (Isis, Osiris) 1 Nov. Salzman (121, 123, 125-126, 129, 135, 170)
Isia/Inventio Osiridis, Ter novena (Isis, Osiris) 2 Nov. Salzman (121, 123, 125-126, 129, 135, 170)
Isia/Inventio Osiridis, Hilaria (Isis, Osiris) 3 Nov. Salzman (121, 123, 125-126, 129, 135, 170)
Mensis December
Faunalia Rustica 5 Dec. Fowler (256-265)
Agonium 11 Dec. Fowler (265-267)
Consualia (Consus) 15 Dec. Fowler (267-268)
Saturnalia (Saturnus) 17 Dec. Fowler (268-273)
Opalia (Ops) 19 Dec. Fowler (273-274)
Divalia (Angerona) 21 Dec. Fowler (274-275)
Larentalia (Acca Larentia) 23 Dec. Fowler (275-276)
Mensis Ianuarius (January)
Aesculapio, Vediovi 1 Ian. Fowler (277-278), Scullard (55-58)
Vicae Potae 5 Ian. Scullard (60)
Agonalia 9 Ian. Scullard (60-61)
Iuturnae 11 Ian. Scullard (64-65)
Carmentalia (Carmentis) 11 and 15 Ian. Fowler (290-296), Scullard (62-64)
Mensis Februarius (February)
Iunoni Sospitae 1 Feb. Fowler (302), Scullard (70-71)
Concordiae in Capitolio 5 Feb. Scullard (72)
Fauno 13 Feb. Fowler (302), Scullard (72)
Parentalia 13 Feb. Fowler (306-310), Scullard (74-76)
Lupercalia 15 Feb. Fowler (310-321), Scullard (76-78)
Quirinalia (Quirinus) 17 Feb. Fowler (322-324), Scullard (78-79)
Feralia 21 Feb. Scullard (74-76)
Caristia 22 Feb. Scullard (74-76)
Terminalia (Terminus) 23 Feb. Fowler (324-327), Scullard (79-80)
Regifugium 24 Feb. Fowler (327-330), Scullard (81-82)
Equirria (Mars) 27 Feb. Fowler (330-331), Scullard (82)

Feriae conceptivae

Feriae imperativae


  1. Smith's Dictionary, "Feriae".
  2. Fowler, W. Warde. The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic. MacMillan and Co., 1908.
  3. Scullard, H.H. Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic. Thames and Hudson, 1981.
  4. Salzman, Michele Renee. On Roman Time : The Codex-calendar of 354 and the Rhythms of Urban Life in Late Antiquity University of California Press, 1990.

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