Ludi Circenses Supremi Novae Romae

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Racing Factiones: Factio Praesina, Factio Albata, Factio Russata, Factio Veneta Gladiator Schools: Ludus Praesinus, Ludus Albatus, Ludus Russatus, Ludus Venetus Other pages of interest: Circenses/Munera Gladitoria/Venationes rules, Ludi pages, Aediles portal Championships: Circenses Championship, Gladiatorial Championship, Cultural Championship |
The traditional and long-running Ludi Circenses - Classic, also referred to as the 'Story Version' virtual chariot race, has been around in Nova Roma since L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. ‡ MMDCCLX a.u.c.. This simple online-format competitive race has been used in numerous Nova Roman ludi across the years and polished through the delivery of great story tellers such as race hosts P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus and A. Iulius Paterculus. This classic race style only requests a simple registration of entry from participating citizens and the selection of a single strategic approach from a list of six race tactics. The race is then run with a result determined by fixed odds manipulated through the roll of a die. The magic of this format comes from the story telling of the host that spins a story of drama, excitement and intrigue.
The Ludi Circenses Supremi Novae Romae, also referred to as the 'Super Series', is a new online virtual chariot race format first introduced in C. Cethego Q. Arrio (IV) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVI a.u.c. by D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, scriba aedilicius princeps, with the support of the aediles curules. The first exhibition races were run during the Ludi Megalenses and the Ludi Novi Romani of that year to great acclaim. The format was directly inspired by gaming mechanics and styles from Formula D (2008) by Asmodee and Qvadriga (2014) by Turnopia. In the Super Series, participants get a turn-based experience where they can select and modify their strategy through a selection from a set of moves. Although it inherently takes longer to run than the classic variant, the other benefit of this format is that it is intended to provide a visual experience for both participants and spectators.
Super Series races take place on a birds-eye view track marked with a grid square pattern. A participant can submit one or two racing augriga (chariot driver) defined by two different characteristics. The auriga will race a chariot with four horses, both or which are also defined by two different characteristics. Each turn of the race, racing participants select from a list of moves based on the visual layout of the track at the start of that turn. Turn order is based on characteristic of the chariot teams as well as racing order during the race. The outcome and success of various moves in the race, as well as performance in the corners, are determined based on set probabilities in relation to chariot team characteristics, position and unique die rolls. Race hosts will need to reference the rules and probabilities on this page as well as accessing resources for the race visuals and uniquely required die rolls.
This new chariot racing style is less forgiving then Nova Roma’s classic chariot racing. Go in too fast on the inside lane and you will flip your chariot. Take too much damage to your chariot and it will disintegrate. Whip your horses to much and it’ll have the opposite effect. The main recommendation is: "Race to finish, not race to win". Racers get more opportunity to guide their chariot more precisely and employ more strategy. Participating racers should be prepared to provide input approximately every 36-48 hours until race completion. If you miss a turn window – don’t worry your chariot will probably just ‘cruise’ along. It should survive, so long as you weren’t ‘cruising’ too fast on the inside lane…
Race Modes
The Super Series allows for two race modes: Single Race and Campaign. Single Race mode is used in most cases and particularly for use as an event in Nova Roman ludi. Single Race mode has the least complex setup and requires no ongoing management between races. Campaign mode is designed to host a series of races over a championship, either internationally or at the provincial level. Campaign mode is designed to start with novice racers who earn experience and develop skills over a number of races. This mode requires more setup and ongoing management between races.
Team Characteristics
The three components of a chariot racing team are made up of an auriga, a chariot, and horses. Each of which have two characteristics.
Auriga Characteristics
improves cornering, making the tight curves on a track easier to take, and it also boosts results when crashing into or lacerating opponents. It is represented by tunic brightness. The lighter or brighter the factio racing color on the auriga, the better their Skill.
is the auriga health. It reduces the risk of being stunned and decreases skill loss after taking damage. It is represented by head protection. The more present or elaborate the head protection, the better their Constitution.
Chariot Characteristics
improves acceleration of the chariot. You can see it reflected in the chariot with better materials. Acceleration is reflected in a race by providing a higher initiative over other equivalently positioned chariots.
indicates weight or toughness categories which can either be light, medium and heavy. The heavier the chariot the more resistant it is to taking damage in sharp turns or crashes, and it causes more damage to opponents when colliding with them.
Horse Characteristics
upgrades increase the maximum speed the team can get (apart from whipping). The speed boost is often reflected by extra move spaces in any one given turn.
upgrades the horses’ health. The more endurance you have the less speed you lose due to injuries caused by whipping, collision, or poor cornering. Decreased endurance will impact the maximum amount of spaces moved during any one given turn.
Turn Move Options
Racing participants have full autonomy in deciding how they move each turn. Racers choose from a selection of different moves to command their chariot through the course of the race.
Standard Move Orders
During the course of a race, chariot racing teams are able to select from a standard list of 15 moves, in most cases, where track or obstacles permit.
- Left: Minor Displacement - This order commands the chariot to move one racing line to the left of the current position. If they are already in the left-most racing line of the track, this move does nothing.
- Left: Medium Displacement - This order commands the chariot to move two racing lines to the left of the current position. If they are already in the left-most racing line of the track, this move does nothing.
- Left: Major Displacement - This order commands the chariot to move three racing lines to the left of the current position. If they are already in the left-most most racing line of the track, this move does nothing.
- Right: Minor Displacement - This order commands the chariot to move one racing line to the right of the current position. If they are already in the right-most racing line of the track, this move does nothing.
- Right: Medium Displacement - This order commands the chariot to move two racing lines to the right of the current position. If they are already in the right-most racing line of the track, this move does nothing.
- Right: Major Displacement - This order commands the chariot to move three racing lines to the right of the current position. If they are already in the right-most racing line of the track, this move does nothing.
- Accelerate: Shake Reigns - This order changes the speed level of the chariot and increases it by one. The higher the speed level, the greater the number of spaces moved in a turn but at increased risk of hitting obstacles or losing control in a corner. Choosing this move when already at the maximum speed level does nothing.
- Whip: Whip the Horses - At risk of hurting the horses, a racing team can gain increased move spaces on any given turn. This command will also increase the speed level of the chariot like Accelerate and can still be used even if at the maximum speed level.
- Brake: Pull the Reigns - This order changes the speed level of the chariot and decreases it by one. The lower the speed level, the fewer the number of spaces moved in a turn but at lower risk of hitting obstacles or losing control in a corner. Choosing this move when already at the lowest speed level will bring the chariot to a complete stop.
- Crash: To the Left - This order is an offensive move that will attempt to bring the chariot in contact with the chariot (or horses) to the left. This move is valid when starting adjacent to another chariot, when overtaking another chariot or from previously being overtaken by another chariot. Chariot Size difference is the most important factor for determing crash outcomes.
- Crash: To the Right - This order is an offensive move that will attempt to bring the chariot in contact with the chariot (or horses) to the right. This move is valid when starting adjacent to another chariot, when overtaking another chariot or from previously being overtaken by another chariot. Chariot Size difference is the most important factor for determing crash outcomes.
- Lacerate: To the Left - This order is an offensive move that will attempt to lacerate the horses or auriga of the chariot to the left. This move is valid when starting adjacent to another chariot, when overtaking another chariot, or from previously being overtaken by another chariot in the same turn. Results depend on the difference in Skill between aurigae. A successful Laceration to an auriga can result in a Stun and that auriga will be unable to make decisions in the next turn.
- Lacerate: To the Right - This order is an offensive move that will attempt to lacerate the horses or auriga of the chariot to the right. This move is valid when starting adjacent to another chariot, when overtaking another chariot, or from previously being overtaken by another chariot in the same turn. Results depend on the difference in Skill between aurigae. A successful Laceration to an auriga can result in a Stun and that auriga will be unable to make decisions in the next turn.
- Control: Ensure Stability - This order makes corners easier to take, still taking into account the chariot speed level. It is also helpful to prevent damaged wheels from falling apart.
- Watch: Avoid Aggressions - This order will help mitigate the effects and reduce the liklihood of Crashes and Lacerations against the chariot. This order will maintain the current chariot speed level.
Race Start Move Orders
At the very beginning of a race, there are only limited moves available. This is all about getting the chariot moving in the first instance. After the first turn, then all standard move orders become available.
Flipped Chariot Move Orders
If a chariot takes on too much damage or a chariot takes a corner too quickly, the chariot could flip, in what is called naufragia. Assuming the auriga survives, a race participant can really only seek to have the auriga hang on for dear life or otherwise seek to roll away to safety.
Race Tracks
The game is designed to be adaptable to serval different tracks. Provided a basic grid pattern is present, chariot position can be determined. The following are tracks available for use in the Super Series. Note: Hosts should consult the Resource section to acquire the best resolution image of a track.
Circus Maximus
The first track available for the Super Series. Possess as an offset start for 12 chariots on a alternating grid of six race lanes.
Other Race Tracks
More tracks are under development. If you would like to contribute a design, please email the Super Series Race Adminsitration.
Race Rules & Mechanics
Running A Race
A race occurs over a series of days. The race host will publish a “Turn Summary” post (TSP) approximately every 48 hours which provides instructions to racers on when to submit their racing orders for their chariot. Racers (and spectators) will be able to see an image of the track and where each of the chariots stand. Each turn, racers must select 1-3 orders for their chariot to carry out, with one or more contingency orders in case of an obstacle during multi-order turns. The TSP will also define a special bonus time-window and if racers provide their response in that window, they will receive a movement bonus. The timing of this bonus window will move to suit various time zones through the race.
The TSP will also show the current chariot status and upgrade selection of each racer for all to view. Each TSP will also provide further guidance on what orders are available to the racers and what they will result in. Spectators and observers will enjoy seeing the updating visual of the chariot race and can indulge in the subsequent commentary provided.
Moving and Accelerating
The most critical component is the ability to move your chariot forward in the race. Determined by special dice inspired from the board game "Formula D" by Asmodee, the race host will roll the chosen die for each racer each turn. Race order is determined by whichever chariot is in front, or if there is a tie, whichever chariot has the higher Quality characteristic. If it is still la tie, whichever chariot is closer to the inside corner will go first.
A chariot has four speeds that a participant racer can choose from. Racers will select the desired level by choosing either the Accelerate or Brake order on their turn. Racers can only advance by one in either direction and cannot skip speed levels. All racers start at the STOP speed level. A chariot will continue at the current speed each consecutive turn; this means a racer can choose other orders and still move forward spaces in any given turn. The different speeds are:
- STOP. 0 spaces per turn. No die roll required.
- LOW. Random movement of 2-4 spaces per turn. Rolled on a 6-sided special die - 1x2-space (17%), 2x3-space (33%), 3x4-space (50%).
- FAST. Random movement of 4-8 spaces per turn. Rolled on a 8-sided special die - 1x4-space (12.5%), 1x5-space (12.5%), 2x6-space (25%), 2x7-space (25%), 2x8-space (25%).
- MAX. Random movement of 7-12 spaces per turn. Rolled on a 12-sided special die - 2x7-space (16.66%), 2x8-space (16.66%), 2x9-space (16.66%), 2x10-space (16.66%), 2x11-space (16.66%), 2x12-space (16.66%).
Standard six, eight or twelve-sided dice are not appropriate substitutes. Automatic die-rollers are available to assist hosts if they don't have the correct physical dice:
- On a mobile device, navigate to Select the corresponding die (Orange, Red or Green) box, then slide the "Accelerate" slider. The resultant number is the corresponding number of spaces to be moved. A D20 can be rolled using the same application by sliding the "Hazard" slider.
- On an Android mobile device, download the Formula D Dashboard app, or for PC, download the Formula D Dashboard. Select the corresponding die (Orange, Red or Green) gear shift location (ignore all other mechanics) and then select "Pull Gear". The resultant number is the corresponding number of spaces to be moved. A D20 can be rolled using the same application by selecting "Pull event".
Multiple Order Turns
A race host can shorten the duration and change the dynamics of a race by requiring racers to select more than one order per turn. This requires racers to guess relative chariot positions for turns with more than one order. Doing this can shorten the overall time it takes to complete a race. A race host can do this on any turn of their choosing and it doesn’t necessarily have to be consistent.
When a turn is to have more than one order, racers must also select a Contingency order for every additional order required (i.e. 2 orders will require 1 Contingency order, 3 orders will require 2 Contingency orders, etc.). A contingency order can only be either a: single Left Displacement, Single Right Displacement, Brake, Control, or Watch order.
A Contingency order is activated for a chariot during consecutive orders when:
- Another chariot exists in front, in the same lane, within 50% of available spaces for the highest roll on the current speed die (i.e. 2 or less spaces at LOW speed, 5 or less spaces at FAST Speed and 7 or less spaces at MAX speed). If the Contingency order is unable to be executed (like a displacement) due to a second obstacle, the chariot will maintain its current course and take any penalties (damage) as required.
- Another chariot exists within the defined limits above, in a lane that chariot intends to displace into.
Bonus Time Window
A race host can specify a window of time (nominally a hour segment) in the TSP that allows a bonus should a racer submit their order(s) within that time. If the racer manages to respond appropriately with orders (and contingencies necessary) within this period of time, a racer is awarded either a temporary +1 Quality (for turn initiative) or +1 (unpenalized) move space in their next chariot movement. A racer must specify in their submission which award they choose if they are eligible. A host can use this Random Clock Time Generator to select a time window. Time specified in the TSP should be in Roman time (CEST).
Implimenting Damage & Modifiers
Damage occurs when the main characteristic is depreciated after impacting events. The amount of damage that can be taken is recorded on the racer status board. The amount of damage that can be absorbed by a relevant characteristic varies depending on how many initial points were assigned. There are also penalties or modifiers that occur to each movement die roll dependant on current characteristic status.
The below table defines the how many elements should be portrayed on the racer status board on initial setup:
Characteristic Level = 0 | Characteristic Level = 1 | Characteristic Level = 2 | |
Auriga Constitution |
Horse Endurance |
Chariot Size |
Telling the Story
What really brings all the statistics, die rolls and damage points together is the story. A race host should seek to not only provide the imagery using physical pictures of the race, but should add to this with a form a narration that brings the race to life. A race host can use their creative writing and document what occurs. Instead of stating that “horse two of chariot 3 takes one point of damage”, a host should write about how “the horse shudders in pain as the whip cracks over its back. Scars evident as the Auriga drives the chariot faster.”
Whipping Outcome
Whipping results have a random factor that is improved with Endurance. Whipping is the same as Accelerate but it also provides an opportunity to move additional spaces forwards. Racers should be careful with Whipping because it could harm horses for the rest of the race.
When a racer selects "Whip", the race host must roll two consecutieve D20 dice. The outcome is determined by the table below. It is possible to get a successful Whipping outcome and for the horses to still take damage.
Racers can lose Endurance stats during the race. Once this has run out, horses then start taking damage instead.
Dice Roll: 1x Standard D20 | Endurance = 0 | Endurance = 1 | Endurance = 2 |
Roll 1: Whip Success |
11-20 (50% Success Probability) |
9-20 (60% Success Probability) |
7-20 (70% Success Probability) |
Roll 2: Damage to Horses |
1-10 (50% Damage Probability) |
1-10 (50% Damage Probability) |
1-8 (40% Damage Probability) |
Crash Outcome
Crashing requires certain race positions for a racer to be able to initiate a Crash order. For a Crash to be a valid order, the initiating racer must:
- Start in front of another chariot within 2 spaces, and be overtaken on the side selected for the Crash, also landing within 2 spaces (or drawing adjacent). This will be a strike on the opposing horses unless adjacent. When landing adjacent, a strike to the opposing horses or chariot is determined by the table below. Lower probability of success.
- Start adjacent with another chariot on the side selected for the Crash order. A strike to the opposing horses or chariot is determined by the table below.
- Finish adjacent with another chariot on the side selected for the Crash order. A strike to the opposing horses or chariot is determined by the table below.
- Start behind another chariot and within 2 spaces, and overtake it on the side selected or the Crash, also landing within 2 spaces (or drawing adjacent). When landing adjacent, a strike to the opposing horses or chariot is determined by the table below. Lower probability of success.
Probability of Crash Success
Once the above conditions are met, a roll of probability determines if successful contact is actually made. The size of the chariot makes it easier to hit.
Dice Roll: 1x Standard D20 | Defender Size = 0 | Defender Size = 1 | Defender Size = 2 |
Attacker Skill = 0 (Adjacent Landing) |
17-20 chariot (20%); |
15-20 chariot (30%); |
13-20 chariot (40%); |
Attacker Skill = 1 (Adjacent Landing) |
13-20 chariot (40%); |
11-20 chariot (50%) ; |
9-20 chariot (60%); |
Attacker Skill = 2 (Adjacent Landing) |
9-20 chariot (60%); |
7-20 chariot (70%); |
5-20 chariot (80%); |
Attacker Skill = 0 (During Overtaking) |
19-20 chariot (10%); |
17-20 chariot (20%); |
15-20 chariot (30%); |
Attacker Skill = 1 (During Overtaking) |
15-20 chariot (30%); |
13-20 chariot (40%); |
11-20 chariot (50%); |
Attacker Skill = 2 (During Overtaking) |
11-20 chariot (50%); |
9-20 chariot (60%); |
7-20 chariot (70%); |
Crash Damage
Chariot damage is deducted from either the left side or right side. Each side has the same quality points to begin with. On the loss of a third point on the same chariot side, the chariot is destroyed and initiates naufragia conditions. On the loss of a fourth Endurance point, the horses stop and so does the chariot.
A Crash order could also potentially damage your own chariot depending on your chariot Size. Damaged chariots will move less spaces on a turn.
To determine damage, the race host will roll a D20 die. The outcome will determine if the racer initiating the Crash order also takes damage. The outcome to the defender is determined by the Skill, Size and Endurance stats of both participants and determined by the table below.
Dice Roll: 1x Standard D20 | Defender Size/Endurance = 0 | Defender Size/Endurance = 1 | Defender Size/Endurance = 2 |
Attacker Skill + Size Combo = 0 |
Self Damage 9-20 (60%); |
Self Damage 7-20 (70%); |
Self Damage 5-20 (80%); |
Attacker Skill + Size Combo = 1 |
Self Damage 11-20 (50%); |
Self Damage 9-20 (60%); |
Self Damage 7-20 (70%); |
Attacker Skill + Size Combo = 2 |
Self Damage 13-20 (40%); |
Self Damage 11-20 (50%); |
Self Damage 9-20 (60%); |
Attacker Skill + Size Combo = 3 |
Self Damage 15-20 (30%); |
Self Damage 13-20 (40%); |
Self Damage 11-20 (50%); |
Attacker Skill + Size Combo = 4 |
Self Damage 17-20 (20%); |
Self Damage 15-20 (30%); |
Self Damage 1-4 (40%); |
Attacker Skill + Size Combo = 5 |
Self Damage 19-20 (10%); |
Self Damage 17-20 (20%); |
Self Damage 15-20 (30%); |
Attacker Skill + Size Combo = 6 |
Self Damage (0%); |
Self Damage 19-20 (10%); |
Self Damage 17-20 (20%); |
Cornering Outcome
Cornering is determined by three factors; lane selection, chariot speed level, and auriga Skill. The higher the Skill the less likely the chariot will lose control. The closer to the inside corner, the more dangerous the corner becomes at higher speeds.
Every track defines cornering zones. When a chariot moves more than one space within a cornering zone, they are subject to the cornering conditions articulated in the table below. There are three outcomes based on the three factors; No Change, Slip, and Naufragia.
On an outcome of No Change, the chariot will move the corresponding number of spaces within the lane as per the special move die roll. On an outcome of Slip, see the section Slipping Outcome below. On an outcome of Naufragia, see the section Naufragia (Chariot Rollover) Event below.
Dice Roll: 1x Special Speed Die | Skill = 0 | Skill = 1 | Skill = 2 |
Inside Lane |
LOW: 2-3 No change (50%); 4 (50%) Slip. |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
2nd Lane |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
3rd Lane |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
4th Lane |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
5th Lane + |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
LOW: No Change (100%). |
Slipping Outcome
What move space the Slip occurs while moving through a corner zone depends on a roll of a die determined by the lane where the chariot started. Ultimately, the die is determined by the number of available spaces in that lane (which will vary from track to track). Slips always advance diagonally outwards and forward one connected space. If it is occupied, the chariot will maintain their current lane and take damage (see section on Taking Damage. No probability roll is required for the moving chariot (which always takes damage) but probability rolls still occur for the static chariot (the obstacle). The first table below helps determine which space in the corner to commence the Slip outwards (this should be adapated/modified for different tracks).
Lane Spaces | Slip Commence Space |
3 Spaces |
D6 (Standard): Roll of 1 or 2 = 1st space; Roll of 3 or 4 = 2nd space; Roll of 5 or 6 = 3rd space. |
4 Spaces |
D8 (Standard): Roll of 1 or 2 = 1st space; Roll of 3 or 4 = 2nd space; Roll of 5 or 6 = 3rd space; Roll of 7 or 8 = 4th space. |
5 Spaces |
D6 (Standard): Roll of 1-5 = space as rolled; Roll of 6 = rerolled. |
6 Spaces |
D6 (Standard): Roll of 1-6 = space as rolled. |
7 Spaces |
D8 (Standard): Roll of 1-7 = space as rolled; Roll of 8 = rerolled. |
If no contact occurs with other chariots (or the outer wall), a check will occur to see if damage results from the Slip itself. Before outcome is determined from the table below, one must determine whether horses or the chariot takes damage. This is simply a 50-50 roll. If the chariot is selected, which side of the chariot is determined by a second 50-50 roll. The table below is read based on the relivant column (Size) or row (Endurance) only.
Dice Roll: 1x Standard D20 | Endurance = 0 | Endurance = 1 | Endurance = 2 |
Size = 0 |
14-20 (35% Damage Probability) |
16-20 (25% Damage Probability) |
18-20 (15% Damage Probability) |
Size = 1 |
16-20 (25% Damage Probability) |
Size = 2 |
18-20 (15% Damage Probability) |
Lacertaion Outcome
Upon a successful probability roll, the defending auriga becomes Stunned. A Stunned auriga cannot receive orders and simply cruises (at the current speed level) for the amount of orders specified in the table below. A Stunned auriga is not eligible for any speed bonuses. If an auriga is at MAX speed level when stunned, the chariot will automatically drop to FAST speed level when the chariot takes its next order. No further drops in speed will occur for the duration of the Stunned penalty.
Dice Roll: 1x Standard D20 | Constitution = 0 | Constitution = 1 | Constitution = 2 |
Skill = 0 |
13-20 (40%); stunned for one order |
16-20 (25%); stunned for one order |
19-20 (10%); stunned for one order |
Skill = 1 |
10-20 (55%); stunned for one order |
13-20 (40%); stunned for one order |
16-20 (25%); stunned for one order |
Skill = 2 |
7-20 (70%); stunned for two orders |
10-20 (55%); stunned for two orders |
13-20 (40%); stunned for one order |
Obstacle Outcome
Sometimes a chariot will impede further movement forward to another chariot in the same lane. If a chariot is unable to complete the amount of space before the impedance (obstacle), the horses will take damage. If the chariot moving is at LOW speed, there is no damage penalty and any excess spaces are simply discarded. If the chariot is at FAST speed, only two spaces may be discarded before the horses take damage. If the chariot is at MAX speed, only four spaces may be discarded before the horses take damage.
In turns with multiple orders, where a chariot is due to take damage as a result of an obstacle, the chosen Contingency order is activated instead (if possible). For a Displacement order, the chariot will travel in the original lane until the space immediately behind the obstacle, then the contingency order will be activated. For Brake Contingency orders, this order is activated before the chariot is moved on that turn.
Racing a chariot in the inner or outer most lanes runs the risk of making contact with the wall. Each time a chariot completes a move in a space adjacent to the inner or outer most wall of the track, a standard D20 die is rolled by the host to determine if damage is taken. There is a 35% chance (rolls 14-20) of damage occurring for a 0 Skill auriga, a 25% chance (rolls 16-20) of damage occurring for a 1 Skill auriga; and a 15% chance (rolls 18-20) of damage occurring for a 2 Skill auriga. When this happens, the host rolls a second standard D20 die to determine whether the horses or chariot takes the damage. This is a 50-50 outcome. When the chariot takes the damage, the respective side making contact with the wall will accrue the damage.
Control & Watch Outcome
A Control order will maintain your current speed level. This order will also -1 from rolls at FAST speeds and -2 from rolls at MAX speed (to the advantage for the chariot) to all cornering outcomes during that movement.
A Watch order will maintain your current speed. This order will also -2 from rolls of Laceration against your auriga, making lacerations less likely.
Naufragia (Chariot Rollover) Event
A chariot rollover or naufragia can occur from going too fast around a corner or taking too much damage on one side of your chariot. At the space it is deemed a naufragia occurs, the racer must first make a damage probability roll to determine how the auriga manages to fall from the chariot. On a standard D20 There is a 35% chance (rolls 13-20) of damage occurring for a 0 Constitution auriga, a 25% chance (rolls 15-20) of damage occurring for a 1 Constitution auriga; and a 15% chance (rolls 17-20) of damage occurring for a 2 Constitution auriga. On a racer’s subsequent turns, they can only choose from two orders as per the section on Flipped Chariot Move Orders.
If a chariot is at MAX speed level when naufragia occurs, the remaining horses and aurgia will automatically drop to FAST speed level on the next turn. No further modifications occur at any other speed level. A -2 move penalty is also applied in all cases.
Each turn after a naufragia occurs, the default option is for the auriga to hold on endure until the race concludes. It is still possible to complete, or even win a race, in this fashion but it comes at risk of losing your auriga. Each turn there is a 20% chance (rolls 16-20) of damage occurring for a 0 Constitution auriga, a 15% chance (rolls 17-20) of damage occurring for a 1 Constitution auriga; and a 10% chance (rolls 18-20) of damage occurring for a 2 Constitution auriga. Once all damage points have been used for an auriga, they are too injured to continue and let go (die).
If a participant wishes to save their auriga so they can race another day, they can elect to have them escape on any given turn. Escaping comes with risks; however, as a passing chariot could run the aurgia over. On initiating an Escape, the auriga moves directly outward one space each turn. An auriga will survive provided a chariot does not pass this occupied space within the same turn.
Race Host Resources
Races are run be the aediles and their appointed staff. There is a separate email that is managed by the race host(s) that acts as the point of contact for all racers to submit their turn orders:
Attached to this account is a private Google Drive account in which all race resources are stored. The account password is provided to the aediles.
A public Google Drive folder exists to host all the high-resolution imagery available to the public and spectators to watch the race. This is done in case the social media used truncates and automatically downsizes the imagery.
The Forum Romanum is where each Turn Summary Post (TSP) is published under an appropriate heading with all supporting narrative and information.
Race Mode: Single Race
Single Race mode is used in most cases and particularly for use as an event in Nova Roman ludi. Single Race mode has the least complex setup and requires no ongoing management between races. This mode works by allowing participants to pre-select racing skill "packages" to further modify their racing expierence.
Race adverting should happen at least two weeks prior to an event start. A race event, normally coinciding with a ludi, should start the same day the ludi is officially announced.
The advertising should request registrations to the Super Series Email and seek the following information:
- Your registered Nova Roman name.
- The name of your chariot driver (auriga).
- The name of the chariot.
- The name of the chariot’s team (factio): Albata, Praesina, Russata or Veneta.
- A brief biography of your auriga and any racing history/statistics from previous NR ludi.
- Your chariot racing team Racing Package.
- Your two (2) additional Team Charactersitics.
The initial annocument should include useful introductory information, such as:
How does the race work: This one race will occur over a series of days. The race host will publish a “Turn Summary” post (TSP) approximately every few days which provides instructions to racers on when to submit their racing orders for their chariot. Racers (and spectators) will be able to see an image of the track and where each of the chariots stand. Each turn, racers must select 1-3 orders for their chariot to carry out, with contingency order(s) should an obstacle present itself. The TSP will also define a special bonus time-window and if racers provide their response in that window they will receive a movement bonus. The timing of this bonus window will move to suit various timezones through the race.
The TSP will also show the current chariot status and upgrade selection of each racer for all to view. Each TSP will also provide further guidance on what orders are available to the racers and what they will result in. Spectators and observers will enjoy seeing the updating visual of the chariot race and can indulge in the subsequent commentary provided.
Race Strategy & Tips: This new chariot racing style is less forgiving then Nova Roma’s classic chariot racing. Go in too fast on the inside lane and you will flip your chariot. Take too much damage to your chariot and it will disintegrate. Whip your horses to much and it’ll have the opposite effect. The main recommendation is: "Race to finish, not race to win". Racers get more opportunity to guide their chariot more precisely and employ more strategy. Registered racers should be prepared to provide input approximately every 36-48 hours until race completion. If you miss a turn window – don’t worry your chariot will probably just ‘cruise’ along. It should survive, so long as you weren’t ‘cruising’ too fast on the inside lane…
What Next? Once registrations are full, racers will be privately notified of their successful entry. The first TSP will be posted to the Forum Romanum shortly after. The starting position of chariots is drawn by random lot.
Once registrations start coming in, the race host should then build the chariot images using the Race Host Resources. The designs are based on the team characteristics. Registrations are usually limited to the starting spaces available on the track.
Racing Packages
Each participant firstly selects one of the following racing packages:
Military Package
This package can be best selection for newcomers to this form of racing. The higher quality aurgias are helpful in corners, and can attack without too many missteps. They can also survive some attacks and misadventures better. The higher endurance horses can handle whipping a bit better - which novices tend to do.
Noble Package
Requires a more delicate touch. While this package has skill, acceleration and speed, it can be vulnerable to mischance; be it attacks from competitors, risky cornering, or just bad luck on the track. The combination of skilled aurgias, fast chariots and speedy horses tends create a desire to get in front early. Due to start randomness outweighing a single acceleration and speed improvement, this happens less often. When it doesn't, do not try to grab the lead with risky moves, like going inside on the first turn, or trying to whip the horses. Your horses cannot take whipping and the chariots can easily disintegrate.
Political Package
This selection encourages risky behavior. This It allows you to undertake a few small risks from the start because you have a skilled auriga. This includes modest cornering risks and attacking competitors. The biggest problem with this faction is that chariots are your least durable team component. You will never see horses with four upgrades, and horses with even three will be very rare. This results in serious limitations in the late game, since your fast horses cannot be whipped, and your whip-able horses are never fast. Being aggressive toward selected competitors is a common strategy late in the race.
Priestly Package
This selection demands patience, and a willingness to forego glory. These teams must be handled with caution. This selection lacks skill, so avoid going inside on corners and don't attack competitors (you might do more damage to yourself than to them). Fortunately, your aurigas have some strength - they recover from attacks and misadventures a bit better. Fast accelerating chariots and speedy horses aren't the advantage you might think. Randomness in starts overwhelms the modest benefit to chariot acceleration. Speedy horses without endurance should never be whipped, which combined with no attacks, means you must be satisfied with simply surviving and finishing races.
Strength Package
This selection will challenge your patience like no other. Its team characterizes the Roman view of commoners: big, strong, and long-suffering. Your durable but no-skill aurigas, mounted on larger but slower chariots, with horses than can only withstand one whipping, must play for a finishing-only approach. Being able to whip once or twice rarely helps enough to give you much chance at winning. Like many other selections, you need to have auriga skill to attack competitors or attempt risky cornering maneuvers.
Trader Package
This selection requires extreme caution at first. In the early going, the lack of skill or endurance by your aurigas means you can't risk tight corners and can't attack. Getting aurigas with at least some skill is important. With that, you can start exploiting your strong chariots and superior horses.
- To round out their team selection, participants must then select two (2) additional Team Charactersitics. This will give them a total of five (5) Team Characteristics for their racing team.
Host Checklist
The following is a quick checklist to be followed by the host during a single race event:
- Select a race track.
- Publish Race announcement on the The Forum Romanum and other Nova Roma social media.
- Log-into Super Series email and accept registrations.
- Design chariots based on registration submissions using the Race Host Resources.
Commence A Turn
- Select Bonus Time Window.
- Determine number or orders in this turn.
- Issue Turn Summary Post (TSP) on the Forum Romanum.
Processing A Turn
- For each racing team:
- Access the Super Series email and check for submitted team orders for the turn.
- Roll relevant space movement die (if applicable).
- Note any new damage or modifiers relevant to rolls.
- Move visual chariot on the track.
- Update Racer Status Board.
- Overall for a turn:
- Take images of the updated track and status board and publish in a new turn folder on the public Google Drive folder.
- Post a new TSP with relivant images and narration of the turn just concluded on the Forum Romanum and other Nova Roman social media.
Race Mode: Campaign
Under Development
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