Lex Tullia annalis (Nova Roma)

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Declaration -
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Senatus Consulta -
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This lex is currently IN FORCE.
- Approved by comitia centuriata
- Yes: 23 No: 1 Abs.: 0
- a.d. VI Kal. Ian. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c.
This Nova Roman people enacts this lex is on the model of the ancient lex Villia annalis which regulated the age and other requirements for eligibility to magistracies. The purpose of this law is to regulate the cursus honorum within Nova Roma in a manner that is as authentic as possibly while also practical and capable of implementation under our particular circumstances and in the current period of the development of Roman reconstructionism. This lex supersedes the lex Cornelia de cursu honorum and the lex Pompeia de cursu honorum.
I. Each candidate for any administrative office or priesthood shall be an adult assiduus (taxpayer) citizen of 18 years of age at least, against whom there is no judicial proceeding conducted at the time of the candidacy. If the judicial proceeding would be initiated after the announcement of candidacy, it shall be kept on hold until the end of elections, or if elected, until the end of the term of office, after which this citizen may not run for office until the conclusion of all judicial proceedings against him or her. Higher age shall be normally required for higher office, but this requirement of 18 years of age shall not be waived even under the most dire crisis or most special circumstances.
II. For filling the high offices of magistrates, the following requirements shall be observed:
- II.A. No person may assume the office of quaestor or vigintisexvir who has not reached the age of 21 years.
- II.B. No person may assume the office of aedilis curulis, aedilis plebis or tribunus plebis who has not reached the age of 25 years, and who has not served previously as quaestor or vigintisexvir.
- II.C. No person may assume the office of praetor who has not reached the age of 30 years, and who has not served previously as both aedilis and quaestor, or both tribunus plebis and quaestor, or both quaestor and vigintisexvir.
- II.D. No person may assume the office of consul who has not reached the age of 40 years, and who has not served previously as praetor, or both aedilis and quaestor, or both tribunus plebis and quaestor.
- II.E. No person may assume the office of censor who has not reached the age of 40 years, and who has not served previously as consul.
III. A provincial governor shall be at least 25 years old, and shall have previously held the office of quaestor.
IV. The presiding magistrate conducting the election may waive some of the requirements specified in this law according to regulations defined by laws.
V. The people passing a lex in any comitia may grant an exception from under any of these rules, or the senate can pass a senatus consultum authorizing someone to be exempted from under the rules of this law.