Lex Fabia de civitate minorum (Nova Roma)

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This lex is currently LAPSED.
- Approved by comitia centuriata
- Yes: 27 No: 11 Abs.: 9
- a.d. IV Non. Dec. ‡ K. Buteone T. Labieno cos. ‡ MMDCCLVI a.u.c.
I. ((Definition))
For the purpose of this lex, sui iuris shall mean a person of age greater than or equal to eighteen (18) years of age.
II. ((Repeal))
The Lex Vedia de Liberis Civium is hereby rescinded.
III. ((Amendment to chapter II.a))
Section II.a. of the Constitution is henceforth amended to read:
- a. Citizenship
- 1. Any person may apply for Citizenship.
- 2. Citizens may apply for Citizenship on behalf of their children or legal wards (as defined by relevant macronational law) whom are not sui iuris.
- 3. No person may be withheld from attaining Citizenship, regardless of ethnic heritage, gender, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation.
- 4. Those who have applied for Citizenship and are not sui iuris may be granted Citizenship, but only when written permission of such an applicant's parent or legal guardian (as defined by relevant macronational law) has been submitted to and recieved by the Censors through whatever means deemed appropriate by edict.
- 5. Citizenship may be involuntarily revoked by those means that shall be established by law, or may be voluntarily relinquished by notification of the censors or by public statement before three or more witnesses. Those citizens who are not sui iuris may have their Citizenship relinquished on their behalf by their parent or legal guardian (as defined by relevant macronational law) by notification of the censors or by public statement before three or more witnesses.
IV. ((Amendment to chapter II.c))
The following shall be inserted as Section II.c. of the Constitution:
- c. The rights of Paragraphs II.b.2, II.b.4, II.b.6, and II.b.7 shall be guaranteed, however not at the exclusion of whatever other rights such citizens may possess, to those citizens not yet sui iuris. Those rights of Paragraphs II.b.1 and II.b.5 may be exercised on the behalf of citizens not sui iuris by their respective materfamilias or paterfamilias. Those citizens not sui iuris shall not have the rights of Paragraphs II.b.3 and II.b.8.
V. ((Offices))
Citizens not sui iuris may be appointed and elected to various offices following the limitations of the Constitution and other laws, but may not be required to swear an oath for those appointed offices. However, such citizens may swear an oath if they so choose.
VI. ((Definition))
Those citizens not sui iuris shall remain to be known as Impuberes (sing. impubes).
VII. ((Effectiveness))
This lex shall become effective immedeately.
Section headers in double parentheses are unofficial and have been inserted for convenience.